How do I create a httppost getting same parameters from httpget? -

I have a controller to show up a model (User) and want to create a screen just with a button to activate. I don't want fields in the form. I already have the id in the url. How can I accomplish this?

Use [ActionName] attribute - this way you can have the URLs seemingly point to the same location but perform different actions depending on the HTTP method:
[ActionName("Index"), HttpGet]
public ActionResult IndexGet(int id) { ... }
[ActionName("Index"), HttpPost]
public ActionResult IndexPost(int id) { ... }
Alternatively you can check the HTTP method in code:
public ActionResult Index(int id)
if (string.Equals(this.HttpContext.Request.HttpMethod, "POST", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
{ ... }

A bit late to the party on this but I found an easier solution to what I think is a fairly common use-case where you prompt on GET ("are you sure you want to blah blah blah?") and then act on POST using the same argument(s).
The solution: use optional parameters. No need for any hidden fields and such.
Note: I only tested this in MVC3.
public ActionResult ActivateUser(int id)
return View();
public ActionResult ActivateUser(int id, string unusedValue = "")
if (FunctionToActivateUserWorked(id))
return View();
On a final note, you can't use string.Empty in place of "" because it must be a compile-time constant. And it's a great place to put funny comments for someone else to find :)

You could use a hidden field inside the form:
<% using (Html.BeginForm()) { %>
<%= Html.HiddenFor(x => x.Id) %>
<input type="submit" value="OK" />
<% } %>
or pass it in the action of the form:
<% using (Html.BeginForm("index", "home",
new { id = RouteData.Values["id"] }, FormMethod.Post)) { %>
<input type="submit" value="OK" />
<% } %>

My approach is not to add an unused parameter as that seems like it would cause confusion, and is in general bad practice. Instead, what I do is append "Post" to my action name:
public ActionResult UpdateUser(int id)
return View();
public ActionResult UpdateUserPost(int id)
// Do work here
RedirectToAction("ViewCustomer", new { customerID : id });

The easiest way for such simple situation is to give a name to submit button and check in action if it has value or not.
If it has the value, then it Post action, if not, then it Get action :
<% using (Html.BeginForm("index", "home",
new { id = RouteData.Values["id"] }, FormMethod.Post)) { %>
<input type="submit" value="OK" name="btnActivate" />
<% } %>
For Cs you can combine get and post controller methods in one:
public ActionResult Index(int? id, string btnActivate)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(btnActivate))
return RedirectToAction("NextAction");
return View();


getting values View data in controller

i did this all but now how to get values being typed in Textbox, password box etc in CONTROLLER. I defined all necessary methods, boxes and buttons etc. So the only problem is to get values in controller and then to send them to model for accessing db data
#using (Html.BeginForm("register","Home", FormMethod.Post, new {id="submitForm"}))
<button type="submit" id="btnSubmit" name="Command" value="Submit">Submit</button>
Controller code:
namespace LoginSys.Controllers
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.Message = "Registration";
return View();
public ActionResult register(string command, FormCollection formData )
if (command == "submit")
var name = formData["txtboxName"];
var email = formData["txtboxEmail"];
return View();
i'm intentionally using this way of coding it instead of complex and advance one. Just help me to get values in controller
public ActionResult register(YOURMODEL model)
//db operation
return View();
NOTE: make sure your textbox name should be same as your model name
You should use viewmodels. create a model for the view that can be posted to the action. However, if you wish to continue your current approach you need to change the controller action to something like this:
public ActionResult register(string btnSubmit, string txtboxName, string txtboxEmail, string txtboxPassword)
if (command == "submit")
return View();
if this doesn't work, you can test it by using this:
public ActionResult register(FormCollection form)
if (command == "submit")
return View();
When you debug you can check the 'form' parameter and see that your fields exists in the form, and get the proper names for the parameters you need.

