I have a CLR stored proc and have a outer transactionscope and multiple inner Transactionscopes but when I run the code and the inner transactionscope does not call Complete it is still commmiting the insertion of data.
The inner TransactionScopes use RequiresNew.
Any ideas why, code below?
public static void spCreateAllocations(int campaignid, string product, DateTime startdate, double rate, int numweeks, int bonuses, string umguser)
using (TransactionScope trans = new TransactionScope())
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("context connection=true"))
string sql = "";
DateTime actualStart;
actualStart = GetActualStartDate(startdate);
int hdrid = CreateAllocationHeader(connection, campaignid, rate, numweeks, bonuses, umguser);
sql = "SELECT * FROM VenuePanels WHERE SelectRow<>0";
SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, connection);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
bool allocated = false;
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
for (int i = 1; i <= numweeks + bonuses; i++)
if (i <= numweeks)
allocated = ProcessPanel(connection, hdrid, campaignid, dr, actualStart.AddDays(7 * (i - 1)), rate, numweeks, false, umguser);
allocated = ProcessPanel(connection, hdrid, campaignid, dr, actualStart.AddDays(7 * (i - 1)), rate, numweeks, true, umguser);
throw new Exception("ERROR: These panels have already been allocated. Please Check the panel allocations!");
ProcessBursts(connection, hdrid, dt, campaignid, product, umguser);
//throw new Exception("Buggin out Here");
private static void ProcessBursts(SqlConnection connection, int hdrid, DataTable dtPanels, int campaignid, string product, string umguser)
LoadBursts(connection, campaignid, product);
bool burstallocated = false;
bool bonusallocated = false;
int lastweek = 0;
foreach (DataRow dr in dtPanels.Rows)
foreach (Burst burst in _bursts)
using (TransactionScope trans = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew))
for (int i = 1; i <= burst.NumWeeks + burst.Bonuses; i++)
if (i <= burst.NumWeeks)
burstallocated = ProcessPanel(connection, hdrid, burst.CampaignID, dr, burst.StartDate.AddDays(7 * (i - 1)), burst.Rate, burst.NumWeeks, false, umguser);
bonusallocated = ProcessPanel(connection, hdrid, burst.CampaignID, dr, burst.StartDate.AddDays(7 * (i - 1)), burst.Rate, burst.NumWeeks, true, umguser);
if (!burstallocated)
lastweek = i;
if (burstallocated)
LogAllocationError(Convert.ToInt32(dr["PanelID"]), burst.CampaignID, lastweek, burst.NumWeeks, burst.Bonuses);
No such thing as nested transactions?
Anyone know if this is a Dart bug or is it my misunderstanding of how Dart coding works?
I am learning Dart to investigate feasibility of eventually using Flutter; however, while exploring the language, I found a weird behavior (maybe a bug). I tried repro'ing it by writing a similar pattern of code, but have yet to figure out what causes it. In the attached code, I wrote a quicksort class. In that class, it counts the number of times the "sort" method is recursed and saves the count in a class member called "recurseCount".
From the main() class, if I use the QuickSort class directly, I have no issue getting back the recurseCount member; however, if I call it from a different class (called "Tester"), I do not get the correct value for "recurseCount". Why would calling a class from a separate class cause members to not provide the correct values?
