Is parsing a language with an ending delimiter (e.g. ';') more efficient than having none? - parsing

I am wondering about the effect of having an ending delimiter about performance (if it's a scripting language) and ease to parse languages.
Is it easier to parse a language that has one?
If it is and the language is a scripting language, does it make the language run commands faster?

Any difference is going to be trivial.
This is because a language that doesn't use such end delimiters, do infact have them in the form of newline characters!! These will then use special characters to mark that teh statement continues on to the next line.
A few do neither, but there, the end of the statement is implicit in the definition - eg. the close ')' at the end of a parameter list. If there's a comma (or nothing) then more parameters or a closed ')' will be expected on the next line.
In the big scheme of things, these small differences have a negligible effect on processing time. For script languages, you're going to have much bigger differences according to whether (or how much) a particular statement construct can be internally optimized.

Performance-wise It doesn't matter.
If you think about it, there's always a delimiter, if it's not the ; then it's EndOfLine (\n)
So you're still parsing the code script the same way. The parser won't mind if it's a delimiter that's a visible character or invisible one.
The only thing that a visible delimiter is good for, is enabling the programmer to write multi-line script lines, which can be useful. Multi-lined script lines enable the programmer to write more coherent code in some cases. (Just parse the EndOfLine as a white space)

All languages I'm aware of that don't require an explicit typed-out statement delimiter or terminator use line breaks instead - in a few cases, with the exception that line breaks inside parens, braces, brackets, etc. are ignored (implicit line continuation). A small difference, and its effect on parsing speed will heavily depend on the parser (or parser generator). It may be slightly harder to write a parser for if you allow implicit line continuations (because you have to distinguish between newlines and statement seperators - but this can be sorted out relatively early in the parsing process unless you invent incredibly complex rules for it).
But: Even if there was a huge difference, it wouldn't affect runtime performance. Unless for programs where it doesn't matter anyway since they're rather short and/or I/O-bound (or especially stupid implementations that refuse to build any IR and instead interpret from source as they go, using a poorly-written parser), parsing takes place at most once at startup (today's "scripting" languages mostly compile to bytecode and mostly cache that bytecode between runs) and is then shadowed by the time the program spends doing its actual pass. Don't make tradeoffs at language design for speed; or if so, do it properly as e.g. C.
A more interesting issue is explicit block delimiters vs. offside rule. The tokenizer can already solve this, but most parsing generators/libraries don't (easily) give you such a parser. A few do, and in that case the difference is negible, but it's not as widely supported as "free-form" langauges.


How would you re-write the production rules for an existing grammar so that semi-colons were optional?

