Groovy/Grails code cleanup suggestions, please! - grails

I'm new to Groovy & Grails, and I have a feeling that things don't have to be this ugly... so how can I make this code nicer?
This is a Grails controller class, minus some uninteresting bits. Try not to get too hung up that my Car only has one Wheel - I can deal with that later :-)
changeWheel is an Ajax action.
class MyController {
def changeWheel = {
if(params['wheelId']) {
def newWheel = Wheel.findById(params['wheelId'])
if(newWheel) {
def car = Car.findById(params['carId'])
if(car?.save()) render 'OK'

I'd actually start using Command Objects.
Try this:
class MyController {
def index = {
def changeWheel = { CarWheelCommand cmd ->
if(cmd.wheel && {
Car car =
car.wheel = cmd.wheel
render ? 'OK' : 'ERROR'
} else {
render "Please enter a valid Car and wheel id to change"
class CarWheelCommand {
Car car
Wheel wheel
and then in your view use '' and '' instead of 'carId' and 'wheelId'

1) pull
out into their own defs
2) multiple nested ifs is never optimal. You can get rid of the outermost one by having a validateParams method and rendering some sort of response if wheelId and carId are not set. Or just do
if (carId == null || wheelId == null) {
// params invalid
3) Assuming everything is ok you could just do
def newWheel = Wheel.findById...
def car = Car.findById...
if (car != null && newWheel != null) {
render 'OK'
} else {
// either wheel or car is null
this gets rid of more nested structures...
4) finally, to make the code self documenting, you can do things like assign the conditional tests to appropriately named variables. So something like
def carAndWheelOk = car != null && newWheel != null
if (carAndWheelOk) {
// do the save
} else {
// car or wheel not ok
this might be overkill for two tests, but you only are taking care of one wheel here. If you were dealing with all 4 wheels, this type of things increases readability and maintainability.
Note that this advice works in any language. I don't think you can do too much with groovy's syntactic sugar, but maybe some groovy gurus can offer better advice.

There are a couple of things you could do like move some code to a service or command object. But without altering the structure too much, I (subjectively) think the following would make the code easier to read:
use dot notation instead of array indexing to reference params values (params.wheelId instead of params['wheelId'])
I would invert the if to reduce nesting, I think this makes it more clear what the exceptions are.
For example:
if(!params.wheelId) {
sendError(400, "wheelId is required")
if(!newWheel) {
sendError(404, "wheel ${params.wheelId} was not found.")
Now if you don't mind changing the structure and adding more lines of code...
The act of changing the wheel may be a common occurrence across more than just one controller action. In this case I'd recommend putting the GORM/database logic in a Service class. Then your controller only has to verify it has the correct params inputs and pass those on to the Service to do the actual tire changing. A Service method can be transactional, which you'd want in the case where you might have to dismount the old tire before mounting the new one.
In the Service I would throw exceptions for exceptional cases like when a wheel is not found, a car is not found, or if there's an error changing the tire. Then your controller can catch those and respond with the proper HTTP status codes.