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'dart:math' as _math;
// ***********************
enum SortOrder { ascending, descending, unsorted }
class QuickSort {
List list = [];
SortOrder sortOrder = SortOrder.unsorted;
int recurseCount = 0;
QuickSort({this.list}) {
if (list != null && list.length > 1) {
list = sort(useRandomPivot: true);
List sort(
{List iList,
int leftIndex = 0,
int rightIndex,
bool useRandomPivot = true}) {
if (iList != null) list = iList;
if (list.isEmpty) return [];
rightIndex ??= list.length - 1;
if (rightIndex > list.length - 1) rightIndex = list.length - 1;
if (leftIndex < rightIndex) {
var partitionIndex =
_partition(leftIndex, rightIndex, useRandomPivot: useRandomPivot);
if (partitionIndex == -1) {
//already sorted List
if (sortOrder == SortOrder.ascending) {
return list;
} else {
list = list.reversed.toList(); // Time Complexity of O(n)
sortOrder = SortOrder.ascending;
return list;
} else {
sort(leftIndex: leftIndex, rightIndex: partitionIndex - 1);
sort(leftIndex: partitionIndex + 1, rightIndex: rightIndex);
} else {
sortOrder = SortOrder.ascending;
return list;
int _partition(int leftIndex, int rightIndex, {bool useRandomPivot = true}) {
// in case the array is already sorted from the start; only run through the partition'ing one time
// note: regardless of ascending or descending order
if (leftIndex == 0 && rightIndex >= list.length - 1) {
sortOrder = checkSorting(list);
if (sortOrder != SortOrder.unsorted) {
return -1;
if (useRandomPivot) {
var random = _math.Random();
var randomIndex = random.nextInt(rightIndex - leftIndex);
_swapElements(randomIndex, rightIndex);
int pivotVal = list[rightIndex]; //select the last item as the pivot
var headIndex = leftIndex - 1;
for (var scanIndex = leftIndex; scanIndex < rightIndex; scanIndex++) {
if (list[scanIndex] <= pivotVal) {
_swapElements(headIndex, scanIndex);
var partitionIndex = headIndex + 1;
_swapElements(partitionIndex, rightIndex);
return partitionIndex;
void _swapElements(position1, position2) {
int tempVal = list[position1];
list[position1] = list[position2];
list[position2] = tempVal;
SortOrder checkSorting(List arr) {
var isAsc = true;
var isDesc = true;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) {
if (arr[i] < arr[i + 1]) isDesc = false;
if (arr[i] > arr[i + 1]) isAsc = false;
if (!isDesc && !isAsc) break; // not sorted Asc or Desc
if (isAsc) {
return SortOrder.ascending;
} else if (isDesc) return SortOrder.descending;
return SortOrder.unsorted;
// ***********************TESTS*********************************
num log2(num n) => _math.log(n) / _math.ln2;
List getRandomIntList({int min = 0, int max = 10000, int len}) {
var random = _math.Random();
var tempList = List(len);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
tempList[i] = random.nextInt(max - min);
return tempList;
class Tester {
static num _runControlTest(List list) {
var stopwatch = Stopwatch();
return stopwatch.elapsedMicroseconds;
static void runTests(List list, String groupName,
{bool useRandomPivot = false, bool sortFromConstructor = false}) {
var controlElapsedTimeMicroSec = 0;
controlElapsedTimeMicroSec = _runControlTest(list);
var expectedRecursionCountLogN = log2(list.length).ceil();
var expectedRecursionCountNLogN = list.length * expectedRecursionCountLogN;
var qs = QuickSort();
var stopwatch = Stopwatch();
list =
qs.sort(iList: list, useRandomPivot: useRandomPivot); // METHOD TO TEST
var elapsedTimeMicroSec = stopwatch.elapsedMicroseconds;
var recursionCount = qs
.recurseCount; //NOTE (BUG in Dart?): unable to get the recurseCount correctly from within this class/method
group(groupName, () {
var testSubject =
'Time Taken: ${controlElapsedTimeMicroSec} microseconds';
var reason =
'The built in sort took ${controlElapsedTimeMicroSec} microseconds, while the test took ${elapsedTimeMicroSec}.';
test(testSubject, () {
elapsedTimeMicroSec, lessThanOrEqualTo(controlElapsedTimeMicroSec),
reason: reason);
testSubject =
'Time Complexity: ${recursionCount} vs ${expectedRecursionCountNLogN}';
reason =
'Time Complexity of ${recursionCount} is greater than either range (LogN) ${expectedRecursionCountLogN} or (N*LogN) ${expectedRecursionCountNLogN}';
test(testSubject, () {
expect(recursionCount, lessThanOrEqualTo(expectedRecursionCountNLogN),
reason: reason);
void main() {
var min = 0;
var len = 1000000;
var max = len;
var originalList = getRandomIntList(min: min, max: max, len: len);
var list = List.from(originalList);
// BUG? When called within this Tester.runTests the sort method does NOT return the correct recurseCount
Tester.runTests(list, 'UNSORTED_RIGHT_PIVOT', useRandomPivot: false);
list = List.from(originalList);
var qs = QuickSort();
// When called directly from main() the sort method DOES return the correct recurseCount
var stopwatch = Stopwatch()..start();
qs.sort(iList: list, useRandomPivot: true); //METHOD TO TEST
test('Time Taken: ${stopwatch.elapsedMicroseconds} microseconds', () {
var nLogN = (list.length * (log2(list.length).ceil()));
test('Time Complexity: ${qs.recurseCount} vs $nLogN', () {
expect(qs.recurseCount, lessThanOrEqualTo(nLogN));
My code below places sell pending orders when certain candle patterns are met on the H_1 chart. But duplicate pending orders are created when I change the chart timeframe and return to H_1. Also old orders that should have hit stop loss or take profit seem to still be open.
