Configure position of window for cv::imshow - image-processing

Is there a way to change the position of the window that pops up when cv::imshow is called?
For me, the window seems to appear partially off-screen, so I have to drag it around before I can see entire image. It's very annoying to have to do this every single time.
I had a look at the reference manual -- it seems you have control over what goes into the title of the window, but I can't see anything relating to window position.
Oh, and the behavior is the same if I use the old C interface (cvShowImage).
Any ideas?

As of OpenCV 2.1 this is possible also in C++ API using the moveWindow function:
cv::moveWindow(std::string winName, int x, int y)
For example:
cv::moveWindow("WindowName", 10, 50);

Using C++ API it is not possible at the moment.
You can use C API instead; it is cvMoveWindow().
UPDATE: Now it is possible in C++ with cv::moveWindow()


A fully Immersive fragment doesn't always hide the StatusBar when first launched

Since Android 11 the correct way of displaying a fully immersive fragment is by hiding and showing StatusBar and NavigationBars via the following code which fully supports all devices with a camera notch, at any API level. Note the WindowCompat version replaces the framework version, so you don’t need to check for a particular API level as you did when using the framework version.
WindowCompat.SetDecorFitsSystemWindows(Activity.Window, false);
WindowInsetsControllerCompat windowInsetsControllerCompat = WindowCompat.GetInsetsController(Activity.Window, Activity.Window.DecorView);
windowInsetsControllerCompat.SystemBarsBehavior = WindowInsetsControllerCompat.BehaviorShowTransientBarsBySwipe;
windowInsetsControllerCompat.Hide(WindowInsetsCompat.Type.StatusBars() | WindowInsetsCompat.Type.NavigationBars());
WindowCompat.SetDecorFitsSystemWindows(Activity.Window, true);
WindowInsetsControllerCompat windowInsetsControllerCompat = WindowCompat.GetInsetsController(Activity.Window, Activity.Window.DecorView);
windowInsetsControllerCompat.Show(WindowInsetsCompat.Type.StatusBars() | WindowInsetsCompat.Type.NavigationBars());
This eliminated the overly complex, very poorly documented and potentially error-prone code like below, which was used prior to Android 11.
Window.DecorView.SystemUiVisibility = (StatusBarVisibility) (SystemUiFlags.Fullscreen |
SystemUiFlags.HideNavigation |
SystemUiFlags.Immersive |
SystemUiFlags.ImmersiveSticky |
SystemUiFlags.LayoutHideNavigation |
SystemUiFlags.LayoutStable |
I was attempting to provide a choice of either displaying all fragments fully immersive or allowing some fragments to display as “letterboxed” i.e. not allowing the window to render into the DisplayCutout area. So my existing preference choice Devices with Notches/Cutouts allow full screen display would have to change to support multiple choice.
The problem I hit was that code I had used (like the WindowCompat code above since Android 11) was failing to display the fragment fullscreen when first launched. When it opened for the first time the window would attempt to go full screen, but only the NavigationBar would be removed. The StatusBar area was left as a black rectangle. You could see the animation of the time on the left and the icons on the right side of the StatusBar disappearing, (statusBar contents removed) but the window didn’t render into the StatusBar area. Immediately when rotated, the fragment became full screen and when rotated back to Portrait it corrected itself and was full screen again.
So in frustration, I went hunting on StackOverFlow looking for a solution but everything I found suggested that my ImmersiveFragment class was coded correctly. Then because this was my first attempt at using Material 3, I then started to suspect Material3, so I went backwards to my NavigationGraph6 project (Material2) and after much testing, I was able to reproduce the same problem, which eliminated Material3.
More searching on StackOverflow and I came across a Kotlin post that was the same as all the others, except that it had the following line – equivalent to this C# line.
So I added that line before the WindowCompat.SetDecorFitsSystemWindows(Activity.Window, false) in the HideSystemUi() and then cleared the flags before the WindowCompat.SetDecorFitsSystemWindows(Activity.Window, true) line in the ShowSystemUi with
and immediately it worked.
So my question is why is this required and has anyone come across the same problem with immersive fragments?
Definition of LayoutNoLimits – Allow window to extend outside of the screen ???.
Does anyone have a clue what this definition actually means?
To test the code (comment out the new lines in ImmersiveFragment.cs). You can find the project NavigationGraph7 at The immersiveFragment is the RaceResultsFragment (inherits from ImmersiveFragment) accessed by the BottomNavigationBar on the SlideShowFragment.
I referred to the official doc both Android and Microsoft too. As you said that: "Allow window to extend outside of the screen". There are few official definitions of it...
You can check Can I set FLAG_LAYOUT_NO_LIMITS only for status bar?, it talks about usage of LayoutNoLimit. Wish it could be helpful to you.

kivy on android, change taskbar color

Is it possible to change the taskbar color when fullscreen is set to 0 in buildozer.spec file?
I already tried changing Window.clearcolor value but hence taskbar is not part of Window when fullscreen is 0, taskbar color doesn't change.
How does one do that?
I believe this is the answer for Java, therefore (as inclement said) you need to use pyjnius to access the Java functions from Python and then wrap the code mentioned in the linked answer to something usable from Kivy.
Example (not tested):
from jnius import autoclass
WindowManager = autoclass('android.view.WindowManager')
R = autoclass('android.R')
activity = autoclass('<>.PythonActivity').mActivity
window = activity.getWindow();
I think only these colors are available, but feel free to try other values. I've seen some issues with android.R importing in Java, so you might want to just use the raw values instead of fetching them from android.R module.

