Create a devise user from Ruby console - ruby-on-rails

Any idea on how to create and save a new User object with devise from the ruby console?
When I tried to save it, I'm getting always false. I guess I'm missing something but I'm unable to find any related info.

You can add false to the save method to skip the validations if you want.{:email => "", :roles => ["admin"], :password => "111111", :password_confirmation => "111111" }).save(false)
Otherwise I'd do this
User.create!({:email => "", :roles => ["admin"], :password => "111111", :password_confirmation => "111111" })
If you have confirmable module enabled for devise, make sure you are setting the confirmed_at value to something like while creating.

You should be able to do this using
u = => "", :password => 'password', :password_confirmation => 'password')
if this returns false, you can call
to see what's gone wrong.

When on your model has :confirmable option this mean the object user should be confirm first. You can do two ways to save user.
a. first is skip confirmation:
newuser ={email: '', password: 'password', password_confirmation: 'password'})
b. or use confirm! :
newuser ={email: '', password: 'password', password_confirmation: 'password'})

If you want to avoid sending confirmation emails, the best choice is:
u ={
email: '',
password: '12feijaocomarroz',
password_confirmation: '12feijaocomarroz'
So if you're using a fake email or have no internet connection, that'll avoid errors.

None of the above answers worked for me.
This is what I did:
User.create(email: "", password: "asdasd", password_confirmation: "asdasd")
Keep in mind that the password must be bigger than 6 characters.


How can allow_nil let an empty string pass the validation

I am reading Michael Hartl's Ruby On Rails Tutorial (3rd). In chapter 9, there's an example showing us how to update the user info. I got confused by the allow_nil attached here. I simplified the code as below:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :password, presence: true, length: { minimum: 6 }, allow_nil: true
end "Foo_bar",email: "", password: "123456", password_confirmation: "123456")
myuser.update_attributes(name: "Bar_Foo",email: "", password: "", password_confirmation: "") # It will succeed! But WHY?
I understand the allow_nil: true skips the validation when the value being validated is nil. Nevertheless obviously, password: "" is not a nil value. How can allow_nil: true allows an empty string?
This behaviour is due to has_secure_password magic. In short, it check whether given password is blank or not and does not assign anything to #password if it is. Hence:
user =
user.password = '' # This is not an assignment, but invocation of `password=` method.
user.password #=> nil
You can see the source code behind password= method here:
Also note, that has_secure_password already defines default password validation, so if you want to create your own, you need to call it with has_secure_password validation: false
You can try this in irb:
user =
user.password = '123'
user.password_confirmation = '123'
user.password_digest.nil? => false
user =
user.password = ''
user.password_confirmation = ''
user.password_digest.nil? => true

Rails 3.1. Create one user in console with secure password

I want to create one user (admin) and I want to use console (without user registration model). I use solution from RailsCasts (
But I have one problem: when I do User.create(..., :password => "pass") in console my password stored in database without encription (like "pass"). And I can't login with my data.
How can I create user from console? :)
Straight from the Rails API
# Schema: User(name:string, password_digest:string)
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
user = => "david", :password => "", :password_confirmation => "nomatch") # => false, password required
user.password = "mUc3m00RsqyRe" # => false, confirmation doesn't match
user.password_confirmation = "mUc3m00RsqyRe" # => true
user.authenticate("notright") # => false
user.authenticate("mUc3m00RsqyRe") # => user
You need to include :password_confirmation => "pass in your hash!
Right, so taking a look at has_secure_password you want to perform BCrypt::Password.create(unencrypted_password) to obtain it. You'll need the bcrypt-ruby gem to do the above.

password_digest, has_secret_password and form validations in RoR 3.1

If you haven't seen it yet, have a look at the latest railscast authentication in rails 3.1. He uses password_digest:string when generating the model and adds has_secret_password to the User model. He also adds some accessible_attributes, :password and :password_confirmation.
By using validates_confirmation_of :password we can make sure the password is confirmed before creating an instance. If I leave the password fields empty in my form I get this error message:
ruby-1.9.2-p180 :024 > u =
=> #<User id: nil, name: nil, email: nil, password_digest: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
ruby-1.9.2-p180 :027 >
(0.4ms) SELECT 1 FROM "users" WHERE "users"."email" = '' LIMIT 1
=> false
ruby-1.9.2-p180 :028 > u.errors.full_messages
=> ["Password digest can't be blank"]
Of course we don't want to call the password field "Password digest" when communicating with our users. How do I change this error message?
Bonus question
When using validates_confirmation_of and using mismatching passwords I get two error messages telling me about it, and only the :password label and input tags are surrounded with fields_with_errors divs. If the passwords don't match I want to also highlight the password_confirmation input, if possible remove it altogether from the password part.
Should I write my own method for checking password confirmation? If so, could you provide some small guidelines?
The official way to solve this is to add the following to your locale file:
password_digest: 'Password'
The English locale file is located at config/locales/en.yml. You may have to restart your server for the changes to be loaded in your environment.
To get rid of password_digest message, you can modify the view:
<% #user.errors.messages.delete(:password_digest) -%>
You could override the human_attribute_name method and set your own humanized version of the password_digest attribute. Try something like this:
:password_digest => "Password"
def self.human_attribute_name(attr, options={})
HUMANIZED_ATTRIBUTES[attr.to_sym] || super
Then your error should look like this: "Password can't be blank"