I need to have multiple pending orders, but the duplicates and orders that should have closed are not wanted. How can I solve this?
string prefix = "HG";
const int N_bars = 1;
int numBars = 1;
int numBarsArray[];
int tempVal = 0;
int NumOfDisplayBars = 300;
int count = 0;
extern double lotSize = 0.01;
int magicnumber = 1337;
void showRectangles()
for (int i=NumOfDisplayBars;i>=1;i--)
drawBearRectangle(i + 1,iHigh(_Symbol,0,i + 1),iOpen(_Symbol,0,i + 1));
bool isBearishEngulfing(int current)
if( (iClose(_Symbol,0,current ) < iOpen( _Symbol,0,current ))
&& (iClose(_Symbol,0,current + 1) > iOpen( _Symbol,0,current + 1))
&& (iOpen( _Symbol,0,current ) > iClose(_Symbol,0,current + 1))
&& (iClose(_Symbol,0,current ) < iOpen( _Symbol,0,current + 1))
return true;
return false;
bool drawBearRectangle(int candleInt,const double top,const double bottom)
const datetime starts = iTime(_Symbol,0,candleInt);
const datetime ends = starts+PeriodSeconds()*N_bars;
const string name = prefix+"_"+(candleInt>0?"DEMAND":"SUPPLY")+"_"+TimeToString(starts);
printf("%i %s: failed to create %s. error=%d",__LINE__,__FILE__,name,_LastError);
return false;
ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_TIME1, starts);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_TIME2, ends);
ObjectSetDouble( 0,name,OBJPROP_PRICE1,bottom);
ObjectSetDouble( 0,name,OBJPROP_PRICE2,top);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_COLOR, clrChocolate);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASHDOT);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_FILL, false);
if(_Period == 60){
double entryPrice=bottom-3*_Point;
double stopLoss=top;
double slDist=fabs(entryPrice-stopLoss);
double dTakeProfit=entryPrice-2*slDist;
int ticketSell = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELLLIMIT,lotSize, entryPrice,0,stopLoss,dTakeProfit,"SellOrder",magicnumber,0,Red);
return true;
void OnDeinit(const int reason){ObjectsDeleteAll(0,prefix);}
void OnTick()
return; // not necessary but waste of time to check every second
bool isNewBar()
static datetime lastbar;
datetime curbar = (datetime)SeriesInfoInteger(_Symbol,_Period,SERIES_LASTBAR_DATE);
if(lastbar != curbar)
lastbar = curbar;
return true;
return false;
Q : How can I solve the duplicates of pending order issues?... when I change the chart timeframe and return to H_1.
Well, this is rather a feature of the MQL4/5 code-execution ecosystem.
Configure a preventive checkmark, setup in MT4-Terminal in Tools > Options > Expert Advisor-tab so as to become:
[x] Disable automated trading when the chart symbol or period has been changed
I am developing a module in a billing system for a national Utility. The module is supposed to pick all successfully billed customers and print their bills.Bills are written as text files and saved on a local folder and the program has to pick them up and print them one by one.I'm using a DFX-9000 printer and pre-formatted roll paper,however,each time a new bill comes in,the printer skips some space before it prints it which distorts the 2nd and following bills.
I tried putting all the bills in a single text file which prints well when opened in notepad but not in my code.
Here is part of my code
Font printFont = new Font("Lucida Console", 10);
//static string filename;
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Filename);
public void Print()
PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();
pd.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = new System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSize("myPaper", 826, 1169);
pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins = new Margins(0, 0, 0, 0);
//pd.DefaultPageSettings.PrinterSettings.IsPlotter = true;
pd.DefaultPageSettings.PrinterResolution.Kind = PrinterResolutionKind.Custom;
pd.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(this.PrintTextFileHandler);
if (reader != null)
Console.WriteLine("Printout Complete");
catch (Exception ex)
private void PrintTextFileHandler(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs pe)
StringFormat sf = new StringFormat();
Graphics g = pe.Graphics;
float linesPerPage = 0;
float yPos = 0;
int count = 0;
float leftMargin = 40;//pe.MarginBounds.Left;
float topMargin = pe.MarginBounds.Top;
string line = null;
linesPerPage = 500;// pe.MarginBounds.Height / printFont.GetHeight(g);
while (count <= linesPerPage &&((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null))
yPos = topMargin + (count * printFont.GetHeight(g));
g.DrawString(line, printFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin, yPos);
if (line != null)
pe.HasMorePages = true;
pe.HasMorePages = false;
Could your printing.papersize be wrong? I notice it's 1169, doesn't standard paper stop at 1100?
I am developing an audio strreaming application and i am using Streamingplayer
now i want information about the currently playing song how can i obtain that?
It is not available as part of the url as it is shown in streamplayer api.
