I'm very new to Rails (and Ruby), and am having trouble installing and using gems. I'm trying to use ruby-tmdb (https://github.com/aarongough/ruby-tmdb) and there's very little documentation.
"sudo gem install ruby-tmdb" runs just fine and I can see the gem installed when I run "gem list --local"
But, when I try and run the app, I get the error "no such file to load -- ruby-tmdb".
I'm on Mac OS X Snow Leopard. Ruby 1.8.7. Rails 3.0.3. Gem 1.3.7.
Is the gem listed in your Gemfile? In Rails 3, all gem dependencies should be listed in the Gemfile, so that it is properly loaded when the app runs.
You should have something like the following line:
gem 'ruby-tmdb'
Then, run bundle install to ensure that all gem dependencies are installed, and to have Bundler save the lock file that will ensure that all copies of this application run with the same gem versions. From this point on, you will no longer have to write the require line yourself; Rails will load in all necessary gems as the environment loads.
You might get the same error even after this, but it's always worth going through the standard process to help narrow things down :)
$ sudo which gem
$ which gem
$ sudo ruby -v
$ ruby -v
Sometimes users have different gems and rubys compared to root.
A common problem is that a gem installed for ruby 1.8 by root isn't visible for the users ruby 1.9
gems for ruby 1.8 and gems for 1.9 are NOT compatible.
This probably isn't the issue but is something that may be worth considering.
I have a new Mac computer and installed rails on it, and then I tried out the command
gem outdated
for some reason, it showed one of the gems outdated:
webrick (1.4.2 < 1.6.0)
I wonder why it is outdated on the first installed, and when I did
sudo gem install webrick
it actually installed 1.6.0 onto the system. Doesn't it require gem update instead of install to update something? How come install also updated it?
Not exactly, gem install GEM_NAME will install the last version available if you don't specify a version when installing, and you can have more than 1 version of the same gem on your machine.
you can run gem environment, and check where gems are installed, go to that folder and you will see both version gems folder there.
so when you create a rails project for example and add a specific version of a gem in the gemfile and another version on another project, you can have both without problems
I currently have Ruby 2.2.6 and Rails 5.0.1 installed on my Windows 10 machine. I have cloned an existing project that has the following settings included in its Gemfile:
# Lock-in Lang and Framework:
ruby '2.2.0'
gem 'rails', '4.2.0'
I'm having a surprisingly hard time figuring out how to get Ruby 2.2.0 and Rails 4.2.0 installed. Ruby has good documentation of different installation options, but I think I've exhausted the Windows options without any success. Here are a couple I tried:
Installers: I couldn't find an option for downloading either from RailsInstaller, RubyInstaller, and Bitnami.
RVM: I tried (unsuccessfully) following this blog post to install cygwin so that I could use RVM, but then saw in the comments that the author now recommends spinning up a linux VM rather that using this method.
Pik and Uru: It appears Pik is no longer maintained, and I couldn't figure how to download new versions and ruby and rails with Uru as opposed to managing already downloaded versions.
EDIT: I also tried simply changing the version numbers for ruby and rails in the Gemfile to 2.2.6 and 5.0.1. When I do this I (very understandably) get a message when I try to use a rails command saying I need to run bundle update rails. When I run that rails update I get the following error: Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "rack". I've done some googling on that option, and it looks like resolving that issue might be possible but requires some more involved tinkering with my Gemfile configuration.
I think my next option is to install Ruby from the source, but I wanted to throw a question up here first to make sure I'm not missing an easier method. So my question is - is it really this hard to get an older minor release of ruby and rails installed on Windows? I realize that the majority of users are probably looking for the most recent release, but it doesn't seem to me that my use case is terribly unique.
The oldest available Ruby 2.2.x via RubyInstaller is 2.2.1
So, the answer to your question is, "Yes, you'll have to build from source."
But then again,
v2.x of gem "rack" requires at least Ruby v2.2.2
And depending on what other gems are included in your Gemfile, you'll still have to reconfigure your Gemfile to get this app running.
