Multi-Language iPhone Apps with Different Embedded Video, Audio content - ios

I have read that the best practice for multi lingual apps is to use localization, which totally makes sense. I raise this thought about multi apps, one app per language, because an app I worked on has separate video and audio content embedded right in the app so there is no buffer time or streaming.
The client has more video and audio content for Mandarin and Spanish. Does this constitute a new app for every language?
Anyone have any experience with apple on this? The English version is already approved in the store.


iPhone App: "Inject" audio files into phone conversation

After Googleing and looking through StackOverflow, I haven't found a suitable solution to "inject audio from an iPhone app into an ongoing phone conversation."
As an iPhone app dev newbie, I found Intercepting phone call - iPhone (correct method to hook in CoreTelephony), but I don't want to do ant jailbreaking. I want my iPhone app to insert pre-recorded phrases and noise effects into an ongoing phone conversation.
Can anyone tell me where I would start with that? Any hints, links or just some "general direction" advice would be much appreciated.
The iOS security sandbox actively prevents any (non-Apple) app from injecting audio into another app, such as the Phone app, where inter-app audio is not explicitly supported.

What is Apple's policy for iOS regarding inline video players?

There's a confusing situation in which all browsers for iPhone (but not all iOS, such as iPad) feature forced video playback which deviates from W3C standards, severely inhibiting the developer's ability to create any web apps which combine video with interface to support iPhone devices. All browsers on all iPhones force this same full-screen video player.
Since I'm sure Google would not choose to deviate from W3C standards (along with every other browser developer), forcing videos to be played in full screen if it wasnt being forced to do so by Apple, I'm curious to know: What is Apple's policy exactly which causes all iPhone browsers to use its native full-screen-only video player, when inline video is clearly possible on the iPhone as seen in the YouTube app?
What's stopping Google from introducing it's own W3C compliant HTML5 video player in the iPhone Chrome browser rather than Apple's native non W3C compliant video player?
I want to support mobile (obviously including iPhone) with my web app, but it requires inline video (where an interface overlays the video for the user to interact with while the video plays). Does Apple tell developers "any web browser must use our native fullscreen video player" but any app can use whatever video playing format they want, such as YouTube? What if I put my web app in a wrapper to supply it as a native app? Would the wrapper for the HTML5 app be considered a web browser by Apple and be forced to use their native player? What exactly is the policy on this?
Additional info: Apple has even made it impossible to use a video player as the source for HTML5 canvas rendering, so no workarounds are possible that wouldnt require performing complex matrix operations without the help of graphic processing hardware, effectively frying the iPhone for a workaround to play videos inline on a web browser. So don't bother with this suggestion.
What's stopping Google from introducing it's own W3C compliant HTML5 video player in the iPhone Chrome browser rather than Apple's native non W3C compliant video player?
Apple does not allow any iOS browsers to use their own rendering engines. They must use the Apple supplied WebKit frameworks, or their app will not be approved for the iOS store.
From App Store Review Guidelines:
Apps that browse the web must use the iOS WebKit framework and WebKit Javascript
Presumably if you were to try to ignore that rule, your app will be denied.
First, any answer about policy that doesn't come from Apple is speculation. That said, I can imagine a few possible reasons:
User eXperience. It prevents obnoxious advertisements in web pages from auto-playing.
Money. Apple takes, what, a 30% cut of app sale revenue? Allowing inline video would obviate some number of native iOS apps that could otherwise be 100% HTML5 web apps. Imagine that Apple ran a spreadsheet, factoring in developer frustration, potential revenue loss, and other things, but ultimately decided "we'll make more money if we don't allow inline video players".
Again, these ideas are pure speculation. If it weren't 2am EST, this question would probably already be flagged as "opinion based". I personally don't like that aspect of Stack Overflow, but that's how it has evolved.

Get localized names of Apple's first-party iOS apps for all languages?

I'm working on localization for an iOS library that displays the name of first-party iOS apps (Maps, Safari, Mail, etc). It needs to support all languages supported by iOS, so I need every localized name for the first-party iOS apps I care about.
I can grab them manually for each language (by changing the language in the simulator and looking at the default apps, or visiting international marketing pages such as, but given the number of languages iOS is available in an automated solution would be much preferred.
Is there an easier method? Perhaps a way to extract the Info.plist file for each app out of the simulator?
You may find these names in Apple glossaries. See

Displaying flash-based youtube videos on ios devices

Is it possible to display flashed-based youtube videos on ios devices?
What solution do you use when you decide to embed youtube videos on your app?
Or do I have to give up on all flash-based contents?
In short: It is not possible. There is no way to run Flash on iOS yet, and as of last week, Adobe announced it will terminate further development for Flash on mobile devives, so there will never be. And yes, therefore you have to give up Flash-based video on iOS.
YouTube provides HTML5 versions of all videos, so you have an alternative. There a number of posts here on SO that will help you to get started, like this one.

iPad/iPhone app for people with disabilities

I am developing an eBook reader app for the iPad. This app also contains facilities like audio playing, video playing, making notes, etc.
Now I want to add some features so that this app can be of help to the people who are visually impaired (blind) or hearing impaired (deaf).
I know that there is a framework called UIAccessibility in iPad for this specific purpose, but I could not find suitable sample code from apple or from any other developer regarding this issue.
Right now I'm a bit confused regarding how to proceed forward. Can anyone suggest me a few ways, methods or sample code for doing this so that I can proceed forward with my idea?
There are excellent WWDC session videos (both 2009 and 2010) on using the UIAccessibility API. Available through Apple's iOS developer portal.