Suppose that there was a programming language Mod(C) just like C++ except that it was white-space sensitive.
That is, parsers and compilers written for Mod(C) did not ignore line-feeds, spaces, etc...
Also suppose that someone had already written down the production rules for describing a formal grammar for this modified version of C++
My question is, how would you modify the production rules so that semi-colons were optional in the event that the semi-colon was followed by a line-break?
Actually, the semi-colon would optional if some <optional_semi_colon> token is followed by:
one or more spaces and tabs
zero or one line-comments
a line-break (\n\r or \r\n or \n or \r)
The following piece of code would compile just fine:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
cout << i << " "; // there is a semi-colon here. that's okay
return 0 // no semi-colon on this line
It's not at all clear what you mean by "white-space sensitive" and your example doesn't show any white-space sensitivity other than the possible optionality of semicolons at the end of a line. That is, you don't seem to be looking for an implementation of the off-side rule, as with Python or Haskell, where indentation indicates block structure. [Note 1]
Presumably, you are not just asking how to turn any newline into a semicolon, since that would be trivial. So I assume that you want something like JavaScript's automatic semicolon insertion (ASI), which automatically inserts a semicolon at the end of a line if:
the line doesn't already end with a newline, and
the current parse cannot be extended with the first token of the next line, either because
2.1. there is no item in the current state's itemset which would allow the next token to be shifted, or
2.2. the items which might allow a shift have been marked as not allowing a newline.
[Note 2]
Provision 2.1 prevents the incorrect semicolon insertion in:
let x = a
+ b
On the other hand, there are cases when you really want the newline to end the statement, in order to avoid silent bugs, such as:
/* The above yield always produces undefined. */
console.log("We've been resumed");
yield -- and other statements with optional operands -- are annotated in the grammar with [No LineTerminator here], which triggers provision 2.2 and thus allows ASI even though the next token (console in the above example) could otherwise have extended the parse. Another context where newlines are banned is between a value and the postfix ++ operator, so that
let v = 2 * a
is accepted with the (presumably) intended meaning. (Without ASI, there would be a syntax error after the ++, where ASI is not allowed because there's no newline character.)
JavaScript is not the only language with optional command terminators, but it's probably the language with the most elaborate set of rules controlling the parse. Other languages include:
Python, which in addition to the off-side rule, ignores semicolons inside parentheses, braces and brackets;
Awk, which treats newlines as statement terminators unless the newline follows one of the tokens ,, {, ?, :, ||, &&, do, or else. [Note 3]
Bash, in which a newline is a command terminator except in specific contexts, such as after a |, || or && operator or a keyword like do, then and else, and inside an array literal or an arithmetic expansion. [Note 4]
Kotlin, whose rules I don't know. And undoubtedly other languages as well.
JavaScript (and, I believe, Kotlin) suffer from an ambiguity with function calls, because
let a = b
is parsed as calling b with the argument (x)=>console.log(x) and then calling the result with the argument 42. (Which is a runtime error, because the result of console.log is undefined, which cannot be called.)
There are also languages like Lua, in which semicolons are always optional, even if you run statements together on a single line (a = 3 b = 4), and which therefore also suffers from the misinterpretation of function call expressions. However, unlike JavaScript, Lua requires that the ( be on the same line as the function expression, and therefore flags the equivalent of the above example as a syntax error. (The check is not part of the grammar, for what it's worth: After the function call is parsed, a semantic check is performed to verify that the line number of the ( token is the same as the line number of the last token in the function expression.)
I went to the trouble of enumerating all of the above examples by way of illustrating the fact that optional semicolons are not a simple grammatical transformation, and that there is no simple rule which can determine the precise circumstances in which a newline is an implicit statement terminator. Realistic implementations of the feature are non-trivial, and differ in their details; the algorithm chosen needs to be tested against a variety of realistic code samples, and it needs to be carefully documented so that programmers using the language don't find themselves surprised by the results. If you get it wrong, but your language nonetheless becomes popular, you'll find projects with style guides which require semicolons even in context in which they were optional. None of that is intended to imply that you shouldn't pursue the idea; only that it is perhaps more complicated than it looks at first glance.
Having said all that, I don't believe that any of the above examples require a context-sensitive grammar (unless you want to implement the off-side rule). Even in the case of JavaScript, possibly with some minor exceptions, a parser can be created by starting with an LALR automaton and then adjusting the transition rules, state by state, in order to either ignore a newline token or reduce it to a statement terminator (as well as implementing the lookahead restrictions in certain rules). Most of these modifications will effectively be simply the deletion of one conflicting parser actions, similar to the operator-precedence-based resolution of ambiguous expression grammars. (And it's worth noting that most parser generators make no attempt to rewrite the original grammar after processing of the precedence declarations.)
However, while the existence of a PDA demonstrates the existence of a context-free grammar (at least for a context-free superset of the target language [Note 5]), it does not demonstrate the existence of a simple or elegant grammar. It seems to me likely that recreating a grammar from the modified PDA will produce a bloated monster without much value as a discursive tool. The modified PDA itself is sufficient to perform the parse, so reconstructing a grammar is not of much practical value.
That's perhaps just as well, because the off-side rule is not context-free, and thus cannot be implemented with a context free grammar. Although there are well-known techniques for implementing in a lexical scanner.
That's a slight oversimplification of the ASI rules. In some cases, JavaScript also allows a semicolon to be inserted before a }, even if there is no newline at that point. But that's not a significant complication.
? and : are a Gnu AWK extension.
That's not a complete list, by any means. See the Posix shell grammar and the bash manual for more details.
While the published grammars for the languages mentioned above, like the grammars for C and C++, are nominally context-free grammars, they do not actually encompass the entirety of the well-formedness rules in the respective language standards and/or manuals, which include constraints (or "early errors", in the terms of ECMA-262), "that can be detected and reported prior to the evaluation of any construct". Many of these rules are clearly context-sensitive (such as prohibitions on multiple definitions of the same name in a lexical scope).
Context-sensitive parsing is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes it's a lot simpler than trying to achieve the same result with a context-free grammar (as in the case of Lua function calls mentioned above). But it's certainly convenient to parse as much as possible using a generated parser, since such a parser can more easily be repurposed for other applications, such as linters, code browsers, syntax highlighters, and so on, not all of which need to be as precise as a compiler.