Does anybody has made such thing ealiar then please reply.
How can i update that when a song changes?
You can refer the link: http://www.smackfu.com/stuff/programming/shoutcast.html
and can use below code
void getMetaData(){
Thread metaDataThread = new Thread(new Runnable(){
public void run(){
try {
metaDataCheckBit = false;
StreamConnection streamConnection=null;
HttpConnection httpConnection = null;
InputStream inputStream =null;
httpConnection.setRequestProperty("Icy-metadata", "1");
int httpStatus=httpConnection.getResponseCode();
String mint = httpConnection.getHeaderField("icy-metaint");
inputStream = streamConnection.openInputStream();
int length= Integer.parseInt(mint);
int b = 0;
int count =0;
while(count++ < length){
b = inputStream.read();
int metalength = ((int)b)*16;
if(metalength <= 0)return;
byte buf[] = new byte[metalength];
String metaData = new String(buf);
int streamTilleIndex = metaData.indexOf("StreamTitle");
// if(streamTilleIndex <= 0)return;
String streamTille = metaData.substring(streamTilleIndex);
int eqindex = streamTille.indexOf('=');
// if(eqindex <= 0){return;}
int colindex = streamTille.indexOf(';');
// if(colindex <= 0)return;
String metaDatam = streamTille.substring(eqindex, colindex);
int lengthOfMaetaDataM = metaDatam.length();
// if(lengthOfMaetaDataM <= 0){return;}
metaDataParsed =metaDatam.substring(2, lengthOfMaetaDataM-2);
metaDataCheckBit = true;
catch (Exception e){
How can we populate a Listfield in blackberry with results from a Autocomplete field using Blackberry API(JDE 5)
This is the code to get Contacts, returns a vector containing string array..
contact[0] is name, contact[1] is email and contact[2] is contact number..
read elements from vector and set autocompleteField:Example: http://docs.blackberry.com/en/developers/deliverables/18125/Autocomplete_text_field_1200231_11.jsp
private Vector getContacts() {
Vector result = new Vector();
try {
BlackBerryContactList contactList = (BlackBerryContactList) PIM.getInstance().openPIMList(PIM.CONTACT_LIST, PIM.READ_ONLY);
Enumeration enumx = contactList.items();
while (enumx.hasMoreElements()) {
BlackBerryContact c = (BlackBerryContact) enumx.nextElement();
String[] contact = new String[3];
if (contactList.isSupportedField(BlackBerryContact.NAME)) {
String[] name = c.getStringArray(BlackBerryContact.NAME, 0);
String firstName = name[Contact.NAME_GIVEN];
String lastName = name[Contact.NAME_FAMILY];
System.out.println("this is contact..........." + firstName);
contact[0] = firstName + " " + lastName;
if (contactList.isSupportedField(BlackBerryContact.EMAIL)) {
StringBuffer emails = new StringBuffer();
int emailCount = c.countValues(BlackBerryContact.EMAIL);
for (int i = 0; i < emailCount; i++) {
String email = c.getString(BlackBerryContact.EMAIL, i);
if (email != null) {
emails.append("; ");
contact[1] = emails.toString();
if ((contactList.isSupportedField(BlackBerryContact.TEL)) && (c.countValues(BlackBerryContact.TEL) > 0)) {
int numValues = 0;
try {
numValues = c.countValues(BlackBerryContact.TEL);
} catch (Exception localException) {
String mobileNumber = "";
String homeNumber = "";
String workNumber = "";
for (int i = 0; i < numValues; ++i) {
if (c.getAttributes(BlackBerryContact.TEL, i) == BlackBerryContact.ATTR_WORK)
workNumber = c.getString(BlackBerryContact.TEL, i);
else if (c.getAttributes(BlackBerryContact.TEL, i) == BlackBerryContact.ATTR_HOME)
homeNumber = c.getString(BlackBerryContact.TEL, i);
else if (c.getAttributes(BlackBerryContact.TEL, i) == BlackBerryContact.ATTR_MOBILE)
mobileNumber = c.getString(BlackBerryContact.TEL, i);
if (!mobileNumber.equalsIgnoreCase(""))
contact[2] = mobileNumber.toString();
else if (!homeNumber.equalsIgnoreCase(""))
contact[2] = homeNumber.toString();
else if (!workNumber.equalsIgnoreCase(""))
contact[2] = workNumber.toString();
} catch (PIMException ex) {
return result;
There's a sample app provided with the developer tools that demonstrates the use of this field. From your developer tools directory go to samples/com/rim/samples/device/ui/autocompletefielddemo and you'll see the AutoCompleteFieldDemo.java app.