Lets say you have a form which creates a new user.
How do you write your Cucumber scenario?
Given I am logged in as admin
When I create a new user
Then I should see "Successfully created user"
Given I am logged in as admin
When I go to Create new user
And I fill in "Name" with "Name111"
And I fill in "Password" with "Password111"
And I press "Create new user"
Then I should see "Successfully created user"
If you choose 1.) where do you document the requirements for a User (A user should have a name and a password). I see that BDD is about behavior but at some point you and the stakeholder have to specify which properties a user should have, don't you?
I'm very new to BDD so I appreciate any advise...
You should read Imperative vs Declarative Scenarios.
--Aslak. Creator of Cucumber.
The scenarios you've written are fairly low level. Unless you're actually producing secure login functionality to sell, I'd stick to the happy case and unit / manual test the rest. If you don't, you'll create so many scenarios it'll be a maintenance nightmare.
Find out what differentiates the product you're creating from all the similar products, then target that as the value of the scenario. Then it will look like this:
Given Fred is logged in
When Fred <does something>
Then Fred should <get some really differentiating value>
And <something else happens>
Stick to the really high-level capabilities, rather than low-level form-based steps. For instance:
Given there is already a question on BDD and Cucumber
Given Peyote is logged in
When Peyote proposes a question on BDD and Cucumber
Then Peyote should see other questions on BDD and Cucumber.
There's a concept called the "Page Paradigm", in which you create a class with all the low-level steps that the page or screen can perform. You can then call those low-level steps on the page from within the higher-level Cucumber step fixtures.
Your business will be much more engaged with scenarios like this. The main purpose of BDD is not to produce automated tests, but to have conversations around the scenarios so that you can find out where you're going wrong and what other options you could consider before you go to the trouble of implementing the code. Automated tests are a nice by-product.
The conversations, and the learning you get by talking through them, are the things which make BDD different from ATDD (Acceptance Test Driven Development). That's why we use language like Example, Scenario, Given, When, Then, Context, Event, Outcome instead of Test, SetUp, TearDown, Act, Arrange, Assert - so we can talk about these with business, BAs and testers in the same language.
See Dan North's article on Deliberate Discovery and the rest of his blog for more, and good luck with the BDD!
Either one will work. With #1 you would create a step to handel the filling in of the form. I prefer a hybrid of #1 and #2 because I use Scenario Outlines alot for example:
Given the following users exist:
| email | password |
| test#example.com | testpassword23 |
| test2#example.com | notthistime |
| test3#example.com | welcomeback |
#login #authentication
Scenario Outline: Authentication
Given I am on the new user session page
When I login with "<s_email>" and "<s_password>"
And I press "Login"
Then I should see "<s_message>"
| s_email | s_password | s_message |
| test#example.com | testpassword23 | Signed in successfully |
| test2#example.com | itriedreallyhard | Invalid email or password. |
| teOst#example.com | testpassword23 | Invalid email or password. |
I have a Ruby on Rails program with feature tests in Cucumber.
I just implemented a feature where an admin can create a new password for a client-user. Now, on the "edit client" page, there's an additional button that allows the admin to set the password. Now, I just need to make a cucumber test.
I am trying to base this off of the normal test for client changing password, and the test for admin changing the user's information. What I have is this:
Feature: Analyst changes client's password
As an Analyst
I want to change client's password
So that I can reset the client's account
Given the following client accounts
| email | password |
| user1#someorg.com | password |
And I am logged in as an admin
Scenario: Update a Client user
Given I navigate to the Clients Management Page
When I edit the Client User "user1#someorg.com"
And I click on "button"
Then I should be on the Clients Password Page
Scenario: Can change password if confirmation matches
Given I navigate to the Clients Password Page
And I enter "Password1" as the password
And I enter "Password1" as the password confirmation
And I submit the form
Then I should be taken to the Client Landing Page
And The client's password should be "Password1"
In the steps, I have:
Given /^I navigate to the Clients Password Page$/ do
client_management_index_page = ClientsPasswordPage.new Capybara.current_session
Then /^I should be on the Clients Password Page$/ do
client_password_page = ClientsPasswordPage.new Capybara.current_session
expect(client_password_page).to be_current_page
and ClientsPaswordPage:
class ClientsPasswordPage
include PageMixin
include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
def initialize session
initialize_page session, edit_admin_client_password_path
except that edit_admin_client_password_path takes an :id, for the user who's being edited. I can't figure out how to get that information into it.
In case it matters, I'm using Devise for the security stuff...
There are a few ways to do this. The simplest is to realize that you're only creating one client during the test so
Client.first # whatever class represents clients
will always be that client. Obviously that doesn't work if you have tests where you create one more than client, so then you can create instance variables in your cucumber steps which get set on the World and can then be accessed from other steps and passed to your page objects
When I edit the Client User "user1#someorg.com"
#current_client = Client.find_by(email: "user1#someorg.com") # obviously would actually be a parameter to the step
Then /^I should be on the Clients Password Page$/ do
client_password_page = ClientsPasswordPage.new Capybara.current_session, #current_client
expect(client_password_page).to be_current_page
of course without the page object overhead this would just become
Then /^I should be on the Clients Password Page$/ do
expect(page).to have_current_path(edit_admin_client_password_path(#current_client))
There are a number of things you can do to simplify this scenario. If you have simpler scenarios, with simpler step definitions then it will be easier to solve implementation problems like how you get a client in one step to be available in a second step.