Open Flash Chart - tooltip #x_label# not showing

I'm currently playing with a bar chart implemented through Open Flash Charts (I believe version 1, might be version 2...) with PHP. Unfortunately, we're having real trouble with the tooltip not showing the correct thing. I am trying to get it to show the x-axis label for the hovered-over column, then a ":", then the value of the bar. The code is as follows:
$Colour = '#3465A4';
$BarChart= new bar();
$x_labels = new x_axis_labels();
$x = new x_axis();
$chart = new open_flash_chart();
$chart->set_bg_colour( '#FFFFFF' );
$tooltip = new tooltip();
$JSONArray['my_chart_1'] = $chart->toPrettyString();
As far as I can tell, this should be correct - the bar chart appears, with the correct values (populated from $bar, whose generation is not shown above). However, the hover-over tool-tip for a column only shows ":value" - the label name is missing!
Does anyone know where we might have gone wrong, and how I can fix it?
An update for any Bounty Hunters coming in to try and answer this question. The reason I have not accepted the below answer is that it only provides a work-around, and does not explain why the work-around is necessary. I am looking either for an answer to my original question (how to make the labels show in a normal bar-chart), or a reasonable explanation regarding why one must use a stacked bar chart (including sources makes your answer so much better!). If the latter, example code or an explanation of how stacked charts are created would be much appreciated as well!
If you are happy with the simple bar visuals then use stacked bar (using it with an array of one element will draw it just like the simple bar). That one will replace #x_label# correctly.
Alternatively you can copy the missing code from Bars/ to other bar types and recompile the code.
As per:
It's a bug in OFC2 in the latest versions (at least). I've found what is causing the issue with #x_label#, but my understanding of the code/Flash isn't good enough to know why it's happened/broken.
I've done a quick fix that I need to test some more, but it now works on bar charts. Assuming I've not broken anything else beyond repair, it'll make it's way into the next community release.
If anyone wants the source code changes before the next release let me know.
(I am currently maintaining the community releases)

D3D10 (DirectX10) fullscreen performance issue

I have a bit of a problem setting up my DirectX10 (Win32/c++) application for fullscreen mode. The problem is that I want to have my app running in fullscreen right from the start. This can be done by taking the DXGISwapChain::SetFullScreenState function. This works, but i get a small notice in my Visualc++ 2008 debugger which states:
"DXGI Warning: IDXGISwapChain::Present: Fullscreen presentation inefficiencies incurred due to application not using IDXGISwapChain::ResizeBuffers appropriately, specifying a DXGI_MODE_DESC not available in IDXGIOutput::GetDisplayModeList, or not using DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG_ALLOW_MODE_SWITCH."
What this means is that DirectX will not take full ownership of the graphicscard and flip the images from front to backbuffer but instead blit them which is much slower.
Now, i do have the DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG_ALLOW_MODE_SWITCH enabled and i did try to resize my buffers but i have absolutely no idea what would be the best way to go into fullscreen mode. I have looked on MSDN but there they mostly assume you will only go into Fullscreen by pressing Alt+Enter which lest DXGI do all the work. If someone please could post a bit of code which takes DirectX10 into fullscreen mode and takes full advantage of the "flipping" it would be greatly appriciated!
For anybody interested in the code used on resize:
mod->Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;
mod->Height = m_ScreenHeight;
mod->Width = m_ScreenWidth;
mod->RefreshRate.Denominator = 0;
mod->RefreshRate.Numerator = 0;
delete mod; mod = 0;
HR(m_pSwapChain->ResizeBuffers(1, m_ScreenWidth, m_ScreenHeight, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG_ALLOW_MODE_SWITCH))
throw(Exception(GET_BUFFER_FAIL, AT));
//problem area
m_pSwapChain->SetFullscreenState(TRUE, NULL);
ID3D10Texture2D* pBackBuffer;
HR( m_pSwapChain->GetBuffer(0, __uuidof(ID3D10Texture2D), (LPVOID*)&pBackBuffer))
throw(Exception(GET_BUFFER_FAIL, AT)); //continues as usual
Is there any reason you delete your mode desc?
Have you also tried putting your mode desc through "FindClosestMatchingMode"?
Check out The "Full-Screen issues" section contains a lot of useful information.
There are some prerequisites for enabling flipping in DXGI (which is the most efficient fullscreen presentation mode):
1) You should go into fullscreen state specifying a mode that exists in the system (you could do that either by using mode from IDXGIOutput::GetDisplayModeList or finding it using IDXGIOutput::FindClosestMatchingMode). Your code just specifies screen resolution, so most likely mode is set correctly.
2) After SetFullscreenState, you should call ResizeBuffers with the right buffer size matching mode, this is where DXGI would setup flipping mode.
Typically, it should happen naturally as reaction to WM_SIZE message send by SetFullscreenState transition, so if your app doesn't call ResizeBuffers on WM_SIZE, it probably should.
You can call ResizeBuffers manually after SetFullscreenState and that should work as well.
And yeah, MSDN has a good article about DXGI practices, including fullscreen transition:

How do I make TProgressBar stop lagging?

I've got an app that runs a long set of operations, and I'm trying to use a TProgressBar to keep track of what's going on. I set a number of steps, and call .StepIt to increment the progress bar.
Problem is, it doesn't keep up very well. Instead of jumping directly to the correct position, it seems to like to slide gradually up to it. That's all well and good if it's eye candy you're after, but when I'm trying to get an accurate representation of my routine's progress, this makes it appear to be constantly lagging behind the true status. How can I turn that "feature" off?
I only notice this happening under Windows Vista. Not sure if it's also going on on XP or not, because when I test it on XP, the process goes a lot faster and it's over too quickly. :P But this may or may not be Vista-specific. Either way, it's driving me nuts. Does anyone know how to fix it?
I have a quick but partial and inelegant solution, if you don't mind having the progressbar yellow instead of green:
ProgressBar1.SmoothReverse := True;
ProgressBar1.State := pbsPaused; // for yellow or pbsError for red
Or if you don't mind loosing the vista/theme look and go back to a flat blue one:
UxTheme.SetWindowTheme(ProgressBar1.Handle, ' ', ' ');
The real "problem" according to Microsoft is that you try to "pervert" a ProgressBar into a Meter which they claim it is not.
You could also try to draw it yourself ;-)
Same problem on Windows7 !!
But the answer was already in one of the older posts:
If tou make the progressbar step backwards there will NO delay !!!
So I implemented this..... (and get instant updates)
if(progress < ProgressBar.Max)
ProgressBar.Position := progress+1;
ProgressBar.Position := progress; //This will set Progress backwards and give an instant update....
begin //cannot set position beyond max...
ProgressBar.Max := progress + 1;
ProgressBar.Position := progress + 1;
ProgressBar.Max := progress; //This will also set Progress backwards also so instant update........
I ran into exactly the same problem a while ago. After searching Google for a long time, I found that it is a Vista-specific problem. It seems to boil down to this: Microsoft added fancy animations to the progress bar control in Vista (i.e., the moving 'highlight'). To make updates more smooth, they implemented some sort of 'lagging' in the repaint of the control --- and this basically screws the whole progress bar control. Rather annoying, I'd say, especially since there doesn't seem to be a decent solution.
See for more details the replies by Arvid Winkelsdorf to this Embarcadero Discussion Forum post:
It's the same for VB, C++ and C#
somehow as the problem lies in the
Vista drawing of the new animated
ProgressBars. To provide a smoother
visual feedback drawing is delayed
when moving forward. Your application
cannot be sure that 100% will be
reached at any given time.
By setting the position back to a
smaller value, the ProgressBar drawing
is forced to jump back. No delay in
getting to a position smaller than the
current. So you'll have nearly 100%
immediately. Afterwards set to the
maximum and you'll have exactly 100%.
There is a similar glitch when using
the new Vista ProgressBar Styles like
PB Paused or PB Error. If the bar is
still moving (MS part) and your app
sets the color to paused by
SendMessage (like in D2009) the
message will be ignored by the
Maybe you can try to set the position of the ProgressBar directly instead of using the StepIt procedure. I'm on XP with Delphi 7 here, so I can't test it, but looking at the code of TProgressBar it uses a different message (PBM_SETPOS instead of PBM_STEPIT). So maybe it sets the position of the progressbar without an animation.
Additionally there are several 3rd party components which provide better Progress bar implementations that still render nice on Vista. Personally, I prefer the one from Raize components which works quite well. It doesn't "lag" like the windows control does and works independent of any theming.
If you don't really want anything fancy, then you can always build one yourself using a panel and a tshape aligned left inside the panel. Resize the tshape to be a % of the panel it sets on.
I had the same problem, my solution was to switch to another control available in the VCL :
I choose to use the Range of TTrackBar to display the progression.
(with slider off and control resized to hide the range marks).
Not the same visual (particulary if themed), but it fit well my need (no lag).
Here is a simple solution:
ProgressBar.max := ProgressBar.max +1;
ProgressBar.max := ProgressBar.max -1;