Why would I use a lexer and not directly parse code?

I am trying to create a simple programming language from scratch (interpreter) but I wonder why I should use a lexer.
For me, it looks like it would be easier to create a parser that directly parses the code. what am I overlooking?
I think you'll agree that most languages (likely including the one you are implementing) have conceptual tokens:
operators, e.g * (usually multiply), '(', ')', ;
keywords, e.g., "IF", "GOTO"
identifiers, e.g. FOO, count, ...
numbers, e.g. 0, -527.23E-41
comments, e.g., /* this text is ignored in your file */
whitespace, e.g., sequences of blanks, tabs and newlines, that are ignored
As a practical matter, it takes a specific chunk of code to scan for/collect the characters that make each individual token. You'll need such a code chunk for each type of token your language has.
If you write a parser without a lexer, at each point where your parser is trying to decide what comes next, you'll have to have ALL the code that recognize the tokens that might occur at that point in the parse. At the next parser point, you'll need all the code to recognize the tokens that are possible there. This gives you an immense amount of code duplication; how many times do you want the code for blanks to occur in your parser?
If you think that's not a good way, the obvious cure to is remove all the duplication: place the code for each token in a subroutine for that token, and at each parser place, call the subroutines for the tokens. At this point, in some sense, you already have a lexer: an isolated collection of code to recognize tokens. You can code perfectly fine recursive descent parsers this way.
The next thing you'll discover is that you call the token subroutines for many of the tokens at each parser point. Even that seems like a lot of work and duplication. So, replace all the calls with a single "GetNextToken" call, that itself invokes the token recognizing code for all tokens, and returns a enum that identifies the specific token encountered. Now your parser starts to look reasonable: at each parser point, it makes one call on GetNextToken, and then branches on enum returned. This is basically the interface that people have standardized on as a "lexer".
One thing you will discover is the token-lexers sometimes have trouble with overlaps; keywords and identifiers usually have this trouble. It is actually easier to merge all the token recognizers into a single finite state machine, which can then distinguish the tokens more easily. This also turns out to be spectacularly fast when processing the programming language source text. Your toy language may never parse more than 100 lines, but real compilers process millions of lines of code a day, and most of that time is spent doing token recognition ("lexing") esp. white space suppression.
You can code this state machine by hand. This isn't hard, but it is rather tedious. Or, you can use a tool like FLEX to do it for you, that's just a matter of convenience. As the number of different kinds of tokens in your language grows, the FLEX solution gets more and more attractive.
TLDR: Your parser is easier to write, and less bulky, if you use a lexer. In addition, if you compile the individual lexemes into a state machine (by hand or using a "lexer generator"), it will run faster and that's important.
Well, for intelligently simplified programing language you can get away without either lexer or parser :-) Not kidding. Look up Forth. You can start with tags here on SO (gforth is GNU's) and then go to the Standard's site which has pointers to a few interpreters, sites and its Glossary.
Then you can check out Win32Forth and that should keep you busy for quite a while :-)
Interpreter also compiles (when you invoke words that switch system to compilation context). All without a distinct parser. Lookahead is actually lookbehind :-) - not kidding. It rarely absorbs one following word (== lookahead is max 1). The "words" (aka tokens) are at the same time keywords and variable names and they all live in a Dictionary. There's a whole online book at that site (plus pdf).
Control structures are also just words (they compile a few addresses and jumps on the fly).
You can find old Journals there as well, covering a wide spectrum from machine code generation to object oriented extensions. Yes still without parser - believe it or not.
There used to be more sophisticated (commercial) Forth systems which were reducing words to machine call instructions with immediate addressing (makes the engine run 2-4 times faster) but even plain interpreters were always considered to be fast. One is apparently still active - SwiftForth, but don't expect any freebies there.
There's one Forth on GitHub CiForth which is quite spartanic but has builds and releases for Win, Linux and Mac, 32 and 64 so you can just download and run. Claims to have a 16-bit build as well :-) For embedded systems I suppose.

