use instruments - leaks with a device - ios

I'm starting to use Instruments-Leaks with an iPhone 3G. When I try to run the app with Instruments on the iPhone I obtain
Target failed to run: Remote exception encountered: 'Failed to get task for pid 280'
The only time I succeed in running the app with instruments it run very slow, I couldn't test it.
What are the steps to run the app on the device searching for leaks?

The solution for me was to make sure that my Profile scheme was using the "debug" and not "release" build configuration.
In Xcode 4 select Product/Edit Scheme from the top menu
then click on the "profile" button on the left.
On the "info" pane you will see a setting for Build Configuration- set that to "debug"

This error is also thrown if you are trying to test your app on a device with a distribution profile selected. Make sure you have the correct code-sign settings for development.

You CAN profile the release build on the device. What you have to do is build the release build with a developer certificate. See here.

Instruments basically does its work by becoming the debugger for the app. If you can't run Xcode's debugger against it, then you can't run Instruments against it.
Mostly, entitlements need to be set to allow debugging.
Sometimes after using XCode to debug apps, I find I can't use Instruments until I reboot the device.
Unlike XCode, Instruments can be confused between two apps with the same name, but different bundle IDs. (Or perhaps same name and similar bundle IDs.) When I have multiple versions of an app on a device, I often have to delete the extra to get Instruments to connect to the correct app. If you have one debug build and one release build, this could be the problem.
So, delete any duplicates of your app and restart the device. (You could change the display name for release and debug build configurations.)


Can I debug iOS app installed from IPA archive?

I m having some problem with my app which reproduces only when i install it ad hoc, but doesn't reproduce if i just run the app from Xcode. I would like to debug this problem, but so far i m not having any luck. I m using Xcode 5.1.1. Here is what i did:
1) Go to Product->Scheme->Edit Scheme->Archive and set build
configuration to Debug.
2) Code signing identity is set to iPhone Developer.
3) Generate Debug Symbols is set to Yes.
4) Go to Product->Archive and after it is archived, click
"Distribute", then choose "Save for Enterprise or Ad Hoc Deployment".
5) My development provisioning profile is selected.
6) Click "Export" and export the .ipa file.
7) Use iPhone configuration Utility to install the app onto the
8) Run the app on the device.
9) In Xcode, go to Debug->Attach To Process->By PID or Name, enter the
app name. Xcode attaches successfully and says running the app on
10) However, i cannot hit any breakpoints which should be hit when i
do certain actions in my app (if i install and run the app from Xcode
instead, all breakpoints are hit).
Am i missing something?
You don't have any debug information for the app at this point, and since most apps are pretty thoroughly stripped, there won't even be symbols for lldb to hook on to. So we're not going to be able to successfully set breakpoints.
When you built the app, Xcode produced a dSYM file ( which has the debug info in it, so all is not lost. Problem is when you attach to some - to Xcode - random app on the device, Xcode has no way to know where to find its debug info.
You can add the debug info into your debug session in lldb by using the command:
(lldb) add-dsym <PathTo.dSYM>
You have to do this after you have attached.
lldb also uses SpotLight to find dSYM's so if you put the dSYM somewhere that SpotLight knows to search (like your Desktop or a folder under your User directory) then lldb should pick it up automatically.
You can tell whether lldb has successfully read in the dSYM by doing:
(lldb) image list <AppName>
If lldb found the dSYM, it will list the path to it on a separate line after listing the path to the AppName binary.
Jim Ingham, thanks for your answers.
I found the reason why i was unable to debug into static libraries. In each Xcode project, there is a setting called "Strip Linked Product" under "Deployment" section. In all my projects this setting was set to "Yes".
In order to debug into static libraries for an app built by archiving, i set this setting to "No" in each dependent library project (as well as the main project). This can also be set differently for Debug/Release modes. After this, i see the library symbols built during archiving and i m able to debug into library code. I hope this helps someone.
Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) the bug i was trying to debug no longer reproduces when the library symbols are not stripped. Maybe something happens when the symbols are stripped, i will need to investigate further.
I was struggling with the same problem, and just launching my app from Xcode was not an option - I had to build the IPA, sideload it on an iOS device, and then debug. Eventually I was able to make that work with the following steps:
1) Set the scheme archive target to Debug
2) Change the following settings for the Debug builds
Keep Private External Symbols (KEEP_PRIVATE_EXTERNS) : YES
Enable Bitcode (ENABLE_BITCODE) : NO
3) Rebuild, archive, and deploy the resulting IPA file to your iOS device.
4) Launch the app, and in Xcode, select Debug/Attach to Process/YourAppName(id)
5) Break into the debugger - you should be able to see the code, put and use breakpoints, etc.
If you want to debug your code from the very beginning, just put a loop that sleeps for a second or two and then checks a flag at the top of your main function - when you break into the debugger, just change the flag to let it escape the loop.

