Using DateTime under db4o with native SODA queries? - db4o

Under db4o, I'm attempting to constrain by a "new DateTime(2010,10,14)" but it doesn't seem to work - any opinions on how to fix this?

Got it:
var query2 = db4o.db.Query();
query2.Descend("_date").Constrain(new DateTime(2010,10,14));
IObjectSet result2 = query2.Execute();


How to make multiple where->like() with Zend Framework 2?

I tried making a nest on a :
$where = new Where();
I also tried making multiple :
Could someone please provide me an example of how I can make multiple like ?
I would like to search two different fields with the same value %$value%
Thank you and best regards
Within the Where object you can NEST (wrap in parenthesis) your options and specify an operator (in this case, OR):
$where = new Where();
->like('field1', '%value%')
->like('field2', '%value%')
This will generate:
... WHERE (`field1` LIKE '%value%' OR `field2` LIKE '%value%')
Found solution by using OR on the final select. The following example shows it :
$where = array();
$where[] = $rel->field1 . " LIKE '%". $value ."%' ";
$select->where($where, 'OR');
I'm not including the foreach but you get the idea, add your queries in where and use OR as predicates will generated for multiple entries.
Extending above solution with more functional way :
$where = new Where();
->like('field1', '%value%')
->like('field2', '%value%')

Umbraco: Update Property on specific member

I'm running a forum with Umbraco 7, and I wish to update a property on a specific member by hes Id.
This is what I tried:
var authorId = Model.Content.GetPropertyValue<int>("postAuthor", 0);
var author = Members.GetById(authorId);
umbraco.cms.businesslogic.member.Member member = umbraco.cms.businesslogic.member.Member.GetMemberFromEmail(author.GetPropertyValue("email").ToString());
member.getProperty("postCounter").Value = Convert.ToInt32(member.getProperty("postCounter")) + 1;
But this dont work and the line below throws this error:
umbraco.cms.businesslogic.member.Member member = umbraco.cms.businesslogic.member.Member.GetMemberFromEmail(author.GetPropertyValue("email").ToString());
It says: Warning: umbraco.cms.businesslogic.member.Member is obsolete: "Use the MemberService and the Umbraco.Core.Models.Member models instead"
Can someone help me solve this?
var memberService = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.MemberService
var member = memberService.GetById(authorId)
member.SetValue("postCounter", newValue);
Never, ever do this though!!
You need to store counts like this that update really frequently in your own separate table as each time you save a piece of content (and yes, the member object is basically a piece of content as well) you will save a new version in the versions table. All of your custom properties will also be saved again with the new version. Also this is a fairly database-intense operation which is completely unnecessary, just have a table with two columns: the memberId and the count and you're done and it's all very lean and performant.
If you are in razor script you want to do something like:
var authorId = Model.Content.GetPropertyValue<int>("postAuthor", 0);
var ms = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.MemberService;
var member = ms.GetById(authorId);
But as sebastian says you probably want to do it differently for performance

How to use was clause with Jql

i am developing report plugin for jira where i need to get assignee for given could be diffrent than current assignee in given duration.
now i am building my query in report like below.
JqlQueryBuilder queryBuilder = JqlQueryBuilder.newBuilder();
query = queryBuilder.where().updatedBetween(stdate,endDate).and().assignee() in(status_val).buildQuery();
return searchProvider.searchCount(query, remoteUser);
i want to get the count for prior assigned issues for given duration.
please let me know how i can use Was clause with assignee and updatedbetween dates.
tousif shaikh.
Try reading this answer. In short, you'll need to define a new clause and use it in your query, like this:
JqlQueryBuilder builder = JqlQueryBuilder.newBuilder();
WasClauseImpl wasClause = new WasClauseImpl("status", Operator.WAS, new SingleValueOperand("Resolved"), new TerminalHistoryPredicate(Operator.AFTER, new SingleValueOperand(3500000L)));
JqlClauseBuilder clauseBuilder = JqlQueryBuilder.newClauseBuilder(wasClause);
Query query = clauseBuilder.buildQuery();

web server memory leak issue

i'm create a dating website using symfony 1.4 (it's my first project using symfony). the problem is there server freezes if there is only 10 or less users online. i tryied optimizing my js, css, sprites using yslow i got grade A but still the problem is always there. that's why i think the way i build the application might be wrong so here is the website i'm asking u for advices and things to do so i overcome this problem
If i wasn't clear enough just ask, if you want cpanel admin access i'll post it
i realy realy needs your help
for instance i have this code on my home page action does it seems ok or it needs to be optimized and how
$this->me = $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->getPerson();
$this->cities = Doctrine_Core::getTable('City')->findByDql("zipcode=''");
$this->countries = Doctrine_Core::getTable('City')->findByDql("zipcode='10'");
$this->contacts = $this->me->getContacts();
$this->favorites = $this->me->getFavorites();
$this->matches = $this->me->getMatches();
$this->pager = new sfDoctrinePager('Conversation', sfConfig::get('app_home_conversations_per_page'));
$this->pager->setPage($request->getParameter('page', 1));
i can do this
will i be able to do stuff like $this->contacts[0]['username'];
help please
The problem is doctrine...
Try to fetch the needed values as array and set a limit!
How many objects are returned by the following queries:
$this->cities = Doctrine_Core::getTable('City')->findByDql("zipcode=''");
$this->countries = Doctrine_Core::getTable('City')->findByDql("zipcode='10'");
$this->contacts = $this->me->getContacts();
$this->favorites = $this->me->getFavorites();
$this->matches = $this->me->getMatches();
? Do not forget that they are object with references to other objects!
And yes, this will work $this->contacts[0]['username'];.
if you join the tables with the doctrine query, you can access related entities too - without executing additional queries.
$this->contacts = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Contact')
->leftJoin('c.Users u')
->execute(array(), Doctrine_Core::HYDRATE_ARRAY);

Filter BindingSource with entity framework

How can i filter results exists in BindingSource filled with entities ( using EF 4)?
I tried this:
mybindingsource.Filter = "cityID = 1"
But it seems that binding source with entity framework doesn't support filtering .. am i right ?,is there another way to filter(search) data in binding source .
- I'm working on windows application not ASP.NET.
- I'm using list box to show the results.
Maybe a better one than Leonid:
private BindingSource _bs;
private List<Entity> _list;
_list = context.Entities;
_bs.DataSource = _list;
Now when filtering is required:
_bs.DataSource = _list.Where<Entity>(e => e.cityID == 1).ToList<Entity>;
This way you keep the original list (which is retrieved once from the context) and then use this original list to query against in memory (without going back and forth to the database). This way you can perform all kinds of queries against your original list.
I think, you have made mistake in syntax. You should write Filter like this:
mybindingsource.Filter = "cityID = '1'"
Another way is to use LINQ expressions.
(About LINQ)
Why do you have to call Entety again?
Simple solution:
public List<object> bindingSource;
public IEnumerable FiltredSource
get{ return bindingSource.Where(c => c.cityID==1);
.where (Function (c) c.cityID = 1)
