Rails equivalent to Django's "choices" - ruby-on-rails

I know there is no real equivalent in Rails but my question is mostly about best practice...
In Django, if you want to limit a model field to a limited set of choices, you would do something like this (in your model):
COLOR_CHOICES = (('B', 'Blue'), ('R', 'Red'))
item_color = models.CharField(choices=COLOR_CHOICES)
From my (basic) understanding of Rails, I can achieve something similar, for example, by using a select tag in the forms dealing with adding/editing that model...
My question however is, where would it be appropriate to declare the "choices" hash (again I'm guessing here that a hash is what I need?). Basically I just want it to be easily re-usable in any forms where I might need to present those choices, and when it comes to validating at the model level.
Any help/tips would be appreciated!

On the validation side of things, probably validates_inclusion_of is what you need:
class Coffee < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_inclusion_of :size, :in => %w(small medium large),
:message => "%{value} is not a valid size"
As for generating the helper, you can try something like:
class Coffee < ActiveRecord::Base
##coffe_size = %w(small medium large)
validates_inclusion_of :size, :in => ##coffe_size,
:message => "%{value} is not a valid size"
def self.coffee_size_options
##coffe_size.map{ |z| [z,z]}
And then in some helper:
<%= select(:coffee, :size, Coffee.coffee_size_options) %>

You can simply use enum
class Coffee < ActiveRecord::Base
enum color: [ :blue, :red, :green ]
More information here : https://api.rubyonrails.org/v5.2.4.1/classes/ActiveRecord/Enum.html

2 years later, there's a better option: values_for
class Car < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :brand
values_for :brand, :has=>[:ford, :chevy, :dodge], :add=>[:constants]
def doStuff
# Now you can...
Car.brands # [:ford, :chevy, :dodge]
Car::BRAND_FORD # "ford"
myCar = Car.new(:brand=>Car::BRAND_FORD)
myCar.valid? # true
myCar.brand= "duck."
myCar.valid? # false


Rails: Validate input without need of models

Let's say that I have an input field with a value, and I want to validate it (on the server side) to make sure, for instance, that the field has at least 5 characters.
The problem is that it is not something that I want to save in the database, or build a model. I just want to check that the value validates.
In PHP with Laravel, validation is quite easy:
$validator = Validator::make($data, [
'email' => ['required', 'email'],
'message' => ['required']]);
if ($validator->fails()) { // Handle it... }
Is there anything similar in Rails, without need of ActiveRecord, or ActiveModel? Not every data sent from a form makes sense as a Model.
You can use ActiveModel::Validations like this
class MyClass
include ActiveModel::Validations
validates :email, presence: true
validates :message, presence: true
It will act as a normal model and you will be able to do my_object.valid? and my_object.errors.
Rails validations live in ActiveModel so doing it without ActiveModel seems kind of counter-productive. Now, if you can loosen that requirement a bit, it is definitely possible.
What I read you asking for, and as I read the PHP code doing, is a validator-object that can be configured on the fly.
We can for example build a validator class dynamically and use instance of that class to run our validations. I have opted for an API that looks similar to the PHP one here:
class DataValidator
def self.make(data, validations)
Class.new do
include ActiveModel::Validations
validations.each do |attribute, attribute_validations|
validates attribute, attribute_validations
def self.model_name
ActiveModel::Name.new(self, nil, "DataValidator::Validator")
def initialize(data)
data.each do |key, value|
self.instance_variable_set("##{key.to_sym}", value)
Using DataValidator.make we can now build instances of classes with the specific validations that we need. For example in a controller:
validator = DataValidator.make(
:email => {:presence => true},
:name => {:presence => true}
if validator.valid?
# Success
# Error

How does one put validations on individual ActiveModel/ActiveRecord objects?