So the best solution is probably to use the latest patch version of Ruby 2.2.x and lock rails to 4.2.x. (The app may not be compatible with Rails 5.x)
# Lock-in Lang and Framework:
ruby '2.2.6'
gem 'rails', '~> 4.2'
Then run bundle install to install all the gems required by the Gemfile
I've been attempting to make a start on learning Ruby/rspec. I read that rspec is now broken for Windows so an early version (2.14.1) should be installed instead. I started on testfirst's learn Ruby but kept getting errors whenever I attempted the "rake" task. I checked my rspec version and apparently I'm running 2.14.8. I thought maybe that was why I was getting some errors. So I typed into git "gem uninstall rspec" but it then said version 2.14.1 was uninstalled, not .8. So I checked to see if there were any versions of rspec installed on my computer and it says that 2.14.8 is still installed... now it won't let me uninstall it, even though I typed in "gem uninstall rspec -v 2.14.8."
I also tried to check the contents of version 2.14.8, but it couldn't find gem 'rspec' in default gem paths.
It's as if I had two versions of rpec on my laptop... how do I get rid of the .8 version?
If gem uninstall rspec -v 2.14.8 did not work for you. Try cleaning up all the rspec version from your computer first by running:
gem cleanup rspec
Then, install the required version again.
gem uninstall -Iax rspec
If doesn't work, then try and remove the executables as well:
gem uninstall rspec-core
Where did you hear that RSpec is broken on Windows? AFAIK the current version (3.3.2) works just fine.
If you are going to learn Ruby and RSpec, you should also learn about using Rubygems and Bundler, since many projects rely on them. Install Bundler with:
gem install bundler
Create a new folder and CD into it, and then:
bundle init
This creates a file named "Gemfile" in the folder. This allows Bundler to manage the versions of gems used within your project. Edit the Gemfile and add this line:
gem 'rspec', '~> 3'
This tells Bundler that your project requires RSpec 3, and to install the latest version. Save the Gemfile, and then do:
bundle install
Bundler will install the RSpec gems and create a Gemfile.lock file that details the gem dependencies. To verify that the right version is installed:
rspec --version # => 3.3.2 (or whatever is the latest)
I am being told to enhance an existing project running ruby. Coming from the Java world the package managers in Ruby/Rails are a bit confusing.
If I have a Gemfile that seem to be similar to having pom.xml with Java/Maven. If the project I have been told to work on has
gem 'rails', '3.2.13'
Does this mean rails will be automatically installed? Do I still need to use RVM to install Ruby itself separately? I'm told on this tutorial that I can install Ruby and Rails for a specific project only by calling. If the gem line does in fact install Rails automatically what program handles this execution? Where would the install be located?
rvm use ruby-2.1.1#myapp --ruby-version --create
As the question states - where does the gem install?
Is it installing within the app directory that I'm working in (i.e. user/sites/sample_app)? Or is it being installed on my computer? If the latter where exactly?
gem install process
first download gem and save desktop
1.next step open command prompt and set location that means c:/desktop> gem install --local "gemname"
2.next step com to rails consoler and type $bundle install --local.
3. type the gem name on gem list
I have two questions:
Where do you install your ruby?
Did you use RVM or rbenv?
Now I will explain your question using my situation as an example.
I use RVM to manage rubies on my mac os.
now the ruby install in path
and these will be a gems directory under .rvm path. In this directory,
there are many gems group, I have a group named
which is used by the default ruby version.
This is a directory and there will be a gems directory under it.
In this directory, you will find all of the gems you installed using cmd
bundle install
If you don't use ruby version management tools like rvm or rbenv, you may find the gems
around your ruby path. If you still can't find them, you can post the details of how you
install the rubies and other system configs, so that we can discuss here.
If you are using rvm then its get installed in
/home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-version#global/ or /home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-version/
If you are using specific gemset for gems then
If you want to know where gem is installed use gem which *gem_name* e.g.:
gem which rails
If you installed your gems with bundle install use bundle show *gem name* e.g.:
bundle show rails
If you use gem install x, you're adding the gem to the local ruby version on your system. This is a system-wide installation, and will be stored in your rubylib/ruby/gems dir:
The install command downloads and installs the gem and any necessary
dependencies then builds documentation for the installed gems.
Using the bundle install command (when you have a Gemfile & use bundler), you basically tell bundler to install the gems relative to your specific applicaiton:
Bundler makes sure that Ruby can find all of the gems in the Gemfile
(and all of their dependencies). If your app is a Rails 3 app, your
default application already has the code necessary to invoke bundler.
If it is a Rails 2.3 app, please see Setting up Bundler in Rails 2.3.
For example, if you have a Rails 3.2 app, and a Rails 4.1 app on your system, using bundler allows you to instal the dependencies (gems) for each app independently
If you use gem install x, it will install the gem for all applications, and should only be used for things like rmagick and the database connection gems