Building cross-platform Delphi applications - delphi

I downloaded Lazarus, but have worked with Embarcadero Delphi IDE too. I have a question about building cross-platform Delphi applications.
How can I build them under win32 environment? I read the wiki from Lazarus site, that explains how to do it, but I still do not understand it. Is is possible to build and compile application under win32 environment for Linux and MacOS? If it is possible, can someone explain ste-by-step how to do it exactly.
Now is the time for talking about the new XE2 version of the Delphi IDE I think :)

What you're asking for already exists in the lazarus wiki site, you need to read these articles.
Multiplatform Programming Guide
Cross compiling
Cross compiling for Win32 under Linux
How to Write Portable Code (nice doc from Marco van de Voort)

While crosscompiling to a non windows target is possible (and not that hard), getting used to fpc/lazarus and crosscompiling in one first step is a bridge too far. This because Linux is not a very homogenous target and dealing with this variation requires some understanding how libraries and linking works on Linux. This defeats one-button downloadable cross-compile setups to "general" linux. I know, such one-button thingies that work out of the box for everyone would be great, but it is just not going to happen (or only forvery limited distribution-version combinations)
Crosscompiling with FPC is not extremely difficult or rocket science, but the amount of jargon and details can flabbergast uninitiated people, and without background knowledge it is hard to diagnose problems as a result of minor misconfigurations
I recommend to first familiarize yourself with Lazarus/FPC, and only then make the crosscompilation leap. (and the already mentioned buildfaq names some reasons).
Bottomline: install lazarus on Windows and start porting your app. If that succeeds, start using a linux install (or VM) to familiarize yourself with Linux, and Lazarus under it. You'll need a linux install anyway to test.
Only then start thinking about crosscompiling to speed up the process.

CodeTyphon is a powerful Lazarus/FPC one click easy installation package for cross platform native development. It already supports 4 CPU/OS hosts (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64), and 16 CPU/OS targets (arm-Wince, arm-Linux, arm-Embedded, arm-gba, arm-nds, i386-Win32, i386-Linux, i386-FreeBSD, i386-Haiku, x86_64-Win64, x86_64-Linux, x86_64-FreeBSD, powerpc-Linux, powerpc64-Linux, sparc-Linux, sparc-Solaris). More are supported in Lazarus/FreePascal, but others are not yet integrated in CodeTyphon. Did I mention that it is free? One code to rule them all ;-)
The point is that you don't have to waste days for setting up your cross platform environment, since someone has already done the hard work for you.


Global Management of Multiple Compilers in Lazarus IDE

I've been searching around the Lazarus IDE documentation for a bit, and thus far only found information related to cross compiling, so I was hoping someone could give me a straight answer on this. I'm currently working on a project that will require compilation for 32-bit Windows as well as 64-bit Windows. Additionally, I've already set up both versions of the Free Pascal Compiler. Does Lazarus have any built in functionality for configuring in both compilers, and then based on the build target, using the appropriate compiler? Ideally, this would be done at a global level, so that the configuration persists across projects, but if it can only be done at the project level, I don't mind doing it that way.
On further reading, I think I found my answer. I didn't realize it, but fpc has the same sort of front-end functionality as gcc. With that said, implementing the functionality described in my question is just a matter of installing the compiler as a cross compiler, rather than as an independent compiler. Since it doesn't look like you can use the x86_64 compiler to create a 32-bit version, you'll have to compile the 32-bit version, and then crosscompile the 64-bit version. In my case, I first compiled and installed the Win32 compiler using:
make all install INSTALL_PREFIX=C:\path\to\lazarus\1.0.8\fpc\2.6.3 OS_TARGET=win32 CPU_TARGET=i686 PP=ppc386.exe
Next, I compiled and crossinstalled the 64-bit compiler:
make crossall crossinstall INSTALL_PREFIX=C:\path\to\lazarus\1.0.8\fpc\2.6.3 OS_TARGET=win64 CPU_TARGET=x86_64
To confirm that it worked, you can find an executable called, ppcrossx64 in your C:\path\to\lazarus\1.0.8\fpc\2.6.3\bin\i386-win32 folder.

Could I install Delphi and my libraries on a USB key in such a way as to allow debugging of my app on a customers PC?