Writing a lexer for a context sensitive markup language, that has recursive structures such as nested lists

I'm working on a reStructuredText transpiler in Rust, and am in need of some advice concerning how lexing should be structured in languages that have recursive structures. For example lists within lists are possible in rST:
* This is a list item
* This is a sub list item
* And here we are at the preceding indentation level again.
The default docutils.parsers.rst took the approach of scanning the input one line at a time:
The reStructuredText parser is implemented as a state machine, examining its
input one line at a time.
The state machine mentioned basically operates on a set of states of the form (regex, match_method, next_state). It tries to match the current line to the regex based on the current state and runs match_method while transitioning to the next_state if a match succeeds, doing this until it runs out of lines to scan.
My question then is, is this the best approach to scanning a language such as rST? My approach thus far has been to create a Chars iterator of the source and eat away at the source while trying to match against structures at the current Unicode scalar. This works to some extent when all I'm doing is scanning inline content, but I've now run into the realization that handling recursive body level structures like nested lists is going to be a pain in the butt. It feels like I'm going to need a whole bunch of states with duplicate regexes and related methods in many states for matching against indentations before new lines and such.
Would it be better to simply have and iterator of the lines of the source and match on a per-line basis, and if a line such as
* this is an indented list item
is encountered in State::Body, simply transition to a state such as State::BulletList and start lexing lines based on the rules specified there? The above line could be lexed for example as a sequence
TokenType::Indent, TokenType::Bullet, TokenType::BodyText
Any thoughts on this?
I don't know much about rST. But you say it has "recursive" structures. If that's that case, you can't fully lex it as a recursive structure using just state machines or regexes or even lexer generators.
But this the wrong way to think about it. The lexer's job is to identify the atoms of the language. A parser's job is to recognize structure, especially if it is recursive (yes, parsers often build trees recording the recursive structures they found).
So build the lexer ignoring context if you can, and use a parser to pick up the recursive structures if you need them. You can read more about the distinction in my SO answer about Parsers Vs. Lexers
If you insist on doing all of this in the lexer, you'll need to augment it with a pushdown stack to track the recursive structures. Then what are you building is a sloppy parser disguised as lexer. (You will probably still want a real parser to process the output of this "lexer").
Having a pushdown stack actually useful if the language has different atoms in different contexts especially if the contexts nest; in this case what you want is mode stack that you change as the lexer encounters tokens that indicate a switch from one mode to another. A really useful extension of this idea is to have mode changes select what amounts to different lexers, each of which produces lexemes unique to that mode.
As an example you might do this to lex a language that contains embedded SQL. We build parsers for JavaScript; our lexer uses a pushdown stack to process the content of regexp literals and track nesting of { ... } [...] and (... ). (This has arguably a downside: it rejects versions of JQuery.js that contain malformed regexes [yes, they exist]. Javascript doesn't care if you define a bad regex literal and never use it, but that seems pretty pointless.)
A special case of the stack occurs if you only have track single "(" ... ")" pairs or the equivalent. In this case you can use a counter to record how many "pushes" or "pop" you might have done on a real stack. If you have two or more pairs of tokens like this, counters don't work.