Xcode 6 process launch failed: timed out trying to launch app

I can't debug my app because when I run it, Xcode gives me the error:
Process launch failed: timed out trying to launch app
In the device I see a black screen and after the error message the app starts.
How can I fix this?
I tried to change the code signing identity and the provisioning profile, and to refresh the provisioning profiles in the Xcode > Preferences > Accounts > Details tab.
I'm using Xcode Version 6.0.1 (6A317) with an iPad mini, running iOS 8.0 and a MacBook with OSX 10.9.4.
After this, if the iPad goes into sleep mode (the screen turns off) I can't wake it anymore; I have to do a soft reset.
You are using distribution provisioning profile rather than development profile. check this link
How to Fix:
I fix it with:
clean project (Product > Clean)
hard reset device (power button + home button)
delete app from device
close xcode
CLOSE ITUNES (itunes must be closed)
re-open Xcode and run!
I think that iTunes was the problem.
EDIT: 2017/02: Solution still Woks (Thanks to #SalGad for information).
I am using Xcode 6.2, running on iPhone 4 with iOS 7.1.2, the problems happen to me as well.
It turned out that the Project and Targets' Code Signing settings are different from each other! And that's what is causing the issue.
To solve the issue, you must make sure that their Code Signing settings is the same.
One more thing that may be a reason to launch timeout arising is that you have a lot of Provision Profiles on your device. I have about 100 of them, downloaded automatically by XCode from our team dev portal. So if your team have tons of apps and Provision Profiles, you better unlink your XCode from your Apple ID, to prevent automatic downloading for unwanted PPs. It significantly decreases app launching time.
To delete unwanted PPs from your device you have to go XCode - Window - Devices, select your device and click "Show provision profiles..." on the bottom context menu. Then you have to manually remove the profiles. Tip: use key sequences "down arrow" - "backspace", to ease the hand routine.
I had this but nothing previously posted seemed to work. This is what I did to fix the issue in Xcode 6.3.2:
Go to Product->Scheme->Edit Scheme...
Select the Run Scheme
Select the Info tab
Make sure the settings are as follows:
Build Configuration is set to "Debug"
Debug Executable is checked
Launch Automatically is checked
In my case I was using the development profile, but somehow, in Build Settings > Code Signing, the Provisioning Profile for Debug was empty.
But before setting it to "iOS Team Provisioning Profile", I had to reset my account since it said " is Not on Any Development teams"
- Xcode > Preferences > Accounts
- Remove my account (click "-")
- Add the account again
That fixed the problem
Note that if the app still manages to start on the device after Xcode displays this error, you can attach to the running process with Debug->Attach to Process.
This warning is shown when you try to run and debug your code directly in device but you are using distribution profile in your Build Settings.
To directly run the code in device and debug, you need to use development profile in your Build Settings of Xcode.
After setting the development profile, just reboot your device clean your Xcode project and run again.
I hope this helps !!
An app should return from his initialisation procedure in less then 10 seconds, or it will be killed by the OS. This is probably because you are doing too many things in the startup phase.
Try to refactor your code to do it diffrently, by doing lazy initialisation, and only initialize what is really important before showing the first view.
It's hard to give better advice before knowing more about the app itself
I have faced this issue with Xcode 6.2 and Iphone 5s with iOS version 8.3.
I get this message when I deploy the application to the device for the first time.
The work around I found was that with out unintalling the application from the device,redeploy the application from Xcode.It should run perfectly this time.
I observed this only on Xcode 6.2 not on Xcode 6.3 so this might be an Xcode to iOS version compatibility issue.
Big and weird tip for this problem... this was happening to me and none of the advice helped anywhere on the web, but then i noticed if i deleted everything out of the main ViewDidLoad method it would work. I realized there was one line of code that was messing it up. It was a line that was referencing to an array of strings that was way to big. I had something like this NSString *mystring[100][1000][100]; i accidentally added some zeros and for whatever reason this problem produced the same error message that the incorrect signing gives you. So don't let your arrays or matrixes get too out of hand!
Method #1:
Lock your phone, press XCode start, wait till XCode says "unlock your device to launch", then unlock your phone, it will be launched successfully, works every time.
Method #2:
If your goal is just to debug the app, here is another simple and straight-forward approach:
After the app is deployed, launch it manually.
Goto XCode -> Debug -> Attach to Process ... to choose your app from the list, then debug properly.
This works well for me, and it saves lots of time.
I hope this helps, thanks!

How do you debug an issue with a release mode build in iOS?

