jQuery UI Slider Change While Sliding - jquery-ui

Edit: I still have not resolved this issue. If anyone has advice I would appreciate it.
I have a jquery slider with two bars that the user can change to select a price range. Below the slider I display min: $xxx and max: $xxx to show the current price range. Here's the code:
$("#slider-price .slider").slider({
step: 10,
animate: true,
range: true,
min: 0,
max: 500,
values: [range_price[0],range_price[1]],
slide: function() {
range_price = $(this).slider("option", "values");
$("#low-price-label").text("Min: $"+range_price[0]);
$("#high-price-label").text("Max: $"+range_price[1]);
The slide option looks at what the value of the slider is, and updates the min and max numbers. However, they only change on mouseup, after the user is done sliding the bar. I want the numbers to update as the user is sliding the bars. How do I do this?

I use this in a media player I wrote
slide: function(event, ui) {
edit: Just re-read your question, you should be able to use 'ui.values' instead of value to return the array , parse it and go from there.
edit2: Try this function instead of the one you have.
slide: function(event,ui) {
range_price = ui.values;
$("#low-price-label").text("Min: $"+range_price[0]);
$("#high-price-label").text("Max: $"+range_price[1]);


Highcharts - xAxis datetime max value does not create a gap

I am currently working on a specific type of chart and I am trying to achieve the following behavior for example :
As you can see there's a gap between the series last point and the xAxis max value and the reason for this is i wanna have a fix max value and load the daily values of a specific currency as the day passes by. So for example in the morning this chart would be empty and by 18:30 it would be filled.
In my mock example i have the current chart:
and when I try to set a new xAxis max value ( i also tried softMax) to a future day (using epoch converter for unixtimestamp) i am getting this:
and i set the max by doing :
return {
endOnTick: false,
tickLength: 2,
gridLineColor: '#b9b9b9',
gridLineWidth: 0,
tickColor: '#808080',
labels: {
style: {
color: '#b9b9b9',
x: 0,
y: 12,
format: '{value:%d.%b}',
visible: true,
After implementing your response I get an even weirder behavior. I get the same initial start I had before (no difference) but now if i click and drag it to the right I go from this :
to this:
and If i click and drag it to the left, into this:
The transformation happens without animation, neither by wathching the drag and move motion happen. It just instantly transforms after i drag my cursor pointer for a while towards the sides i mentioned above
You need to use milliseconds instead of seconds:
xAxis: {
max: 1631962355000,
Live demo: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/herncjL5/
API Reference: https://api.highcharts.com/highstock/xAxis.max

JqueryUi Spinner Custom steps

I am looking to make the jqueryUI spinner increment by a set of custom values on a list.
For example, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000
Is this possible?
The closest thing I can get it doing is stepping by a set amount.
Maybe it can be done by manually changing the value on the .spin call?
Any help on this would be great thanks
you can use this code,
var dlist = ['100','250','500', '1000']
$( ".spinner" ).spinner({
min: 0,
max: 3,
create: function(){
$(this).parent().append('<input class="spinner-text" value="'+dlist[$(this).val()]+'">');
stop: function(event,ui) {
Note: if your array contains 4 values, set max as 3. because first value is already set by default.
see the DEMO

Set a global variable inside jquery-ui slider?

I want the to prevent slider animation during page refresh, but allow it during the operation of my program.
I'm almost there:
// Initialise var animate as false
var animate = false;
// Jquery UI
function slider(min, max, step) {
min: min,
max: max,
range: "min",
step: step,
// var animate set to false on load, so no animation from this guy:
animate: animate,
// var animate now set to true to allow animation every time slider is changed from now on:
var animate = true;
slide: function (event, ui) {
console.log("slider is moving!");
// Initialise slider
slider(0, 200, 0.01);
However, the code on line 13 that turns var animate to true is regarded and syntactically incorrect by jquery UI, so how can I change the variable "animate"?
I'm also still a little shaky with javascript's scope. If jquery UI did accept my variable change, would my logic work? I'm assuming it would because var animate is first declared in the global scope, but please correct me if I'm wrong!
You would want to change the value of animate after the initialization of the slider:
slider(0, 200, 0.01);
animate = true;
Also, after a variable is defined, you do not need to use the var keyword to access it.
Update After looking at the API documentation you can use the setter method to set the animate property after initialization. Try this:
function slider(min, max, step) {
min: min,
max: max,
range: "min",
step: step,
animate: false,
slide: function (event, ui) {
console.log("slider is moving!");
// Initialise slider
slider(0, 200, 0.01);
$(target_slider).slider('option', 'animate', 'fast');

Using JqueryUI slider to range filter Datatable results

I am using the plugin the ColumnFilter to render filters for each column in Datatables.
ColumnFilter renders two input boxes (From & To) in order to perform 'range' filtering of a table.
I am trying to replace these input boxes with a jqueryUI slider but cannot seem to make it work.
I have managed to make a slider control two separate 'from' & 'too' inputs with the following code:
$(function() {
var $slider = $('#Slider'),
$lower = $('input#Min'),
$upper = $('input#Max'),
min_rent = 0,
max_rent = 400;
orientation: 'horizontal',
range: true,
animate: 200,
min: 0,
max: 400,
step: 1,
value: 0,
values: [min_rent, max_rent],
slide: function(event,ui) {
$lower.change(function () {
var low = $lower.val(),
high = $upper.val();
low = Math.min(low, high);
$slider.slider('values', 0, low);
$upper.change(function () {
var low = $lower.val(),
high = $upper.val();
high = Math.max(low, high);
$slider.slider('values', 1, high);
This works fine and I can see the values change in the two input boxes change as I move the slider.
However, when I swap the input#Min and inut#Max element for the the two input boxes that are rendered by the ColumnFilter plugin. Nothing seems to happen. I cannot see any values update in the input boxes and the table does not auto sort as expected.
Perhaps I am approaching this the wrong way? Is there any other way to make a slider work with Datatables and the Columnfilter plugin?
Many thanks!
The two input boxes used for filtering are being 'listened to' for change event but updating the values via UI sliders does not trigger this.
I had a similar problem and ended up just forcing change() on sliderstop (event triggered by slider on mouseup) because of the dynamic content being loaded on change which I didn't want changing on slide, but you could force change() on slide too.
after updating the values with val();
Should work :)

UI Slider adding textbox values

Hope someone can help me, I am new to Jquery and this is the only thing I am still struggeling with. I have a slider with 3 textboxes, when sliding the slider it will auto populate the values to all three textboxes. I want the fourth textbox to add all of the values from the 3 textboxes that's already got the values.
I am getting the values using the following:
$(function () {
var sum = 0;
value: 2300,
min: 500,
max: 4500,
step: 100,
length: 300,
slide: function (event, ui) {
// Rule Calculation
if (ui.value < 1000)
$("#amount3").val(ui.value * 0.15)
//10% Calculation
if (ui.value > 1000)
$("#amount8").val(ui.value - 1000)
$("#amount").val("R" + ui.value)
$("#amount9").val($("#amount8").val() * 0.10)
I ammended your code to do what you asked. You can view it here:
You have to use 'parseInt($("#idOfTextbox"))' to convert each value in your textboxes to integers so they can be added, otherwise you will get a concatenation of the values as your result. Hopefully this has accomplished your needs :)
I made something similar because I was looking for this functionality