Back in the days of Delphi 7, remote debugging was mostly ok. You set up a TCP/IP connection, tweaked a few things in the linker and you could (just about) step through code running on another PC whilst keeping your Delphi IDE and its libraries on your development PC.
Today, with Delphi XE2,3,4 you have paserver which, at least at the moment can be flaky and slow. It is essential for iOS (cross platform) development, but here at Applied Relay Testing we often have to debug on embedded PC's that run recent Windows. To do this we have employed a number of strategies but the hardest situation of all is to visit a customer site and wish that one could 'drop in' a Delphi IDE + libraries and roll up ones sleeves to step through and set breakpoints in source code.
It is quite likely - hopefully - that the paserver remote debugging workflow and its incarnations will improve over time but for now I got to wondering how it might be possible to install Delphi + libraries + our source code on a USB key so that with only a minimal, perhaps automated setup, one could plug that key into a PC and be compiling, running and debugging fairly quickly.
I can see that the registry is one of the possible issues however I do remember that Embarcadero once talked about being able to run their apps from a USB key. Knowing how much of a pain it is to install my 20-odd libraries into Delphi though, it is not trivial and needs thinking about.
Has anyone done anything like this or have any ideas of how it might be done?
Delphi does not support what you are asking for. But what you could do is create a virtual machine with your OS, IDE, libraries etc installed in it, then copy the VM onto a USB drive, install the VM software on the customer system, and run your VM as-is. There are plenty of VM systems to choose from.
First, I need to get this out of the way: embedded PCs running Windows?? Sob.
Ok, now for a suggestion: if a full virtual machine isn't an option for this task, application-level virtualization may be. This intercepts registry calls and other application-level information and maps them to a local copy, allowing essentially any application to be turned into a portable version. The good news is that there are free versions of several programs that can turn Windows programs into virtualized apps.
The only one I've personally used is MojoPac, and found it delivered as promised although was very slow running off of a (old, very slow) flash drive.
I haven't used this newer "freedom" version though.
Two other programs I've seen that appear to be popular are Cameyo:
and P-Apps,
but I can't vouch for the quality of either of these two.
Hope this helps.

When will a newer version of flex for windows be available?

I'm using flex (lexical analyzer, not Adobe Flex) on a project. However, I want to be able to compile on Windows platforms as well, but the Windows version's newest version is only 2.5.4a, so it won't compile my file for version 2.5.35. And no, I can't downgrade to the highest supported Windows version.
Anyone know about plans to upgrade the windows version, or have a suggestion to compile on windows anyway?
You can ask on the mailing list, or get involved in the Flex project yourself. I think the code-base for Flex has remained static for a while, but I don't know who maintains the Windows port. In the interim...
I would recommend including the produced source in your project.
Generate the lexer on a Linux system to produce your lex.c/lex.h files (or whatever)
Include those files in your Win32 C source before you build
If you don't have direct access to a Linux system, a virtual machine might be a good idea. The Flex source should be complaint to some C standard that builds on Windows, but most of the POSIX differences can be altered to use Win32 API fairly easily.
Maybe distribute as:
This way systems with a modern flex can generate the source from the lex file, and Windows systems compiling the source can use the complementary pre-processed C files.
Short of using some user-space POSIX (Cygwin or whatever).
A little bit of tweaking required, but isn't that portability for you!
Windows builds of flex 2.5.35 do exist, but unfortunately they are not self contained. You can download the MINGW build here, and the Cygwin build here; see also another stackoverflow question. Each build requires that its respective (MINGW or Cygwin) kernel be installed.

Cross-platform development - Delphi 2011: How to made a Windows-tied library cross-platform?

