I have a some code like this users_controller.rb, I need to print line no 30 in development.log
line#29 def selectrole
line#30 #userrole = RolesUser.find(:all, :conditions =>["p.user_id = ? and p.status = ? ",session[:user_id], params['status']])
line#31 logger.debug print_line(30)
line#32 end
Can I see 30th line in my development.log like this
#userrole = RoleUser.find(:all, :conditions => ["p.user_id = ? and p.status = ? ", 1234, 'Active'])
What is the approach to write "print_line" function? Here is the my print_line code?
def print_line(file_name, line)
counter = 1
printline = "-------- NO SUCH LINE --------"
File.open(file_name, "r") do |infile|
while (line_text = infile.gets)
if counter == line
printline = "#{counter} :: " + line_text
counter += 1
from this function I am getting like this
#userrole = RolesUser.find(:all, :conditions =>["p.user_id = ? and p.status = ? ",session[:user_id], params['status']])
Is their any way to find and replace the variables with their respective values?
Assuming that you're primarily interested in knowing the contents of your :conditions, why not just do something like this:
def selectrole
conditions = ["p.user_id = ? and p.status = ? ",session[:user_id], params['status']]
#userrole = RolesUser.find(:all, :conditions => conditions)
I have the following code which is legacy code and I need to refactor it to .where clauses but I'm having issues in refactoring it and the best way to do it.
Here is the code
# legacy
#debit_transactions = FinancialTransaction.legacy_find(
:include => [:project, :department, :stock, :debit_account, :credit_account, :transaction_type],
:conditions => ["dr_account_id = ?", #customer.id],
:order => 'financial_transactions.id desc',
:limit => 20)
# refactor attempt
#debit_transactions = FinancialTransaction.where(dr_account_id: #dr_account_id, customer: #customer.id).order('financial_transactions.id desc').limit(20)
# legacy
contact_or = ''
contact_or = ' OR contact_id IN(?) ' if #customer.contacts.present?
#customer_complaints = Event.legacy_find(:all, { :order => 'id desc', :limit => 10, :conditions => ["complaint is true and (customer_account_id = ? #{contact_or} )", #customer.id].push_if(#customer.contacts.to_a.map(&:id), #customer.contacts.present?) })
# refactor attempt
#customer_complaints = Event.where(complaints: true, customer_account_id: [#customer_account_id], customer: #customer.id).order('id desc').limit(10)
Any help would be appreciated
edit some methods that might be help in understanding the legacy_find
def self.legacy_find(type, args=nil)
# need to add capability to handle array of id's
if type.kind_in?([Numeric, String, Array]) && !args
result = self.find(type)
elsif !args
result = self.send(type.to_s)
result = self
if type.kind_of?(Array)
if !args[:conditions]
args[:conditions] = ["1 = 1"]
elsif args[:conditions].kind_of?(String)
args[:conditions] = [args[:conditions]]
args[:conditions][0] = '(' + args[:conditions][0] + ')'
args[:conditions][0] += " AND `" + self.table_name + "`.`id` in(" + type.join(',') + ")"
elsif type && !type.kind_of?(Symbol)
if !args[:conditions]
args[:conditions] = ["1 = 1"]
elsif args[:conditions].kind_of?(String)
args[:conditions] = [args[:conditions]]
args[:conditions][0] = '(' + args[:conditions][0] + ')'
args[:conditions][0] += " AND `" + self.table_name + "`.`id` = ?"
