Getting Started: Learning RoR for a ASP.Net MVC/C# Developer - ruby-on-rails

I am an ASP.Net MVC / C# developer looking to get started with Ruby on Rails. Could you point me out to any books / tutorials which would help jump ships quickly.
I am familiar with MVC, Castle Active Record and jquery.

Having just gone through this and looking for the best ways to learn ruby and rails I found the following most useful: (covers Rails 3)
I found this a good starting place to go through the basics of rails and while reading this I was able to follow along and build the application.
Instead of building an application you get the vertical view of rails - i.e., sections to understand models, caching, views, layouts, etc. This is a great resource to follow along and read the sections you are dealing with.
As you come across something you need to implement - e.g., many to many relationships this site provides some great examples and walkthroughs.
As a C# developer you may be slightly confused by Ruby. Here are the sites I recommend for learning Ruby:
Although not formatted great - I found this one very useful to get the gist of Ruby syntax.
Another great easy to follow tutorial
Lastly just try out some code.
Good luck!

I enjoyed Ruby on Rails for .NET Developers
How quick you can jump ships is really dependent on how fast you pick up the Ruby language and a new IDE. If you already know MVC and ActiveRecord you'll probably fly right along.
Heroku is really really really cool. Definitely try it out.

Welcome to the rails world :) !
Here is some links that may interest you :
There is a fun way to learn :
You can watch great screencast at :
You can find a free book here it is very complete :
I also found this :
There should be a lot more.
Have fun !

Ya right of now Ruby on Rails 3 is so proper among RoR developer. so get update on it.
Beginning Rails 3 -
Agile web development Rails 3 -
These two books are rocking new learning and making a step on RoR.
and if u want video tutorial,
go for Railscasts and Teachmecode


Railstutorial : which parts of the app to upgrade first?

After finishing with Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl, which parts of the sample app proposed in tutorial should I upgrade first? Authentication method comes to mind first..
Given the huge popularity of that tutorial, I suppose there is something like a list of steps to be taken for that app to become more up-to-date in this ever changing world of web dev etc. etc. etc.
Overall is it a good idea to use that app as a foundation for building something more advanced?
Thanks in advance!
I learned Rails with that book :)
However, even the authentication algorithm used there is great to learn, in practice you can use other alternatives. For example I use the wonderful Devise gem (Railscasts 209 and 210).
There are some ideas at the end of the book that explain how you can extend the application. However, I think that building your own app from scratch is better now that you know how to do it.
After reading that book, I created some basic projects, and in parallel started reading The Ruby Programming Language and The Rails 3 Way.
Hope it helps! Welcome to the Rails world :)

CodeSchool: Rails Best Practices

Hey guys I wanted to know if anyone has purchased this Rails course and what you think of it?
The reason I'm asking is because I'm fairly new at rails and I'm still trying to wrap my ahead around certain things.
Any other advice regarding where to find active blog posts about rails would be greatly appreciated as well.
I'm in a similar position, though have not purchased the rails course you linked.
That said This Book (Agile Web Development with Rails) has been a godsend - and many others in the rails community have said this is the 'go-to' book so I'd suggest giving it a look :)
Iv'e Completed most of the courses at codeschool to date. They are all pretty good to excellent. Especially the rails & ruby courses. Good for beginners & go into good depth too. Can't recommend them enough. Definitely worth the money. Subscribe, its $20 a month if you complete a course. No i don't work for them. : )
I would highly recommend taking a look at Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial. The book is online for free, updated frequently, and the related paid screencasts are well worth the money. It won't just teach you Rails best practices, but also best practices as a developer using Ruby on Rails to craft web apps (eg Test-Driven Development, version control, deployment etc). I love the Agile Web Development with Rails book mentioned (it was my intro to Rails, too) but I believe I got more value out of Rails Tutorial.
Edit: I should probably add that Code School are awesome and I have done the course mentioned by #imjp. I thought it was worth the money, for sure.
Instead of purchasing it, you could just subscribe to their newsletter,
Due to the fact that their service is new, they offer all the courses FOR FREE very often.
It's a great course for ruby newbies, and a great site overall!

Would Ruby on Rails suit my work..?

