KRL RSS parser: Handle encoding issues? - character-encoding

I'm importing an RSS feed from Tumblr into a Kynetx app. It appears that the RSS feed has some encoding issues, as apostrophes appear like this:
The feed (which you can find here) claims to be encoded in UTF-8.
Is there a way to specify the encoding or else replace those characters with regular apostrophes?

While not optimal, you could try to catch these encodings and replace them with the UTF-8 standard:
newstring = oldstring.replace(re/’/\'/);
This appears to be a case of a service that specifies UTF-8, but does't explicitly enforce it. I uploaded an image of the RSS feed that you provided. For comparison, I cut and pasted the text into a notepad document and then typed in the same text from my keyboard.
I don't know if you can tell from the image, but the apostrophe that is mangled is different from the apostrophe that is generated by my UTF-8 browser.
I suspect that this post was submitted via a Windows client. If you look at your encoding options, you will see an option for Western (Windows-1252).
Windows-1252 is a legacy encoding from windows that resembles ISO 8859-1, but substitutes some of their own characters for control characters in the ANSI standard and changes the location in the codepage of others.
A couple of quotes from the wikipedia page that I cite above:
It is very common to mislabel Windows-1252 text data with the charset label ISO-8859-1. Many web browsers and e-mail clients treat the MIME charset ISO-8859-1 as Windows-1252 characters in order to accommodate such mislabeling
Many Microsoft programs, such as Word will automatically substitute Windows-1252 characters when standard ASCII characters are entered, such as for "smart quotes" (e.g. substituting ’ for the apostrophe in a contraction) or substituting © for the three characters '(c)'.
KRL supports all of the language charsets supported by UTF-8, so it supports multi-byte international characters natively; however, that comes at the expense of being able to fudge encodings that is possible when you only have ISO-8859-1 or Windows-1252 to choose from.


If it is valid that Wikipedia uses Chinese characters (and other unicode characters) in URL

On Wikipedia you see URLs like these:附录:字母索引 (but copy-pasting the URL results in the equivalentหน้าหลัก (which when copy-pasted becomes
First, I'm wondering what is happening here, what the encoding transformation is called and what it's doing and why it's doing that. I don't see why you can't just have the original native characters in the URL.
Second, I'm wondering if what Wikipedia is doing is considered valid. If it is okay to include these non-ASCII glyphs in the URL, and if not, why not (other than perhaps because the standard says so). Also would be interested to know how many browsers support showing the link in the URL bar using the native glyphs vs. this encoded thing, and even would be interesting to know how native Chinese/Thai/etc. people enter in the URL in their language, if they use the encoding or what (but that probably makes this question too complicated; still would be an interesting bonus).
The reason I ask is because I would like to put let's say words/definitions of a few different languages onto a webpage, and I would like to make the url show the actual word used in the language. So in english it might be /hello, but the equivalent word/definition in Thai would be /สวัสดี. That makes way more sense to me than having to make it into the encoding thing.
Strings of data octets within a URI are represented as characters. *Permitted characters within a URI are the ASCII characters for the lowercase and uppercase letters of the modern English alphabet, the Arabic numerals, hyphen, period, underscore, and tilde.[14] Octets represented by any other character must be percent-encoded.
Not all Unicode characters can be used in URIs. Characters that aren't supported can still be encoded using Percent Encoding. You can see the non-ascii characters in the URL field because your browser chooses to display them that way, the actual HTTP requests are done using the encoded strings.

