Ant build tool installation not working properly! - ant

i have downloaded the Ant distribution from the Ant web site.
and set environment variable specifying the location of the Ant installationas
ANT_HOME = C:\portal\apache-ant-1.7.0
But ant is not getting properly installed

Better use batch or shell scripts to start your ant files, f.e. =
set JAVA_HOME=C:\java\jdk\1.6.0_xx
set ANT_HOME=C:\ant
set ANT_ARGS=-lib C:\ant_xtralibs;C:\ant_testlibs
set PATH=%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%ANT_HOME%\bin;C:\cvsnt
:: default
call ant -f %1
:: debug
::call ant -debug -f %1
unix - don't forget the quotationmarks on the ANT_ARGS line !
ANT_ARGS="-lib /usr/local/ant_xtralibs:/usr/local/ant_testlibs"
export ANT_ARGS
Some advantages of starting ant like that :
ANT_ARGS is a special environment variable. Its content is automatically
added to the invocation of ant.
you may use your own ant settings on a machine where you have no admin rights
using a separate folder for your ant addon libs and load via -lib option
keeps your ant installation clean and avoids polluting the %ANT_HOME%/lib folder

Move the ';' to the end. Be sure that java is also correct installed (variable for classpath, etc.)

Depending on you verson of windows (win2k & win XP), you might need to reboot your computer to make your PATH modifications taken into account.


How can I run WebDriver script using Ant?

I'm new to WebDriver. I have created data driven framework for Google calculator, Search, Sign in and sign up functionality with JUnit lib.
I want to run my script using Ant.
Below is the configuration for my environment:
OS: win8
Junit 4
Apache Ant 1.7
Please help.
Here are the steps to run it via ANT:
Check that you have ant installed in your system, properly. Open Command Prompt and type ant, if you have it installed perfectly it print in command prompt build.xml doesn't exist and/or Build failed
But if none of above messages displayed you need follow below steps:
1.1 Right Click My Computer icon and go to properties
1.2 Go to Advanced System Settings >> Advanced tab >> click Environment Variables under Start up and recovery
and create a new variable ANT_HOME and give ant directory path to it
1.3 Edit Path variable and add ant's bin directory path to it (do not add/remove path already present in their)<>See pictures below to set it properly:>
Once point one is done, go to your project's directory and open command prompt there (shift+right click will give option to open command prompt in working directory).
Now type ant "target name in your build.xml" example: ant run
Assuming you are aware of Ant you can run it through build.xml file.

How can I run ANT from a batch file without having an Environment Variable set?

I want to include ANT, the JavaSDK and FlexSDK into my project directory. I need people in my company to be able to compile from source code.
I have a build.bat file which starts with :
ant blah/blah/blah
But what if I want to run ANT directly without the system environment variable? If I remove these from the system ant is not recognised.
I am a real newbie here, but I want to do something like this:
start "${basedir}\libs\ant\bin" ant -lib ${basedir}/libs/ant/lib/flexTasks.jar
This is so that other people dont need to install a whole load of software... IT would all be contained in the folder.
Just set those environment variables in the same batchfile, i.e. something like :
set ANT_HOME=C:\ant182
set ANT_ARGS=-lib C:\antxtralibs
set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk160_30
set PATH=%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%ANT_HOME%\bin
:: default
ant -f %1
:: debug
:: ant -debug -f %1

Is there a way to use just build command instead of ant build while using ant scripts?

I am using Apache Ant scripts for building a web application. I have written some targets in the build.xml file and the script is running fine. I remember using just "build" command to run ant build instead of "ant build". Can anyone tell me how is that achieved? I was a bit curious on this.
There's no built in "build" command. You could create a simple script file called "build" in the same directory that launched the ant build.
Create a text file with this as the contents:
ant build
In windows save this as a file called build.bat then you can just type build from the command line to start your build.
On unix or linux, save the file as build, then make it executable (with chmod +x build). You'll need to type ./build to get it to run.
I don't think there's a lot of value doing this to replace the simple case of ant build, but if you have to regularly run a build that has multiple targets, or need to pass in certain system variables then it could come in useful.
Maybe your are remembering typing "ant" instead of "ant build" in the past. This is possible to setup. You just need to set default attribute on the root project element in your Ant script to the name of the target you want invoked when an explicit target isn't specified.
For instance...
<project name="myproj" default="build">

