Storing accessToken in Facebook iOS SDK - ios

I have the Facebook iOS SDK set up in my app. However, I have trouble determining when my session is finished. How to check if it's finished, and where (how) to store the access token received by the login?
I need to determine whether I have the access token or not right from the beginning so I know whether to log in again, or go forward in the app.

Are you familiar with NSUserDefaults ? It is for storing preferences for your app.
They are extremely easy to use, and probably what you are looking for. So it's just something like ..
NSUserDefaults *factoids;
NSString *whateverIDstring; // make this a property for convenience
factoids = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
self.whateverIDstring = [factoids stringForKey:#"storeTheStringHere"];
if ( ( whateverIDstring == Nil ) || ( [whateverIDstring isEqualToString:#""] ) )
// it does not yet exist, so try to make a new one...
// we already made one last time the program ran
// when you make a new one, save it in the prefs file like this...
[factoids setObject:yourNewString forKey:#"storeTheStringHere"];
[factoids synchronize];
Hope it helps!
ONE get the preferences in to 'factoids' as in the example above
TWO decide on a name for your preference. 'storeTheStringHere' in the example.
THREE get your string 'whateverIDstring' in the example using stringForKey:
FOUR check if it is either nil or blank. if so, start fresh.
FIVE once you get the value, save it as shown!
Hope it helps!


Button to reset all of the plist key values to their default

I would like to make a button that would return all of my tweaks preference bundle settings (sliders and switches) to their default values. The default values were specified in my plist. So would I need to read my plist to get those values and then write to my plist manually for every single key? In that case if a user would press that button will the slider return to its default location right away or would they have to restart the application.
Thank you.
inline float GetDefault(NSString *Kdefault)
return [[[NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:PLIST_PATH] valueForKey:Kdefault] floatValue];
- (void)resetDefaults:(PSSpecifier *)specifier
NSMutableDictionary *defaults = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:PLIST_PATH];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setValue:0 forKey:#"Kdefault"];
You shouldn't "write to your plist manually for every single key". That alone goes against everything your trying to accomplish, making those values no longer the default since your over writing those defaults. Ergo, you wouldn't have a means to reset them. Simply save the users preferences to NSUserDefaults (NSUserDefaults) since that technically is its purpose. And when you would like to set it back to the defaults specified in your plist, you can do so as needed

Determine if you own app is currently installed or not programmatically

I am creating a new feature in one of my apps to show a "What's New" page. I have this all working as expected and it compares the last version (stored) to the current version, then updates the current version once the feature list is shown.
This all works great and as expected. The issue I have now is determining if a user already has the app installed.
Case 1) If the user is a completely new user and it is the first time they have downloaded the app, then the new feature list should not be shown.
Case 2) If they already had the app installed and are updating their app to a new version, then we need to show the new feature list.
The part I need help with is Case 2. How can you determine if the app is already installed by the user, without having to release a minor update just to set a currentInstalledVersion variable beforehand?
if(currentInstalledVersion < actualCurrentVersion)
// user upgraded
// user had the app with a version before you implemented currentInstalledVersion and is updating
// fresh install
Update based on below comment
Okay in that case, there is no built-in mechanism to help you with this. Until you implement a way yourself (with this flag), you can't check. However, if you have any kind of other flags or data you've written to NSUserDefaults for instance, you can check that immediately on startup to see if those values are set which would tell you it is an existing user that just installed the app (only check the other flags if currentInstalledVersion is not set). If you have not written any data to disk or to NSUserDefaults then you are out of luck for your initial release of this feature.
I updated the code above to reflect this.
You could use NSUserDefault and set a bool to check if it's a new user.
if(![[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:#"user"]){
// it's a new user
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:YES ForKey:#"user"];
The boolForKey: method would return NO if the default was not set.