The main way to simplify scenarios is to not have anything at all in the scenario that explains HOW you have implemented the functionality. If you take all the clicking on buttons, filling in fields, and visiting pages out of your scenarios you can focus on the business problem.
So how about
Given there is a client
And I am logged in as an admin
Scenario: Change clients password
When I change the clients password
Then the client should have a new password
Note: This immediately raises the question 'How does the client find out about there new password?', which is what good simple scenarios do, they make you ask valuable questions. Answering this is probably out of scope here.
Now lets have a look at the implementation.
Given 'there is a client' do
#client = create_new_client
When 'I change the clients password' do
visit admin_change_password_path(#client)
change_client_password(client: #client)
Just this might be sufficient to get you on the right path. In addition something like
Given 'I am logged in as an admin' do
#i = create_admin_user
login_as(user: #i)
would help.
What we have done here is
Push the HOW down your stack so that now the code you right to make this work is out of your scenarios and step definitions
Used variable to communicate between steps the line #client = create_new_client creates a global (actually global to Cucumber::World) variable that is available in all step definitions
You can create helper methods by adding modules to Cucumber world and defining methods in them. Note these methods are global so you have to think carefully about names (there are very good reasons why these methods are global). So
module UserStepHelper
def create_new_client
def create_admin_user
def change_client_password(client: )
World UserStepHelper
Will create a helper method you can use in any of your step definitions.
You can see an example of this approach here. A project I used for a talk at CukeUp 2013. Perhaps you could use this as your tutorial example.
I am doing integration testing using Cucumber. In my ApplicationController, I have a method called current_user that provides the current user object. I use this object to add items to a redis database:
$redis.sadd("cart#current_user.id}", [1,5,2])
In my Cucumber steps I test this functionality:
Then /^the redis database should have "(.+)" item ids/ do |count|
expect($redis.smembers("cart#{current_user.id}").count).to eq count.to_i
However, it is my understanding that Cucumber does not have access to controller methods, even if they are under ApplicationController, and therefore I cannot user the current_user method the way I would in my controllers.
What I am doing now is since I am testing features, there is only one user in the database so the current_user.id will always be 1, but if I start adding more users this may not work nicely.
Is there a workaround for this?
Your not really using Cucumber as intended here. What you are doing is testing how your application currently works, but really Cukes is best used to specify what your application does and why its important.
Applying more appropriate usage to your current problem leads to the following questions
What is the reason for storing the ids in Redis?
What benefit does the customer get by having these id's stored?
Taking a wild guess you might be saving a basket so that if the user logs out, their basket would still be populated when they come back. Then your scenario would be something like
Scenario: Remember products in basket
Given I am registered
And I am logged in
When I put some products in my basket
And I log out
And I log in again
Then my basket should still have some products in it
Notice how the scenario is all about WHAT you are doing and WHY its important but reveals nothing about HOW this is going to be done. This is a really good way to critique scenarios. Scenarios that contain HOW stuff are going to be harder to write and much harder to maintain. Anyhow enough of that :)
Now you can use standard cucumber stuff like assigned the user to a variable in one step e.g. #i = create_registered_user and then using that user in the other steps e.g. login as: #i
Note that we don't look at the database, only at what the user sees, and we don't reveal anything about HOW this functionality works in the scenario.
If you want to write tests (rather than scenarios) that do reveal how functionality works and do look at databases for results then I'd suggest that rspec would be better suited for this.
do you have a step to login? if so, you can change it a little so you can control which user logs in:
Given "john_doe" logs in to the app
Then you can search by username and do the login in your step. You can do the same on this step:
Then /^the redis database should have "(.+)" item ids/ do |count|
something like
Then /^the redis database should have "(.+)" item ids for user "(.*)"/ do |count, user_name|
user = User.find_by(username: user_name)
expect($redis.smembers("cart#{user.id}").count).to eq count.to_i
So, while I like Cucumber for its readability for integration testing and its ability to give us documentation we can share with the client easily, I also find it cumbersome from the development and testing speed standpoints.
I got to thinking today that if I could just print out messages to the RSpec documentation format that documented the "steps", then I could easily replicate the business features of Gherkin but in the simplicity of RSpec. But I can't figure out a way to do this.
What I want is to take something like this:
describe "Login and Authorization Tests" do
before (:each) do
docs "Given I have a user"
#user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
it "A user can belong to one or more user roles" do
docs "And the user has no roles assigned"
#user.roles.length.should eq 0
docs "When I add two roles"
#user.roles << FactoryGirl.create(:role)
#user.roles << FactoryGirl.create(:role)
docs "Then the user should have two roles assigned"
#user.roles.length.should eq 2
and get this in the documentation
Login and Authorization Tests
A user can belong to one or more user roles
Given I have a user
And the user has no roles assigned"
When I add two roles
Then the user should have two roles assigned
Note that the message from "before" shows up in the docs too, and would show up with that line in every test below it.