Missing something in "Delete" post method in MVC (EF 4.1)

Following this example ..
I am running into issues with Delete functionality.
public ActionResult Delete(int id, Blog blog)
using (var db = new BlogDataEntities())
//Having issue here.. as soon as the next line is run in debug
//mode .. it goes to catch.. and returns a view with null values.
db.Entry(blog).State = System.Data.EntityState.Deleted;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View();
In the parameters I checked 'blog' does not get the actual blog model that needs to be deleted. All the other methods work fine (Edit, Delete (get)..etc..
but Delete post fails. Am I missing something? thanks in advance for the help.
view code
#model DBFirstMVC.Models.Blog
ViewBag.Title = "Delete";
<h3>Are you sure you want to delete this?</h3>
<div class="display-label">Title</div>
<div class="display-field">#Model.Title</div>
<div class="display-label">BloggerName</div>
<div class="display-field">#Model.BloggerName</div>
#using (Html.BeginForm()) {
<input type="submit" value="Delete" /> |
#Html.ActionLink("Back to List", "Index")
Non Razor Code in view:
<% using (Html.BeginForm()) { %>
<input type="submit" value="Delete" /> |
<%: Html.ActionLink("Back to List", "Index") %>
<% } %>
EDIT 3: (I tried in aspx)
<% using (Html.BeginForm()) { %>
<%=Html.DisplayForModel();%> //Tried Html.EditorForModel also..
<input type="submit" value="Delete" /> |
<%: Html.ActionLink("Back to List", "Index") %>
<% } %>
FINAL EDIT (Corrected Solution)
#model DBFirstMVC.Models.Blog
ViewBag.Title = "Delete";
<h3>Are you sure you want to delete this?</h3>
#using (Html.BeginForm()) {
<div class="display-label">Title</div>
<div class="display-field">#Model.Title</div>
<div class="display-label">BloggerName</div>
<div class="display-field">#Model.BloggerName</div>
<input type="submit" value="Delete" /> |
#Html.ActionLink("Back to List", "Index")
The context probably doesn't have an Entry for your Blog because it isn't attached to the Context.
You probably need to retrieve the Blog first and then mark it as deleted using the Entry method:
public ActionResult Delete(int id, Blog blog)
using (var db = new BlogDataEntities())
// retrieve the blog from the database
var realBlog = db.Blogs.Find(blog.Id);
// nothing to do here, just redirect
if( realBlog == null )
return RedirectToAction("Index");
// since you have the entity just do this instead:
return RedirectToAction("Index");
catch( Exception )
return View();
I don't really agree with the idea of using your entities as your models though. You should use View Models instead.
Since you now are saying that Blog isn't being passed, try this:
#model Blog
#using ( Html.BeginForm() )
<input type="submit" value="Delete" />
You weren't actually giving the model binder any of the details it needed to construct your model.
is it possible to try the following:
public ActionResult Delete(Blog deletedBlog)
using (var db = new BlogDataEntities())
// get blog entry from db context!!
Blog blog = db.Blogs.Find(deletedBlog.Id);
//Having issue here.. as soon as the next line is run in debug
//mode .. it goes to catch.. and returns a view with null values.
db.Entry(blog).State = System.Data.EntityState.Deleted;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
catch(Exception e)
// should catch more specific exception
// but catching 'e' should be a start
return View();
[Update] - pass in your Blog model from the view, tho as Dismissile says, you should really use a viewmodel, rather than the entity model for this purpose.
Also, you should catch the inner exception message and examine that for further clues.
The blog parameter in your Delete Action is null most likely because you are only posting the blog's id, not the entire blog object. I would either modify the Delete Action to accept just the id (per Dismissile's answer), or modify the Delete View to post the entire blog object and remove the id from the Action (since it belongs to the blog object):
public ActionResult Delete(Blog blog)
using (var db = new BlogDataEntities())
db.Entry(blog).State = System.Data.EntityState.Deleted;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View();
I posted this in a few comments, but I felt it merited a separate answer for an "alternative".
Your controllers should be slim and adhere as best as possible to the single responsibility principle.
public class BlogController : Controller
private BlogService blogService;
public BlogService()
blogService = new BlogService();
public ActionResult Delete(int id)
// make sure the user has permission to delete before actually deleting
// now that we know the user has permission
if (blogService.Delete(id))
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View();
Now you'll have a reusable service layer that adheres to the single responsibility principle.
public class BlogService
private BlogDataEntities dc;
public BlogService()
dc = new BlogDataEntities();
public bool Delete(int Id)
var blog= (from b in dc.Blogs where Blog.ID == Id select b).First();
// blog doesn't exist, exit and return false.
if( blog == null )
return false;
// blog exists, remove it
// push the delete to the database
// it worked, return true.
return true;
catch(System.Exception ex)
// an error happened, handle it and return false.
return false;
// I like to keep my `SubmitChanges()` Separate in case I need to
// stack up a few processes before hitting the database.
public void SaveChanges()

