I;m trying to write a spec that tests a controller that is namespaced, let's call it Admin::FooController. My spec is called admin_foo_controller_spec.rb. In the spec, I'm trying to write a very basic spec to see if it can retrieve an action of a controller.
describe "GET 'index'" do
it "should be successful" do
get 'index'
response.should be_success
But instead I get an error:
Failure/Error: get 'index'
No route matches {:controller=>"admin/foo"}
For another action, I have basically the same test, and I get that the response is not successful. In the actual webapp, I can access these urls fine. One thing I should mention is that this isn't a RESTful resource (it makes no sense as one) so it's really just a group of related administrative actions, so in my routes.rb it's basically like
namespace :admin do
scope "foo" do
match "action1" => "foo#action1"
match "action2" => "foo#action2"
match "/index" => "foo#settings"
match "settings" => "foo#settings"
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? It seems like namespacing is asking for trouble with rails, especially for a novice like me. Thanks!
In your route your have no index action in you Foo controller try to get 'settings'
describe "GET 'index'" do
it "should be successful" do
get 'settings'
response.should be_success
In a controller spec you need define the action of your controller not the real route. You try the routes in a integration test.
I have tests like those:
RSpec.describe RestaursController, :type => :controller do
context "GET /restaurs/:id" do
before do
#rest = FactoryGirl.create :restaur
context "resource exists" do
subject { get "restaurs/#{#rest.id}"}
it { expect(subject).to render_template(:show) }
context "resource doesn't exists" do
subject { get "restaurs/#{#rest.id + 1}" }
it { expect(subject).to redirect_to(:root) }
When I run those tests RSpec says:
Failure/Error: subject { get "restaurs/#{#rest.id}"}
No route matches {:action=>"restaurs/7", :controller=>"restaurs"}
But I think my routes are OK. Look on rake routes log
Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action
restaurs GET /restaurs(.:format) restaurs#index
POST /restaurs(.:format) restaurs#create
new_restaur GET /restaurs/new(.:format) restaurs#new
edit_restaur GET /restaurs/:id/edit(.:format) restaurs#edit
restaur GET /restaurs/:id(.:format) restaurs#show
PATCH /restaurs/:id(.:format) restaurs#update
PUT /restaurs/:id(.:format) restaurs#update
DELETE /restaurs/:id(.:format) restaurs#destroy
root GET / restaurs#index
Have you got any ideas? What is the problem? Maybe it is about RSpec syntax or something like that?
That isn't how you get actions in a controller test. The argument to get is the name of the action, not a routable path. Routing isn't involved in testing controllers, and neither is rake routes.
You're giving it the action name "restaurs/7", which obviously isn't the real name of a method on your controller. Instead, you should be using get :show to invoke the actual method "show" on your controller, and then passing a hash of parameters:
get :show, id: #rest.id + 1
Similarly, you would use get :index, not get "/", and you would use get :edit, id: ..., not get "/restaurs/#{...}/edit". It's the actual method your meant to test on your controller, not whether a route actually leads you to the correct method.
As a related aside, your opening context is out of place. You shouldn't be using GET /restaurs:/:id as a context. Routing isn't involved here. Just test the method names.
I have simplified an issue I am having to the following
I have a route that looks like this
namespace :client do
resources :thing, :only => [:index]
and the simple rspec test
describe Client::ThingController do
describe "GET 'index'" do
it "returns http success" do
get 'index'
response.should be_success
However what I'd like to do is alter the url I use to access the resource from
1) How do I update my routes and rspec?
If I then wanted to parameterise the uri such that I could extract the api_version
2) How would this effect my routes and simple rspec test?
I'd previously tried what #Mori had suggested before I had posted but without having the multiple routes as proposed, I should have mentioned that in the original post.
What I eventually got that worked is:
1) In routes.rb I added
match "api/client/:api_version/thing" => 'client/thing#index'
NOTE: The missing leading '/' ie match "/api/... => match "api/... it seems to make all the difference to rspec.
2) And in my rspec thing_controller_spec.rb I now have this
describe Client::ThingController do
describe "GET 'index'" do
it "returns http success" do
get 'index', :api_version => 'v1'
response.should be_success
I was close before but it was the leading '/' in routes.rb that broke me even though I could navigate to the url in a browser.
I'm trying to set up a member route for my 'foo' controller, which is named 'bar' such that it should ONLY respond to post requests. However, I notice that in my RSpec tests it responds to ALL request types (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
I was under the impression that defining the route as so, would restrict it such that it would only respond to POST requests:
resources :foo do
member do
post 'bar'
This seems further confirmed by the fact that when I run rake routes it ONLY shows the 'bar' route like so:
bar_foo POST /foo/:id/bar(.:format) {:action=>"bar", :controller=>"foo"}
However, from RSPEC, the following test fails (meaning the controller processes request successfully) for GET, PUT, & DELETE:
describe FooController do
describe "GET bar" do
it "should not be successful" do
foo = FactoryGirl.create(:foo)
get :bar, :id => foo.id
response.should_not be_ok
Am I missing something small here? How do I restrict my 'bar' member route to only respond to "post" requests.
This appears to be an issue with either RSpec 2.0 or ActionController::TestCase, because I get the following error when I try to hit /foo/:id/bar on my sever with anything but POST:
Routing Error
No route matches [GET] "/foo/1/bar"
From my own experience it appears that RSpec controller tests will not attempt to enforce routing behavior as long as the route exists. RSpec does provide route testing, specifically the be_routable matcher.
Given the following route.rb snippet:
post :foo, to: 'foo#create'
it appears
it "won't work as expected" do
get :foo
expect(response).to be_ok #=> pass
post :foo
expect(response).to be_ok #=> pass
will pass. Only when the route is missing entirely from route.rb will it fail.
The following will pass and can be used to perform the test we're interested in:
it "responds to only the proper HTTP verbs" do
expect(get: :foo).not_to be_routable #=> pass - Cannot GET 🙅♂️
expect(post: :foo).to be_routable #=> pass - POST works 🎉
I was trying to write an integration test testing, if my controller raises a ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound exeption for deleted articles (which are just marked as deleted):
it "should return 404 for deleted articles" do
#article = Factory :article, :status => "deleted"
expect { get edit_article_path(:id => #article.id) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)
These kind of tests work fine in a controller spec, but inside of the spec/requests I get this error:
expected ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, got #<ActionController::RoutingError: No route matches {:action=>"edit", :controller=>"articles", :id=>595}>
So it looks up my routes correctly (since it knows the controller etc.) but still raises the error. Why is that?
Thanks, Johannes
If this test is in your spec/controllers directory, then the get method you're calling isn't expecting a path, it's expecting a symbol for the controller action you want to call. So you'd need to change the expect line to something like:
expect { get :edit, :id => #article.id }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)
Take a look at the RSpec Controller Spec documentation for more info.
Anyone know how to get RSpec to call a singular route when testing controller?
It can't find the route b/c it doesn't know to look for a singular controller so I need a way to specify it.
resource :settings_group, :path => "/settings/scheduling/"
describe SettingsGroupsController do
describe "GET show" do
let(:describe_action) { get :show }
it "sets #settings_group" do
assigns(:settings_group).should be_kind_of(SettingsGroup)
No route matches {:controller=>"settings_groups"}
Just out of curiosity, but why does settings_group_controller.rb have
describe SettingsGroupsController (with an s)
Shouldn't they match?