Parsing special cases

If I understand correctly, parsing turns a sequence of symbols into a tree. My question is, is it possible to use some standard procedure (LR, LL, PEG, ..?) to parse the following two examples or is it necessary to write a specialized parser by hand?
Python source code, i.e. the whitespace-indented blocks
I think I read somewhere that the parser keeps track of the number of leading spaces, and pretends to replace them with curly brackets to delimitate the blocks. Is it fundamentally required because the standard parsing techniques are not powerful enough or is it for performance reasons?
PNG image format, where a block starts with a header and block size, after which there is the content of the block
The content could contain bytes which resemble some header so it is necessary to "know" that the next x bytes are not to be "parsed", i.e. they should be skipped. How to express this, say, with PEG? In other words, the "closing bracket" is represented by the length of the content.
Neither of the examples in the question are context-free, so strictly speaking they cannot be parsed with context-free grammars. But in practical terms, they are both pretty easy to parse.
The python algorithm is well-described in the Python reference manual (although you need to read that in context.) What's described there is a pre-processing step in which whitespace at the beginning of a line is systematically replaced with INDENT and DEDENT tokens.
To clarify: It's not really a preprocessing step, and it's important to observe that it happens after implicit and explicit line joining. (There are previous sections in the reference manual which describe these procedures.) In particular, lines are implicitly joined inside parentheses, braces and brackets, so the process is intertwined with parsing.
In practical terms, both the line-joining and indentation algorithms can be accomplished programmatically; typically, these would be done inside a custom scanner (tokenizer) which maintains both a stack of parentheses and indent levels. The token stream can then be parsed with normal context-free algorithms, but the tokenizer -- although it might use regular expressions -- needs context-sensitive logic (counting spaces, for example). [Note 1]
Similarly, formats which contain explicit sizes (such as most serialization formats, including PNG files, Google protobufs, and HTTP chunked encoding) are not context-free, but are obviously easy to tokenize since the tokenizer simply has to read the length and then read that many bytes.
There are a variety of context-sensitive formalisms, and these definitely have their uses, but in practical parsing the most common strategy is to use a Turing-equivalent formalism (such as any programming language, possibly augmented with a scanner-generator like flex) for the tokenizer and a context-free formalism for the parser. [Note 2]
It may not be immediately obvious that Python indenting is not context-free, since context-free grammars can accept some categories of agreement. For example, {ωω-1 | ω∈Σ*} (the language of all even-length palindromes) is context-free, as is {anbn}.
However, these examples can't be extended, because the only count-agreement possible in a context-free language is bracketing. So while palindromes are context-free (you can implement the check with a single stack), the apparently very similar {ωω | ω∈Σ*} is not, and neither is {anbncn}
One such formalism is back-references in "regular" expressions, which might be available in some PEG implementation. Back-references allow the expression of a variety of context-sensitive languages, but do not allow the expression of all context-free languages. Unfortunately, regular expressions with back-references really suck in practice, because the problem of determining whether a string matches a regex with back-references is NP complete. You might find this question on a sister SE site interesting. (And you might want to reformulate your question in a way that could be asked on that site,
As a practical matter, almost all parser construction requires some clever hacks around the edges to overcome the limitations of the parsing machinery.
Pure context free parsers can't do Python; all the parser technologies you have listed are weaker than pure-context free, so they can't do it either. A hack in the lexer to keep track of indentation, and generate INDENT/DEDENT tokens, turns the indenting problem into explicit "parentheses", which are easily handled by context-free parsers.
Most binary files can't be processed either, as they usually contain, somewhere, a list of length N, where N is provided before the list body is encountered (this is kind of the example you gave). Again, you can get around this, with a more complicated hack; something must keep a stack of nested list lengths, and the parser has to signal when it moves from one list element to the next. The top-most length counter gets decremented, and the parser gets back a signal "reduce" or "shift". Other more complex linked structures are generally pretty hard to parse this way. Getting the parser to cooperate this way isn't always easy.