Model Binding using ASP.NET MVC, getting datainput to the controller

Pretty Basic one here guys.
I have a View which holds 2 textfields for input and a submit button
<%using (Html.BeginForm("DateRetrival", "Home", FormMethod.Post)){ %>
<input type="submit" value="ok" id="run"/>
<% }%>
the following controller action which I want to bind the data input is as follows
public ActionResult DateRetrival()
return View();
public ActionResult DateRetrival(string submit)
return null;
When I debug this and look in the action methods parameter, the value is null. When I've entered values in both textboxes and and clicked the submit method.
You probably want to do something like this:
public ActionResult DateRetrival(string sday, string eday)
return null;
Ideally, though you probably want to be passing a model to your controllers:
public ActionResult DateRetrival(DateModel dates)
var date1 = dates.sday;
var date2 = dates.eday;
return null;
Add parameters to catch each input field value.
public ActionResult DateRetrival(string sday, string eday)
return null;
public ActionResult DateRetrival(string sday, string eday, string submit)
return null;
and if you want sumbit button value
<input type="submit" value="ok" id="run" name="submit"/>
If you want to have value posted, name attribute has to be set. Html.TextBox automatically sets name from parameter.

View does not display updated values when using HTML helpers in mvc

I have such a problem. I change my models fields in controller but doesn't see the changes.
Here are the parts of code :
this is view
<%Html.BeginForm("Index", "First");%>
<%=Html.TextBox("Title") %>
<%=Html.TextBox("Price") %>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
this is controller:
public class FirstController : Controller
public ViewResult Index()
return View(new MyModel());
public ViewResult Index(MyModel k)
k.Title = "Title";
return View(k);
and this is model:
public class MyModel
public String Title { get; set; }
public Decimal Price { get; set; }
when I change "Title" text box in controller I don't see changes in view
public ViewResult Index(MyModel k)
k.Title = "Title";
return View(k);
text box keep its value before submit.
Is there any mistake in my code.
This problem doesn't appear when I use html standart input tag instead of Html.TextBox:
input type="text" id="Title" name="Title" value="<%=Model.Title %>
Thank you in advance.
public ViewResult Index(MyModel k)
k.Title = "Title";
return View(k);
Have you tried to add ModelState.Clear() as in the above sample?
Hope this helps!
I have such a problem, but I think that we both don't understand MVC application lifecycle.
Let wait other answers
you should do it like this:
<%Html.BeginForm("Index", "First");%>
<%=Html.TextBox("Title",Model.Title) %>
<%=Html.TextBox("Price",Model.Price) %>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
The Html.TextBox() have a overwrite version take object value arg to populate the text value!

How do I redirect to the previous action in ASP.NET MVC?

