Replacing all tokens based on properties file with ANT - ant

I'm pretty sure this is a simple question to answer and ive seen it asked before just no solid answers.
I have several properties files that are used for different environments, i.e xxxx-dev, xxxx-test, xxxx-live
The properties files contain something like:
The template files im using look something like:
<server name="" ip="#server.ip#"/>
The above is a really primitive example, but im wondering if there is a way to just tell ANT to replace all tokens based on the properties file, rather than having to hardcode a token line for each... i.e
<token key="" value="${}"/>
<token key="server.ip" value="${server.ip}"/>
Any help would be great!

You can specify the properties file from which to read the list of tokens for the 'replace' task using replacefilterfile:
<replace file="input.txt" replacefilterfile="properties.txt"/>
Similarly, in a filter chain, you can use 'replacetokens' propertyfile:
This will treat each properties file
entry in as a
token/key pair:
<loadfile srcfile="${src.file}" property="${src.file.replaced}">
<filterreader classname="">
<param type="propertiesfile" value=""/>

With the replace task by itself I missed the # delimiters around tokens so I came up with the following solution. You can use any ant property in the template file
<project name="replace" default="replace">
<property file="" />
<target name="replace">
<!-- create temp file with properties -->
<tempfile property="temp.replace" suffix=".properties"/>
<echoproperties destfile="${temp.replace}" />
<!-- replace name=value with #name#=value -->
<replaceregexp file="${temp.replace}" match="([^=]*)=" replace="#\1#=" byline="true" />
<!-- copy template and replace properties -->
<copy file="template.txt" tofile="replaced.txt" />
<replace file="replaced.txt" replacefilterfile="${temp.replace}" />
with a template
ANT home #ant.home#
ANT version
server name ip #server.ip#
this results in
ANT home /usr/share/ant
ANT version 1.7
server name dummy_server_name ip

Using fileset form ant-contrib you can read the tokens form properties file and replace multiple tokens over multiple files.
<project name="MyProject" default="replaceToklens" basedir=".">
<property name="profilesProperties" value="${basedir}/" />
<property name="build.dir" location="build"/>
<!-- File to Load/ Accessable -->
<property file="${profilesProperties}" />
<target name="replaceToklens">
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml">
<pathelement location="${basedir}/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar" />
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
<filter filtersfile="${profilesProperties}" />
<copy todir="${build.dir}" filtering="true" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="${basedir}"> <!-- target/MyProject -->
<include name="*.xml" />
<exclude name="build.xml" />
folder structure:
\_ build.xml
\_ server.xml
\_ build
\_ server.xml [replaced with token value]
In order to replace single toke use the following:
<replace file="build/server.xml" token="#keyName#" value="${keyValue}" />


how to check if class file or jar file is instrumented?

First Question -
Is there any way i can verify that the specific jar files or class files has been instrumented using cobertura?
Second Question - Can you please let me know if following ant scipt is fine. I dont get any output from this. nor instrumented file or cobertura.ser and build says ok.
<property name="cobertura.dir" value="../cobertura-2.0.3" />
<property name="instrumented.dir" value="../destination" />
<property name="jars.dir" value="../basedir" />
<path id="cobertura.classpath">
<fileset dir="${cobertura.dir}">
<include name="cobertura-2.0.3.jar" />
<include name="lib/**/*.jar" />
<target name="instrument-classes">
<taskdef classpathref="cobertura.classpath" resource="" />
<delete file="cobertura.ser" />
<cobertura-instrument todir="${instrumented.dir}">
<fileset dir="${jars.dir}">
<include name="XXX.jar" />
<fileset dir="${jars.dir}">
<include name="YYYY.jar" />
You can use a java decompiler to see references to classes in the instrumented classes. You can also use a simple text editor that accept to visualize binary files (e.g. TextPad) and you will see net.sf.cobertura references as well, if you look carefully (using a text compare tool to compare the original class and the instrumented one makes it more obvious).
Your ant snippet looks all right except possibly for the suspicious:
<property name="jars.dir" value="../basedir" />
Perhaps you meant something like:
<property name="jars.dir" value="${basedir}/.." />
The point is: you should validate that the nested filesets actually include files, otherwise there won't be anything accomplished by the cobertura-instrument task.