You have a model, say, Car. Some validations apply to every Car instance, all the time:
class Car
include ActiveModel::Model
validates :engine, :presence => true
validates :vin, :presence => true
But some validations are only relevant in specific contexts, so only certain instances should have them. You'd like to do this somewhere:
c = Car.new
c.extend HasWinterTires
Those validations go elsewhere, into a different module:
module HasWinterTires
# Can't go fast with winter tires.
validates :speed, :inclusion => { :in => 0..30 }
If you do this, validates will fail since it's not defined in Module. If you add include ActiveModel::Validations, that won't work either since it needs to be included on a class.
What's the right way to put validations on model instances without stuffing more things into the original class?
There are several solutions to this problem. The best one probably depends on your particular needs. The examples below will use this simple model:
class Record
include ActiveModel::Validations
validates :value, presence: true
attr_accessor :value
Rails 4 only
Use singleton_class
ActiveSupport::Callbacks were completely overhauled in Rails 4 and putting validations on the singleton_class will now work. This was not possible in Rails 3 due to the implementation directly referring to self.class.
record = Record.new value: 1
record.singleton_class.validates :value, numericality: {greater_than: 1_000_000}
record.valid? || record.errors.full_messages
# => ["Value must be greater than 1000000"]
Rails 3 and 4
In Rails 3, validations are also implemented using ActiveSupport::Callbacks. Callbacks exist on the class, and while the callbacks themselves are accessed on a class attribute which can be overridden at the instance-level, taking advantage of that requires writing some very implementation-dependent glue code. Additionally, the "validates" and "validate" methods are class methods, so you basically you need a class.
Use subclasses
This is probably the best solution in Rails 3 unless you need composability. You will inherit the base validations from the superclass.
class BigRecord < Record
validates :value, numericality: {greater_than: 1_000_000}
record = BigRecord.new value: 1
record.valid? || record.errors.full_messages
# => ["Value must be greater than 1000000"]
For ActiveRecord objects, there are several ways to "cast" a superclass object to a subclass. subclass_record = record.becomes(subclass) is one way.
Note that this will also preserve the class methods validators and validators_on(attribute). The SimpleForm gem, for example, uses these to test for the existence of a PresenceValidator to add "required" CSS classes to the appropriate form fields.
Use validation contexts
Validation contexts are one of the "official" Rails ways to have different validations for objects of the same class. Unfortunately, validation can only occur in a single context.
class Record
include ActiveModel::Validations
validates :value, presence: true
attr_accessor :value
# This can also be put into a module (or Concern) and included
with_options :on => :big_record do |model|
model.validates :value, numericality: {greater_than: 1_000_000}
record = Record.new value: 1
record.valid?(:big_record) || record.errors.full_messages
# => ["Value must be greater than 1000000"]
# alternatively, e.g., if passing to other code that won't supply a context:
record.define_singleton_method(:valid?) { super(:big_record) }
record.valid? || record.errors.full_messages
# => ["Value must be greater than 1000000"]
Use #validates_with instance method
#validates_with is one of the only instance methods available for validation. It accepts one or more validator classes and any options, which will be passed to all classes. It will immediately instantiate the class(es) and pass the record to them, so it needs to be run from within a call to #valid?.
module Record::BigValidations
def valid?(context=nil)
super.tap do
# (must validate after super, which calls errors.clear)
validates_with ActiveModel::Validations::NumericalityValidator,
:greater_than => 1_000_000,
:attributes => [:value]
end && errors.empty?
record = Record.new value: 1
record.extend Record::BigValidations
record.valid? || record.errors.full_messages
# => ["Value must be greater than 1000000"]
For Rails 3, this is probably your best bet if you need composition and have so many combinations that subclasses are impractical. You can extend with multiple modules.
Use SimpleDelegator
big_record_delegator = Class.new(SimpleDelegator) do
include ActiveModel::Validations
validates :value, numericality: {greater_than: 1_000_000}
def valid?(context=nil)
return true if __getobj__.valid?(context) && super
# merge errors
__getobj__.errors.each do |key, error|
errors.add(key, error) unless errors.added?(key, error)
# required for anonymous classes
def self.model_name
record = Record.new value: 1
big_record = big_record_delegator.new(record)
big_record.valid? || big_record.errors.full_messages
# => ["Value must be greater than 1000000"]
I used an anonymous class here to give an example of using a "disposable" class. If you had dynamic enough validations such that well-defined subclasses were impractical, but you still wanted to use the "validate/validates" class macros, you could create an anonymous class using Class.new.
One thing you probably don't want to do is create anonymous subclasses of the original class (in these examples, the Record class), as they will be added to the superclass's DescendantTracker, and for long-lived code, could present a problem for garbage collection.
You could perform the validation on the Car, if the Car extends the HasWinterTires module... For example:
class Car < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :speed, :inclusion => { :in => 0..30 }, :if => lambda { self.singleton_class.ancestors.includes?(HasWinterTires) }
I think you can just do self.is_a?(HasWinterTires) instead of the singleton_class.ancestors.include?(HasWinterTires), but I haven't tested it.
Have you thought about using a Concern? So something like this should work.
module HasWinterTires
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
module ClassMethods
validates :speed, :inclusion => { :in => 0..30 }
The concern won't care that it itself has no idea what validates does.
Then I believe that you can just do instance.extend(HasWinterTires), and it should all work.
I'm writing this out from memory, so let me know if you have any issues.
You likely want something like this, which is very similar to your original attempt:
module HasWinterTires
def self.included(base)
base.class_eval do
validates :speed, :inclusion => { :in => 0..30 }
Then the behavior should work as expected in your example, though you need to use include instead of extend on HasWinterTires.