I wanted to make a web site with the following basic features- (1)User registration for buyers and sellers. (2)profile pages (3)A buyer should be able to post work and should get profile links of the corresponding seller who has expertise in that work.
As time progresses i would want to add more features to the site.The freelancer sites where user can post jobs and get bids is the best example of the work.
(1)I want my code to be maintainable as i woud be adding features later on. (2)It should be quick to develop. (3)Resources should be available(not the entire thing, atleast in bits and pieces) for the above requirements and should not be tough to find for future enhancements. (4)Design should be decoupled from the buisness logic as i would outsource the design work.
I was thinking of Ruby on Rails for this work as i have experience in the MVC model and RoR looks cool.I am from the mobility domain so i don't know whether RoR will suit my work
Would RoR suit this purpose.If yes where can i find the resources to the above mentioned requirements.
Ruby on Rails would be ideal for this type of website.
Check out some of these resources for info on how to use Ruby on Rails:
I noticed you are already aware of TeachMeToCode, but there is a tag there for all the Rails 3 tutorials, with some blog tutorials and what looks like the beginning of a series on how to build a clone. Since they are in Rails 3, they would be well worth checking out:
One of the best tutorials:
It will let you have your own point of view quickly.
It depends on with which languages you have experience. Any good MVC framework will do the job just fine but if you like Ruby syntax RoR is definitely a good framework to develop this kind of application.

How to use Rails or Ruby documentation?

I'm coming from C#, and recently I started to write some Ruby on Rails applications.
My biggest problem with it is the documentation because I find it extremly difficult to use. For example, finding out how to call generator from my controller took me about 2 hours and then 15 minutes after that I found Rails::Generators.invoke method to figure out what arguments should I pass to this function.
Maybe I use the documentation the wrong way; First I take a wild guess and search in the Netbeans code completion, which is rarely helpful, then I search in Google, then go with the API.
Can some experienced Rails programmer give me some advice?
If you're new to rails I recommend you read a book before you dive into the API documentation.
Here are two recommendations:
Agile Web Development With Rails - Great introduction and reference on how to use rails.
Programming Ruby 1.9: The Pragmatic Programmers' Guide - More on Ruby. Great references!
After you've worked your way through those books, you'll have an idea of how Rails is designed and where to look for stuff.
Both books are great reference books. If you want to access the Rails and Ruby API's online, make sure to checkout
I am describing my own very personal workflow with Ruby/Rails documentation:
You can use ri and rdoc if you are familiar with the console, but...
Personally, I recommend two very good Ruby/Rails documentation sites: (no good search, but sometimes fine examples) (very good AJAX search, plus you can customize what documentation you would like to see - by versions and by Gems)
Every iteration of the Rails guides ( has a ton of useful stuff in it. That should be the first stop.
After that I search away in the API -
Sometimes I even end up just reading the source code trying to find things -
I think the best place in the source code to be reading is in here -
I upvoted each of the other answers here.

Great ruby on rails examples of almost real world applications

Great ruby on rails examples of almost real world applications:
Can somebody give some links of sites that have such codes using the best practices in structure, implementing it, models, controllers, security, views, caching, modularizing and so on? thanks
You could start with They have a lot of information on there. A very good example to start with. Start with the Getting Started link. There are also a lot of other examples on that site.
The next step you might be better off buying a book on this subject. I purchased Simply Rails 2 by Patrick Lenz. Also a very good starter book with good examples. He walks you through an app that's similar to Digg. This will get you into the Model-View-Controller mind set.
If you want to go further, I would suggest Agile Web Development with Rails, Third Edition by Sam Ruby, Dave Thomas, David Heinemeier Hansson. I would suggest the PDF because I use it as a reference and searching within the 774 pages is helpful to say the least. This is my favorite but definitely not a starter book. It's broken into two halves. The first half is a tutorial on how to write a shopping cart. With this example you get into the database models, migrations, sessions, helpers, ajax, routes, security - shows you how to create your own authentication process and more. The second half of the book is more of a reference guide and goes into greater depth than the application tutorial.
From here I would look into plugins to help you out. Search on They host a lot of the open source plugins available. Don't go too wild on plugins because too many will defeat the principles of being RESTful. For security/authentication I would reccomend Authlogic. I still think it's beneficial to go through the tutorial on how to create your own authentication (from the Agile Web Development with Rails book) to see what actually goes into this plugin.
Lastly, but not the least bit important is to start thinking about how you will deploy your app. You may think this is trivial but the longer you put it off, the harder it will become. Look into capistrano and deprec gems (plugins) to deploy onto a VPS. I've had numerous problems deploying to a shared host.
Don't start with the most complicated part of rails like I did. Work from the guides first and get into more complicated apps. Rails has a pretty steep learning curve.
Hope this helps.
Found your post while I was looking for the same thing, this blog post was useful:
The Real World Rails repo brings 100+ (and growing) active, open source Rails apps together in one repository using git submodules.
You can clone the collected codebases and learn from Rails apps written by experienced developers. You’ll find all the codebases in the apps/ subdirectory.
Apps you'll find there include Discourse, Diaspora, GitLab, Hound, Rails Contributors, and the Ruby Gems web site.
