application is crashing while user exits from fullscreen mode in mpmovieplayer - ipad

hi folks we do have a video file in our application,every thing is going fine except one,i.e the application crashes when user exits from fullscreen mode while the movie is playing and also when we pause the movie in fullscreen mode and minimize it,the video starts from the beginning i tried searching whether there is any notification available to notify but of no use plz help me out.thx in advance.

atlast after studying a lot about mpmovieplayer class refernece i could find the answer for my question which i had posted yesterday.The reason for that was i was not able to provide all the available notifications i need, now i had mentioned each and every notification for entering into full screen,exit the fullscfreen and also playbackfinished now its working fine.The only problem is when i press the toggle screen it maximizes perfectly and plays from the current playbacktime but that not the case when i minimize the screen the video plays from the begining.


Record video inside of iOS app, immediately play and loop

I'm looking for a way for my users to take a video (defaulting to front facing camera, but with the ability to switch) lasting 2 seconds, display that video immediately and have it loop indefinitely (no controls displayed). Essentially mimicking a 2 second gif. I would like to do this in app so they can see the video before posting, and potentially retake. Any ideas? I've found some functionality here: but it doesn't seem to address the entire problem set.
Checkout this guide from Apple:
Using Video

Cordova - 'AVAudioSessionDelegateMediaPlayerOnly end interruption' error after pausing and resuming an app

This issue has arose using Cordova to play videos within an iOS application. I had thought to use the pause/resume feature to interact with the HTML5 video. However even when the video has stopped playing and the element has been set to display:none, or faded out etc, this error still appears in the console after the app is resumed - which then renders all video playing useless after it.
MP AVAudioSessionDelegateMediaPlayerOnly end interruption. Interruptor
<________-1874> category <(null)> resumable <0>, _state = 1
I have found issues relating to this, but are answered using C Objective for native app building.. and because I am using Cordova to build they do not apply unfortunately.
Has anyone else playing videos within PhoneGap/Cordova/Chrome Apps come across this and can offer a solution? Or anyone coding Native iOS apps could offer some advice as to why it is happening?
So to fix this (for anyone who may come across this in the future!), i had to resort to a bit of a hacky method.
When the Cordova iOS app is pushed to the background, and resumed, it looks as though any running video tags were unable to continue load and play video - the error above pops up in Xcode console and the video element is black no matter what. (I was fading still images on top of a video tag, then loading a new video using data attributes after a hotspot on the image is pressed). So when the app is paused I had to use JS/jQuery to remove and on resume it re-creates the video element and used the last selected data attributes to pick up the info from where it left off..
Seems to work, and is surprisngly seamless! :)

AVComposition breaks on Airplay

I have a video composition which I'd like to play over Airplay (without mirroring). The app works as expected when using normal Airplay mirroring, but I'd like to get the speed, reliability, and resolution bump you get from using Airplay video instead.
The problem is that when I set
player.usesAirPlayVideoWhileAirPlayScreenIsActive = YES;
...the player goes blank.
Since I don't create separate windows for each display, they are both trying to use the same AVPlayer.
My AVVideoComposition contains different files and adds opacity ramps between them.
This unanswered question suggests that the problem is more likely due to the fact that I'm playing an AVComposition than the use of a shared player: AVComposition doesn't play via Airplay Video
Two questions:
Do I have to get rid of the player on the iPad?
Can an AVVideoComposition ever be played over AirPlay?
I can't make comments so I had to post this as an answer although it might not fully respond to the questions.
I had similar issue and at the end I found out that when AVPlayer plays AVComposition it simply doesn't display anything on the external display. That's why I had to do it myself by listening to UIScreen connection notifications.
I have to say that all worked pretty perfect. I'm checking first if there are more than one screen and if there are I simply move the AVPlayer on that screen while displaying a simple message on the device's screen that content is played on... plus the name of AirPlay device. This way I can put whatever I want on the external display and is not very complicated. Same thing is when I receive UIScreenDidConnectNotification.
That was fine until I noticed that the composition plays really choppy on the the external display. Even if it consists of only one video without any complex edits or overlays. Same video plays perfectly if I save it to the Camera Roll or if I use MPMoviePlayerController.
I've tried many things like lowering resolutions, lowering renderScale and so on but with no success.
One thing bothers me more is how actually Apple do this in iMovie - if you have AirPlay enabled and you play a project (note it's still not rendered so it must use a composition in order to display it) right after tapping play button it opens a player that plays content really smoothly on the external monitor. If you however activate AirPlay from the player it closes and start rendering the project. After that it plays it I thing by using MPMoviePlayerController.
I'm still trying to find a solution and will post back if I have any success.
So for the two questions:
I don't see why you have to get rid.
Yes it can be played but with different technique and obviously issues.
in the app .plist create a new item called:
required background modes
add a new array element called:
App plays audio or streams audio/video using AirPlay
Not sure if you have already tried this, but you don't mention it in your post.

MPMusicPlayerController: combine iPodMusicPlayer and applicationMusicPlayer to prevent continuing to next track

I have a bit of a strange problem. I have a music app that uses the [MPMusicPlayerController iPodMusicPlayer]. Everything is fine, notifications are fired for track changes and changes in playback state.
I have one screen where the user needs to review one single song, I don't want him to go on to the next song in his queue. Since there is no delegate method for when a track WILL change (only DID change), to prevent the music player from continuing to the next track I use a new [MPMusicPlayerController applicationMusicPlayer], give it iPodMusicPlayer's currently playing song and all is well. No new tracks to continue to, and I'm not touching the original iPodMusicPlayer queue so in theory, when I close this screen and use the iPodMusicPlayer again, all should be perfectly fine.
However, when the user is done on this screen and closes it, iPodMusicPlayer is now suddenly broken, notifications are not called and when I put the app to the background, music stops playing, causing me to believe that iPodMusicPlayer is now actually applicationMusicPlayer.
Okay so my question is basically: I need a way to prevent the music player to continue on to the next track in the queue. Switching to applicationMusicPlayer with one track seems to break stuff, as explained above. What's the best solution?
EDIT: because this might be a bit difficult to understand, I created a small project to show the problem: Open the app while music is playing, see that the play button behaves correctly. Now open the popup, close it again and the play button is broken.
I found a solution to my problem: set the repeatMode to MPMusicRepeatModeOne and then catch the MPMusicPlayerControllerNowPlayingItemDidChangeNotification notification. You can stop the playback and you never continue to the next track. Once I'm done with the second screen I reset the repeatMode to the original value.

Stop video after exiting fullscreen on Mobile Safari

Hey Guys,
I've got a thumbnail on a webpage that when clicked, plays a video in fullscreen using the webkitEnterFullscreen() method.
But I need the video to stop playing once the users touches the "Done" button and leaves fullscreen mode.
Is there an event that fires once the the user has exited fullscreen?
I had an email from an Apple developer which answered this question for me.
The two events are webkitbeginfullscreen and webkitendfullscreen. This piece of sample code is really useful for seeing the order that events fire (it logs a message to the page whenever an event is emitted), and includes these two events:
