Ambitious Networking Project for iOS, need direction - ipad

I'm challenging myself to write an app I know nothing about in 2 months time and I need some direction. Suppose you wanted to create an awesome iPad app that takes craigslist posts and displays them in a neat fashion. How would I gather the information from using Objective-C/C in xCode? What objects would I be interacting with to create network connections and how would that information be read in? Would I be reading the source code?
Thank you!

Craigslist has RSS feeds, so I suppose you could just get the link, parse the feed, and display it on a table. There are too many examples to count out there on how to do that.


Append more than 100 products in Adobe Analytics

if i add more than 100 products under s.products in adobe analytics, I am seeing 414 status code
First, since you got this error, and I see in your screenshot it is a GET request, it sounds like you may not be using the latest Adobe Analytics AppMeasurement library (AppMeasurement.js) and Experience Cloud ID Service (VisitorAPI.js) - or at least a version that supports POST requests. So the first thing I suggest is update to the latest libraries.
But second - and perhaps more importantly - as #RobertSim commented - what are you doing that requires pushing 100+ products to an AA hit? I've been doing this for over 10 years with countless clients both directly working with them and indirectly on help sites such as this, and this is the first time I have ever seen someone try to push so many products at a time.. I'm a little impressed.
But nonetheless you are almost certainly going about things the wrong way. Are you trying to do product impression tracking on a category/product listing page? There is no way a visitor is viewing 100+ products at a time. The standard is to do top 5 or top 10 on a category/product listing page.
Are you trying to push meta data about products to AA? Definitely should not be doing it like this. You should probably be using SAINT classification uploads.
Provide more details about what you're trying to do here, what's the goal of this, etc. and perhaps a better answer can be given.

How do I go About Creating Exam Prep with Flutter?

I want to begin a mobile app project for my college, i want to make use of flutter but am a beginner. The app is going to base on past questions of various departments of my college.
The questions will popping randomly with timer. How do i go about this?
I also need suggestion whether to make the app Online or Offline.
Making it Online, am thinking of getting the random questions from a rest API that outputs results in JSON but some of the users of the app might not be able to afford buying internet Data.
Making it Offline, i need how to go about this with Dart/Flutter. and also i'd like the size of the app not to be much as having questions stored in the app (Offline) might increase the size of the app.
I need suggestions on how to achieve my aims with Dart/Flutter please.

Automatically create firebase record from RSS feeds - feedthefire

I am working on a RSS based mobile app. However, all of the posts need to come from Firebase because there is metadata associated with them (likes etc..).
Originally I was thinking of using FeedKit (a RSS library for iOS) so that in the background every time a user is using the app, I'll push any new RSS items to Firebase. This seems like a very inelegant solution however.
I've been looking around for other ways to automate this on the web. One solution is to use Zapier:
But with the amount of authors in our app this would be way too expensive.
Then I came across a library called FeedTheFire:
I would love to use this, it seems like a perfect solution. However I only have experience with Swift & iOS development, and have no idea how I would go about implementing this library.
If someone could give me a high-level idea of what would be involved with setting this up, that would be amazing. Keep in mind I have never worked in any other language than Swift, except basic front end web.
I'm not looking for anything specific, I'm sure I can hack up a solution. I just need a better idea of what that solution would actually look like.

5- star survey for mobile GIS app iOS

I am currently trying develop a mobile app using the ArcGIS Runtime SDK on iOS. Right now users receive a push-notification requesting feedback when they visit a location predetermined using a feature layer. What I would like to add to the push-notification is a way for users to answer a three question 5-star survey. Results would need to be averaged and then populated back to the feature layer to be displayed via callout box to users.(i.e. name, address, and 5-star results would display).
I'm not sure where to start so I am open to any advice, tutorials, or workflows on implementing this (or good Samaritans willing to hold my hand). I have tried to piece together pieces of information found in different forums but I haven't found how to link it all together. Maybe using PostGIS in some manner? My skill level is novice, yet dangerous!
I know these forums are sometimes known for disregarding beginners, so thanks for taking the time to read my post.

Implementation of articulate

I am looking at Articulate to support my own application. I want my users to be able to use Articulate to create the E-learning and then uploading the files to my site and run it on my site.
However i wish to store both the questions and the answers of the quiz that is created in articulate.
Does anyone know how this is possible or know a way around either by using excel or any other software to store the Q/A?
There may be more than one answer. But Articulate is SCORM compliant. It is designed to return test scores to the server using SCORM. I have not been involved with receiving those test scores by acting as an LMS, but in the past I have made custom applications that send that data to the LMS using scorm. But if you research SCORM and other APIs they use you might find something useful.
For example, if you mean Articulate Storyline then you can test send/receiving data using this package:
This shows that it can be done. But you would have to write your own program to communicate with Storyline. If you can duplicate how that package works you might be on your way.
As an alternative to SCORM, you can also use the xAPI see to store your e-learning data