Installing Ant on Cygwin

I'm having some trouble figuring out how to install Ant on Cygwin. I want to use Ant to build Nutch. I've looked through a bunch of tutorials but I can't find anything that is low level enough for me to understand. I need something like...
Download ant, put it here
Open Cygwin
type "export ANT_HOME=..."
Can anyone help me out here?
Assuming you have a JDK already installed, you can do this:
$ export ANT_HOME=/cygdrive/c/apache-ant-1.7.1
which assumes you've unzipped Ant into C:\apache-ant-1.7.1. Then:
$ export PATH=$ANT_HOME/bin:$PATH
$ ant -version
Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008
In Windows, add the path to your ant /bin directory to the Path system variable. This can easily be done by right clicking on Computer > Properties > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables, click on Path in the System Variables, click on Edit and add ; followed by the path to your ant bin directory to the end of the Variable value.
Start or restart Cygwin.
Type ant -version The version should be displayed.
Here's a step-by-step guide:
simply download and unzip ANT binaries say into c:\apache-ant-1.8.1
download and unzip NUTCH sources say into: c:\apache-nutch-1.2
open the command prompt and run the following:
cd c:\apache-nutch-1.2
the same would work from the Bash shell, just use Cygwin-style paths:
cd /cygdrive/c/apache-nutch-1.2
That's it, you will find a new directory build containing the output.
For convenience, you might want to add the Ant bin directory to the PATH environment variable so that you don't have to give the full path each time, but that's optional.
BTW I just did those exact steps, and all went fine.
Finally, follow this tutorial to get started.

How do I change the JAVA_HOME for ant?

I'm doing java work on a class server where I don't have root. Whenever I try to compile using ant, it points to the wrong directory (/usr/tomcat instead of /usr/tomcat/jre ).
One of the things we were told to do when setting up our user accounts was to add export JAVA_HOME=/usr/tomcat/jre to the .bashrc file. I don't know if that was supposed to take care of the problem but it doesn't seem to.
So, how can I change the JAVA_HOME property for ant but only for when I run ant?
echo $JAVA_HOME points to /usr/tomcat/jre
echo $JAVA_HOME\bin points to /usr/tomcat/jrebin
The problem is when I normally run ant I get this error:
Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in /usr/tomcat/lib/tools.jar
Buildfile: build.xml
[javac] Compiling 1 source file to /home/ejm244/build/classes
/home/ejm244/build.xml:9: Unable to find a javac compiler; is not on the classpath.
Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK
Total time: 0 seconds
You could create your own script for running ant, e.g. named like:
JAVA_HOME=</path/to/jdk>; export JAVA_HOME
ant $#
and then run your script.
$ chmod 755
$./ clean compile
or whatever ant target you wish to run
JAVA_HOME should point at where the JDK is installed not not a JRE.
So, if you type ls $JAVA_HOME what do you see?
if you do ls $JAVA_HOME/bin/ do you see javac?
If the first doesn't work then you don't have JAVA_HOME pointing at the right directory.
If the second doesn't work then you need to point JAVA_HOME at a JDK instead of a JRE.
Looking at the shell script for invoking ant, it is possible that the value for $JAVA_HOME set for your shell in .bashrc can be overridden in the files /etc/ant.conf, $HOME/.ant/ant.conf, and $HOME/.antrc. If you execute bash -x <path to ant script> it will emit debugging information which should help you track down where $JAVA_HOME is being overridden.
On my Windows 7 machine setting:
JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_18"
didn't work. But setting:
JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_18
There are 2 ways of changing the compiler:
export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/jdk before you start Ant.
Set <javac exectuable="/path/to/javac">
Another option would be to add a respective tools.jar to the classpath, but this is usually used if Ant is started from another tools like Maven.
For more details on these (or other) options of changing Java Compiler in Ant, see this article for example.
Set the env var:
JAVACMD - full path of the Java executable. Use this to invoke a different JVM than JAVA_HOME/bin/java(.exe).
Though the environment variable JAVA_HOME set correctly, the ant may use the configured JRE within the each build.xml or any build files.
To check what version of the JRE the ant is using, right click on the build file -> select the build ant which displays the details about the tasks to choose etc, select the JRE which you want to use.
Its advisable to use the project level settings or just at the workspace level.
JAVA_HOME needs to point to a JDK home if you're trying to compile code. Check to see if '/usr/tomcat/jre/bin/javac' exists. I doubt it does.
If you don't have a JDK, then you can work around it by getting the ECJ (eclipse compiler) library, dropping it into '~/.ant/lib' and adding a system property to the command-line to use that compiler - check the Ant manual for details.
Set the JRE in the project (project properties -> Java Build Path-> Libraries, typically last entry), or global default in preferences (Java->Installed JREs) to a JDK, not a JRE.
When using Bash just try this:
$ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/tomcat/jre
When running ant from the shell, you don't need to export JAVA_HOME first, which would set that variable for your current shell and all future commands, instead use
user#host:~# JAVA_HOME=/path/to/jdk ant targets
You will need to change JAVA_HOME path to the Java SDK directory instead of the Java RE directory. In Windows you can do this using the set command in a command prompt.
set JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_14"
try with this:
/usr/sbin/update-alternatives --config java
java_home always points to the jdk, the compiler that gave you the classes,
and the jre is thw way that your browser or whatever will the compiled classes so it must have matching between jdk and jre in the version.