How do you add an administratior in a rails 3 appliction

I have just built a rails 3 application by using Mike Hartl's "Learn Rails by Example". I am ready to deploy it but I am confused about how to add the administrator to the application. I will be the only administrator. Will the administrator be added before deployment and if so how do I do this.
What I believe you need when you talk about an "administrator account" is in fact two different things: authentication (the login) & authorization (what a login can/cannot do).
Under rails, one way to do that is by using two different gems. I suggest you have a look at devise, and cancan. They have both been developed and are actively maintained by rails superstars: José Valim and Ryan Bates.
The tutorial doesn't actually go through creating an interface where you can create admins. If you want to test the part where you're not allowed to delete other administrator accounts, you can test it with faker by adding 2 admins to the sample_data.rake file:
def make_users
admin = User.create!(:name => "Example User",
:email => "",
:password => "foobar",
:password_confirmation => "foobar")
admin2 = User.create!(:name => "Example User2",
:email => "",
:password => "foobar",
:password_confirmation => "foobar")
99.times do |n|
name =
email = "example-#{n+1}"
password = "password"
User.create!(:name => name,
:email => email,
:password => password,
:password_confirmation => password)
If you want to add an admin to production, I'm guessing you could create your account and toggle the admin function with a database editor and then push the db to the production server? That's what I would do but I'm by no means an expert.
for admin control panel on my web-apps i'm using typus gem
it will generate an admin page and by the default typus will use your model default_scope to fetch data.
I'm busy with the same thing!
I found this on STACK:
rails c
Loading development environment (Rails 3.0.0.beta3)
irb(main):001:0> admin = Admin.create! do |u|
irb(main):002:1* = ''
irb(main):003:1> u.password = 'password'
irb(main):004:1> u.password_confirmation = 'password'
irb(main):005:1> end
I changed the Admin to User, but the problem is it creates a normal user not an admin user. Somewhere we need to put in - admin.toggle!(:admin) or make it true. I'll let you know if I find anything else.

Why is this RSpec test failing?

I'm in the process of learning Ruby on Rails, so treat me like a total neophyte, because I am.
I've got a User model with some associated RSpec tests, and the following test fails:
require 'spec_helper'
describe User do
it 'should require a password' do{:email => '', :password => '', :password_confirmation => ''}).should_not be_valid
The relevant part of the User model looks like this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :password, :presence => true,
:confirmation => true,
:length => { :minimum => 6 }
Here's the catch: if I run from a Rails console using the arguments above, it returns false as expected and shows the correct errors (password is blank).
I was using spork/autotest and I restarted both to no avail, but this test also fails even running it directly with rspec. What am I doing wrong here?
I tried a few more things with the test. This fails:
u ={:email => '', :password => '', :password_confirmation => ''})
u.should_not be_valid
So does this:
u ={:email => '', :password => '', :password_confirmation => ''})
u.errors.should_not be_empty
This passes, confirming that :password is indeed blank:
u ={:email => '', :password => '', :password_confirmation => ''})
u.password.should == ''
So, it's actually spork that is causing the problem. You can turn caching off, so that it won't need restarting every time :
I think this is what happens :
ruby-1.9.2-p180 :020 > u =
=> #<User id: nil, email: ...
ruby-1.9.2-p180 :021 > u.errors
=> {}
ruby-1.9.2-p180 :022 >
=> false
ruby-1.9.2-p180 :023 > u.errors
=> {:email=>["can't be blank", "can't be blank"], ...}
In short, if you change new to create, it will work :) I think that this happens because the matcher be_valid checks on the model validation errors. There can be a deeper explanation, but i think that if you use create instead of new, it will work.
EDIT : I have a be_valid_verbose version that might help. Just create a 'be_valid_verbose.rb' file in your rspec/custom_matchers folder, and inside it write :
RSpec::Matchers.define :be_valid_verbose do
match do |model|
failure_message_for_should do |model|
"#{model.class} expected to be valid but had errors:n #{model.errors.full_messages.join("n ")}"
failure_message_for_should_not do |model|
"#{model.class} expected to have errors, but it did not"
description do
"be valid"
Now check against be_valid_verbose instead of be_valid. It will hopefully present you with some more information on what is happening in your case.
As I feared, the answer was stupidity. This was a spork problem. I thought I had killed the existing process and was running rspec independently, but I later found the spork process still running in a different shell, and rspec had been connecting to it all along. Restarting spork (or killing it entirely) and re-running the tests fixed the problem.
I found this particularly deceptive in that rspec continually updated the test output to reflect the fact that it was aware of my test changes, so it appeared to me that it was running against up-to-date code. Now I'm left to wonder what the real utility of spork is, since apparently I can't trust that it's actually running the right tests correctly.