Grails rejectValue - multiple checks causing ob.errors null

My domain object booking has multiple attributes that are allowed to be null, because they will be set later after the object has been saved to the db.
Part of myService.action(): = params
if (booking.contactFirstname?.length() <= 1) { booking.errors.rejectValue("contactFirstname", "empty") }
if (booking.contactLastname?.length() <= 1) { booking.errors.rejectValue("contactLastname", "empty") }
if (booking.contactPhone?.length() <= 1) { booking.errors.rejectValue("contactPhone", "empty") }
if (booking.contactMobile?.length() <= 1) { booking.errors.rejectValue("contactMobile", "empty") }
if (booking.contactEmail?.length() <= 1) { booking.errors.rejectValue("contactEmail", "empty") }
if (booking.hasErrors() || ! booking.validate()) {
return [success: false, model: booking]
} else { true)
return [success: true, model: booking]
My controller does:
def result = myService.action(params)
if (result.success) {
flash.success = message(code: "msg.successfullySaved")
redirect(action: "registerEventConfirmation", id: result.model.uid, params: [lang: params.lang], mapping: "paginated")
} else {
flash.error = message(code: "msg.errorSavingCheckFields")
render(view: "registerEventStep3", params: [lang: params.lang], model: [booking: result.model])
I'm using
hasErrors(bean: booking,field:'contactFirstname', 'has-error')}
to mark error fields.
If I now submit the form without any values in textfields, all fields are red, booking.errors has >0 errors.
If I submit the form after with a firstname, booking.errors is NULL and no other field is marked.
Is this a Bug? I'm with Grails 2.3.6
additional information
I visit the form, submit it empty completely
I see all form fields in red, object.errors has >0 errors (VALID)
I enter a value in the first field, firstname and submit
I see none of the form fields in red, object.errors =0 errors (INVALID)
I re-submit the form with none changes
I see all empty form fields in red, object.errors has >0 errors (VALID)
Now that I fully understand the situation and since I was having trouble sleeping I thought I give you a very concise answer so that you can hopefully make full sense and use things properly.
Firstly I know creating a validation bean sounds like it will be a lot of work so let me teach you how to do it all relatively simply and why it is my preferred method.
It is my preferred method simply because when you do
class MyController {
def myAction(Mybean bean) {
// 1. the object allowed into this save action
// are all that is available objects withing MyBean.
// If it has user define but not telephone. Then
// if telephone is passed to myAction it will fail and not recognise
// field
// When declaring Date someField or User user then the params now
// received as bean this way is now actually properly bound
// to the data / domainType declared.
// Meaning user will now be actual user or someField actually Date
So now to explain how to best solve this issue. When creating beans simply copy over the actual domain class from your domain folder into src/groovy/same/package in grails 2 or src/main/groovy/same/package in grails 3
Change name / class or copy as from Booking to BookingBean so it has a different name.
Add #Validateable above actual BookingBean in grails 2 or add implements to main class like Class BookingBean implements Validateable { in grails 3
Now since it is copied all the objects are identical and at this point a save from the controller would be
class MyController {
def myAction(BookingBean bean) {
Booking booking = new Booking()
// this will save all properties = bean
But you have a special circumstance and you wanted to declare a transient field in the main domain class what I would do instead is
class BookingBean {
def id
String contactFirstname
String contactLastname
boolean secondSave=false
static constraints = {
id(nullable: true, bindable: true)
contactFirstname(nullable:true) //,validator:checkHasValue)
contactLastname(nullable:true) //,validator:checkHasValue)
//use the same validator since it is doing identical check
static checkHasValue={value,obj,errors->
// So if secondSave has a value but contactFirstName
// is null then complain about contactFirstName
// you can see how secondSave gets initialise below
//typical set this to true when you are about to save on 2nd attempt
//then when set run validate() which will hit this block below
// Check all the things you think should have a
// value and reject each field that don't
if (val) {
if ( !obj.contactFirstname) {
if ( !obj.contactSecondname) {
//and so on
So now in your controller:
class MyController {
def save1(BookingBean bean) {
Booking booking = new Booking()
// this will save all properties
booking.whatEver = bean.whatEver
// you can choose to validate or not here
// since at this point the secondSave has
// not been set therefore validation not called as yet in the bean
//you probably have id and it should bind with actual domain class
def save2(BookingBean bean) {
if (!bean.validate()) {
//this is your errors
//otherwise out of that loop since it hasn't returned
//manually set each object
e2a side note - above should answer
well don't validate it until you have created it. Only validate it after you created the object then added a value. Alternative create a function possibly in a validation bean that you run as part of your 2nd check. This Example bean is not validated until formatRequest is called as seen here
I don't grasp the specifics of your question, so I will give some general guidance since I have just dug into this.
Don't call hasErrors() before validate(). If you do, Grails won't hand you errors from domain constraints and you will only end up with the errors you set yourself using rejectValue().
Be careful with using rejectValue(). Try to set all your errors using domain constraints. If you have sophisticated constraints use the validator syntax and obj.getPersistentValue() might be your friend once in a while.
If you still have to use rejectValue(), understand that any later calls to validate() will start from scratch and erase your prior errors. I have written a workaround for this (to be placed in your domain object) although I can't assure you it is 100% ok:
def validateWithErrors(def fields = null) {
def existingErrors = this.errors
def ret = (fields ? this.validate(fields) : this.validate())
existingErrors?.allErrors?.each { error ->
this.errors.rejectValue(error.field, error.code)
return (existingErrors?.allErrors ? false : ret)

GRAILS: findALL() vs FindBy---(

Greeting everyone,
I am trying to pass a parameters from a URL to a findAll() method.
LINE3 I use findAll() to define mouse.
LINE2 def house will bring in the parameter DELAWARE when I go to the page: http://localhost:8080/TestApp/home/county/DELAWARE
House will only show one instance instead of a list.. is there anyway to pass the url instead of ["DELAWARE"]? (please see line 3) thanks :)
def county() {
def house = Home.findByCounty( //sends only user related address to view
def mouse = Home.findAll("from Home h where h.county= ?", ["DELAWARE"]);
if (!house) {
} else {
[house:house, mouse:mouse ]
Working Code +1 #Danilo
def county() {
def house = Home.findAllByCounty ( //sends only county specified thru URL e.g. http://localhost:8080/TestAPP/home/county/DELAWARE
if (!house) {
} else {
[house:house ]
findBy* will return at most one row, if you want to get all rows use findAllBy*
In order to understand how the URL will be used by Grails you have to have a look at conf/UrlMappings.groovy. You may find something like this:
static mappings = {
this means that when you call TestApp/home/county/DELAWARE what Grails is trying to do is use the home controller (HomeController), invoking the county method (def county(){...}) and passing DELAWARE as id.
This should work correctly if inside county method of the HomeController you have:
def filteredInstances = Home.findAllByCounty(

