getting twitter user through email - twitter

is it possible, using the twitter api, to get a twitter user through his email - searching for user by email?
i know that the user/show method was able to do it, but now the email parameter has been deprecated.
any thoughts?

There is currently no way to do this via the Twitter API, unless you're in the closed beta for this feature, sorry.
Prior art:
How do I get a Twitter username based on an email address?
Retrieve email from twitter profile
Twitter API: search people by email
Any way to get Twitter user email?


How to send message using email address on twitter

I have list of emails. And want to send a market campaign through messages on twitter. How it can be done using email list.
This is not possible, as there's no way to look up Twitter accounts via email address in the Twitter API.

Can a Twitter app obtain user's email

I'm interested to know, is there a way I can obtain an email from a Twitter user, with legal means?
Create an app, that will pull a user's ID, email etc. Does Twitter API provide that information?
No, you cannot get the user's email address through the API. This is a deliberate design decision by the Twitter API team.

Showing all posts from a Twitter user

Using Twitter's API is it possible to write an application to show all the posts from a particular user when you don't know the Twitter password for that user?
If the posts/tweets are not protected, yes. You need the Twitter user_id or screen_name.
Check this API

Post on Users Timeline when Login via Facebook

I have an application where the user can login via Facebook. When he logs in the first time, it stores the email address in our database (the one we got from Facebook) and sends him a daily newsletter mail. This not so cool, because most user who log in via Facebook would prefer to have it in there stream instead of a mail.
Here my question: How can I post through the API to the users timeline. I couldn't find a manual, or is it just not possible?
(I'm using the and rails, but my question is more general if it is possible via the facebook API)
You can post using "koala gem" to the users timeline.
Here is the documentation

omniauth request email through twitter

Is this possible with twitter api? like in facebook i can request more information, can i request the user email through twitter? how?
no twitter doesn't give out the email using the API