I'm thinking of forking to see if I can add something like this in, but before I did that, does anyone know if something like this is possible already?
I also contacted the RSpec dev team and someone there posted this add-on called rspec-longrun that could be repurposed for this. I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but it looks very promising. And as a bonus, it includes timing information.
rspec-longrun: https://github.com/mdub/rspec-longrun
Thread on rspec-dev: https://github.com/rspec/rspec-dev/issues/34
You can try Steak, but the difference is not that big.
Or you can try Cucumber with RSpec matchers. In last case, you can fork RSpec and add a new formatter
I am using Ruby on Rails 3.2.2, cucumber-rails-1.3.0, rspec-rails-2.8.1 and capybara-1.1.2. By using Capybara I would like to check if a HTML form is submitting to the proper URL; that is, to check if the related action="<PATH>" HTML "tag"/"property" is what I expect it to be.
For example, in the following code I would like to check if the <PATH> is /users (the full HTML is action="/users") where the Ruby on Rails route is new_user_path:
<form method="post" id="css_form_id" action="/users">
At this time, in order to check if the form is present on the page, I am using the following code:
Then /^I should see the form$/ do
page.should have_selector('form#css_form_id', :visible => true)
Is it possible to check if the form is submitting to the proper URL? If so, how can I make that? What do you advice about?
I think you are missing a fundamental concept of behavior driven development. Do you really care what the form is called or where it is sending data? Not when you're talking about the high level behavior of your application. You should be testing that the application is doing what it is supposed to do when the form is submitted. Rather than checking which path it is posting to, you should be testing that when the form is submitted, the outcome is the expected one. It looks like you are creating a new user with this form, so I would check that a new user has been created with the parameters you submitted:
When I create the following user:
| Name | Some Person |
| Email | person#email.com |
Then I should have the following user:
| Name | Some Person |
| Email | person#email.com |
Your assertion step would then just check that the user has been persisted between steps
Then /^I should have the following user:$/ do |user_table|
expected_user = user_table.rows_hash
user = User.find_by_email(expected_user['Email'])
user.name.should == expected_user['Name']
Another reason not to test your views like that is because it makes your tests too brittle. If you change a class or id for the form, your tests will break, even though the behavior hasn't changed at all.
I'm using Cucumber to test end to end application behavior in my Rails-based web service. I currently have a Scenario outline that looks like the following (making up a hypothetical scenario here of creating a user with another user):
Scenario Outline: Create a user with another user
Given I want to create a user as a user "<user>"
When I create a user with name "<name>"
And the user's age is "<age>"
Then then the response should be "<response>"
Scenarios: Create user with 3 args
| user | name | age | response |
| bob | joe | 25 | <some_xml_response> |
I'm having a bit of difficulty figuring out how I should write the step definitions for this outline. Basically I'm currently concatenating an XML blob (for name+age) and need to do something similar to how rspec uses :post to post to a controller and see a response. My step definitions currently look like:
Given /^I want to create a user with another user "([^"]*)"$/ do |user|
#reqxml << "<user><creator>#{user}</creator>"
When /^I create a user with name "([^"]*)"$/ do |name|
#reqxml << "<name>#{name}</name>
And /^the user's age is "([^"]*)"$/ do |age|
#reqxml << "<age>#{age}</age>"
Then /^then the response should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |response|
# ?? not sure if I can use rspec :post here?
What's the best way to improve this Cucumber outline? I have a lot more I want to test. In rspec this is rather straight forward and maybe the right answer is to stick this in RSpec. But I really want to get better use out of Cucumber and have a better "bigger" picture with end to end user story testing such as the one above.
I use capybara/rspec/cucumber and pickle in concert to minimize the actual amount of step definitions I have to write, and generally it gets the job done.
Pickle makes steps such as "Given a model exists with" automatically available, capybara's web steps take care of the browser automation like "goto route" or and also provides css and xpath functions to verify the output with steps such as "should contain" etc....
This way you can test your whole stack, which is kind of the point of cucumber
My personal opinion is that cucumber is a domain specific language and as such, may not always be able to describe what you are trying to do in a concise fashion. (think complex object relationships). If you have non-technical users that need to read your tests then its pretty good, but it doesn't beat plain rspec otherwise.
Your cucumber steps are a bit askew too. "Given" describes the pre-existing conditions, not you goals. "When" should describe the actions you take to create a user, and "Then" should verify that the actions taken effected your goal.
While I have seen this being done, testing APIs with cucumber brings with it a special kind of pain.
If your API is truly restful, writing "controller" specs for the integration should actually be fine. Or, if you really want "proper" full-stack integration testing: Do yourself a favor and use capybara/rspec instead of Cucumber...