Getting text from image on ios (image processing) - ios

I am thinking of making an application that requires extracting TEXT from an image. I haven't done any thing similar and I don't want to implement the whole stuff on my own. Is there any known library or open source code (supported for ios, objective-C) which can help me in extracting the text from the image. A basic source code will also do (I will try to modify it as per my need).
Kindly let me know if some one has any idea on this.

One of the main open source libraries used to do OCR on iOS is a google-sponsored open source project called tesseract.
Here is some info on compiling tesseract for use in iOS apps:
The same guy has a nice sample project on github demonstrating how a simple client might use the compiled library:


Take a screenshot using Javascript without libraries

I wanna build an electron project that will be used to take screenshots and save them. But the main problem is that I don't know how to do this using javascript. I have found a couple of answers but they all included some libraries (mostly html2canvas). So could you give the working code to take screenshots using javascript with no library?
here's how to draw dom into a canvas.
After drawing it on canvas,you can download it by creating canvas's URL.

Dynamic 3DObject use in ARKit-SceneKit

I want to download the 3D Object-dae(collada) file from server and want to display on surface dynamically so can please share how can I achieve this in ARKit via SceneKit or else?
You can check this link: it is old post but I don't think something is changed since that
According to this (see the Discussion section):
dae is not supported at runtime (ModelIO).
Additionally I'm working on a library called AssetKit (In Progress) and it will full support COLLADA and glTF, it is too early to say that but after initial release, you will be able to load dae files dynamically. It is written with C99 but I'll optimize it for Swift (by writing wrappers or integration with SceneKit...). Since it is still in progress I suggest that follow the first link

iOS library to view 3D STEP files (.stp)

I already searched the web for a library I can use in my iOS project to show 3D STEP files.
...without success.
Does anyone of you know about a library that can show real 3D STEP files without converting them?
...or does anyone know of an App (that's available in the App Store) that can show STEP files without converting them into another file format before?
Appreciate your help!
Most STEP files contain BREP/NURBS geometry, which has to be converted to triangles for visualization with graphics libraries like DirectX, OpenGL, or WebGL. For open source, you may want to look at OpenCascade (OCCT and OCE), pythonOCC, FreeCAD, BRL-CAD, and STEPcode.

Implementing ASIFT in Android

I am new to both openCV and Android. I have to detect objects in my project. So, I have decided to use ASIFT for the same. However, the code they have given here is very lengthy. It contains lots of C file. It also doesn't have openCV support.
Some search on the SO itself suggested that it is easier to connect the ASIFT code to the openCV library, but I can't figure out how to do that. Can anyone help me by giving some link or by telling the steps that I should use to add ASIFT to my openCv library, which I can further utilize in making my Android application?
Also, I would like to know whether using Android NDK along with JNI to make calls to the C files or using Android SDK along with binary package for my android project(Object Detection) would be a suitable option for me?
Finally , I solved my problem by using the source code given at the website of ASIFT developers. I compacted all the source files together to make my own library using make. I then called the required function from the library using JNI.
It worked for me, but the execution is taking approximate 2 mins on an Android device. Anyone having some idea about ways to reduce the running time ?
They used very simple and slow brute force matching (just for proving of concept). You can use FLANN library and it will help a lot.

Using Syntax Highlighting

I'm trying to write an IDE for the iOS and I stumbled on a problem. I of course wanted to be able to do syntax highlighting, but I have no idea how I have to get this to work.
I have been googling over a month now, but I haven't found anything useful. Most libraries are C++. That I find no problem, I know enough of C++, but they all use the Boost libraries and I heavily doubt if it's easy to install them on a jailbroken iOS device, or even compile them for the iOS on the Mac.
So I come here for help. What should I do? Should I use a PHP syntax highlighter, which always colors the whole document? Should I write a syntax highlighter my self, that doesn't use the Boost library? Or does somebody here know another library, which can be used on the iOS?
Thank you in advance,
i have a simillar problem about syntax highlighting, but i prefer to solved it using UIWebview than using core text, because that is a different pixel in rendering text in core text and UITextview (in my problem i was using a core text view that cover by uitextview), and then i try to solved using uiwebview, even i'm still on developing but i can say that it is better using uiwebview than core text, maybe you can take a look at this link it is an open source code, but it develop using javascript.
Most Boost libraries are header-only. There are only a few Boost libraries, like those for threading and asynchronous I/O, that use a compiled library. If you've found some solutions that would work fine aside from your worries about using Boost, then I would look at them again, as they'll likely work. Even if you must use a Boost library that is not header-only, you can always build it as a static library and link that into your application, so that in the end the only thing that needs to be installed is just your app bundle.
I know this is old, but in case anybody is looking for a complete syntax highlighter for iOS, there's two options:
Highlightr: A Swift library for syntax highlighting, supports hundreds of languages but uses JS as backend. It's fast enough for live editing, though. (Disclaimer: I am the creator of this library).
SyntaxKit: A native solution on early stages of development. Should support any TextMate syntax in the future.
