ASP.NET MVC: BLL and DAL to Repository design -

We are moving from ASP.NET Web Forms to MVC 2.0. In most of our projects we have a typical setup to communicate with a database.
Common (objects/entities like 'SiteMenu' and 'Users')
Business Logic Layer (with calls to de Data Access Layer)
Data Access Layer
The DAL has a DatabaseHelper with common database operation, an OdbcHelper with database specific operations (eg MySQL) and a StoredProcedure class with all the stored procedures.
How is this design translated into a repository design? We want to use our own database helpers instead of NHibernate etc.
What would you suggest?

You could leverage repositories using every data access technology.
An repository is abstraction over existing data access helpers / services, allowing decoupling of the business logic from the data access layer. Repositories used together with Query to enable filtering. It is often used together with unit of work to store the changes back into database.
A repository has at least:
Get-object-by-key operation(s)
Get-all-objects operation
Get-first-object-by-query operation(s)
Get-objects-by-query operation(s)
A very simple example :):
A. Product class , defined in Common:
public class Product
public int Id { get; private set; }
public string Code { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public decimal Price { get; set; }
B. Classes for Query, IRepository and IUnitOfWork are defined in DAL.interfaces.dll or Common.dll (but NOT in DAL!).
public class Query
public string Text { get; set; }
public interface IRepository<TEntity>
where TEntity : class
bool TryGet(int key, out TEntity value);
TEntity this[int key] { get; }
IEnumerable<TEntity> GetAll();
bool TryGetFirst(Query condition, out TEntity value);
TEntity GetFirst(Query condition);
IEnumerable<TEntity> GetAll(Query condition);
int Count { get; }
public interface IUnitOfWork
void SetAdded(TEntity value); // Marks entity as added for further INSERT
void SetRemoved(TEntity value); // Marks entity as removed for further DELETE
void SetChanged(TEntity value); // Marks entity as modified for further UPDATE
void Save(); // Save all the changes
IUnitOfWork is aware of the changed entities. Save() calls an appropriate DatabaseHelper / OdbcHelper CRUD method for every changed entity in order to persist the changes in the database.
The implementation of IRepository<Product>, ... IRepository<EntityXY> and IUnitOFWork should be placed in DAL. The BLL then uses IRepository and IUnitOFWork in order to implement business (domain) logic. The BLL itself could be organized as service layer on the top of domain model, but it is out of the scope of the discussion :).
I hope my answer helps.
Please feel free to ask me a question ...
Patterns of enterpise application architecture by Martin Fowler

You can maintain the same layered approach when moving to MVC. Your BLL that returns entities/objects can be your M in MVC. Often you'll see in samples where people create an instance of the repository directly in their Controller, in your case you'll be creating an instance of your BLL class.


How Migration Works in Repository Pattern

Currently I am developing Large N-tire Application in Asp.Net MVC and
want to Separate Data,Entity,Service,Repository(Generic repository
with Unit Of works) I have reference Long Le article in Class
library project so I can reuse code in both controller and in Web API
Controller with code first entity framework and migration occurs if
model is changed.So,please suggest best approach for above
As I have created separate project is there any effect in future while doing migration ?
You don't need repository pattern with Entity Framework Code First, because DbContext implements repository pattern and unit of work.
I usually define common database interface. Something like that:
public interface IDatabase
IDbSet<Plan> Plans { get; set; }
int SaveChanges();
Then I implement interface with my DbContext:
public class MyContext : DbContext, IDatabase
public IDbSet<Plan> Plans { get; set; }
// ...
You can create a context for testing purposes
public class MyMockContext : IDatabase
public IDbSet<Plan> Plans { get; set; }
// ...
But in your controller you always dependency-inject IDatabase. So that it's not dependent on any concrete implementation (and I use EFMock library in my tests).

How dependant is breezjs serverside contexprovider to entityframework?

I am building a WebApi for a CMS that has its own data provider. No DBContext or entity framework involved.
I have previously used breeze as it being such a breeze to map the server side model to the client:)
I have wondering if I can extend my code or breeze in a way such I get all the stuff from brezejs for free.
What I have to work with is the following Interfaces that I have made implementations for based on the data provider from the CMS.
public interface IC1Repository<T>
IQueryable<T> GetAll();
T Add(T item);
void Remove(T item);
bool Update(T item);
Its generic, so thats not going to work on the client.
I can generate a context class i guess that holds all the types exposed.
public class mycontext
public IC1Repository<Category> Categories { get; set; }
public IC1Repository<Customer> Customers { get; set; }
public IC1Repository<Employee> Employees { get; set; }
What would my next steps be to get this workign with breeze. Are there any interfaces i can implement such it mimics the DbContext. Can i maybe crate my custom DbSet that do not talk with a database, but just is a implementation of my IC1Repository above?
Any advices thanks :)
I think you want the ContextProvider which is the base class of the EFContextProvider.
That has the same semantics and same base behavior as the EFContextProvider but it doesn't use EF.
Check out the "No DB" sample which uses the ContextProvider to manage queries and saves to an in-memory "database".
Ignore the fact that this class sits in a DLL with references to EF. I realize that is annoying. But your project will compile and run just fine when there are no EF assemblies around. You can delete all the EF stuff if you used NuGet to get the Breeze.WebApi.dll.

