Including Grails Plugin Source in Grails 1.3.5 project - grails

I want to use a snapshot version of the grails quartz plugin. The issue is, I want to be able to specify the dependency or include the source of the plugin in my project so that my coworkers and our build server don't have to download the plugin's zip file themselves.

I was able to solve this by connecting to the plugin's repository through an svn:external, and then adding the following to my BuildConfig.groovy.
grails.plugin.location."quartz" = "path/to/svn/external"


How to make Grails get latest local jars from Maven repository?

In my Maven repo (.m2). there is one my local jar like sub_app-0.1.jar.
I have same copy of the it in ivy-cache.
I run maven install on sub_app then new sub_app-0.1.jar file created.
After, I run grails clean and it not getting my new sub_app-0.1.jar from .m2.
But, if I remove (delete) sub_app-0.1.jar file from ivy-cache and run the grails clean then it is getting new sub_app-0.1.jar file into ivy-cache.
If I change the version in sub-app pom and grails pom and Grails is taking latest one. install again it not taking.
I tried by adding SNAPSHOT to sup-app jar even. Same result, first time it is taking, after not.
ie. Grails considering only jar name and version in ivy-cache, if having - it not take. If not having - it taking from .m2.
But it not considering new/old build.
How can I get the same behavior (step 5) in step 4 also?
You can try adding changing=true to your dependency in the BuildConfig.groovy, as specified in the Grails Guide
compile ('YOUR_GROUP_ID:YOUR_SUB_AP:0.1') {
changing = true
Not sure if this is the same problem as you, but I use Spring Source Tool Suite (STS) with a 'grails' project having a dependency on an 'interfaces' project (which just contains interfaces, beans, pojos, etc).
If I run a maven install on interfaces in STS, then maven correctly updated with latest jar (I use '-1.0-SNAPSHOT' as my version number).
If I then run a grails clean on my 'grails' project in STS, Grails correctly identifies the change of the interfaces jar (I have {changing=true} in BuildConfig.groovy), downloads the pom, but fails to download the jar as it cannot delete the jar from the ivy-cache. Looks like STS has a handle on the ivy-cache which prevents this.
As I inherited this project from another developer who informed me it was a bug/feature of Grails and/or STS, I've bowed to his knowledge and workaround this by either:
maven package instead of install on 'interfaces' then copy the latest jar to the ivy-cache. It seems STS will let me replace the contents of the jar. Then grails clean uses the latest jar from ivy-cache (no attempt to download from maven).
maven install on 'interfaces', close down STS, delete jar from ivy-cache, re-open STS, grails clean which downloads latest jar from maven.
Both workarounds as a pain, so I'd be interested if anyone has any ideas?
Grails not supports to get latest of same (group-id, artifact-id, version) jar even SNAPSHOT jar also.
Every-time, delete the sub-app-version.jar from ivy-cache. or
Every-time, change the version to next value(should be greater than current value) of the sub-app jar in pom.xml.
4 Configuration - Reference Documentation
Please read:
4.7.6 Snapshots and Other Changing Dependencies

What's the correct way to install a grails plugin from a zip file?

In recent versions of Grails install-plugin command has been deprecated. What is now the recommended way of installing a plugin that is not available via some repository. Assume the plugin is only available locally as zip file, e.g. after running grails package-plugin?
I think the easiest approach is to place the zip file in the project's lib folder and then add an entry in the BuildConfig.groovy. For example:
1. '' placed in lib.
2. runtime ":grails-image-tools:1.0.5" added to BuildConfig.groovy
Since the dependency manager looks inside the project's lib folder as well, I don't have to worry about setting any paths etc.
The latest Grails version that I worked on was 2.1.1. I'm unable to check but according to #Saurabh's comment below this isn't applicable for Grails 2.4.3
But #Jay says that it works with 2.4.5
I don't know if it is the correct way but we get it working:
Download and unzip the plugin in a directory within your project
Change your BuildConfig.groovy file to point to the new plugin
Example: Download plugin and unzip it into a plugins directory within your project. Add this line at end of your BuildConfig file
grails.plugin.location."webflow" = "plugins/webflow"

