I need a free program or library for cropping a huge Geo TIFF file. It is in BigTIFF format. libtiff doesn't support the format.
Linux or Windows OS.
Use GDAL's gdal_translate:
gdal_translate -projwin $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 $infile.tif $outfile.tif
In the package gdal-bin under Debian Linux (squeeze or higher).
I'm running PHP 7.4 on an AWS Linux 2 instance. PHP 7.4 comes with imagick module 3.4.4 compiled by ImageMagick 6.9.10-6, but it doesn't have support for WEBP enabled.
I've installed the libwebp-devel library, but I can't figure out how to recompile the imagick module to support webp. I tried installing from the PECL source a la this comment, but when I check php -i WEBP still isn't listed under supported formats.
I also tried installing ImageMagick from source, and while I was able to get WEBP conversion going in the command line, the PHP extension still doesn't show support.
I'm not currently expert at PHP, but after reading this post Understanding PHP library installation and knowing some linux ecosystem, I think that after recompiling ImageMagick, you have to tell to the imagick module, that you have new version of ImageMagick. Or even recompile module (according to this site: https://help.dreamhost.com/hc/en-us/articles/217253537-Installing-ImageMagick-and-the-imagick-PHP-module-on-Shared-hosting).
The portable version of wireshark from:
works fine on my windows 10, but doesn't include portable capturing triber Libpcap or WinPcap.
On the Npcap page
it is written:
"Libpcap API: Npcap uses the excellent Libpcap library, enabling Windows applications to use a portable packet capturing API and so indeed on the Libpcap library page
there is the portable C/C++ Libpcap library available.
How can I use the C/C++ Libpcap library within Wireshark or with Java (pcap4j)?
I downloaded it and it consists mainly of *.h files.
Thanks for any advices.
How can I use the C/C++ Libpcap library within Wireshark
If you're on a UN*X, libpcap is usually shipped as part of the operating system, so it should Just Work.
If you're on Windows, you need a version of libpcap that's made to work on Windows. That's what Npcap is.
If you want to capture traffic on Windows, you will have to install Npcap; you can't just run a Wireshark from a flash drive or other medium containing a portable version of Wireshark without installing anything, you will have to install Npcap on your computer.
I downloaded it and it consists mainly of *.h files.
You downloaded the source code, which isn't directly usable. It has to be compiled - and installed.
I can't understand the whole process as it says I have to replace the versions of tensorRT , cuda, cuDNN versions of particular download. What particular download they are talking about?
Here is the full of 3rd step.Please clarify with explanation:
Unzip the TensorRT-7.x.x.x.Windows10.x86_64.cuda-x.x.cudnnx.x.zip file to the location that you chose. Replace:
7.x.x.x with the TensorRT version
cuda-x.x with the CUDA version, and
cudnnx.x with the cuDNN version for your particular download.
P.S:New to TensorFlow and tensorRT machine learning .
You do not need to actually "replace" anything, but the x letters.
You will do that automatically by selecting a version of TensorRT that is suitable for your system.
Before you install TensorRT you have to install a version of CUDA and cuDNN.
For Windows 10, according to here, this should be:
CUDA 10.2, 11.0 update 1, 11.1 update 1, or 11.2
cuDNN 8.0.5
Suppose you did install CUDA 10.2 and cuDNN 8.0.5 and want to install TensorRT Then, the file you are looking for would be named: TensorRT-
This is the file you are supposed to download and extract.
I've been asked to build a real-time face recognition application, and after some looking around I've decided to try EmguCV and OpenCV as the facial recognition library.
The issue I'm having at the moment is trying to get the SDK installed and working. I've followed the instructions found here to try and get it running, but I still can't run the samples. Whenever I try and run them, I get the error
The program can't start because nvcuda.dll is missing from your computer.
Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
I've tried most of the usual fixes, such as adding the bin folder to my environment path and copying the dll's into my system32 folder, but none of it seems to work.
EmguCV version
Windows 8
AMD Radeon HD 6700 series graphics card.
I'm assuming this is an issue with the fact that I dont have an nVidia graphics card, but I'm not sure what I can do about it. For now, I'm going to try recompiling the source rather than using the downloaded .exe, and seeing if that helps.
Any suggestions?
Had the same problem, EmguCV 2.4.2 (no matter if x86 or x64) is compiled with GPU and you have to had nvidia GPU with CUDA support. So, if you want for eg. Fisherfaces from 2.4 in C# - wait for non-GPU release or buy/borrow CUDA card ;)
I happen to have the exact same problem as you. Everything is working fine on my computer (WinXP 32-bit) but not on Win7 64-bit computers.
This was because on my computer I already have OpenCV 2.4.2 installed and when I execute my program the path to the OpenCV dll points to the OpenCV folder and not to the dlls in the EmguCV folder. The original OpenCV dll don't have this dependency on NVidia's driver.
I used Dependency Walker to help me find out what was happening, as suggested here.
This link says that only the -gpu packages have gpu processing enabled but as you say the latest version (2.4.2) only a gpu package and no no-gpu package...
I read here that all I needed was to download the latest NVidia drivers to get the nvcuda.dll file but I downloaded many packages and never found this file: gpu computing sdk, cuda toolkit, display drivers, device drivers...
My workaround, instead of using an older version of EmguCV/OpenCV is to use the original dll from OpenCV 2.4.2.
I just used nvcuda.dll from dll-files.com.
It seems the issue is that the latest version on the site does not contain a non-GPU enhanced download, and that the GPU enhanced download requires an nVidia graphics card for CUDA integration.
I successfully downloaded and run the previous version which does not have GPU enhancements.
I had similar problem.
When I compile and run my application on computer with NVIDIA gpu it works fine.
Problem was when I moved app to another computer.
This second computer has no NVIDIA gpu and it threw 'Emgu.CV.CvInvoke' exception.
After many attempts I fortunately solved this problem.
As you mentioned before for now there is only gpu package for version 2.4.2.
I didn't notice this before.
For me solution was:
Copy files: 'cudart64_42_9.dll' and 'npp_42_9.dll' into Debug (application) folder
Copy file 'nvcuda.dll' into System32 folder.
After this steps aplication works on all computers even without NVIDIA gpu/ CUDA.
Other solution might be using opencv universal gpu version (for now is alpha 2.4.9) link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/emgucv/files/emgucv/2.4.9-alpha/
You can download source EmguCV from GIT and compile it, i have done this and works :
It generates a non-GPU version of dlls
here's also another copy of the dll's:
so 2 solutions:
Get NVidia CUDA DLL's from the above link. Ideally rename the 64 or 32bit version to nvcuda.dll based on your required platform. Put next to your opencv dll's
Upgrade to 2.4.9 which has universal GPU support
I also had some problems when doing my dissertation using EmguCV for face recognition.
Try to use the stablest version libemgucv-windows-x86-
Try not to use the gpu download, this version has the least bugs and the 32-bit is better than the x64.
when compiling for the first time use visual studio 2012.
With this version you wont need to install all the above mentioned. You can see this example to know it really works : http://sourceforge.net/projects/emgufacerecog/
I am looking for a command line tool to use in my bash script that converts a jpg image to a png one.
edit: to be clear, the platform the script runs on is iOS. So I am looking for a binary that's compiled for the ARM plaform.
Since you mentioned iOS, I assume you are using Mac OSX. If so, you can install ImageMagick via Homebrew or MacPorts and use the following command in your script
convert my_image.jpg my_image.png
ImageMagick is a powerful tool for manipulating all sorts of images. Check out the documentation if you wish to go a bit more advanced