Application Menu Item - blackberry

I am developing a photo-editor app in blackberry. For this I need to open the app through an application menuitem in bb albums; I tried this but it does not get invoked.
What might I be missing?

I am not sure if I understand your question. You failed to add menu item?
If this is the case you can check out this:
You can also find many examples in the sample apps which come from RIM. In eclipse you can easily import the samples from file->import->import blackberry samples.

have u tried of something like this:
Not sure whether it works for your case or not


Adding TFS tasks (work item) via url

Currently i'm trying something out with TFS 2015. I red that it should be possible to add tasks (work-items) via the browser url. This is perfect for me if it is working like I expected :)
My current url (personal items removed)
this&[Original Estimate]=1&[Remaining
So far so good it's possible to add an item via the url, but I couldn't figure out how to add the parent link to the work item!
I've tried [Node Name], [Parent], [System.NodeName], but none of them worked.
Does anyone have an idea how to create the link? Or is it not possible?
tnx in advance
Try to use [System.Linktypes] or [System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Reverse]
Moreover, suggest you to use REST API just as debugthings mentioned. Work Items|Rest API If you haven't already, look at the information on getting started with these APIs.

How to check if a specific application is installed or not?

I have two applications ABC and XYZ. I need to show the download prompt for XYZ app in my ABC application. However the condition is, if the XYZ is pre-installed the prompt should not be shown.
The twist here is that i do not have code access of XYZ application (since it is developed by some other team of same client) so i cannot use URI schemes here.
I have also tried this approach but is of no good use.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks :)
if you are the owner of both applications you can use URL-schema technique. even if you are not, but you know the URL-schema of XYZ app, you can check with canOpenUrl: method wheter XYZ is istalled or not

Umbraco 7 add new Item to Dashboard

I am trying to add new "Section" Item to Umbraco 7. Without Success.
What I am trying to achieve is to Have additional Icon in left side menu after members icon.
I saw , google analytics package adding icon there after installation.
I've tried to change dashboard.config , application.config , without success. Can anyone point to me to some tutorial on how to do it , googling the subj , didn't brought results.
Markus has some good tips but his blog was written for 7.0 - some things have changed in 7.1. Work through Tim Geyssens's blog posts
One very important tip - remember to add the section to the users login account! You might have done everything right and missed adding your custom section to your user account!
Markus Johansson runs through the process on his blog, here.

ShowShareSheet creates black/blank screen

Using an ActionList and Tbutton that is linked to the aciton: ActionShowShareSheet, the picture above is my result. I can not find a lot of troubleshooting around or many examples regarding the topic. I am trying to share an image with informational text - nothing to fancy - either by email or whichever the desired social sharing service is preferred by the user.
Yes, I have looked at the example provided by Delphi, and even attempted copying and pasting the same controls/components from that example.
edit ---
Okay, so I tested in in the iPad as well, it appears to show the popver modal but no items are shown to share with. So I am now facing two problems:
1. ShowActionShareSheet does not display properly with an iPhone device/simulator
2. I have nothing to share with, or I can't. I have signed into Facebook as a test via the iOS device settings and it still does not work properly.
Help ! Thanks
~ Simple solution. Just doesn't work in the simulator.

How to access Safari history from iPhone App using Private Frameworks

I got a situation something like, i can use Private Frameworks of Apple in order to know the operations being performed on iPhone Safari( i.e History the Tabs being browsed and time spend on browsing kind of info).
I have gone through some of the things like Dumping Private frameworks. But i don't know which Framework to Dump i guess WebKit may help.
Can some body please give the needful info to solve this problem.
i have imported the Dumped classes to Frameworks i.e WebHistory.h, WebHistoryItem.h, WebPreferences.h
Please let me know in case i miss anything
#import "WebHistory.h"
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
WebHistory *history=[WebHistory optionalSharedHistory];
You can't access the Safari History. Apps are sandboxed.
If this is for an in-house app, then you might be able to jailbreak the phones and figure out a way around the sandboxing.
see this SO link: how-to-access-iphone-safari-history-in-an-app
We can find the history.plist in /var/mobile/Media/Safari/ and this we can read in jailbreaken iPhone.
I think you need a good web developer who will create the web page in such a way so that you can communicate with javascript and get the message you want to get. And for dumping the framework I think you should get with uikit+ webkit framework.
I hacked my framework by using this link - I hope this will help to you .
