list_to_float error - erlang

I understand that list_to_float("123") gives a badarg error but why list_to_float(["12.34"]) gives also the same error ?

list_to_float accepts a String and it returns a float whose text representation is the String.


a = "stackoverflow" does not work in QBasic

The qbasic code returns a type mismatch error.
print left$(a,5)
print right$(a,8)
What is the cause of this error and how can I rectify it?
The error is caused by the way you have named the variable.
"StackOverflow" is a string and cannot be assigned to variables of any other type.
In Qbasic, string variables must end with a $ symbol. So try a$ instead of a.
So try this code instead.
print left$(a$,5)
print right$(a$,8)
You could define the variable as string first:
a = "StackOverflow"

Cannot convert value to bool : InvalidArgumentException

I am using cakephp 3.3 for my vod application and i want to insert data using following query:
$query=$notifications->query()->insert(['message' ,'status','user_id' ,'video_id' ,'notify_to' ,'notification_type'])
'message'=>'Congratulations! your video '.$video_name.' has been approved to be uploaded on MM2View by admin.',
But i am getting
Cannot convert value to bool : InvalidArgumentException Error message. I have done some google related to this problem but did not find any correct solution.
Invalid argument exceptions are caused because of type mismatch in operations you written in the code.
Check your model class for the type you given and compare it with the code

F# Function where given a string and an integer it returns a char at position(integer) from the string

I have a function that returns the char at a location:
let NthChar inpStr indxNum =
if inpStr.Length >=1 then printfn "Character %s" inpStr.[indxNum];
else printfn "Not enough arguments"
Error for
Error trace:
Lookup on object of indeterminate type based on information prior to this program point. A type annotation may be needed prior to this program point to constrain the type of the object. This may allow the lookup to be resolved.
You're trying to "dot into" something and access it's indexer. Except that when you do this the type of that something is still unknown (maybe it doesn't have an indexer)
So you got that rather explicit error message which also gives you the way to remove it, simply add a type annotation :
// code shortened
let nthChar (inpStr : string) indxNum = inpStr.[indxNum]
// alternative syntax
let nthChar inpStr indxNum = (inpStr : string).[indxNum]

Realm on iOS throws "Invalid value '301' for property'code'" where 'code' is of type Int

code is an integer, so it's declared as an Int in my subclass.swift file. The subclass is in the same format as the JSON, to enable saving the JSON directly to Realm.
I get this JSON:
"code": 301
And this is how I'm saving it:
realm.create(Student.self, value: jsonStudent, update: true)
But Realm throws this:
failed: caught "RLMException", "Invalid value '301' for property 'code'"
At first I thought the '301' might be getting parsed as a string, but that was not the case, calling 'dynamicType' on it in the debugger returns NSCFNumber, which is expected.
What's wrong?
NSJSONSerialization will convert {"code": 301} to an NSNumber of type q, which is integer. So the fact that you're getting an invalid property implies that the code property on your Realm model is of a different type (maybe Float or Double)?
Could you share your model definition here?
If your code property is actually Int or a variation thereof (Int32, Int64, etc.), this would imply there's a bug in Realm and I'd recommend that you open an issue at

Error while parsing xml attribute

I am getting error on
I.ID=((Element) nl.item(i)).getAttributes().getNamedItem("ID").getNodeValue();
the error is that
getNamedItem required INT and found String
When i give an Int value then the error said that it required String and found Int.
Issue Resolved.
getNamedItem is returning String value while ID is an integer value. so i put string to integer parser which resolved my issue.