UIWebView must get localStorage item and store it in the app natively / retrive it natively

I have the first part figured out...
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView*) myTapView {
NSString *jsString = #"localStorage.getItem('username');";
NSString *someKeyValue = [tapView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:jsString];
// This is where I would start storing it so I can retrieve it later
So here is my issue, I need to store the value I just got from localStorage so I can use it again. Problem is I don't know where to start. This code is inside my ViewController for the WebView, so I need to be able to use it in other areas in the ViewController.m file.
What is the best method for storing the info? I would also want the above code to be able to update the value, as it won't always be the same username (people can switch accounts).
There are a few ways to store data on iOS, but it depends on what kind of value you want to store. If it's just a plain string or other "light" data, the best approach is to save it to NSUserDefaults. If it's an image or video, you may want to consider archiving it using NSKeyedArchiver. Otherwise, if you want to build a complicated data model, use Core Data.
Here's a good post on NSHipster that describe in detail pros and cons of each approach.
According to your code, you want to store a string. I'd go with NSUserDefaults in this case.
Use NSUserDefaults to store UIWebView local storage value as follows
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView*) myTapView {
NSString *jsString = #"localStorage.getItem('username');";
NSString *someKeyValue = [myTapView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:jsString];
// Store your Username in iPhone persistence variable and use it later in the application
NSUserDefaults *userdefault = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
[userdefault setObject:someKeyValue forKey:#"username"];
[userdefault synchronize];
//use of User default
NSLog(#"User name %#",[userdefault valueForKey:#"username"]);

is that possible to know my apps is first time run or not in xcode?

i create an apps that i want to prompt an message for the user.. maybe using UIAlertview. After that, if the user run the apps for the second time, the alert won't prompt up anymore.
is that possible? honestly i don't have any idea about how to doing this.
Any idea? I search on STO, actually this link, still confused.
what is NSUserDefaults? How can NSUserDefaults store this information? i mean this is my first time or second time.
To know what's NSUserDefaults, I suggest to take a look the official doc.
And of course you can use it to fulfill your goal.
You use a user default to store information about the current amount of runs in the app.
More or less like:
BOOL isRunMoreThanOnce = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:#"isRunMoreThanOnce"];
// Show the alert view
// Then set the first run flag
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:YES forKey:#"isRunMoreThanOnce"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
Yes, U can save a value in NSUserDefault for the first time in your app & set it some other value once you open the app.
if(![[NSUserDefault standardUserDefault] objectforKey:#"AppOpenFirstTime"])
// App Open First time
// Show Alert
[[NSUserDefault standardUserDefault] setObject:#"1" forKey:#"AppOpenFirstTime"]
You can check if you stored some value in NSUserDefaults
NSString *flag = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:#"not_first_run"];
if (!flag) {
//first run, do somethig
and then set it to some value
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:#"just any string" forKey:#"not_first_run"];
NSUserDefaults is a key-value store saved between your application launches.
You can do it exactly as cortez said in your link. NSUserDefaults is written to disc, and will be created and accessed from your app.
See this link
First Time when your application launch at that time boolForKey:#"AlreadyRan" is FALSE. after that set it TRUE.
if(![[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:#"AlreadyRan"] )
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:TRUE forKey:#"AlreadyRan"];
With the NSUserDefaults class, you can save settings and properties
related to application or user data.
The objects will be saved in what is known as the iOS “defaults system”.
The iOS defaults system is available throughout all of the code in your app, and any data saved to the defaults system will persist through application sessions.This means that even if the user closes your application or reboots their phone, the saved data will still be available the next time they open the app!

How to determine that user runs the app for the first time?

I got a problem of my iOS app recently. In my app, an instruction view will appear at the first time of running, then hide from then on. How can I implement this effect?
Try to use this function:
- (BOOL) isFirstRun
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
if ([defaults objectForKey:#"isFirstRun"])
return NO;
[defaults setObject:[NSDate date] forKey:#"isFirstRun"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
return YES;
In your app delegate check for a key in the user defaults (your own custom key, something like "AppWasAlreadyStartedPreviously"). If the key doesn't exist yet, it's the first run. You can show your instruction view and add the key to the user defaults. The next time the user starts the app you'll find the key in the user defaults and know that it's not the first run.
See the documentation of NSUserDefaults.
Store a file and check if the file exsists every time when you start the app. If tr file does not exsists then show intro, and then create the file.
The only way I think is to store a value into a specified file, when run the app, you should check the value first, and then you can deal with the result whether the app has already been run.
