jquery autocomplete script - jquery-ui

I have a list of cities name. I just want to do, if user type type "a" in the text box, then all the city name which contains "a" will be displayed in drop down box.
Can someone tell me from where I got this type of script. If you have some link then send me.
thank you

jQuery UI Autocomplete plugin.


orbeon forms - Dynamic Dropdown remove value

I’m using Oberon forms version 2019.2 CE.
In my form I have Dynamic Dropdown (with search) with country select (required field) and Text field with display code of selected country:
When I select country, in text field appears selected country code:
Now I can click ‘x’ sign to remove value form drop down:
Value in field 'code' has not been deleted. When I click Validate button no error is detected. It seems that when I use 'x' sign to remove value from dropdown, I remove only label, not value.
My question is whether it is possible to remove both label and value, when I click 'x' sign?
I am unable to reproduce this with Orbeon Forms CE 2019.2. This is what I am seeing when running this form. If this doesn't help, I'd recommend you update your question to include a link to a minimal form that you are using to reproduce this, with steps to reproduce (and then post a comment, for notification).
It looks like the problem occurs when I use ‘Service performs search’ option set to ‘Yes’. Below you can see how it looks like in my form:
Source code of the form: here

extend rich:select / h:select to have multiple selections

Is it possible to extend rich:select or h:selectOneMenu to enable multiple selection? I am looking for a jsf component which looks like the jQuery Chosen plugin.
The component should let me select multiple options from the drop down.
Please note that I can not use h:selectManyMenu or list box because of the specific requirement.
Note: just saw the tags field below the description box while posting a question. I am looking exactly for the same functionality, except that I want a JSF component, not a js plugin.
Any suggestion is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I would use that jQuery Chosen plugin and do something like this:
use jQuery to apply it to your select
use jQuery to get the selected data
pass the data to the backing bean via a hidden input field
There may be 'pure JSF' ways but it looks like more work. If you find something interesting let me know.

Autocompleter tag of struts2-dojo is not working with struts2-jquery tags

This link helped me to perform autocompleter in struts2. Through this tag i could
A> Show list form database
B> Insert value in database which were not in list
All worked fined..
But, now i have to use struts2-jquery plugin to show that page containing *dojo tag* in a pop-up window. On doing so, the pop up window just appears, and the page is redirected to the form's action. This problem was solved when i removed the dojo tag-sx from the head of that page.
Now the pop up is shown, but i can't insert value which are not in my list. i.e i can't perform the second option mentioned(B)
I've checked this showcase, but struts2-jquery autocompleter tag also couldn't fulfill my second option(B) as it adds an _widget in it's name field
How can i fulfill both option in my case? Thanks in advance
If you mean submit any value that was not originally in the autocompleter list then <sj:autocompleter> tag has forceValidOption attribute for that. See this issue for more information http://code.google.com/p/struts2-jquery/issues/detail?id=587.

jQuery Mobile option select list with text search?

I have a select option list and im using jQuery Mobile. My list is very long so Id like to give users the option of searching the list by typing in text.
Is there some native / jQuery Mobile way of adding a text search when you focus on the list? If not I guess instead on an input ill need to create a link to a new page with a filter list, and use javascript to populate the 'input' with the value selected.
The short answer is no, unless you want to go nuts editing the JQM code to add that feature to the select box. That being said, I also had this problem (with the select menus being way too long), and here's what I did:
For one scenario, I used an autocomplete search box (that had results drop down: http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/) in addition to the select menu, populated with the data in the select menu. That way the user could choose whether to use the select menu or search.
For a second scenario, I allowed the user to search for something, then brought up a menu (really a dialog plugin) with only the results that matched what they searched for.
Hope this helps.
Personally, I could not get the jqueryui autocomplete to work well with jQuery Mobile. But this autocomplete code from Andy Matthews worked well:
Used in conjection with an input text field, it provides a way for users to type in a few characters and see a list of choices to select.

My dropdown is not showing the data

I am having a html dropdown
<select id="ExternalIp" onchange="externalIpchange()"></select>
I bind the data to dropdown through jquery and a I am passing data from controller which is working properly. I want to change the look and feel of the dropdown so I called a function
Now the look and feel of drop down is changed but it is not showing the data which I bind to dropdown. I am not getting what is the problem. Plz help
It appears as if the jQuery plugin you are using resets the values bound to the select list.
Look for a method provided within your jQuery plugin to rebind the data which you earlier attached with jQuery or style your element first and then try binding the values.