As perhaps you know already, most probably the next version of Delphi will be cross-platform. Also, here are some polls on the matter.
While writing a cross-compiler isn't a thing which interests us very much now, porting a library which was/is Windows-tied to multiple platforms, certainly does.
You can think, for example at VCL (Delphi's standard library). While it was designed for Windows only, it has value in it, and, of course, there are huge codebases which depend on it.
The question is:
Which would be the best approach to made an application / library cross-platform aware ensuring a smooth conversion / upgrade path (as much as possible of course)?
I stress it again, we are not interested which is the best way to do cross-platform development only (there were questions on this theme). We are interested also in yet another requirement: The old code base / installations management.
PS: Experiences and/or methodologies from similar situations with other languages (eg. C/C++) which are regarded as standard practices are welcomed.
Thanks in advance.
Visual component developer's perspective:
Add levels of functionality to your code, so as to be able to add another platform without changing the "Core" of the component.
The compiler hopefully will have a platform switch. (Preferable more than one, working in conjunction with each other. ex. Windows/ARM, Windows/386, OSX/Cacao/386, Linux/Gnome/386).
The Layout structure might look something like this.
As an Application Developer:
I'll start by moving all WIN API calls in my code into a group of libraries in a Windows directory as to be able to IFDEF it at library level and translate it into another platform I'd like to support as soon as the compiler becomes available, but only as I come across them.)
This will also add the possibility to add adapters easier for the new platforms.
It in any case is good practice to remove possible dependencies into a central place.
IMHO you can't build a xplatform Delphi and ensure a smooth transition for current VCL applications. It won't work. VCL was (luckily, because it allowed for great applications) designed with Windows in mind, and trying to design a compatible library working on a different platform would just mean longer development cycles and lots of compromises. The outcome will be a library noone would wish to use. Look at what happened to VCL.NET: it was the wrong choice. And it was working on the same OS!
We know that targeting non-Windows platform with native applications needs a native GUI library. We don't care about creating a GUI from scratch, for our application it's the way to go, we don't need Windows GUIs with all their standards under a different OS using different standards - we need to be able to code a fully native GUI for the target OS.
Other applications may survive a GUI porting, but in the long run you don't get a real xplatform tool - you get a tool that may compile for other platforms but brings one platform paradigms to others - and it will also be not welcome by "native" developers on other platforms. If you're a Linux or Mac developer, why should you learn how to work with a library that carries its Windows inheritance to your platform? You'd find it a pain in the ass. If Embarcadero wants to sell XDelphi outside actual developers base, it has to offer much more than a new CLX.
I will pull from some ancient experience in making a code base cross compilable between windows and dos (Delphi 1/Turbo Pascal 7). The rule of thumb was to separate code into multiple units. Try to code WITHOUT using windows, messages or any visual components. If you find you need to make a call to one of these, then place that call in another unit and write a proxy (abstract class that you descend from works well) to dispatch the calls through. When a cross compatible version is released, all that you should have to do is code the other side of the proxy for the new target.
If you're designing a form based system, then try to stick with as many of the standard components as possible. NEVER implement any "business" rules directly in an event, instead place them in another unit and call into the other unit to perform the logic.
Now, there will definitely be changes required to get your final project cross compatible, but by following these simple patterns you should be able to greatly reduce the amount of work it will take.
Experience so far has shown that the best way to get a Delphi app compatible with future versions is to stick to pure Delphi components, and use nothing third party. Such an app will probably suck, but that's how it seems to me. I use lots of third party components, and the apps are great and successful. But the chances of them moving to this future too are not certain, and that may cause problems with such changes, but I'd rather have a great app now and have the problem than have a poor app now and not need to worry about it.
Compromises should not be done too much to make VCL compatible with Linux and Mac. Windows is VCL's root. I'll prefer a new and very clean GUI framework, even though without any backward compatibility. Make VCL fatter and fatter isn't a good idea!
make a cross-platform Pascal compiler
make a cross-platform RTL
put the QT on top
Well, look at freepascal and lazarus
I don't get it. All .NET looks the same to me providing we don't use any third party.
Delphi using standard control is already fully functional but your app would look
like thousands of others.
I think Embar should go for PDA, IPhone, Andriod as Windows desktop already eat about
98% of the market.
Mac is expensive and Linux is no cost at all. No use to go for Mac and Linux. Not worth
the investment.
Well, aside the things said - thanks all - I do think that there we need some additional things:
we need tooling to do the necessary conversions
we need tooling to help us in programming against a (some form of) MVC pattern
Simply pick the latest 4.6 QT and add good integration betwen the Pascal and the QT library.
They have done it before (in the Kylix times). The QT is such powerfull these days.
I believe that QT is even better then VCL and at least 10 times more frequently updated and fixed.
So the plan is simple:
make a cross-platform Pascal compiler
make a cross-platform RTL
put the QT on top
and you will have a first-class natively looking applications on all platforms.
My opinion:
Make cross platform compiler (OS x/Linux/ embedded solutions?/ symbian?). Maybe add ability to compile/convert pascal code into portable c/c++ code to build then on embedded platforms.
RTL have to be separated into cross-platform layer and native layer (as for JCL).
Add new core components for cross-platform compatibility and native components for each supported platform (QT for ex)
Add translation utilities to create/convert between platform's components, for ex: to convert pure windows form into mac os x cocoa's form.
All windows hierarchy of components have to be only upgraded to support x64 with maximum backward compatibility. All cross-platform component have to be in parallel hierarchy.
Next version of cross platform solution can be refactored and can include migration/convertion utility. Due to minimum codebase of cross-platform solutions, hierarchy and classes for cross platform can be heavily changed from version to version to achieve best architecture.
sorry for my English - not a native language (Russian is)!
Make C/C++/Delphi compilers that targets OSX/Linux
Make C/C++ compiler that can be Boosted
Write new VCL-Presentation Foundation (VGScene/WPF alike)
it should not be backward compatibile! Delphi IDE should be
written with such VCL-PF
Component Library should stay as it is (but with improved Data-Binding)
Only provide VCL 64-bit for Win64
Is this a problem?

