Best way to create a dynamic Google Sitemap using ASP.NET MVC? -

Is there a recommended approach for creating Google Sitemaps using ASP.NET MVC?
I'm new to MVC and this is the first time I've needed to create one and wondered how best to go about it.
I have a number of static links (About Us, FAQ's etc.) that I would like included within the sitemap, but then need the rest of it to be dynamically generated from articles that have been posted on the site.
Any advice/direction on how to create this would be much appreciated.

1 - The first thing you'll need is to create a representation of your entire website a list of nodes which have children, parents and so forth. The easiest way to do this without rolling your own solution is to use the MVCSiteMapProject. It allows you so use MVCish terms like your action and controller names to define nodes which will automatically have the correct urls using your routing definitions.
2 - Now because the MVCSiteMap inherits from the default XmlSiteMap (may not have the exact name right ) you can use another add in to generate a google sitemap from the nodes you've defined in the MVCSiteMapProject.
There a bunch of ways to do #2 so its up to you to decide the technique.

You could create a generic handler the same as web forms, but I'd be inclined to use a controller action and a custom route.
Some simple steps to follow might be:
Create an action in your Home Controller (or create a new one), call it SiteMap.
Have the action return a View with your page data as the model.
Create a View called SiteMap that contains the Google XML, then iterate through your page data to generate the dynamic content.
Add a custom route to your Global.asax file that points to "/sitemap.xml" or whatever and pre-populate your the controller and action parameters with that of your new action.
If you're unsure of custom routes, just copy the default one and paste it above. The routes are handled first come first serve. Make sure you give it a new name.

for dynamic sitemap, i found this is the best solution :
it use a controller to generate the xml file.


Do I need a new controller for this?

i have a PropertyController, which I use to serve a bunch of pages. For example..
I now need to do a bunch of stuff based on a particular property I will need to do serve pages like this:
I think I need to build a new ImagesController and RoomsController, but do I need to but these in a folder structure? My RouteConfig is currently set to the default MapRoute rule ({controller}/{action}/{id}
You don't need to reflect your routing structure in your folders structure.
Check this one out:
ASP.Net MVC support for Nested Resources?.
Effectively your routing string is a regExpression to match whatever comes in from a requester. And if there's a match it's trying to bind all the variables in your expression to values from the HTTP request.
In regard to creating new controllers - a rule of thumb is to create a controller per resource / business entity. So in your case I would say yes to ImagesController, RoomsController and PropertyController.

generate route url's in views or controllers

I am currently working with mvc4 and have a question around best practice.
I am passing back to my view, a number of links based on product information eg. product/1234 etc.
What is best practice, create the link using the routing engine in the controller and return the url as a property on the model object OR return the information to the view and generate the link there? I use automapper to map my DTO objects to model object, also considering creating the links during mapping.
What is the best practice with this?
You always create the link on the view.
The HTML helpers in the view can be used to ensure the link conforms to your routing rules.
You can see this in action in the many official ASP.NET MVC 4 Tutorials.
Why not in the controller or model?
The HTML helpers in the view are designed to create not just the URL, but also to wrap the URL in a fully formed anchor tag, etc. It isn't appropriate to have HTML in your model or controller as they shouldn't care how the data is displayed.
For example, the Html.ActionLink helper returns an a element.

Creating a navigation for entire website

HI I am just learning mvc 3 and I am tryng to create a common menu for my entire application.I understand I can do that in _Layout.cshtml file witch is the default template for every page.
Now I have looked into sections for adding a template insite _Layout.cshtml but from what I can gather I need to define the section in every view.
I already have the logic for accesing the data defined in a separate class.All I need is to call the method witch will return a Dictionary<string , List<string>> , and then display the data by looping into it.
Aldo I could probably do this directly inside the Index.cshtml file by using the razor syntax I believe there must be a better way
So is there a way to create a template that can then bee added inside the _Layout.cshtml?
Creating a section for the menu on each view could work but I think another approach could be easier to mantain. On your layout itself use #Html.Partial to render your menu. Then on that partial view you could have all kinds of operations, such as database access, in one single spot.
Here is an article on how to do exactly this:
Was just looking into something similar. Hopefully partial views are your answer, this is a template you can re use and stick on any page. Information found here.