result = self.legacy_conditions(args)
if type && ((type.kind_of?(String) && type.to_i.to_s == type) || type.kind_of?(Numeric))
result = result.first
elsif type && !type.kind_of?(Symbol)
result = result.to_a
result = type ? result.send((type == :all ? 'to_a' : type).to_s) : result
new_result = result
return new_result
def self.legacy_count(args=nil)
new_result = self.legacy_conditions(args).count
def self.legacy_sum(col, args=nil)
new_result = self.legacy_conditions(args).sum(col.to_s)
def self.legacy_conditions(args)
return self if !args
args[:conditions] = [] if args[:conditions] && args[:conditions][0].kind_of?(String) && args[:conditions][0].size == 0
result = self
result = result.where(args[:conditions]) if (args.has_key?(:conditions) && args[:conditions] && args[:conditions].size > 0)
result = result.select(args[:select]) if args.has_key?(:select) && args[:select]
result = result.includes(args[:include]) if args.has_key?(:include) && args[:include]
result = result.includes(args[:include_without_references]) if args.has_key?(:include_without_references) && args[:include_without_references]
result = result.references(args[:include]) if args.has_key?(:include) && args[:include]
result = result.joins(args[:joins]) if args.has_key?(:joins) && args[:joins]
result = result.order(args[:order]) if args.has_key?(:order) && args[:order]
result = result.group(args[:group]) if args.has_key?(:group) && args[:group]
result = result.limit(args[:limit]) if args.has_key?(:limit) && args[:limit]
result = result.offset(args[:offset]) if args.has_key?(:offset) && args[:offset]
result = result.from(args[:from]) if args.has_key?(:from) && args[:from]
result = result.lock(args[:lock]) if args.has_key?(:lock) && args[:lock]
result = result.readonly(args[:readonly]) if args.has_key?(:readonly) && args[:readonly]
Honestly why this code exists is beyond me so I'm trying to phase it out.
edit 2
Based on the answers below I've come up with the following
#debit_transactions = FinancialTransaction
.includes(:project, :department, :stock, :debit_account, :credit_account, :transaction_type)
.where(dr_account_id: #dr_account_id)
.order(id: :desc)
#credit_transactions = FinancialTransaction
.includes(:project, :department, :stock, :debit_account, :credit_account, :transaction_type)
.where(cr_account_id: #cr_account_id)
.order(id: :desc)
contact_or = ''
contact_or = ' OR contact_id IN(?) ' if #customer.contacts.size > 0
#customer_complaints = Event.where(customer_account_id: #customer_id, complaint: true).order(id: :desc).limit(10).or(Event.where(contact_id: #customer.contacts)) if #customer.contacts.present?
#customer_leads = Event.where(customer_account_id: #customer_id, lead: true).order(id: :desc).limit(10)
#customer_quotes = SalesQuote.where(customer_account_id: #customer_id).or(SalesQuote.where(contact_id: #contact_id)).order(id: :desc).limit(10)
#customer_orders = SalesOrder.where(customer_account_id: #customer_id).order(id: :desc).limit(10)
#customer_invoices = Invoice.where(customer_account_id: #customer_id).order(id: :desc).limit(10)
#customer_credits = CreditNote.where(customer_account_id: #customer_id).order(id: :desc).limit(10)
#customer_opportunities = Opportunity.where(customer_account_id: #customer_id).or(Opportunity.where(contact_id: #contact_id)).order(id: :desc).limit(10)
#customer_estimates = Estimate.where(customer_account_id: #customer_id).or(Estimate.where(contact_id: #contact_id)).order(id: :desc).limit(10)
#customer_support_tickets = SupportTicket.where(customer_account_id: #customer_id).order(id: :desc).limit(10)
#financial_matching_sets = FinancialMatchingSet.where(customer_account_id: #customer_id).order(id: :desc).limit(10)
However, I'm getting the following
Mysql2::Error: Unknown column 'sales_orders.customer_account_id' in 'where clause': SELECT `sales_orders`.* FROM `sales_orders` WHERE `sales_orders`.`customer_account_id` IS NULL ORDER BY `sales_orders`.`id` DESC LIMIT 10
the best way to do it.
I don't have a concrete answer to this, but there's a few things you could try, such as:
Write test cases for the behaviour of the old implementation, thus ensuring that they still behave the same with the new implementation. (Maybe you already have some such tests in place??!!)
Write test cases for the implementation of the old vs new code, by checking query.to_sql remains unchanged?!
Try running both versions on production, in parallel, assuming you have good error logging. For example, could you gradually switch over 10% of users to use the "new" implementations, thus catching any errors without causing mass failures for everyone?