Lets suppose that I have some pages
that can call a common utility controller like
locale/change/es or authorization/login
How do I get these methods (change, login) to redirect to the previous actions (details, info, bar) while passing the previous parameters to them (5, bob, 7)?
In short: How do I redirect to the page that I just visited after performing an action in another controller?
public ActionResult MyNextAction()
return Redirect(Request.UrlReferrer.ToString());
alternatively, touching on what darin said, try this:
public ActionResult MyFirstAction()
return RedirectToAction("MyNextAction",
new { r = Request.Url.ToString() });
public ActionResult MyNextAction()
return Redirect(Request.QueryString["r"]);
If you want to redirect from a button in the View you could use:
#Html.ActionLink("Back to previous page", null, null, null, new { href = Request.UrlReferrer})
If you are not concerned with unit testing then you can simply write:
return Redirect(ControllerContext.HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString());
A suggestion for how to do this such that:
the return url survives a form's POST request (and any failed validations)
the return url is determined from the initial referral url
without using TempData[] or other server-side state
handles direct navigation to the action (by providing a default redirect)
public ActionResult Create(string returnUrl)
// If no return url supplied, use referrer url.
// Protect against endless loop by checking for empty referrer.
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl)
&& Request.UrlReferrer != null
&& Request.UrlReferrer.ToString().Length > 0)
return RedirectToAction("Create",
new { returnUrl = Request.UrlReferrer.ToString() });
// Do stuff...
MyEntity entity = GetNewEntity();
return View(entity);
public ActionResult Create(MyEntity entity, string returnUrl)
// TODO: add create logic here
// If redirect supplied, then do it, otherwise use a default
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl))
return Redirect(returnUrl);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(); // Reshow this view, with errors
You could use the redirect within the view like this:
<% if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["returnUrl"])) %>
<% { %>
<% } %>
In Mvc using plain html in View Page with java script onclick
<input type="button" value="GO BACK" class="btn btn-primary"
onclick="location.href='#Request.UrlReferrer'" />
This works great. hope helps someone.
#JuanPieterse has already answered using #Html.ActionLink so if possible someone can comment or answer using #Url.Action
I'm using .Net Core 2 MVC , and this one worked for me,
in the controller use
Pass a returnUrl parameter (url encoded) to the change and login actions and inside redirect to this given returnUrl. Your login action might look something like this:
public ActionResult Login(string returnUrl)
// Do something...
return Redirect(returnUrl);
You could return to the previous page by using ViewBag.ReturnUrl property.
To dynamically construct the returnUrl in any View, try this:
var formCollection =
new FormCollection
new FormCollection(Request.Form),
new FormCollection(Request.QueryString)
var parameters = new RouteValueDictionary();
.Select(k => new KeyValuePair<string, string>(k, formCollection[k])).ToList()
.ForEach(p => parameters.Add(p.Key, p.Value));
<!-- Option #1 -->
#Html.ActionLink("Option #1", "Action", "Controller", parameters, null)
<!-- Option #2 -->
Option #2
<!-- Option #3 -->
Option #3
This also works in Layout Pages, Partial Views and Html Helpers
Related: MVC3 Dynamic Return URL (Same but from within any Controller/Action)
For ASP.NET Core
You can use asp-route-* attribute:
<form asp-action="Login" asp-route-previous="#Model.ReturnUrl">
Other in details example:
Imagine that you have a Vehicle Controller with actions
and you can edit any vehicle from Index or from Details, so if you clicked edit from index you must return to index after edit
and if you clicked edit from details you must return to details after edit.
//In your viewmodel add the ReturnUrl Property
public class VehicleViewModel
public string ReturnUrl {get;set;}
<a asp-action="Edit" asp-route-previous="Details" asp-route-id="#Model.CarId">Edit</a>
<a asp-action="Edit" asp-route-previous="Index" asp-route-id="#item.CarId">Edit</a>
<form asp-action="Edit" asp-route-previous="#Model.ReturnUrl" class="form-horizontal">
<div class="box-footer">
<a asp-action="#Model.ReturnUrl" class="btn btn-default">Back to List</a>
<button type="submit" value="Save" class="btn btn-warning pull-right">Save</button>
In your controller:
// GET: Vehicle/Edit/5
public ActionResult Edit(int id,string previous)
var model = this.UnitOfWork.CarsRepository.GetAllByCarId(id).FirstOrDefault();
var viewModel = this.Mapper.Map<VehicleViewModel>(model);//if you using automapper
//or by this code if you are not use automapper
var viewModel = new VehicleViewModel();
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(previous)
viewModel.ReturnUrl = previous;
viewModel.ReturnUrl = "Index";
return View(viewModel);
public IActionResult Edit(VehicleViewModel model, string previous)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(previous))
model.ReturnUrl = previous;
model.ReturnUrl = "Index";
return RedirectToAction(model.ReturnUrl);
