dwscript - can anyone help with editor-debugger examples please? - delphi

I'm looking at the excellent dwscript for Delphi see here which provides a useful set of classes to implement a built in pascal script for your Application. I would very much appreciate some help with an example of how to link together the supplied debugging interface with an editor so that I can create breakpoints (and ideally see watches). Has anyone gone along this route please?

Most of the debugger doc is currently in this post
Also the debugger interface hasn't changed much (if at all) since the original DWScript II (on SourceForge), so the old demos there should hopefully still work with minimal adjustments.
For breakpoints, you basically just check the source position of the Expr you get in DoDebug/OnDebug against the list of breakpoints. One simple and efficient way is to merely use TBits -using it as a boolean array of which lines have a breakpoint).
Evaluating/watching requires looking up a symbol, which will give you it's stack address, you can then lookup the value in the stack.
I'll try to add/update a debugging tasks demo for v2.2 (unless someone else does it before me ;) )
edit: as of 11-02-14 there is a TdwsDebugger component to facilitate debugging tasks.


F# Priority Queue

I have tried to use this snippet of code
to implement a heap-based implementation of Prim's algorithm to solve the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) problem in a non-directed connected graph.
after a few iterations, i find that the heap/priority queue is not well maintained anymore.
that is the head of the PriorityQueue doesn't have the lowest Key in the Heap.
PQ 0 [-7230, 309]
PQ 146 [-7277, 308]
Has anyone use this code and experienced similar problems ?
I can post a link on GitHub if anyone would be looking at it
My needs are for a heap datastructure which supports deletion of an element in the middle. It looks like Fsharpx.collections doesnt have such a data structure.
does anybody know a good implementation available somewhere ?
Recently, I ported a MaxHeap from PLINQ to F# here and made it MinHeap. It is array-based and performs much better than any "pure functional" alternative.
However, after a lot of benchmarking, I found that SortedDeque based on just a simple sorted circular buffer performs significantly better on most use cases even when I need to add or delete in the middle.
My answer is inspired by V.B. but here it is in full
I have used another library than FSharpx.collections, it is called
read that page for details and instructions.
SortedDeque is the data structure i need for this problem.
I used the same code, just changing from the microsoft blog page code to the library functions and found the good result, so it is indeed some bug in the microsoft blog page code
PS. this spreads library has been designed to format financial data for quantitative analysis and i'm happy i found it !!! IT looks like this library is rather recent and thats why its not on top of Google's search or referenced in any other SO question (or if it is i didn't see it)
FSharpx.Collections is of no use for that problem as you can see from that discussion heap issue in FSharpx.Collections

How to get the property list and values of a control within a third-party Delphi application?

I'd like to get information about a third party application's controls such as a list of its properties and their values: something like RTTI information but for a third-party Delphi application.
I see that this is possible. For example TestComplete has the ObjectSpy window which can give many useful information about the control, including RTTI information. How can this be done ?
Edit: To explain why I'm investigating this issue... I'm a registered user of TestComplete/TestExecute and I do like... most of it. I can get over the minor things but the one major problem for me is their license verification system which requires me to have a physical computer (not a virtual machine) always on just for the sake of running a license server so that TestExecute can run at night. As I have basic testing needs (compare screenshots and check basic Delphi component's properties) I wondered how hard it would be to make my own private very simple "TestExecute-like" application.
To go further, I suggest you these relevant resources found here on SO
Writing a very basic debugger (The accepted answer along with its comment thread are all valuable).
Is it possible to access memory from an application to another ? How? (Excerpt from the accepted answer: It is possible. Just use the Windows API functions WriteProcessMemory/ReadProcessMemory. Pass in the handle of the process and the pointer to the data).
Search the memory of another process (The excellent accepted answer also forwards to another valuable resource delphi-code-coverage by Christer Fahlgren and Nick Ring).
StackWalk of other process in delphi? (Check Barry Kelly's answer !!!, the same for the one from the AsmProfiler author !!!).
I strongly suggest you to port to Delphi this c++ project entitled Get Process Info with NtQueryInformationProcess: A hands on experience on using ReadProcessMemory to access the CommandLine used to launch another process.
Last Edit:
NtQuerySystemInformation Delphi Example.
RRUZ's answer to Delphi - get what files are opened by an application as suggested by LU RD.
When we want to take another application which is compiled with debug information and get stuff out of it at runtime, what we are dealing with is the problem of "how to write my own custom debugger/profiler/automated-test kernel".
TestComplete and other AutomatedQA programs contain a Debugger and Profiler Kernel which can start up, run and remotely control apps, and parse their Debug information in several formats, including the TurboDebugger TD32 information attached to these executables. Their profiling kernel also can see each object as it is created, and can iterate the RTTI-like debug information to determine that an object that was created is of a particular class type, and then see what properties exist in that object.
Now, TestComplete adds on top of the AQTime-level of stuff, the ability to introspect Window handles, and intuit from Window Handles, the Delphi class Names that are behind it. However, it's much easier for you (or me) to write a program which can tell you that the mouse is over a window handle that belongs to a TPanel, than to know which version of Delphi created that particular executable, what version of TPanel that is, then, and what properties it would contain, and to read those values back from a running program, which requires that you implement your own "debugger engine". I am not aware of any open source applications that you could even use to get a start writing your own debugger, and you certainly can't use the ones that are inside AQTime/TestComplete, or the one inside Delphi itself, in your own apps.
I could not write you a sample program to do this, but even if I could, it would require a lot of third-party library support. To see the window classes for a window handle which your mouse is over, look for how to implement something like the MS Spy++ utility.
An easy case is if your mouse is mousing over a window inside your own application. For that, see this about.com link, which simply uses RTTI.