But anyway... Aside from the pain of actually rewriting all of these in a safe/robust/well-tested way:
First query:
#debit_transactions = FinancialTransaction.legacy_find(
:include => [:project, :department, :stock, :debit_account, :credit_account, :transaction_type],
:conditions => ["dr_account_id = ?", #customer.id],
:order => 'financial_transactions.id desc',
:limit => 20)
# refactor attempt
#debit_transactions = FinancialTransaction
.where(dr_account_id: #dr_account_id, customer: #customer.id)
.order('financial_transactions.id desc')
This refactor ignores the include parameters. The legacy method says:
# ...
result = result.includes(args[:include]) if args.has_key?(:include) && args[:include]
result = result.references(args[:include]) if args.has_key?(:include) && args[:include]
# ...
So, your version should have been:
#debit_transactions = FinancialTransaction
.includes([:project, :department, :stock, :debit_account, :credit_account, :transaction_type])
.references([:project, :department, :stock, :debit_account, :credit_account, :transaction_type])
.where(dr_account_id: #dr_account_id, customer: #customer.id)
.order('financial_transactions.id desc')
Second query:
# legacy
contact_or = ''
contact_or = ' OR contact_id IN(?) ' if #customer.contacts.present?
#customer_complaints = Event.legacy_find(
:order => 'id desc',
:limit => 10,
:conditions => ["complaint is true and (customer_account_id = ? #{contact_or} )", #customer.id].push_if(#customer.contacts.to_a.map(&:id), #customer.contacts.present?)
# refactor attempt
#customer_complaints = Event
.where(complaints: true, customer_account_id: [#customer_account_id], customer: #customer.id)
.order('id desc')
Your refactor ignores the OR clause in the condition; you've written this as 3 AND clauses instead.
I think this can be written as something like:
Event.where(customer_account_id: [#customer_account_id])
.or(Event.where(customer: #customer.id))
.merge(Event.where(complaints: true))
.order('id desc')
...Or something like that. Check the generated SQL in both cases.
The first query is relatively straight forward:
#debit_transactions = FinancialTransaction
# you missed the includes
:project, :department, :stock, :debit_account,
:credit_account, :transaction_type
dr_account_id: #dr_account_id.id,
.order(id: :desc)
Then second query is a bit tougher.
You can create a WHERE x IN (...) clause simply by passing an array:
#debit_transactions = FinancialTransaction.where(
id: [1,2,3]
You can also create a WHERE x IN (subquery) by passing a ActiveRecord::Relation:
Event.where(contact_id: #customer.contacts)
This is far more effective them using .map(:id) or .ids as you remove a full round trip to the DB.
Support for OR was added in Rails 5:
scope = Event.where(customer_account_id: #customer_id)
scope = scope.or(Event.where(contact_id: #customer.contacts)) if #customer.contacts.present?
So altogether it would look something like:
scope = Event.where(
customer_account_id: #customer_id
complaint: true
).order('id desc')
scope = scope.or(Event.where(contact_id: #customer.contacts)) if #customer.contacts.present?
I have such code:
def accum_search
if params[:akbcap].present?
akbcap_array = [12,18,19,20,25,30,35,36,38,40,41,42,44,45,46,47,50,52,53,54,55,56,58,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,68,69,70,71,72,74,75,77,80,85,88,90,91,92,95,98,100,102,110,115,120,125,130,135,140,170,180,185,190,192,200,210,220,225]
min, max = params[:akbcap].split('-').map {|s| s.to_i }
logger.warn("!#!!!!!!!!!!!! AAA !!!!!!!!!!")
caprange = min...max
sa = akbcap_array.select {|n| caprange.include? n }
##cross = OtherProductsCrossList.find(:all, :conditions => {:cross_value => 1})
cap = "*"+params[:akbcap]+"*"
sa.each do |s|
#accums = Accumulator.by_capacity(s).by_size(params[:akbsize]).by_brand(params[:akbbrand])
#accums = Accumulator.by_capacity(50).by_size(params[:akbsize]).by_brand(params[:akbbrand])
As you see i have such part:
sa.each do |s|
#accums = Accumulator.by_capacity(s).by_size(params[:akbsize]).by_brand(params[:akbbrand])
but could i add on every iteration in #accums data from search? now it has last value( I could done it via arrays... but how to do via class-variable?
Yes, initiate it before the loop and use the << operator to append. End with flatten to make it a single dimension array.
#accums = []
# ...
sa.each do |s|
#accums << Accumulator.several_method_calls......
or for compactness:
result = sa.map{|s| Accumulator.several_method_calls...... }.flatten
I am working on an events application where i want to filter events depending on the 3 parameters location or starts_at or ends_at in the query string. There can be any one, two or all the parameters in the query string. In i use if-else statement i need to make 6 cases which will make my code clumsy. Rather i am thinking to implement something this way:
class EventsController < ApplicationController
def index
unless params.empty?
unless params[:location].nil?