How do i specify and validate an enum in rails?

I currently have a model Attend that will have a status column, and this status column will only have a few values for it. STATUS_OPTIONS = {:yes, :no, :maybe}
1) I am not sure how i can validate this before a user inserts an Attend? Basically an enum in java but how could i do this in rails?
Now that Rails 4.1 includes enums you can do the following:
class Attend < ActiveRecord::Base
enum size: [:yes, :no, :maybe]
validates :size, inclusion: { in: sizes.keys }
Which then provides you with a scope (ie: Attend.yes, Attend.no, Attend.maybe), a checker method to see if certain status is set (ie: #yes?, #no?, #maybe?), along with attribute setter methods (ie: #yes!, #no!, #maybe!).
Rails Docs on enums
Create a globally accessible array of the options you want, then validate the value of your status column:
class Attend < ActiveRecord::Base
STATUS_OPTIONS = %w(yes no maybe)
validates :status, :inclusion => {:in => STATUS_OPTIONS}
You could then access the possible statuses via Attend::STATUS_OPTIONS
This is how I implement in my Rails 4 project.
class Attend < ActiveRecord::Base
enum size: [:yes, :no, :maybe]
validates :size, inclusion: { in: Attend.sizes.keys }
Attend.sizes gives you the mapping.
Attend.sizes # {"yes" => 0, "no" => 1, "maybe" => 2}
See more in Rails doc
You could use a string column for the status and then the :inclusion option for validates to make sure you only get what you're expecting:
class Attend < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :size, :inclusion => { :in => %w{yes no maybe} }
What we have started doing is defining our enum items within an array and then using that array for specifying the enum, validations, and using the values within the application.
STATUS_OPTIONS = [:yes, :no, :maybe]
enum status_option: STATUS_OPTIONS
validates :status_option, inclusion: { in: STATUS_OPTIONS.map(&:to_s) }
This way you can also use STATUS_OPTIONS later, like for creating a drop down lists. If you want to expose your values to the user you can always map like this:
STATUS_OPTIONS.map {|s| s.to_s.titleize }
For enums in ActiveModels you can use this gem Enumerize
After some looking, I could not find a one-liner in model to help it happen. By now, Rails provides Enums, but not a comprehensive way to validate invalid values.
So, I opted for a composite solution: To add a validation in the controller, before setting the strong_params, and then by checking against the model.
So, in the model, I will create an attribute and a custom validation:
enum :status => { your set of values }
attr_accessor :invalid_status
validate :valid_status
def valid_status
if self.invalid_status == true
errors.add(:status, "is not valid")
Also, I will do a check against the parameters for invalid input and send the result (if necessary) to the model, so an error will be added to the object, thus making it invalid
def attend_params
#modify strong_params to include the additional check
if params[:attend][:status].in?(Attend.statuses.keys << nil) # to also allow nil input
# Leave this as it was before the check
params[:attend][:invalid_status] = true
# remove the 'status' attribute to avoid the exception and
# inject the attribute to the params to force invalid instance
params.require(:attend).permit(...., :invalid_status)
To define dynamic behavior you can use in: :method_name notation:
class Attend < ActiveRecord::Base
enum status: [:yes, :no, :maybe]
validates :status, inclusion: {in: :allowed_statuses}
# restricts status to be changed from :no to :yes
def allowed_statuses
min_status = Attend.statuses[status_was]
Attend.statuses.select { |_, v| v >= min_status }.keys
You can use rescue_from ::ArgumentError.
rescue_from ::ArgumentError do |_exception|
render json: { message: _exception.message }, status: :bad_request
Want to place another solution.
module LibEnums
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
validate do
self.class::ENUMS.each do |e|
if instance_variable_get("#not_valid_#{e}")
errors.add(e.to_sym, "must be #{self.class.send("#{e}s").keys.join(' or ')}")
self::ENUMS.each do |e|
self.define_method("#{e}=") do |value|
if !self.class.send("#{e}s").keys.include?(value)
instance_variable_set("#not_valid_#{e}", true)
super value
require 'lib_enums'
class Account < ApplicationRecord
ENUMS = %w(state kind meta_mode meta_margin_mode)
include LibEnums

