Override default sequence name in Grails - grails

How can I rename HIBERNATE_SEQUENCE? Methods for generating one sequence per table (and giving specific names to those sequences) are well-documented, but that's not what I'm looking for.
I don't mind having one sequence shared by all domain classes. I just need to give it an application-specific name.

There appears to be an open feature / enhancement request in the Hibernate JIRA to make this globally configurable: Make the default sequence name globally configurable. I believe, as a workaround, you would have to set the 'generator' attribute to the same name for all domain classes (defaults to hibernate_sequence) for every #Id field. See oracle sequence created.
As you hinted in your question, there might be a way to do this by subclassing your database dialect - as many have suggested for a sequence-per-table approach.
See id generator and DRY principle

Here is the code I used to set the sequence name.
First, the SequenceGenerator:
package com.foo;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.id.SequenceGenerator;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;
public class TableNameSequenceGenerator extends SequenceGenerator {
public static final String CUSTOM_SEQUENCE_NAME = "MYAPP_SEQUENCE"
public void configure(Type type, Properties params, Dialect dialect) throws MappingException {
if(params.getProperty(SEQUENCE) == null || params.getProperty(SEQUENCE).length() == 0) {
params.setProperty(SEQUENCE, seqName);
super.configure(type, params, dialect);
Next, the OracleDialect:
package com.foo;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect;
public class MyAppOracleDialect extends Oracle10gDialect {
public Class getNativeIdentifierGeneratorClass() {
return TableNameSequenceGenerator.class;
Last, DataSource.groovy needs to know about the dialect:
dataSource {
pooled = true
driverClassName = "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
// username, password....

Renaming the sequence is IMHO not directly possible but you might customize the identity as described on http://www.grails.org/doc/latest/guide/5.%20Object%20Relational%20Mapping%20(GORM).html# to generator:'native'. See http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/core/reference/en/html/mapping.html#mapping-declaration-id-generator for details.


New assignment to collection-type class field absent from flow program with Rascal, unlike to local variables

Consider the following Java code:
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
class Library {
List<String> loans = new LinkedList<>();
public List<String> searchUser(String name) {
List<String> usersFound = new LinkedList<>();
return loans;
and the following Rascal module:
module Mwe
import lang::java::flow::JavaToObjectFlow;
import lang::java::jdt::m3::AST;
import IO;
void m() {
ast = createAstFromEclipseFile(|project://test/src/test.java|, true);
fp = createOFG({ast});
The resulting flow program will be:
So, there is a new assignment of LinkedList to usersFound, but nothing comparable for loans. Why would that happen? Is that the intended behaviour?
Just checked the implementation, the field initializers are not included in the getStatements function (see lang::java::flow::JavaToObjectFlow on line 169). Similarly the static initializers of a class are ignored.
The best way forward would be to either report it as a bug, or fix it and turn it into a pull-request. (pull request is the quickest way to getting it fixed on unstable)
As a possible, yet work intensive workaround you rewrite the AST to put the field initializers inside all existing constructors (or add a constructor if there is none).

Configure Dropwizard ObjectMapper for configuration to ignore unknown

With an ObjectMapper (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind) it's possible to specify that it should ignore unknown properties. This can either be done by adding #JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) on a class level or by setting it as default behavior in the mapper. However, when doing this in the initialize() method of Application<MyConfiguration> it doesn't seem to have an effect.
ObjectMapper mapper = bootstrap.getObjectMapper();
mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
It still fails for unknown properties in the configuration file. How does one configure Dropwizard to ignore unknown properties?
The reason configuring DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES for bootstrap.getObjectMapper() doesn't have the desired effect is that ConfigurationFactory (the class later on used to parse the configuration) is enabling that particular feature of the object mapper in its constructor (see here):
public ConfigurationFactory(Class<T> klass,
Validator validator,
ObjectMapper objectMapper,
String propertyPrefix) {
this.mapper = objectMapper.copy();
It's not possible to change the behaviour of ConfigurationFactory directly but Dropwizard provides means to override the factory that creates it, ConfigurationFactoryFactory, via Boostrap.setConfigurationFactoryFactory(). This allows to replace the real ObjectMapper with a proxy that doesn't allow to override the configuration and pass it to ConfigurationFactory:
(klass, validator, objectMapper, propertyPrefix) -> {
return new ConfigurationFactory<>(klass, validator,
new ObjectMapperProxy(objectMapper), propertyPrefix);
The code for ObjectMapperProxy that ignores attempts to enable FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES it below:
private static class ObjectMapperProxy extends ObjectMapper {
private ObjectMapperProxy(ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
private ObjectMapperProxy(ObjectMapperProxy proxy) {
public ObjectMapper enable(DeserializationFeature feature) {
// do not allow Dropwizard to enable the feature
if (!feature.equals(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES)) {
return this;
public ObjectMapper copy() {
return new ObjectMapperProxy(this);
Note that besides overriding enable to skip FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES copy is also implemented (together with an additional constructor) as ConfigurationFactory requires the object mapper to support copying.
While the solution above works it's obviously a workaround and I suggest upgrading to a newer Dropwizard version instead. The new Dropwizard makes ObjectMapper configuration easier to override (e.g. see this Dropwizard commit available in Dropwizard 1.1.x).
You need to disable that feature with:
UPDATE: The feature disable works for the API resources but not for the configuration YAML. Instead, you need to add the annotation below (same as mentioned on the question) to the configuration class:
#JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)