I am working on an iOS app and I have noticed a bug that is only reproducible when the app is built in release mode. The only way I have found to run a release mode app that I have built is by building an archive, signing it with my debug profile, and doing an ad-hoc deployment to my device. Using this method however I can't attach with a debugger, and I'm not even sure if I could attach it if it would work well after the release build had run the optimizer on the code.
Does anyone know of a good way to debug an issue that is only reproducible when an app is build in release mode?
Normally Debug builds have optimisation disabled (-O0) to make debugging easier, whereas Release builds have optimisation enabled (-O3 or -Os), which makes the code run much faster, but also makes debugging harder (but not impossible). You can just go into the build settings in Xcode in the Debug configuration and temporarily turn up the optimisation level - this will keep all the other debug goodies (symbols etc) but hopefully also flush out the Release mode bug. (Don't forget to reset the optimisation level to -O0 in the Debug configuration when you're done!)
Go to "Project" command in an Xcode application menu and chose "Edit Scheme"(Shortcut: ⌘< )
Select "Run Project name" in left pane
In right pane, under "Info" tab change "Build Configuration" to "Release"
You can not run an app in release mode while have having debugging turned on. That is not intended.
When running an app in release mode you have to find a different way to observe the behaviour of your app (e.g. using alerts).
Additionally you will have to trust the distribution profile on your device. Xcode will notify and guide you with an alert message on the first run.
To debug an iOS application in release mode modify the settings:
Build Settings -> Deployment -> Deployment Post Processing -> Release -> set value as "NO"
Set 'Deployment Post Processing: Release' value as 'No'
I had to briefly turn on automatic signing in order to accomplish this. You aren't able to build directly on device with an iOS Distribution certificate (you need an iOS Development certificate) and you can't release to the App Store with an iOS Development certificate (you need an iOS Distribution certificate).
My debug mode was configured to use an iOS Development certificate to build directly on device. My release mode was configured to use an iOS Distribution certificate to allow the app to be installed on all devices. In order to run in release mode on device I switched to automatic code signing briefly to test. Once I was done testing, I used git to revert to the previous Xcode configuration.
Not the most elegant way, but it got the job done.

Ad Hoc test install failing

I have a project I can successfully build/install using developer/debug to a device or simulator.
When I make an ad hoc build i can build-run onto the simulator, but not onto the device.
I'm trying to perform a direct install because the ad hoc installed app is crashing (nil added to array) where the debug version is not.
I also have tried to attach to the running ad hoc installed app. The app will run indefinitely (but crash if i perform a particular use case.) But if I attempt to attach to the running app, it will crash.
It happens to be a Box2d/Cocos2d application - but i don't have any reason to think they are the cause. Xcode 4.3.2, iPhone4 iOS 5.1
the message when build-and-run is attempted:
error: failed to launch '/Users/bshirley/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/foo-bar-evrbckppmbsspqhezhleaxkmymxn/Build/Products/Adhoc-iphoneos/' -- failed to get the task for process 6892
Anyone have some insight into the problem or tracking it down?
Edit, I thought I'd add some key words so searches might be more likely to find:
One issue with diagnosing the post-mortem crash was that the stack trace was not symbolized in the Device Logs of the Organizer in Xcode. That left me with 6+ deep stack trace w/i my code and no real reason to determine where it actually was.
If it is a release build, the app will (in a default setup) have a flag preventing outside processes from hooking into it (for security reasons). This includes the debugger. If you try, you will get the exact error message you indicate.
EDIT Sorry, small error. A release build alone will not cause this. A build with an adhoc certificate will cause this, because it is meant for final install on a device (not debugging).
If borrrden is correct (and it seems reasonable that he is, connecting one app to a signed running app would be a security issue), I can't actively debug the adhoc app.
The most useful thing i found for tracking down this issue, is Build Settings -> Symbols Hidden by Default - this value is only NO for debug. Setting it for NO on adhoc allowed me to see the entire stack trace when inspecting the Device Logs in the Xcode Organizer.
That led me to the particular method that was invoking the crash causing issue. Which led to the question why wasn't it crashing in the debug build. Didn't have time to diagnose that, just fix the problem.

Instruments can't attach to running process on iPhone

I created a build for ad-hoc distribution of our product and installed the same on my device. Now I want to run the time profiler on the running process but Instruments is unable to attach to it. This is the error that I get when I try to attach to a running process on the iPhone:
Target failed to run : Could not attach to process <app-name> (<pid>)
I also tried "Choose Target" > app-name but that too failed with the following error:
Target failed to run : Remote exception encountered : 'Failed to get task for pid <pid>'
Here are the details of my setup:
OS X 10.7.2
Xcode 4.2.1 (Build 4D502)
Instruments 4.2 (4233)
iPhone OS 5.0.1 (Build 9A405)
I had the same problem. I didn't solve it initially, but an easy workaround is to launch the app yourself and then attach to it from the "Attach to Process..." command in the Target menu in the Instruments window.
After some digging around it seems this is a common topic of discussion on the apple developer forums: Instruments does not work on Xcode 4 with device
It appears that different Apple products will change/update the MobileDevice framework. Some of these updates break the Instruments integration.
To fix this on my own machine, I installed the iTunes 10.5 beta v6. Fire up XCode, and I'm back in business Instrumenting on my device.
I would recommend this tutorial since it is one of the better ones for explaining how to use Instruments
It can be very confusing at first, but take the time to get to know it and it'll ease a lot of headaches later.
Hope atleast one of these approaches work for you.
In Xcode 10: don't launch Instruments separately. Instead:
From Xcode’s menu bar, select Product\Profile, or press ⌘I. This will build the app and launch Instruments. You will be greeted with a selection window...
Full Tutorial
If you do launch separately you'll get the failed to attach to target error with the recommendation to disable System Integrity.