ANT replacing strings in specified files using file with properties

I have a properties in file and they look like this:
and in project files there is a token [[test.url]] which I want to replace by I just want to define all tokens in and use them in build script, but without modifying build script and I want to replace those tokens in a specified files like *.php, *.html, etc.
Can someone give me a suggestions how to do it? Thanks.
try this:
<copy file="input.txt" tofile="output.txt">
<replaceregex pattern="\$\{" replace="{" />
<filterreader classname="">
<param type="propertiesfile" value="properties.txt"/>
<param type="tokenchar" name="begintoken" value="{"/>
<param type="tokenchar" name="endtoken" value="}"/>
Founded here: Ant replace token from properties file
In the following Ant script, replace the src-root property with the root directory containing the tokenized files:
<project name="ant-replace-tokens-with-copy-task" default="run">
<target name="run">
<!-- The <copy> task cannot "self-copy" files. So, for each -->
<!-- matched file we'll have <copy> read the file, replace the -->
<!-- tokens, and write the result to a temporary file. Then, we'll -->
<!-- use the <move> task to replace the original files with the -->
<!-- modified files. -->
<property name="src-root" location="src"/>
<property name="filtered-file.extension" value="*.filtered-file"/>
<copy todir="${src-root}">
<fileset dir="${src-root}">
<include name="**/*.html"/>
<include name="**/*.php"/>
<globmapper from="*" to="${filtered-file.extension}"/>
<filterreader classname="">
<param type="propertiesfile" value=""/>
<move todir="${src-root}">
<fileset dir="${src-root}" includes="**"/>
<globmapper from="${filtered-file.extension}" to="*"/>
You specified that you do not want to edit your build script so this answer does not qualify but may still be useful to other readers.
If you were willing to edit your target file to use the format ${test.url} instead of [[test.url]] then ExpandProperites would be an excellent choice.

How to access filters in web.xml file set by a .properties file

I am using WAS6.1 as the server(but I guess this should not matter).I have a file. It has key value pair (e.g. These values are being used in web.xml as shown below:
So I have defined a build.xml which uses filterset task from ant to define all those filters but when I try to access the home page it says that not able to find location Obviously, these filters are not being loaded properly. Here is my build.xml code which defines the filters during the compilation. What do you think I am missing?
<target name="compile">
<property name="" location="${}/WEB-INF/classes" />
<property name="" location="${}/WEB-INF/lib" />
<mkdir dir="${}" />
<mkdir dir="${}" />
<!-- copy the web content into the build location -->
<copy todir="${}">
<fileset dir="${web.project.webcontent.dir}" excludes="**/classes/**" />
<filtersfile file="${web.project.src.dir}/filters/${}" />
<!-- compile the java source and put it in the classes directory -->
<javac classpathref="classpath" srcdir="${web.project.src.dir}" destdir="${}" debug="${javac.debug}" deprecation="${javac.deprecation}" fork="${javac.fork}" memoryMaximumSize="${javac.memoryMaximumSize}" nowarn="${javac.nowarn}" failonerror="${javac.failonerror}">
<!-- copy all the non-java resources (properties, etc) into the classes directory-->
<copy todir="${}">
<fileset dir="${web.project.src.dir}">
<exclude name="**/*.java" />
<exclude name="filters/**" />
<!-- Create a jar file from the ${} folder -->
<jar jarfile="${}/${ant.jar.file}.jar" excludes="filters/**" basedir="${}" />
Your feedback is highly appreciated.
Thanks for looking at my post. It is working fine. The main issue was that the path to the properties file was not correct.

How do I "expand" an ant path (accessed with refId=..) to all files in the path except some?