Provide new instances of model class for dependency injection in Angular 2

I have a class that serves as a model for some data I get from a server. This data starts as an unwieldy xml object where text nodes have attributes so the json format I convert it into does not have simple string values. Instead I have:
export class FooString {
_attr: string;
value: string;
isReadOnly(): boolean {
return this._attr && this._attr === 'ReadOnly';
isHidden(): boolean {
return this._attr && this._attr === 'Hid';
Then my model is like:
export class Payment {
public FooId: FooString,
public FooStat: FooString,
public FooName: FooString ) { }
Everything ends up with the same instance of FooString. How do I get discrete instances for each of them?
I have tried a factory, but it still only creates a single instance:
export let fooStringProvider = provide(FooString, {
useFactory: (): FooString => {
console.log('in foostring factory');
return new FooString();
new FooString();
new Payment();
Why using DI when they don't have dependencies and you don't want to maintain single instances per provider. Therefore, just use new.
When to use DI
There are a few criterias when using DI instead of new the right thing:
If you want Angular to maintain and share instances
If you want to work with an interface or base class but then you want to configure from the outside what implementation should actually be used at runtime - like the MockBackend for Http during testing.
If you class has dependencies to instances and/or values provided by DI
If you want to be able to easily test classes in isolation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inversion_of_control)
probably others ...
If there are good arguments to use DI, but you also want new instances then you can just provide a factory.
This answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/36046754/217408 contains a concrete example how to do that.
Using DI is usually a good idea. There are IMHO no strong arguments against using DI. Only when none of the above arguments apply and providing factories is too cumbersome, use new Xxx() instead.

access configuration/property files from src/groovy

I have a file under src/groovy and I have some properties that are in my Config.groovy and in external property file too. Normally if one want access properties its possible to use grailsApplication .configuration.property.name expression. I want to be able to access all those properties from this file that is under src/groovy directory. What I've tried so far
import grails.util.Holders
class ForkedTomcatCustomizer {
def application
void customize(Tomcat tomcat) {
println Holders.grailsApplication.config.property.name
gave me NPE saying that grailsAppliction is null
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.context.ServletContextHolder as SCH
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.GrailsApplicationAttributes as GA
class ForkedTomcatCustomizer {
def application
void customize(Tomcat tomcat) {
def ctx = SCH.servletContext.getAttribute(GA.APPLICATION_CONTEXT)
def grailsAppliction = ctx.grailsApplication.getObject()
println grailsAppliction.config.property.name
the same - NPE because grailsAppliction is null
Is it possible to handle this situation somehow? Thank you!
Use the below and see if it works
println Holders.config.property.name
You don't need grailsApplication when using Holders.
The examples below are probably a little more complex than what you need, but they show how to get a configuration property at build time. I use them to merge two configuration files, but you might not need to do that.
This method returns a config property when called here at the CompileEnd event.
You could define a similar method in your app's _Events.groovy file that calls your own configuration holder class.
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ConfigurationHolder;
class KeyAndSecret{
public static String consumerKey = ConfigurationHolder.config.consumerKey;
public static String consumerSecret = ConfigurationHolder.config.consumerSecret;
Try like this

Setting default maxLength for Grails GORM Strings?

I know you can set default constraints via the grails.gorm.default.constraints config property by name by:
grails.gorm.default.constraints = {
but is there a way to set it by type? I want to default all my strings to default to maxSize:2000 (primarily to force the default db mapping to not be to varchar(255))
I don't think there's any way to do this easily in Config.groovy. You can create a custom dialect for hibernate without too much trouble though. For example (using the Postgres dialect):
package mypackage;
import org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect;
import java.sql.Types;
public MyPostgresDialect extends PostgresSQLDialect {
public MyPostgresDialect() {
registerColumnType(Types.VARCHAR, "text");
Then update DataSource.groovy to use the new dialect:
datasource {
dialect = mypackage.MyPostgresDialect
Just to provide an additional answer I received from a co-worker - which wasn't applicable in this case, but might help others...
if you can follow a naming convention in your properties, then you could do a:
'*_s': (maxSize:2000)
I personally don't like cross-tying prop names and datatypes - but wanted to include this as an approach (even though I like the dialect answer by ataylor more...)