Lexical Analysis of a Scripting Language

I am trying to create a simple script for a resource API. I have a resource API mainly creates game resources in a structured manner. What I want is dealing with this API without creating c++ programs each time I want a resource. So we (me and my instructor from uni) decided to create a simple script to create/edit resource files without compiling every time. There are also some other irrelevant factors that I need a command line interface rather than a GUI program.
Anyway, here is script sample:
<path>.<command> -<options>
/Graphics[3].add "blabla.png"
I didn't design this script language, the owner of API did. The part before '.' as you can guess is the path and part after '.' is actual command and some options, flags etc. As a first step, I tried to create grammar of left part because I thought I could use it while searching info about lexical analyzers and parser. The problem is I am inexperienced when it comes to parsing and programming languages and I am not sure if it's correct or not. Here is some more examples and grammar of left side.
dir -> '/' | '/' path
path -> object '/' path | object
object -> number | string '[' number ']'
Notation if this grammar can be a mess, I don't know. There is 5 different possibilities, they are:
It has to start with '/' symbol and if it's the only symbol, I will accept it as Root.
Now my problem is how can I lexically analyze this script? Is there a special method? What should my lexical analyzer do and do not(I read some lexical analysers also do syntactic analysis up to a point). Do you think grammar, etc. is technically appropriate? What kind of parsing method I should use(Recursive Descent, LL etc.)? I am trying to make it technically appropriate piece of work. It's not commercial so I have time thus I can learn lexical analysis and parsing better. I don't want to use a parser library.
What should my lexical analyzer do and not do?
It should:
recognize tokens
ignore ignorable whitespace and comments (if there are such things)
optionally, keep track of source location in order to produce meaningful error messages.
It should not attempt to parse the input, although that will be very tempting with such a simple language.
From what I can see, you have the following tokens:
punctuation: /, ., linear-white-space, new-line
unquoted strings (often called "atoms" or "ids")
quoted strings (possibly the same token type as unquoted strings)
I'm not sure what the syntax for -options is, but that might include more possibilities.
Choosing to return linear-white-space (that is, a sequence consisting only of tabs and spaces) as a token is somewhat questionable; it complicates the grammar considerably, particularly since there are probably places where white-space is ignorable, such as the beginning and end of a line. But I have the intuition that you do not want to allow whitespace inside of a path and that you plan to require it between the command name and its arguments. That is, you want to prohibit:
/left /right[3] .whimper "hello, world"
/left/right[3].whimper"hello, world"
But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you're happy to accept both. That would be simpler, because if you accept both, then you can just ignore linear-whitespace altogether.
By the way, experience has shown that using new-line to separate commands can be awkward; sooner or later you will need to break a command into two lines in order to avoid having to buy an extra monitor to see the entire line. The convention (used by bash and the C preprocessor, amongst others) of putting a \ as the last character on a line to be continued is possible, but can lead to annoying bugs (like having an invisible space following the \ and thus preventing it from really continuing the line).
From here down is 100% personal opinion, offered for free. So take it for what its worth.
I am trying to make it technically appropriate piece of work. It's not commercial so I have time thus I can learn lexical analysis and parsing better. I don't want to use a parser library.
There is a contradiction here, in my opinion. Or perhaps two contradictions.
A technically appropriate piece of work would use standard tools; at least a lexical generator and probably a parser generator. It would do that because, properly used, the lexical and grammatical descriptions provided to the tools document precisely the actual language, and the tools guarantee that the desired language is what is actually recognized. Writing ad hoc code, even simple lexical recognizers and recursive descent parsers, for all that it can be elegant, is less self-documenting, less maintainable, and provides fewer guarantees of correctness. Consequently, best practice is "use standard tools".
Secondly, I disagree with your instructor (if I understand their proposal correctly, based on your comments) that writing ad hoc lexers and parsers aids in understanding lexical and parsing theory. In fact, it may be counterproductive. Bottom-up parsing, which is incredibly elegant both theoretically and practically, is almost impossible to write by hand and totally impossible to read. Consequently, many programmers prefer to use recursive-descent or Pratt parsers, because they understand the code. However, such parsers are not as powerful as a bottom-up parser (particularly GLR or Earley parsers, which are fully general), and their use leads to unnecessary grammatical compromises.
You don't need to write a regular expression library to understand regular expressions. The libraries abstract away the awkward implementation details (and there are lots of them, and they really are awkward) and let you concentrate on the essence of creating and using regular expressions.
In the same way, you do not need to write a compiler in order to understand how to program in C. After you have a good basis in C, you can improve your understanding (maybe) by understanding how it translates into machine code, but unless you plan a career in compiler writing, knowing the details of obscure optimization algorithms are not going to make you a better programmer. Or, at least, they're not first on your agenda.
Similarly, once you really understand regular expressions, you might find writing a library interesting. Or not -- you might find it incredibly frustrating and give up after a couple of months of hard work. Either way, you will appreciate existing libraries more. But learn to use the existing libraries first.
And the same with parser generators. If you want to learn how to translate an idea for a programming language into something precise and implementable, learn how to use a parser generator. Only after you have mastered the theory of parsing should you even think of focusing on low-level implementations.