ASP.NET MVC - CMS Questions

I'm looking at developing an application that will include a CMS. I'm a seasoned web forms developer but only really just moving into MVC.
I have a couple of questions that I hope some of you guys can answer:
First, my current web forms CMS allows users to create a page, and then "drop" any number of user controls onto that page they have created. The way I do this is to create an entry in the DB together with the path and then use the LoadControl method.
I can see I can do this with partial views, but partial views have no code behind. If I've potentially got 100 controls that people can drop onto a page, does this mean that the ViewBag in the controller needs to cater for all 100 controls just in case they are used on the view? For example, a web forms user control will contain logic: rptItems.DataSource = blah; rptItems.DataBind()
With MVC, I'm assuming that logic will be in the view controller and the view would access it by the ViewBag? I'm a little confused at how to do this.
Secondly, how would you handle deep routing?
Store/Products/Category is fine, but what about Store/Products/Category/Delivery/UK ? Would I need to set up a route in global.asax for each route I need? In web forms, I just called the ReWritePath method and handled the routing myself using regular expressions.
Thanks for the time to read this, and hopefully answer some of my queries
For your second question, (ie, "deep routing"), you can handle this within your controller instead of adding real routes. Each part of the url is available via the RouteData.Values collection inside of your controller action. So, your route may look like
Assuming typical route configuration, this would call the Category(...) action method on ~/areas/store/controllers/storeController, which could then grap delivery and uk from the RouteData.Values collection.
There are a lot of other approaches to this - storing routes in a database and using associated metadata to find the correct controller and method - but I think this is the simplest. Also, it may be obvious, but if you really only need two parameters beyond 'Category' in your example, you could just use
public ActionResult Category(string category, string region)
and a route:
Delivery and UK would be mapped to the the category and region parameters, respectively. Anything beyond uk would still be available via the RouteData.Values collection. This assumes that you don't have more specific routes, like
that would be a better match. ({*params} might conflict with the second route; you'll have to investigate to see if it's a problem.)
For your first question:
You can dynamically generate the view source and return it as a string from the controller, eliminating the need to pass a lot of stuff via ViewBag. If a virtual page from your CMS database requires inclusion of partial views, you would add the references to those components when generating the page. (This may or may not address your problem - if not, please provide more information.)

Preferred way to use config settings in mvc master page

My Problem: I have an MVC3 application where all views use a common master page. The master page has many links to other (internal) sites. I need to be able to change the domain of these links depending on the deployment environment (e.g.,, etc). This domain is stored in the web.config.
There are numerous ways of doing this, but I am looking for some sort of consensus as to the preferred method. Here are some options but I am open to any suggestions:
(1) reference appsettings from master page directly. This is the simplest and most common approach but I am not particularly keen on reading the web.config and concatenate the url throughout the master page code. In fact, I am not sure that I like the idea of the view accessing the web.config at all.
(2) stick the appsetting value in viewdata/viewbag using a custom action filter which reads the config. concatenate in the page as before.
(3) as (2), but inject appsetting value in via contructor injection rather than reading it within the filter.
(4) create a base class for all my strongly typed viewmodels and populate with the appsetting using a custom action filter.
(5) create an htmlhelper that takes in the path and internally reads the appsetting and concatenates.
(6) create a custom view base class, inject in appsetting value and make available as property or function that takes in path and concatenates.
Just to add that typically when the master page requires data, I like to use Html.Action, but this is not possible in the case of these URLs that are used throughout the master page.
(5) create an htmlhelper that takes in the path and internally reads the appsetting and concatenates.
I would go with this one. Your custom HTML helper could look something like this:
<%= Html.ExternalActionLink(
"link text",
new { path = "/foo/bar.php" }
new { param1 = "value1", param2 = "value2" }
) %>
and could emit the following HTML:
link text
What I have done in the past is use viewdata/viewbag in my master page and populate its values in my base controller. The base controller in turn called another class to do the work of reading the values from the web.config.
This way the view is pretty clean (e.g. it does not contain code to read appsettings) and I don't need to create a base view model that matches all my views that use the master.
This approach has the disadvantage that uses a viewdata/viewbag but I decided that was OK in my case and extremely easy to implement.