I am trying to get ant4eclipse to work and I have used ant a bit, but not much above a simple scripting language. We have multiple source folders in our Eclipse projects so the example in the ant4eclipse documentation needs adapting:
Currently I have the following:
<target name="build">
<!-- resolve the eclipse output location -->
<getOutputpath property="classes.dir" workspace="${workspace}" projectName="${}" />
<!-- init output location -->
<delete dir="${classes.dir}" />
<mkdir dir="${classes.dir}" />
<!-- resolve the eclipse source location -->
<getSourcepath pathId="source.path" project="." allowMultipleFolders='true'/>
<!-- read the eclipse classpath -->
<getEclipseClasspath pathId="build.classpath"
workspace="${workspace}" projectName="${}" />
<!-- compile -->
<javac destdir="${classes.dir}" classpathref="build.classpath" verbose="false" encoding="iso-8859-1">
<src refid="source.path" />
<!-- copy resources from src to bin -->
<copy todir="${classes.dir}" preservelastmodified="true">
<fileset refid="source.path">
<include name="**/*"/>
patternset refid=""/>
The task runs successfully, but I cannot get the to work - it is supposed to copy all non-java files over too to emulate the behaviour of eclipse.
So, I have a pathId named source.path which contains multiple directories, which I somehow needs to massage into something the copy-task like. I have tried nesting which is not valid, and some other wild guesses.
How can I do this - thanks in advance.
You might consider using pathconvert to build a pattern that fileset includes can work with.
<pathconvert pathsep="/**/*," refid="source.path" property="my_fileset_pattern">
<replacestring from="${basedir}/" to="" />
That will populate ${my_fileset_pattern} with a string like:
if source.path consisted of the three directories 1, 2, and 3 under the basedir. We're using the pathsep to insert wildcards that will expand to the full set of files later.
The property can now be used to generate a fileset of all the files. Note that an extra trailing /**/* is needed to expand out the last directory in the set. Exclusion can be applied at this point.
<fileset dir="." id="my_fileset" includes="${my_fileset_pattern}/**/*">
<exclude name="**/*.java" />
The copy of all the non-java files then becomes:
<copy todir="${classes.dir}" preservelastmodified="true">
<fileset refid="my_fileset" />
That will copy the source files over retaining the source directory structure under todir. If needed, the flatten attribute of the copy task can be set to instead make all the source files copy directly to todir.
Note that the pathconvert example here is for a unix fileseystem, rather than windows. If something portable is needed, then the file.separator property should be used to build up the pattern:
<property name="wildcard" value="${file.separator}**${file.separator}*" />
<pathconvert pathsep="${wildcard}," refid="source.path" property="my_fileset">
You could use the foreach task from the ant-contrib library:
<target name="build">
<!-- copy resources from src to bin -->
<foreach target="copy.resources" param="resource.dir">
<path refid="source.path"/>
<target name="copy.resources">
<copy todir="${classes.dir}" preservelastmodified="true">
<fileset dir="${resource.dir}" exclude="**/*.java">
If your source.path contains file paths as well then you could the if task (also from ant-contrib) to prevent attempting to copy files for a file path, e.g.
<target name="copy.resources">
<available file="${classes.dir}" type="dir"/>
<copy todir="${classes.dir}" preservelastmodified="true">
<fileset dir="${resource.dir}" exclude="**/*.java">

Ant - using variables in .properties files

I am trying to replace placeholders in source files with values defined in a .properties file using the copy task with **
My build.xml contains
<target name="configure">
<echo message="Creating DB configuration" />
<copy todir="${dir.out}" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="${}" />
<replacetokens begintoken="<" endtoken=">" propertiesResource="" />
A sample from the
tbs.base_directory = d:/oracle/oradata/my_app
tbs.data_file = ${tbs.base_directory}/data01.dbf
I want to refer from within the .properties file to variables, in this case I would like to substitute tbs.base_directory in tbs.data_file.
Unfortunately it is not substituted. Any ideas?
Problem is that expandproperties applies to copied file not to the property resource you are using to define your tokens. A possible solution is to first load to force properties expansion and dump it into a temporary file that is used for token substitution. Something like the following should work:
<target name="configure">
<echo message="Creating DB configuration" />
<!-- force expanding properties in tokens property file -->
<loadproperties srcfile="" />
<!-- dump expanded properties in a temp file -->
<echoproperties prefix="tbs" destfile=""/>
<copy todir="${dst.out}" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="${}" />
<!-- use temporary file for token substitution -->
<replacetokens begintoken="<" endtoken=">" propertiesResource="" />
<!-- delete temp file (optinal)-->
<delete file=""/>
Drawback of this solution is that it only works as long as you can select the properties to write in the temporary file (i.e all properties in the file starts with the same prefix).