Japanese characters interpreted as control character

I have several files which include various strings in different written languages. The files I am working with are in the .inf format which is somewhat similar to .ini files.
I am inputting the text from these files into a parser which considers the [ symbol as the beginning of a 'category'. Therefore, it is important that this character does not accidentally appear in string sequences or parsing will fail because it interprets these as "control characters".
For example, this string contains some Japanese writings:
iANSProtocol_HELP="�C���e��(R) �A�h�o���X�g�E�l�b�g���[�N�E�T�[�r�X Protocol �̓`�[���������щ��z LAN �Ȃǂ̍��x�#�\�Ɏg�����܂��B"
DISKNAME ="�C���e��(R) �A�h�o���X�g�E�l�b�g���[�N�E�T�[�r�X CD-ROM �܂��̓t���b�s�[�f�B�X�N"
In my text-editors (Atom) default UTF-8 encoding this gives me garbage text which would not be an issue, however the 0x5B character is interpreted as [. Which causes the parser to fail because it assumes that this is signaling the beginning of a new category.
If I change the encoding to Japanese (CP 932), these characters are interpreted correctly as:
iANSProtocol_HELP="インテル(R) アドバンスト・ネットワーク・サービス Protocol はチーム化および仮想 LAN などの高度機能に使われます。"
DISKNAME ="インテル(R) アドバンスト・ネットワーク・サービス CD-ROM またはフロッピーディスク"
Of course I cannot encode every file to be Japanese because they may contain Chinese or other languages which will be written incorrectly.
What is the best course of action for this situation? Should I edit the code of the parser to escape characters inside string literals? Are there any special types of encoding that would allow me to see all special characters and languages?
If the source file is in shift-jis, then you should use a parser that can support it, or convert the file to UTF-8 before you parse it.
I believe that this character set also uses ASCII as it's base type but it uses 2 bytes to for certain characters, so if 0x5B it probably doesn't appear as the 'first byte' of a character. (note: this is conjecture based on how I think shift-jis works).
So yea, you need to modify your parser to understand shift-jis, or you need to convert the file to UTF-8 before parsing. I imagine that converting is the easiest.

Why/how does the browser decide ☃.net goes to

If we type into firefox or chrome
It takes us to
Which is a mirror of
What I don't understand is by what rules the unicode snowman can decode to xn--n3h, it doesn't look anything like utf-8 or urlencoding.
I think I found a hint while mucking around in python3, because:
>>> '☃'.encode('punycode')
But I still don't understand the xn-- part. How are domain names internationalised, what is the standard and where is this stuff documented?
It uses an encoding scheme called Punycode (as you've already discovered from the Python testing you've done), capable of representing Unicode characters in ASCII-only format.
Each label (delimited by dots, so has five labels) that contains Unicode characters is encoded in Punycode and prefixed with the string xn--.
The label encoding first copies all the ASCII characters, then appends the encoded Unicode characters. The Unicode characters are always after the final - in the label, so one is added after the ASCII characters if needed.
More detail can be found in this page over at the w3 site, and in RFC 3987. For details on how Punycode actually encodes labels, see the Wikipedia page.

What is the charset of URLs?

When someone types an url in a browser to access a page, which charset is used for that URL? Is there a standard? Can I consider that UTF-8 is used everywhere? Which characters are accepted?
URLs may contain only a subset of ASCII, all URLs are valid ASCII.
International domain names must be Punycode encoded. Non-ASCII characters in the path or query parts must be encoded, with Percent-encoding being the generally agreed-upon standard.
Percent-encoding only takes the raw bytes and encodes each byte as %xx. There's no generally followed standard on what encoding should be used to determine a byte representation. As such, it's basically impossible to assume any particular character set being used in the percent-encoded representation. If you're creating those links, then you're in full control over the used charset before percent-encoding; if you're not, you're mostly out of luck. Though you will most likely encounter UTF-8, this is not guaranteed.

Are Latin encoded characters considered URL safe?

Are Latin encoded characters considered URL safe?
Having read this post, I'm aware that web safe characters are outlined in this document. The specs do not make clear, however, if Latin encoded characters are part of the unreserved list. For example: ç and õ.
I don't see why those characters would not be included in the unreserved list. But, that said, I'm yet to see any URLs that contain such characters.
Relevant question: Assuming I can use such characters in my URL, should I?
My URLs will be generated by user input. Should I keep titles with such characters, or substitute them? For example, ç to becomes c, and so on.
My reader's native language is Portuguese, but I'm not sure if they will care about these characters in the page's friendly-URL.
The RFC you linked mentioned specifically mentions ASCII as the character set for URIs:
The ABNF notation defines its terminal values to be non-negative
integers (codepoints) based on the US-ASCII coded character set
That would make characters outside of ASCII not safe, as far as the RFC is concerned.
Of course, this is all before IDN existed. There is an RFC that specifies how conversions between ASCII and Unicode on the URL should occur.
You can use any characters you want, because if any character is used outside the range of ASCII code list the percent-code octets is used in order to make the uri transportable