Accessing stored procedures on a code generated DbContext with Entity Framework 4.1 with DDD

I'm working on a large project using ASP.Net MVC 3, EF 4.1 and Ninject for Dependecy Injection. I've read through many of the existing questions here regarding DDD, EF and the Repository Pattern but I can't seem to find anyone incorporating stored procedures with these patterns.
I don't like the idea of implementing yet another repository pattern on top of what seems to already be a UnitOfWork/RepositoryPattern already defined with a DbContext. Also, I generally don't like the idea of creating Service and Repository classes for every type of entity in the system if possible.
The source of my problem stems from this common repository interface which everyone seems to use.
public interface IRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class
TEntity Get(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> whereClause);
IEnumerable<TEntity> List();
IEnumerable<TEntity> Find(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> whereClause);
void Add(TEntity entity);
void Delete(TEntity entity);
// And so on...
That's great if all your queries can be in context of a single entity. Where this breaks for me is when I want to access a stored procedure. With EF 4.1 & Code Generatrion you can add stored procedures (e.g. SelectUser) and it will generate a context which looks something like this.
namespace MyCompany.Data.Database
using System;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure;
using System.Data.Objects;
using MyCompany.Domain.Entities;
using MyCompany.Domain.Contracts;
public partial class MyCompanyEntities : DbContext
public MyCompanyEntities()
: base("name=MyCompanyEntities")
this.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
this.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
throw new UnintentionalCodeFirstException();
public DbSet<Order> Orders { get; set; }
public DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }
public virtual ObjectResult<User> SelectUser(Nullable<int> userId)
var userIdParameter = userId.HasValue ?
new ObjectParameter("UserId", userId) :
new ObjectParameter("UserId", typeof(int)); MyCompanyEntities x; x.
return ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext.ExecuteFunction<User>("SelectUser", userIdParameter);
public virtual ObjectResult<User> SelectUser(Nullable<int> userId, MergeOption mergeOption)
var userIdParameter = userId.HasValue ?
new ObjectParameter("UserId", userId) :
new ObjectParameter("UserId", typeof(int));
return ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext.ExecuteFunction<User>("SelectUser", mergeOption, userIdParameter);
As part of my DDD setup I have a UserService class and I would like to 'inject' a repository to its constructor. Many examples suggest that the constructor should accept an (IRepository<User> userRepository). This doesn't work for me. Stored procedures are generated on the DbContext class as a method and I am unable to see it.
The only thing I can think of is to either create another interface with the stored procedure methods on it. I don't really want to add it to the generic IRepository because then when you have an instance of IRepository<Order> you'll still see SelectUser which seems a bit odd. Maybe it's not a big deal?
Perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way. Should I not be bothering with creating an interface on top of my DbContext if I'm not trying to create a whole new repository pattern? I was really creating it for the dependency injection. Would it be wrong if the UserService constructor took a MyCompanyEntities instance instead of an interface?
What you found is natural. The problem is that generic repository is insufficient for real scenarios. It is only good for "base" implementation. You need specific repository for User entity which will expose method wrapping call to context exposed stored procedure.