API hooks discrepency

I have been trying to understand the concept of 'hooking' APIs and am currently facing a problem. I hope that experts here can clear it:
By going through a header file I noticed that the LoadLibrary function is actually mapped to one of the following two: LoadLibraryW or LoadLibraryA based on the flag used during compilation (UNICODE or ASCII, respectively). Now, if I have explicitly hooked the API 'LoadLibraryA' then will my hooked function get the control if it is compiled using the UNICODE flag?
It would be great if someone could explain or point me to a link that explains in detail how hooking works in such cases? How do compilation flags, character sets, locale, internationalization, impact hooking of APIs like LoadLibrary or CreateFile?
I'm currently in South Korea (Originally from UK) and for some reason some of my application is not working and I have a demo tomorrow. I presume the above mentioned doubt is the reason for the problem I'm facing.
I think that you need to read carefully this bible of api hooking Hooking in theory which explains everything about hooking like different approaches of hooking, lot of diagrams.... and also this one example. My suggestion is to use LoadLibraryW because it is superset of Acsii.

How to call functions/set data in a game from an external program. (Skyrim)

I was wondering if there is any possible way to call functions in a running process from an external process. I'm trying to write myself a program right now to call console commands in Skyrim from an external process. The console itself in Skyrim is pretty wimpy, and I thought I could make a program with a GUI that would allow me to do things like add items or equip weapons. I have 3 ideas to doing this, which are calling the code directly (?), altering the running memory for things like inventory, equipped items, etc., or just sending keystrokes to quickly type the console commands. I'd prefer to do the 1st method if there is any way how, because it seems the most direct. I've seemed to have located the console commands in the executable using IDA decompiler, but I have no clue what to do next.
Can anybody point me in the right direction? Any help at all, or links or articles, would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Glen
Yes! Skyrim Script Dragon allows you to execute C++ code from Skyrim and call Skyrim commands from C++.
Mmmm, I think you need to work with ASM, and have knowledge of the way the Skyrim console works. Check if the console is open-sourced with code available to download for free. Otherwise use something like REC Studio or IDA to decompile your exe (and create a patch with the functionality you are looking for.

Setting up help for a Delphi app

What's the best way to set up help (specifically HTML Help) for a Delphi application? I can see several options, all of which has disadvantages. Specifically:
I could set HelpContext in the forms designer wherever appropriate, but then I'm stuck having to track numbers instead of symbolic constants.
I could set HelpContext programmatically. Then I can use symbolic constants, but I'd have more code to keep up with, and I couldn't easily check the text DFMs to see which forms still need help.
I could set HelpKeyword, but since that does a keyword lookup (like Application.HelpKeyword) rather than a topic jump (like Application.HelpJump), I'd have to make sure that each of my help pages has a unique, non-changing, top-level keyword; this seems like extra work. (And there are HelpKeyword-related VCL bugs like this and this.)
I could set HelpKeyword, set an Application.OnHelp handler to convert HelpKeyword requests to HelpJump requests so that I can assign help by topic ID instead of keyword lookup, and add code such as my own help viewer (based on HelpScribble's code) that fixes the VCL bugs and lets HelpJump work with anchors. By this point, though, I feel like I'm working against the VCL rather than with it.
Which approach did you choose for your app?
When I first started researching how to do this several years ago, I first got the "All About help files in Borland Delphi" tutorial from: http://www.ec-software.com/support_tutorials.html
In that document, the section "Preparing a help file for context sensitive help" (which in my version of the document starts on page 28). It describes a nice numbering scheme you can use to organize your numbers into sections, e.g. Starting with 100000 for your main form and continuing with 101000 or 110000 for each secondary form, etc.
But then I wanted to use descriptive string IDs instead of numbers for my Help topics. I started using THelpRouter, which is part of EC Software's free Help Suite at: http://www.ec-software.com/downloads_delphi.html
But then I settled on a Help tool that supported string ID's directly for topics (I use Dr. Explain: http://www.drexplain.com/) so now I simply use HelpJump, e.g.:
I hope that helps.
We use symbolic constants. Yes, it is a bit more work, but it pays off. Especially because some of our dialogs are dynamically built and sometimes require different help IDs.
I create the help file, which gets the help topic ID, and then go around the forms and set their HelpContext values to them. Since the level of maintenance needed is very low - the form is unlikely to change help file context unless something major happens - this works just fine.
We use Help&Manual - its a wonderful tool, outputting almost any format of stuff you could want, doc, rtf, html, pdf - all from the same source. It will even read in (or paste from rtf (eg MSWord). It uses topic ID's (strings) which I just keep a list of and I manually put each one into a form (or class) as it suits me. Sounds difficult but trust me you'll spend far longer hating the wrong authouring tool. I spent years finding it!