How to deploy grails app with private plugin to cloud

I've created a private plugin for domain objects that are shared between two grails applications. I'm able to use the plugin successfully in my local environment as I've set the path to it via the BuildConfig file. For example, I have the following directories:
myPlugin/ (myPlugin is a grails plugin project dir)
In: appOne/grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy:
grails.plugin.location.compileMyPlugin = "../myPlugin"
My question is, what is the proper/best way to handle "packaging" this plugin with my app release so I can deploy it to a cloud service where it won't be available for download? I imagine there is a way to have grails do this for you but I'm unsure. (I'm very new to grails)
When you create you .war file for deployment, grails simply includes your plugin. So you have nothing special to do.
If your project is build in the cloud, you might try to specify a file path as local repository:
repositories {
localRepo "../myPlugin"
Just drop your zipped plugin in this folder and grails will find it.
I ended up doing the following to resolve this in Grails 2.1.0:
1) In the Grails Plugin Project:
grails package-plugin Produces the file
2) Copy plugin to my application's lib directory (appOne/lib/
3) In BuildConfig.groovy
Remove: grails.plugin.location.compilemyPlugin = "../myPlugin"
This was/is used during development to prevent the rebuild-reinstall process
when updating files included in the plugin.
plugins {..... compile ':grails-myPlugin:0.1' }
4) Test by cleaning appOne and re-run which will install/re-install the plugin via the lib directory
5) Commit all changes and add the plugin zip file to appOne and push. The cloud provider,
Heroku in this case, can then resolve the dependency.
Your build script should first package the plugin, then install the plugin into your Grails application. At least, that is how I have to do it. If you try and have both your plugin specified in the BuildConfig dependencies and as an inline plugin, Grails tends to complain about that.

How to run a local plugin in Grails 2.0?

In Grails, there is a variant how to include local plugin from sources. According to docs, one may type in BuildConfig.groovy:
// Useful to test plugins you are developing.
grails.plugin.location.shiro =
// Useful for modular applications where all plugins and
// applications are in the same directory.
grails.plugin.location.'grails-ui' = "../grails-grails-ui"
The problem is that it doesn't work in Grails 2.0.RC1. I've tried to do grails clean, to install plugin with grails install-plugin and to place it to BuildConfig.groovy. Still unable to resolve.
This works for me
grails.plugin.location.shiro = "/home/dilbert/dev/plugins/grails-shiro"
Where shiro is the name of the plugin (not the name of the directory it's in). Make sure the path to the plugin is either an absolute path or the relative path to the plugin from the application.
I've found that this sometimes doesn't work if the plugin is listed in or BuildConfig.groovy, so if it is, remove it, then execute grails clean and restart the app.
You can also install the plugin into your local maven cache.
The documentation speaks about this:
3.7.10 Deploying to a Maven Repository
The maven-install command will install the Grails project or plugin artifact into your local Maven cache:
grails maven-install
This has the advantage of allowing you to include the plugin in your parent application using the more common ":plugin-name:version" syntax
Which allows your application to determine the best place to retrieve the plugin when in production. From an internal maven-repo or equivalent.
With Grails 3.x there is another way to do this. Suppose you've a grails app and plugin (source code) inside the same project directory:
To run your local plugin, you must create a settings.gradle file in the my-projectdirectory specifying the location of your application and plugin:
include 'my-app', 'grails-shiro'
Then add the dependency in your application's build.gradle:
compile project(':grails-shiro')
You've done.
Look at the plugins documentation for more information.
Surround the plugin name with quotes in case it contains dashes:
grails.plugin.location.'plugin-name-with-dashes' = "<path>"
You can add the .zip file for the plugin in your /lib and it will be installed.
compile ":myPlugin:1.0"
Note: You have to zip the content of the plugin folder.

How can I easily link sources for dependencies in Grails project in IntelliJ IDEA?

Is there any way to get IDEA to automatically download sources for Grails, my plugins and all the dependencies? Alternately, is there an easy way to get IDEA to pickup sources downloaded by this plugin?
It puts them under ~/.ivy2/...
IDEA should automatically load all plugins for a Grails project, if the Grails/Griffon plugin is being used.
I see all the Grails plugins for a given project in my Grails View, under Plugins.
If you aren't seeing the files, try right-clicking on the project's name in the Grails View, and choosing Grails > Synchronize Grails settings.
Please note that if you are using the free (community) version of IntelliJ IDEA, it does not include the necessary plugins for working with Grails directly. You must pay for the full version to get it.