#events = Event.where("location = ?", params[:location])
unless params[:starts_at].nil?
unless #events.empty?
#events = #events.where("start_date = ?", params[:start_date])
#events = Event.where("Date(starts_at) = Date(?)", params[:starts_at])
unless params[:ends_at].nil?
unless #events.empty?
#events = #events.where("end_date = ?", params[:end_date])
#events = Event.where("Date(ends_at) = Date(?)", params[:ends_at])
But this code doesnt work since where query doen not work on an array. Can someone suggest me some solution for this..
You should be able to pass your params hash directly to where, and it will form the correct SQL based on the keys and values of that hash:
An example in the console:
1.9.3p194 :001 > puts Example.where(:location => 'here', :started_at => '2012-08-13').to_sql
SELECT "examples".* FROM "examples" WHERE "examples"."location" = 'here' AND "examples"."started_at" = '2012-08-13'
Try Following
def index
unless params.empty?
where_array, arr = [], []
if params[:location]
where_array << "location = ?"
arr << params[:location]
if params[:starts_at]
where_array << "start_date = ?"
arr << params[:starts_at]
if params[:ends_at]
where_array << "end_date = ?"
arr << params[:ends_at]
#events = arr.blank? ? [] : Event.where([where_array.join(" AND "), *arr])
I have an ActiveRecord object RaceCarDriver. Three of the fields are boolean: is_from_texas, is_from_arkansas, and is_from_indiana. In the user search interface, the user could select neither to see all results, select is_from_texas to see only drivers from Texas, or select is_from_texas and is_from_indiana to see all drivers from one of those states.
Now, I know this example is a bit contrived, but I wanted to avoid the complexity of the actual app.
My best attempt is along these lines:
#drivers = RaceCarDriver.select('name').
where(params[:check_texas] == 0 || :is_from_texas => params[:check_texas]).
where(params[:check_arkansas] == 0 || :is_from_arkansas => params[:check_arkansas]).
where(params[:check_indiana] == 0 || :is_from_indiana => params[:check_indiana])
However, this ANDS the chained where clauses together, making it so that if Texas and Indiana were both checked a driver would have to be from both states.
Again, I know this is contrived. Any help is appreciated.
where("is_from_texas = ? OR is_from_arkansas = ? OR is_from_indiana = ?",params[:is_from_texas],params[:is_from_arkansas],params[:is_from_indiana])
#drivers = RaceCarDriver.select('name')
#drivers = #drivers.where(:is_from_texas => params[:check_texas]) if params[:check_texas]
#drivers = #drivers.where(:is_from_arkansas => params[:check_arkansas]) if params[:check_arkansas]
#drivers = #drivers.where(:is_from_indiana => params[:check_indiana]) if params[:check_indiana]
Solution 1:
where_options = { :is_from_texas => params[:check_texas],
:is_from_arkansas => params[:check_arkansas],
:is_from_indiana => params[:check_indiana] }.select{|k,v| v.present? }
where_conditions = where_options.map{|k,v| "#{k} = #{v}"}.join(" OR ")
#drivers = RaceCarDriver.select('name').where(where_conditions)
Solution 2:
#scoped_drivers = RaceCarDriver.select('name')
#drivers = []
#drivers << #scoped_drivers.where(:is_from_texas => params[:check_texas]) if params[:check_texas]
#drivers << #scoped_drivers.where(:is_from_arkansas => params[:check_arkansas]) if params[:check_arkansas]
#drivers << #scoped_drivers.where(:is_from_indiana => params[:check_indiana]) if params[:check_indiana]
I am trying to cycle through a few of these blocks. They basically narrow down a number of people that fulfill a bunch of attributes.
I apologize if this seems really messy, but my database is really taking a toll processing this, and I know there's a better way. I'm just lost on strategy right now.
My Code:
def count_of_distribution
#beginning with an array..
array_of_users = []
# any matching zip codes? ..
# zip_codes
#zip_codes = self.distributions.map(&:zip_code).compact
unless #zip_codes.nil? || #zip_codes.empty?
