Delphi 7, TTable, Csv file fields - delphi

My Question may be a simple one for you.
I have to import a csv file to my delphi application. This file contains 3 columns and I want to match the columns to one of Dataset( TQuery connected to a Firebird table) and show on a grid.
My Question is, is it possible to use the Csv file as a table, who can access by a SQL query and join to a Db table ?
I have tried with TTable with TableType property as ttASCII. It loads the file.However this loads the contents to a single fields,
ie, Fields[0].asstring gives '11,12,abc.txt'
I want this on different fields
Fields[0].asstring = '11'
Fields[1].asstring = '12'
Fields[3].asstring = 'abc.txt'
Hope you understand my requirement. Kindly take a look and let me know your thoughts
Thanks and Regards,
Vijesh V.Nair
System Analyst

Vijesh , you have to create a schema definition file to access a txt file from a TTable component, the name of the schema file must the same of the text file but with the SCH extension.
in this link you can found more information about the format of the schema file Using The ASCII Driver With Comma-delimited Files, also you can check the BDE32.HLP file.


Delphi and attachment files in MS access database

I search many times in Google, SO, and I can't find anything about working with attachment via delphi, so I decide to write this question.
I have a table in .accdb database called Files with those fields:
IDFile PK AutoIncField,
FileName WideStringField,
FilesAttached WideMemoFiled.
How can I save/load files to/from attachment fields using delphi?
Attach files and graphics to the records in your database
The problem here, in delphi the datatype of FilesAttached is TWideMemoField,
when I write ShowMessage(FDTable1FilesAttached.Value); it give just the name of the attachment.
I don't know how to Insert/save files to/from that field using delphi.
It didn't seem that hard to find VBA/C# examples of working with .accdb Attachment fields which should translate fairly easily into Delphi. However, it turned out to be more difficult than I imagined to find something that a) hadn't misunderstood what Attachment fields actually are and b) actually works. Skip to the update section below.
For example, googling
accdb create attachment in vba
gives numerous hits including this one
which you might try as a starting point. It uses MS DAO objects, and includes straightforward code for storing files to Attachment fields and for accessing them. You would need to create a Delphi wrapper unit for the DAO type library, if you don't already have one, using the IDE's Import Type Library
If you would prefer something ADO-based, you might take a look at
Update See the function OpenFirstAttachmentAsTempFile in the post by "aspen" (date = 4/11/2012 07:18 am) in this thread
which shows an apparently successful attempt to extract a file from an attachment field (the thread also contains several other attempts at coding this function).
Note in particular this line
Set rstChild = rstCurrent.Fields(strFieldName).Value ' the .Value for a complex field returns the underlying recordset
which implies that the Value of the attachment field can return a recordset which contains the attached file(s).
Presumably, importing a recent version of the DAO type library into Delphi would allow
a Delphi app to do the same thing, and then one could reverse-engineer the rstChild recordset to see how to populate this field in code. I haven't done that yet, though.

Programmatically generated CSV file format issue for Excel and Numbers

In my iOS project, I have programmatically generated csv file from my data. Most of time, it looks all good for Microsoft Excel and Apple Numbers to open with.
But when the cell data is something like 5 - 60, it seems Excel would automatically convert it to date value like May-60, while Numbers open it correctly.
I have found this thread:, so the solution makes Excel happy is using "=""5 - 60""". But this will make Numbers shows ="5 - 60"......
You can quickly generate empty csv file to test what I described above.
Is is possible to generate csv file that makes all world happy???
Thanks in advance.
You can create a new file in excel and import from the data ribbon tab - this gives options to specify the data types for 'columns' in the csv. A bit of a pain but will avoid the issue.

Apache Solr: Merging documents from two sources before indexing

I need to index data from a custom application in Solr. The custom app stores metadata in an Oracle RDBMS and documents (PDF, MS Word, etc.) in a file store. The two are linked in the sense that the metadata in the database refers to a physical document (PDF) in the file store.
I am able to index the metadata from the RDBMS without issues. Now I would like to update the indexed documents with an additional field in which I can store the parsed content from the PDFs.
I have considered and tried the following
1. Using Update RequestHandler to try and update the indexed document with . This didn't work and the original document indexed from the RDBMS was overwritten.
2. Using SolrJ to do atomic updates but I am not sure if this is a good approach for something like this
Has anyone come across this issue before and what would be the recommended approach?
You can update the document, but it requires that you know the id of the existing document. For example:
"id": "5",
"parsed_content":{"set": "long text field with parsed content"}
Instead of just saying "parsed_content":"something" you have to wrap the value in "parsed_content":{"set":"something"} to trigger adding it to the existing document.
See for documentation on how to work with multivalued fields etc.

custom fields in csv

I want to put only certain fields of domain in csv being generated. how can that be done?
I have a order class which contains before update and afterInsert. I have kept them as transient. but still their names comes in the header also, I also want only 5 of the feilds to appear in the csv not all.
You can specify which fields to export. An example for this can be found in Grails Export Plugin documentation. MVC Export To Excel

I am currently exporting to Excel using the old HTML trick, where I set the MIME type to application/ms-excel. This gives the added benefit of nicely formatted tables, however the negative of the excel document not being native Excel format.
I could export it as CSV, but then this would not be formatted.
I have read brief snippets that you can export it as XML to create the Excel document, but cannot find too much information on this. Does anybody know of any tutorials and/or benefits of this? Can it be formatted tables using this method?
Easiest way, you could parse your table and export it in Excel XML format, see this for example:
It allows you to format the table as you whish (borders, fonts,colors, I think even formulas), and Excel will recognize it as native excel format. As a plus, you can use other programs that can import Excel XML (ie.Open office, Excel viewer,etc) and you do not need to have Office components installed on the server.
Check out ExcelXmlWriter.
We've been using it for some time and it works well. There are some downsides to the xml format however. Since it's unlikely your end users will have the .xml extension associated with Excel, you end up having to download files as .xls with an Excel mime type. When a user opens a file downloaded in this way they get a warning that the file is not in xls format. If they click through it, the file opens normally.
The only alternative is a paid library to generate native Excel files. That's certainly the best solution but last time we looked there were no good, free libraries (may have changed)
Bill Sternberger has blogged a very simple solution here:
export to excel or csv from mvc
Just today I had to write a routine that exported data to excel in an MVC application. Here's the details so someone may benefit in the future, first the user had to select some date ranges and areas for the report. On the post back, this method was in place, with TheModelTypeList containing the data from LINQ/Entity Framework/SQL Query returning strong types:
if (ExportToExcel) {
var stream = new MemoryStream();
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<SomeModelType>));
serializer.Serialize(stream, TheModelTypeList);
stream.Position = 0;
FSR = new FileStreamResult(stream, "application/");
The only catch on this one was the file type was not known when opening so the system prompted for the application to open it... this is a result of the content being XML.... I'm still working on that.
I am using Spreadsheet Light, an Open-Source library that provides ridiculously easy creation, manipulation and saving of an Excel sheet from C#. You can have an MVC / WebAPI Controller do the work of creating the file and either
Return a URL link to the saved Excel file to the page and invoke Excel to open it with an ActiveX object
Return a Data Content Stream to the page
Return a URL link to the calling page to force an Open / Save As dialog