Repository Pattern pros and cons of each implementation

Hi looking at the repository pattern which commonly seems to be implemented something like:
public class GenericRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class
// other business
public virtual TEntity GetByID(object id)
return db.Set().Find(id);
public virtual void Insert(TEntity entity)
public virtual void Delete(object id)
TEntity entityToDelete = db.Set().Find(id);
public virtual void Update(TEntity entityToUpdate)
context.Entry(entityToUpdate).State = EntityState.Modified;
So for every type you want to work with (ie update) you need to instantiate a repository.
So if I had two types I wanted to save Cars and Trucks I would need to go:
var carRepository = new GernericRepository<Car>();
var truckRepository = new GernericRepository<Truck>();
So then you have seperate repositories for each type. To make sure you save everything at once you need the unitOfWork to ensure they all use the same context and save at one time.
Surely wouldn't it be better to have something like:
public class GenericRepository
// other business
public virtual TEntity GetByID<TEntity>(object id) where TEntity : class
return db.Set<TEntity>().Find(id);
public virtual void Insert<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity : class
public virtual void Delete<TEntity>(object id) where TEntity : class
TEntity entityToDelete = db.Set<TEntity>().Find(id);
public virtual void Update<TEntity>(TEntity entityToUpdate) where TEntity : class
context.Entry(entityToUpdate).State = EntityState.Modified;
This means the repository only needs to be instantiated once and therefore is truely generic?
So you could update your cars and trucks like this:
var repository = new GernericRepository<Car>();
Surely this is a better method? Am I missing something? It automatically has only one context too.
The repository pattern does not decouple the data access from the data store, that is what the ETL tool such as NHibernate or the Enity Framework does for. The repository pattern provides reusable methods for extracting data.
I have previously used a so called "Generic" repository as you have described and thought it was great. It isn't until you realise that you have just put another layer on top of NHibernate or the Entity Framework you realise it's all gone Pete Tong.
Ideally what you want are interfaces that describe ways of getting data out of your data store and should not leak what data access you are using. For example:
public interface IEmployee
IEmployee GetEmployeeById(Guid employeeId);
IEmployee GetEmployeeByEmployeeNumber(string employeeNumber);
IEnumerable<IEmployee> GetAllEmployeesWithSurname(string surname);
IEnumerable<IEmployee> GetAllEmployeesWithStartDateBetween(DateTime beginDateTime, DateTime endDateTime);
This gives you a contract to code to, there is no knowledge of your persistence layer and the queries used to retrieve the data can be unit tested in isolation. The interface could inherit from a base interface that provides common CRUD methods but you would be assuming that all your repositories would need CRUD.
If you go down the road of a Generic Repository you will end up with duplication in your queries and you will find it much harder to unit test the code that uses the repository as you will have to test the queries as well.
Generics by itself does not make an implementation of the repository pattern. We've all seen the generic base class used in example repository pattern implementations but this is to make things DRY (Don't-Repeat-Yourself) by inheriting from the base class ( GenericRepository in your case) to more specialized child classes.
Only using the generic, base class GenericRepository assumes that your repositories will only ever need the most basic CRUD methods. For a more complex system, each repository becomes more specialized based on underlying business entities data requirements.
Also, you will need to have interfaces that define your data contracts with your other layers. Using the repository pattern means you don't want to expose your concrete implementations of your repositories to your other layers.

ASP.NET MVC / DDD architecture help

I am creating a Web application using ASP.NET MVC, and I'm trying to use domain-driven design. I have an architecture question.
I have a WebControl table to store keys and values for lists so they can be editable. I've incorporated this into my business model, but it is resulting in a lot of redundant code and I'm not sure it belongs there. For example, in my Request class I have a property called NeedType. Because this comes from a list, I created a NeedType class to provide the values for the radio buttons. I'm showing just one example here, but the form is going to have probably a dozen or so lists that need to come from the database.
[edit, to clarify question] What's a better way to do this? Are these list objects really part of my domain or do they exist only for the UI? If not part of the domain, then they don't belong in my Core project, so where do they go?
public class Request : DomainObject
public virtual int RequestId { get; set; }
public virtual DateTime SubmissionDate { get; set; }
public virtual string NeedType { get; set; }
public virtual string NeedDescription { get; set; }
// etc.
public class NeedType : DomainObject
public virtual int NeedTypeId { get; set; }
public virtual string NeedTypeCode { get; set; }
public virtual string NeedTypeName { get; set; }
public virtual int DisplayOrder { get; set; }
public virtual bool Active { get; set; }
public class RequestController : Controller
private readonly IRequestRepository repository;
public RequestController()
repository = new RequestRepository(new HybridSessionBuilder());
public RequestController(IRequestRepository repository)
this.repository = repository;
public ViewResult Index(RequestForm form)
ViewData.Add("NeedTypes", GetNeedTypes());
if (form == null)
form = new RequestForm();
private NeedType[] GetNeedTypes()
INeedTypeRepository repo = new NeedTypeRepository(new HybridSessionBuilder());
return repo.GetAll();
Create a seperate viewmodel with the data you need in your view. The Model in the M of MVC is not the same as the domainmodel. MVC viewmodels are dumb DTO's without behaviour, properties only. A domain model has as much behaviour as possible. A domain model with get;set; properties only is considered an anti-pattern called "anemic domain model". There are 2 places where most people put the viewmodels: in the web layer, close to the views and controllers, or in a application service layer.
When you only need to display a list of all needtypes in the database and one request in your view, I would indeed create one viewmodel with the request and the list of needtypes as properties. I don't think a call to multiple repositories in a controller is a smell, unless you have a larger application and you might want a seperate application service layer that returns the whole viewmodel with one method call.
I think it might also be a good idea to follow the advise of Todd Smith about value object.
When the needtypes can be added or edited by users at runtime, needtype should be an entity. When the needtypes are hardcoded and only changed with new releases of the project, needtype should be a value object and the list of needtypes could be populated by something like NeedType.GetAll() and stored in the database by adding a column to the request table instead of a seperate needtype table.
If it comes from a list, then I'm betting this is a foreign key. Don't think about your UI at all when designing your domain model. This is simply a case where NeedType is a foreign key. Replace the string NeedType with a reference to an actual NeedType object. In your database, this would be a reference to an id.
When you're building your list of NeedType choices, you simply need to pull every NeedType. Perhaps keeping it cached would be a good idea if it doesn't change much.
Your NeedType looks like a value object to me. If it's read-only data then it should be treated as a value object in a DDD architecture and are part of your domain.
A lot of people run into the "omg so much redundancy" issue when dealing with DDD since you're no longer using the old Database -> DataTable -> UI approach.