Dynamic finder methods for validation purposes

I am using Ruby on Rails 3.0.7 and I would like to find some records at run time for validation purposes but passing\setting a value for that finder method. That is, in a my class I have the following:
class Group < < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :relation_id,
:presence => true,
:inclusion => {
:in => ... # Read below for more information about
If I set :in to be
:in => User.find(1).group_ids
it works, but I would like to set "some-dynamic-things" for the finder method instead of the 1 value stated below in the example. That is, I would like to do something like the following in order to pass to the model a <test_value> in someway:
class Group < < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :relation_id,
:presence => true,
:inclusion => {
:in => User.find(<test_value>).group_ids
Is it possible? If so, how can I pass the value to the constant?
P.S.: Just to know, I am trying to make that in order to move some logic from the controller to the model.
I'm inferring that what you're trying to do is enforce something like "Only users who are members of a group can save it." If that's the case, you have behavior that should stay in the controller.
Your model doesn't have access to the current session, and adding this logic will prevent you from using your model for other things in the future. For example, you'd never be able to save a group from a batch or maintenance job that wasn't associated with a user.
If you really want to do this you could put a current_user class level variable in the User object and set it in a before_filter...
class ApplicationController
before_fitler :set_current_user
def set_current_user
User.current_user = #however you get your user in your controllers
class User
class Group
validates :user_in_group
def user_in_group
return true unless User.current_user #if we don't have a user set, skip validation
User.current_user.group_ids.include? self.id
It looks like you want something like a proc to be run for the validator for the :in attribute. I think you may be threading in dangerous territory when you rely on load order of models and playing with "dynamic constants".
Instead how about just building your own custom validator for this case?
It's not that hard, and you will have full control of what you need:

Rails 3: Display validation errors for a form (not saving an ActiveRecord model)

Apologies if this is a really common and/or ridiculous question; I swear I've read over the documentation multiple times and everything seems so focused on ActiveRecord to the point they've wandered off the path of forms that do something other than create or edit model data.
Take for example a form with inputs to control the extraction and display of some statistics. What does rails provide me with for validating the user input of this form, which won't be invoking save on any records? Things like:
:email must be an email address
:num_products must be a positive whole number
:gender must be one of "M" or "F"
:temperature must be between -10 and 120
Etc etc (the sort of stuff that comes standard in most web frameworks)...
Is there something in Rails for me to perform this arbitrary validation and some view helper to display a list of errors, or is everything coupled with ActiveRecord?
Apologies if I've overlooked this in the documentation, but this and this don't really cover it, at least as far as mt weary eyes can tell.
scratches head
Thanks to Rob's answer, here's what I've come up with. I created a utility class (aptly named Validator) which is just embedded into my controllers for anything that needs it.
module MyApp
class Validator
include ActiveModel::Validations
include ActiveModel::Conversion
extend ActiveModel::Naming
def initialize(attributes = {})
attributes.each { |n, v| send("#{n}=", v) if respond_to?("#{n}=") }
Now in the controller, for example, just define a little inline-class:
class LoginController < ApplicationController
class AuthenticationValidator < MyApp::Validator
attr_accessor :email
attr_accessor :password
validates_presence_of :email, :message => "E-mail is a required field"
validates_presence_of :password, :message => "Password cannot be blank"
def authenticate
if request.post?
#validator = AuthenticationValidator.new(params)
if #validator.valid?
# Do something meaningful
It feels a bit unnecessary to stick every single set of validation rules in their own .rb when the logic is more controller-oriented IMHO. There is probably a more succinct way to write this, but I'm pretty new to Ruby and Rails.
Yes, it can be done fairly easily.
You can use the validations API for it.
As an example, here is a contact us model that I use for an application that is not using ActiveRecord.
class ContactUs
include ActiveModel::Validations
include ActiveModel::Conversion
extend ActiveModel::Naming
attr_accessor :name, :email, :subject, :message
validates_presence_of :name, :email, :message, :subject
validates_format_of :email, :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+#[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}\z/
def initialize(attributes=nil)
attributes.each do |name, value|
send("#{name}=", value)
end unless attributes.nil?
def persisted?
There is a valid method on model, which triggers validation.
so instead model.save, try model.valid?