Delphi on the Mac - possible? [closed]

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I am responsible for a Delphi/Win32 project management application. I have just completed a move to Delphi 2009.
More and more US based users want to use the application on their Mac computers, while the majority are Windows users.
Are there solutions out there to easily build a Delphi app that will natively run on MacOS?
With the release of RAD Studio XE2 in late 2011, Delphi developers should be able to build once and distribute on Win 32/64 and MacOS 32, with iOS support promised.
You might want to try Lazarus:
Mac OS X doesn't run Windows programs. It doesn't provide any of the API you'd need, such as the functions in kernel32, user32, etc.
You could try running your program via Crossover. Other options include virtual machines, such as VMware Fusion and Parallels.
Another thing you might try is to use .Net. Convert your program to use the .Net version of Delphi and then run it on Mono on the Mac. I wouldn't put a lot of confidence in this method, though.
Your options to run native Delphi code on OSX are pretty limited. You can use Lazarus/Freepascal but that is a long way behind Delphi. It will produce native code.
Alternately you can use Prism and Mono. That apparently works well. Have a look at or Also, check out the remobjects blogs, and the embarcadero.public.delphiprism.mono.osx newsgroup.
That needs the mono redistributable. However mono also supports linking and ahead of time compilation so you might be able to get something close to native code on it.
In either case, you will need to rewrite your ui as the osx look and feel and conventions are different.
This is a very old thread but for people browsing here and looking for an answer in Q3 of 2011 or later the answer is yes.
With the release of Rad Studio XE2 this year, Delphi Developers will be able to create native applications for Mac OS as well as Win32, Win64 and iOS more platforms coming soon.
There may be some hope for the future for Delphi and the Mac.
The Podcast at Delphi.Org reviewed the closing keynote at CodeRage III (Dec 2008) when Embarcadero’s Wayne Williams talked about the Future. It said this:
I think the most exciting part of Wayne’s talk was the slide marked “The Future” which listed some of the company wide research initiatives underway. It specifically listed Mac, Linux, Cloud, Application Virtualization, FireBird, Touch, 64bit, SMP and Multi-core. When I asked about a Delphi for Mac and Linux they said that today, with Delphi Prism and Mono you could reach Mac and Linux, but in their labs they were working on native support, and that they had a significant head start.
While the Lazarus route is not a no brainer recompile, I've good experiences with it. I tried the (Delphi).NET+mono way before (to WinCE, Linux and OS X), and failed miserably.
Codegear talks a lot, but the next Delphi version will only have a PREVIEW of 64-bit (cmdline compiler). If you assume the version after that is the full 64-bit product, you can be sure that OS X is at the earliest 2 years away.
Lazarus or recoding.
I listened in on one of the recent Delphi 2009 show-off conference calls and they said that it was possible to run on a Mac using Delphi Prism and there is an automatic conversion utility called Oxidizer. I'm not sure if you'd call that native since you'd need Mono, but I think it's better than Wine.
Another alternative would be to develop a web based application. This avoids the "gui is different" problem and allows you to focus on your product. If you look at some of the latest AJAX controls, you can get pretty close to a full desktop application experience without having to sacrifice much. If your application needs to run locally, then developing a local web service in Delphi and translating it to Lazarus specifically targeting OSX seems to me to be a much easier and manageable task.
There's not really a good solution for this. Someone mentioned Lazurus, but it's not "there" yet. Delphi is just not a cross-platform tool. If you really want a Mac version then you probably ought to look at alternatives.
If your app is consumer-based, your users will expect lots of Cocoa goodness. Using anything else to make a Mac app will make them cranky.
However if it's more of a business app, then that's usually less important. I use REALbasic to build lots of Mac/Windows business applications. It's very similar to Delphi so it should be easy to pick up.
We have released a new product for creating cross platform apps (Mac OSX) using Delphi/Free Pascal. have a look at
Welcome to the future/relive the past!
