Rails Formtastic FormBuilder Customize Markup? - ruby-on-rails

Does anyone know if there are hooks for customizing the output of formtastic?
Currently if I do something like this:
= form.input :name, :label => "Name"
It will render a list item:
<li id="item_name_input" class="string required">
<label for="item_name">Name<abbr title="required">*</abbr></label>
<input type="text" value="" name="item[name]" maxlength="255" id="item_name">
I want to get rid of the li wrapper (and parent ol) and replace with a div. Can't seem to find anything on the formtastic wiki about this.

Unless you fork formtastic and change this line, I don't think there's any way to do this. Formtastic's philosophy bases on Aaron Gustafson Presentation, which shows this ol way to code forms.

Starting with this commit Formtastic supports modifying and customizing inputs. Also, consider taking a look at SimpleForm, which is less strict about markup and css.


add formtastic-bootstrap styles to formtastic 3

I have an input that looks like this:
<%= f.input :email %>
The output I get from formtastic(v3.1.5) and rails(v4.2) looks like this.
<li class="email input required stringish" id="applicant_email_input">
<label for="applicant_email" class="label">Email<abbr title="required">*</abbr></label>
<input maxlength="255" id="applicant_email" type="email" value="davedave#gmail.com" name="applicant[email]">
What I really want is for formtastic to emit:
<div class="email input required stringish form-group" id="applicant_email_input">
<label for="applicant_email" class=" control-label">Email<abbr title="required">*</abbr></label>
<span class="form-wrapper">
<input maxlength="255" id="applicant_email" type="email" value="davedave#gmail.com" name="applicant[email]" class="form-control">
This is what this app emmitted with formtastic(v2.3.1) and formtastic-bootstrap(v3.0.0) and rails(v4.1).
I'd love to just include the gem for formtastic-bootstrap and get that old behavior back, but near as I can tell, formtastic-bootstrap dropped out around formtastic 3.
Now I have an app with a couple thousand calls to f.input, and I need to massage the output coming from formtastic. What's the best way to do that?
Maybe you could use formtastic's custom input? Also, these links might help: https://github.com/justinfrench/formtastic/blob/master/lib/formtastic/helpers/input_helper.rb and https://github.com/justinfrench/formtastic/issues/625.
Specifically, Justin French recommends that you monkey patch your app with an initializer in config/initializers/formtastic_patches.rb that would look something like this:
module Formtastic
module Inputs
module Base
module Wrapping
def input_wrapping(&block)
[template.capture(&block), error_html, hint_html].join("\n").html_safe,
And then switch the :li for a :div.
Here is a hacked version of formtastic I have named boomtastic which will do what you want.
(This actually includes all that you require except for the form-wrapper. However, the form-wrapper seems to be an element of bootstrap-formtastic only and not part of formtastic or standard bootstrap. If you really want to have the <span class="form-wrapper">, I think you can add this by editing boomtastic/lib/formtastic/inputs/base/wrapping.rb.)
What about a solution that uses jquery to change your form at page reload?
var ready = function () {
var $input = $('#applicant_email');
var input_html = $input.html();
$input.html('<span class="form-wrapper">' + input_html + '</span>');
$(document).on('turbolinks:load', ready);
You need to tell me how you want to select those fields, because in your example you did not include the full html and any explanation of the real problem.
I also see that the other divs have some other classes, that can be done with some easy jquery
Otherwise you can edit that gem

Getting forms to look good in simple_form with Zurb Foundation

I have been using simple_form for a few years now, but always either by itself or with Bootstrap. I'm using Foundation in a new project, and I have followed Zurb's instructions for installing the foundation-rails gem. I have also run:
rails g simple_form:install --foundation
And it has created the requisite files.
Now for the confusing part. When I used to generate a controller or a scaffold with simple_form for Bootstrap, it would make the form look great by default.
But when I run those same generators in my new Rails project using simple_form for Foundation, the forms don't appear to be styled at all. The fields stretch all the way across the screen.
Passing in the wrapper HTML classes that are specified in the config/initializers/simple_form_foundation.rb file don't do anything.
For example:
<%= simple_form_for(#organization, html: { class: "horizontal-form" }) do |f| %>
I can see in the HTML source that it is indeed putting "inline-form" as a class on the form, but there's nothing else going on. None of the wrapper stuff around any of the divs is different, it's just plain:
<div class="input string optional organization_official_name">
<label class="string optional" for="organization_official_name">Official Name</label>
<input class="string optional" id="organization_official_name" name="organization[official_name]" type="text" value="Voolith">
I have not done anything fancy in my application layout yet, other than the nav bar which is using Zurb classes and works perfectly.
I think I am confused on what exactly simple_form is supposed to do here? I don't understand the connection between the configuration in the simple_form.rb and simple_form_foundation.rb files and CSS classes.
Right now, passing the "vertical-form" or "horizontal-form" classes as I have done above doesn't do anything. Isn't simple_form somehow supposed to read that value and render the form differently?
I had this same problem and googling didn't yield quick answers.
I believe instead of
<%= simple_form_for(#organization, html: { class: "horizontal-form" }) do |f| %>
<%= simple_form_for(#organization, :wrapper => :horizontal_form) do |f| %>
This references the config.wrappers in config/initializers/simple_form_foundation.rb

Image with Checkbox instead of text

I have an association where a Vote has many Images, and I'd like this association to be checkboxes but instead of text have an image next to the checkbox instead of a text value the an example of the outputted HTML would look like:
<input class="check_boxes optional" id="vote_image_id_1" name="vote[image_id][]" type="checkbox" value="1"><img src="boat.png" alt="Big Boat"> <br />
Is this possible to do with simple form or will I need to write a custom field for this? If i have to write a custom field could someone recommend some good resources on making custom fields with simple form.
I can't test it right now, but I would do it more or less like this:
options = []
images.each do |image|
options << [image.id, image_tag(image.path)]
f.collection_check_boxes :votes, options, :first, :last
Maybe you can extract the construction of the options array to a helper method.
I hope it helps :)

how to put place holder for <%= f.datagrid_filter filter%>?

I made a rails application, and I used datagrid gem to handle filters, pagination,and orders(ascending and descending). I was supposed to write <%= f.datagrid_filter filter%> to filter according to a filed of the table(Ex:title field in topics table).
Now <%= f.datagrid_filter filter%> returns a traditional html input tag like below. <input id="topic_report_title" class="title string_filter" type="text" size="30" name="topic_report[title]"> in the html console.
Now I want to put placeholder in that helper method only.
Can anybody help please?
Have you tried to do the following: <%= f.datagrid_filter filter, :placeholder => "placeholder text"%>

Custom HTML Error Wrappers for Form Elements

I would like to find a way to customize the default error html
<div class="field_with_errors"></div>
To take my own classes:
<div class="clearfix error">
<label for="errorInput">Input with error</label>
<div class="input">
<input class="xlarge error" id="errorInput" name="errorInput" size="30" type="text">
<span class="help-inline">Small snippet of help text</span>
I have found this railscast from 2007 which uses Rails 2, I believe. http://railscasts.com/episodes/39-customize-field-error. It seems like Rails 3 might have a more friendly way to customize this html?
Also, it doesn't show a way to just add an error class directly to the input like I want.
The method explained in the link you posted is still used today with the vanilla form builders in Rails.
So, if you wanted to wrap your input like you mention, create a method overriding the ActionView::Base.field_error_proc in your environment.rb file for example, like so:
ActionView::Base.field_error_proc = Proc.new do |html_tag, instance|
if instance.error_message.kind_of?(Array)
%(<div class="form-field error">#{html_tag}<small class="error">
%(<div class="form-field error">#{html_tag}<small class="error">
In the above code, I'm wrapping my input (the #{html_tag}) in a <div class="form-field error>..</div> that's the default used by ZURB Foundation. I'm also using a <small class="error">...</small tag (which is also the foundation default) to display the messages below the input.
However, I recommend using a form builder gem like simple_form. It cleans up your view code quit a bit and allows for the level of customization you require.
Check out the railscast on it here.
Good luck!