populating own error-messages to the grails domain errors

I'd like to know, if (and how) I could append some own error-messages to the domain-object after (or before) a validation.
My intention is, I have to check the uploaded file in a form for some attributes (image size etc.) and if something is wrong, I would like to add an error-message which is displayed in the usual grails ".hasErrors" loop.
(And I think I need to have the possibility to express errors in some cross-domain check failure...)
Thanks in advance,
You can add custom validation errors as described in the errors docs as follows:
class SampleController {
def save() {
def sampleObject = new SampleObject(params)
if(imageSizeIsTooBig(sampleObject)) {
private def imageSizeIsTooBig(SampleObject sampleObject) {
// calculation on sampleObject, if size is too big
Perhaps, you could even handle your case with a custom validator, so you can call validate() one time and be sure, that all constraints are fulfilled.
Here is a real example with a custom domain error:
def signup(User user) {
try {
//Check for some condition
if (!params.password.equals(params.passwordRepeat)) {
//Reject the value if condition is not fulfilled
'Default message'
//Throw an exception to break action and rollback if you are in a service
throw new ValidationException('Default message', user.errors)
//Continue with your logic and save if everything is ok
} catch (ValidationException e) {
//Render erros in the view
respond user.errors, view:'/signup'

Gathering and rendering common data

What is the best / cleanest way to gather common data, such as data for a sidebar. In my application I will only ever have two different sets of data, depending if a User is in a Project or not.
I am doing it like this at the minute :
def dashboard = {
def returnVal = getCommonSidebarContent()
returnVal << getCommonHeaderContent()
returnVal << [
//other data related to the main content of this particular page
return returnVal
where the likes of the getCommonSidebarContent() will return a map of user's tasks and other data.
I know this is bad, its what I started off with, but as time went on I never got round to sorting it. It starts to look messy with the returnVal statements in almost every controller method.
Maybe a filter can help you:
class MyFilters {
def filters = {
all(controller: '*', action: '*') {
after = { Map model ->
model.myCommonProperty = ...
Within a filter you can perform common operation before/after a request is processed (i.e. adding common data to your model). Within all(controller: '*', action: '*') you can define the actions that should be processed by a filter (in this case all actions in all controllers are processed).
An alternative way is using beforeInterceptor in controllers. You can use this if you need common actions in a single controller.

Streamlining entity lookup in Grails controllers (the typical get / findById)

Almost every controller action looks up one or more entities based on some user input. For some time I've been wanting to remove some of this boring, dry-breaking, boilerplate code:
def show = {
def entity = null
if ( && && >= 0)
entity = Book.get(
if (!entity) {
flash.message = "Could not find, blah blah blah"
return redirect(...)
// Useful code
My current approach involves injecting a findEntry method into all controllers.
void injectFindEntryMethod() {
grailsApplication.controllerClasses.each { def c ->
c.metaClass.findDomainEntry = { def domainClass, def entryId ->
def entry = null
if (entryId && entryId.isLong() && entryId.toLong() >= 0)
entry = domainClass.findById(entryId)
if (!entry)
throw new DomainInstanceNotFoundException(domainClass, entryId)
return entry
The basic idea behind this method is that it will throw an exception when an entry can't be found. Currently I'm "catching" this exception by using the "declarative error handling" functionality in Grails 1.1.
"500"(controller: "error", action: 'domainInstanceNotFound', exception: DomainInstanceNotFoundException)
The neat thing about this solution is that the bloated code in the show action is reduced to:
def show = {
def entry = findDomainEntry(BlogEntry,
// Useful code
Unfortunately this also comes with a few drawbacks, but hey, that's why we have Stackoverflow right? :-)
Issues / drawbacks:
This will cause the stacktrace of the exception to be logged, which is annoying since I'm handling the exception in my ErrorController.
I can't access the exception object inside the action method, but the object is accessible by ${exception} inside the view (I can't understand why it's implemented this way).
What do you guys think of this approach? Any ways to improve it? Any advices or soultions to the drawbacks I mentioned above? I'm sorry if the scope of my question(s) is too big, it just doesn't make sense to split it into multiple questions.
