ASP.NET MVC Colon in URL -

I've seen that IIS has a problem with letting colons into URLs. I also saw the suggestions others offered here.
With the site I'm working on, I want to be able to pass titles of movies, books, etc., into my URL, colon included, like this: Return
This would be consumed by my MovieController, for example, as a string and used further down the line.
I realize that a colon is not ideal. Does anyone have any other suggestions? As poor as it currently is, I'm doing a find-and-replace from all colons (:) to another character, then a backwards replace when I want to consume it on the Controller end.

I resolved this issue by adding this to my web.config:
<httpRuntime requestPathInvalidCharacters=""/>
This must be within the system.web section.
The default is:
<httpRuntime requestPathInvalidCharacters="<,>,*,%,&,:,\,?"/>
So to only make an exception for the colon it would become
<httpRuntime requestPathInvalidCharacters="<,>,*,%,&,\,?"/>
Read more at:
For what I understand the colon character is acceptable as an unencoded character in an URL. I don't know why they added it to the default of the requestPathInvalidCharacters.

Consider URL encoding and decoding your movie titles.
You'd end up with
As an alternative, consider leveraging an HTML helper to remove URL unfriendly characters in URLs (method is URLFriendly()). The SEO benefits between a colon and a placeholder (e.g. a dash) would likely be negligable.

One of the biggest worries with your approach is that the movie name isn't always going to be unique (e.g. "The Italian Job"). Also what about other ilegal characters (e.g. brackets etc).
It might be a good idea to use an id number in the url to locate the movie in your database. You could still include a url friendly copy of movie name in your url, but you wouldn't need to worry about getting back to the original title with all the illegal characters in it.
A good example is the url to this page. You can see that removing the title of the page still works:

Colon is a reserved and invalid character in an URI according to the RFC 3986. So don't do something that violates the specification. You need to either URL encode it or use another character. And here's a nice blog post you might take a look at.

The simplest way is to use System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode() when building the url
and System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode when interpreting the results coming back. You would also have problems with the space character if you don't encode the value first.


What is si=a or si=fc, etc in my soundcloud link? [duplicate]
The URL above was created occasionally by me.
A normal URL to me has one question mark while all parameters are distinct. So in my opinion, this URL is abnormal.
What seems weird to me is that it still works and my browser has no complaint about it.
Would anyone explain it to me?
The first ? indicates the query component. The query component is terminated by the first following #, or the end of the URL.
So, this is the query component of your URL:
Within the query component, it’s perfectly fine to use ? characters, they don’t have any special meaning there (list of all allowed characters in the query).
While parameters in the query typically are in the name=value format, separated by &, this is just a convention (it’s what the encoding type application/x-www-form-urlencoded in HTML forms produces). Site authors can use whatever format they want.

Can friendly-id gem work with capital letters in url e.g. /users/joe-blogs and /users/Joe-Blogs both work

I like the friendly id gem but one problem i'm seeing is when I type in a url with a capitol letter in it such as /users/Joe-Blogs it cant find the page. Its a little trivial but most sites can handle something like this and will generate the page whether it has a capitol letter or not. Does anyone know a fix for this?
Edit: to clarify this is for when users enter a url manually and put capitals in it just because its a name like author/Joe-Blogs. I've seen other sites handle this but rails seems to just give a 404.
friendly_id uses parameterize to create the slugs.
I think the best way to solve your problem is to parameterize the params before using it to find.
# controller
Or parameterize the url where the link originated from.
As an addition to Vic's answer, you'll want to look at url normalization:
The following normalizations are described in RFC 3986 to result in equivalent URLs:
Converting the scheme and host to lower case.
The scheme and host components of the URL are case-insensitive. Most normalizers will convert them to lowercase.
Example: HTTP:// →
In short - it's against convention to use capitalization in your urls.
You may also wish to look at URI normalize; more importantly, you should work to remove the capitalization from your URLs:

How do SO URLs self correct themselves if they are mistyped?