#matched_zips = CardSignup.all.map(&:zip_code) & #zip_codes
#matched_zips.each do |mz|
CardSignup.find(:all, :conditions => ["zip_code = ?", mz]).each do |cs|
array_of_users << cs.id
# any matching interests?..
# interest
#topics = self.distributions.map(&:me_topic).compact
unless #topics.nil? || #topics.empty?
#matched_topics = MeTopic.all.map(&:name) & #topics
#matched_topics.each do |mt|
MeTopic.find(:all, :conditions => ["name = ?", mt]).each do |mt2|
mt2.users.each do |u|
array_of_users << u.card_signup.id if u.card_signup
# any matching sexes?..
# sex
#sexes = self.distributions.map(&:sex).compact
unless #sexes.nil? || #sexes.empty?
#matched_sexes = CardSignup.all.map(&:sex) & #sexes
#matched_sexes.each do |ms|
CardSignup.find(:all, :conditions => ["sex = ?", ms]).each do |cs|
array_of_users << cs.id
total_number = array_of_users.compact.uniq
return total_number
This is the most embarressing results ever :
Completed in 51801ms (View: 43903, DB: 7623) | 200 OK [http://localhost/admin/emails/3/distributions/new]
UPDATED ANSWER It is truncated but still takes a huge toll on the DB
array_of_users = []
#zip_codes = self.distributions.map(&:zip_code).compact
#sexes = self.distributions.map(&:sex).compact
#zips_and_sexes = CardSignup.find(:all, :conditions => ["gender IN (?) OR zip_code IN (?)", my_sexes, my_zips])
#zips_and_sexes.each{|cs| array_of_users << cs.id }
#topics = self.distributions.map(&:me_topic).compact
#all_topics = MeTopic.find(:all, :conditions => ["name IN (?)", #topics])
array_of_users << CardSignup.find(:all, :conditions => ["user_id IN (?)", #all_topics.map(&:users)]).map(&:id)
You are trying to let rails do all the computation through series of loops; no wonder it's taking so long.
It's hard to follow, but perhaps instead of using .each loops, try to pull out everything you are after right away, and then use a .group_by(&:attribute)
OR if your end result is just card signups.
It seems you are trying to get all the users that have something in desired, a zip, a topic, or sex. So, let the database do the work.
my_zips = #zip_codes = self.distributions.map(&:zip_code).compact.join(", ")
my_sexes = #sexes = self.distributions.map(&:sex).compact.join(", ")
all_cards = CardSignup.find(:all, :conditions => ["sex IN (?) OR zip_code IN (?)", my_sexes, my_zips])
my_topics = #topics = self.distributions.map(&:me_topic).compact.join(", ")
all_topics = MeTopic.find(:all, :conditions => ["name = ?", my_topics])
more_cards = all_topics.map{|x| x.users}.map{|n| n.card_signup}
total_number = (all_cards + more_cards).flatten.uniq
I hope this is a better answer.
Here it is. It runs super fast now :
array_of_users = []
# zips and sexes
#zip_codes = self.distributions.map(&:zip_code).compact
#sexes = self.distributions.map(&:sex).compact
#zips_and_sexes = CardSignup.find(:all, :conditions => ["gender IN (?) OR zip_code IN (?)", #sexes, #zip_codes])
#zips_and_sexes.each{|cs| array_of_users << cs.id }
# interest
#topics = self.distributions.map(&:me_topic).compact
#selected_topics = MeTopic.find(:all, :conditions => ["name in (?)", #topics]).map(&:id)
#matched_users = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT * FROM `me_topics_users` WHERE (me_topic_id IN ('#{#selected_topics.join("', '")}') )")
#list_of_user_ids = []
#matched_users.each{|a| #list_of_user_ids << a[0] }
array_of_users << CardSignup.find(:all, :conditions => ["user_id IN (?)", #list_of_user_ids]).map(&:id)
# age
#ages = self.distributions.map(&:age).compact
#ages_array = []
#ages.each{|a| #ages_array << how_old(a) }
#ages_array.each{|aa| array_of_users << aa.id}
array_of_users << CardSignup.all.map(&:id) if array_of_users.flatten.empty?
total_number = array_of_users.flatten.uniq
return total_number