If an extra character (like a period, comma or a bracket or even alphabets) gets accidentally added to URL on the domain, a 404 error page is not thrown. Instead, URLs self correct themselves & the user is led to the relevant webpage.
For instance, the extra 4 letters I added to the end of a valid SO URL to demonstrate this would be automatically removed when you access the below URL -
I guess this has something to do with ASP.NET MVC Routing. How is this feature implemented?
Well, this is quite simple to explain I guess, even without knowing the code behind it:
The text is just candy for search engines and people reading the URL:
This URL will work as well, with the complete text removed!
The only part really important is the question ID that's also embedded in the "path".
This is because EVERYTHING after is ignored. It is just there to make the link, if posted somewhere, if more speaking.
Internally the URL is mapped to a handler, e.g., by a rewrite, that transforms into something like: (just an example, don't know the correct internal URL)
This also makes the URL search engine friendly, besides being more readable to humans.

Why we don't use such URL formats?

I am reworking on the URL formats of my project. The basic format of our search URLs is this:-
www.projectname/module/search/<search keyword>/<exam filter>/<subject filter>/... other params ...
On searching with no search keyword and exam filter, the URL will be :-
www.projectname/module/search///<subject filter>/... other params ...
My question is why don't we see such URLs with back to back slashes (3 slashes after www.projectname/module/search)? Please note that I am not using .htaccess rewrite rules in my project anymore. This URL works perfect functionally. So, should I use this format?
For more details on why we chose this format, please check my other question:-
Suggest best URL style
Web servers will typically remove multiple slashes before the application gets to see the request,for a mix of compatibility and security reasons. When serving plain files, it is usual to allow any number of slashes between path segments to behave as one slash.
Blank URL path segments are not invalid in URLs but they are typically avoided because relative URLs with blank segments may parse unexpectedly. For example in /module/search, a link to //subject/param is not relative to the file, but a link to the server subject with path /param.
Whether you can see the multiple-slash sequences from the original URL depends on your server and application framework. In CGI, for example (and other gateway standards based on it), the PATH_INFO variable that is typically used to implement routing will usually omit multiple slashes. But on Apache there is a non-standard environment variable REQUEST_URI which gives the original form of the request without having elided slashes or done any %-unescaping like PATH_INFO does. So if you want to allow empty path segments, you can, but it'll cut down on your deployment options.
There are other strings than the empty string that don't make good path segments either. Using an encoded / (%2F), \ (%5C) or null byte (%00) is blocked by default by many servers. So you can't put any old string in a segment; it'll have to be processed to remove some characters (often ‘slug’-ified to remove all but letters and numbers). Whilst you are doing this you may as well replace the empty string with _.
Probably because it's not clearly defined whether or not the extra / should be ignored or not.
For instance: and both display the same page in Firefox and Chrome. The server is treating the two urls as the same thing, whereas your server obviously does not.
I'm not sure whether this behaviour is defined somewhere or not, but it does seem to make sense (at least for the BBC website - if I type an extra /, it does what I meant it to do.)

Allow special charcters in IIS request URLs

Currently, when I try to hit certain pages of my site via something like< (which is a valid URL), I get a blank page with the text "Bad Request" on it (and nothing else). This happens with both the escaped and unescaped version of the URL.
I'm fairly certain this is due to IIS6 not liking the < character (which, in general, is valid). Is there a way to stop IIS6 from filtering these characters and giving me this error page?
(I've found similar solutions for IIS7, but nothing has worked in IIS6 so far.)
UPDATE: The URL is being transformed already, ie. hitting will also give the "Bad Request" page.
Not sure if this will work, but this got me out of a similar jam caused by design types forgetting key parts of query strings. Sounds like you might have a similar issue. Anyhow, try making a virtual directory called %3c and then having that redirect to where appropriate.
RFC 1738:
Thus, only alphanumerics, the special characters "$-_.+!*'(),", and reserved characters used for their reserved purposes may be used unencoded within a URL.
< transforms to %3C<
