HTML Encoding for HtmlHelper Extension Method -

First of all I'm using MVC 3 RC1 with the Razor view engine. I've got an HTML helper extension which looks like this:
public static string TabbedMenuItem(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string text, string actionName, string controllerName) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
return builder.ToString();
And on the view it's called like this:
#Html.TabbedMenuItem("Home", "Index", "Home")
The problem I've got is that MVC is automatically HTML encoding the result in the view so all I get is the encoded version of the string:
Does anyone know how to disable the automatic encoding for your HTML helper extensions?
Thanks in advance

public static IHtmlString TabbedMenuItem(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string text, string actionName, string controllerName)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
return MvcHtmlString.Create(builder.ToString());
Use return value IHtmlString.
Hope this help.

Use TagBuilder


How to access User Identity detail in mvc HtmlExtension method?

hellow guys thanks for your reply in advance.
I have to display many action links in many pages and I have authorization between user Roles so i am were coding if else in views but i wanna make it short thats why i go for htmlHelper extension method here is my code.
public static MvcHtmlString ValidationActionLink(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string linkText, string actionName, string controllerName, string AllowedRole)
if (User.IsInRole(AllowedRole))// its given me error The User dosent exist in current context Am i missing some namespace or what ?
htmlHelper.ActionLink(linkText, actionName);
You can access User within the extension method using
public static MvcHtmlString ValidationActionLink(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string linkText, string actionName, string controllerName, string AllowedRole)
var user = htmlHelper.ViewContext.HttpContext.User;
alternatively, you could pass User to the method by adding an additional parameter to your extension method.

how to display image using view and controller by ASP.NET MVC

I want to display images from other sever by using view and controller by mvc. how can i do? can u tell me detail and give me detail an exmaple? wait to see your answer.
To display image in a view you could use the <img> tag:
<img src="http://someotherserver/path/to/some/image.png" alt="" />
or you could make a little html helper:
public static MvcHtmlString Image(this HtmlHelper helper,
string url,
object htmlAttributes)
return Image(helper, url, null, htmlAttributes);
public static MvcHtmlString Image(this HtmlHelper helper,
string url,
string altText,
object htmlAttributes)
TagBuilder builder = new TagBuilder("image");
var path = url.Split('?');
string pathExtra = "";
if(path.Length >1)
pathExtra = "?" + path[1];
builder.Attributes.Add("src", VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(path[0]) + pathExtra);
builder.Attributes.Add("alt", altText);
builder.MergeAttributes(new RouteValueDictionary(htmlAttributes));
return MvcHtmlString.Create( builder.ToString(TagRenderMode.SelfClosing));
typical usage:
<%=Html.Image("~/content/images/ajax-loader.gif", new{style="margin: 0 auto;"})%>

ASP.Net MVC Html.Label with Attribute List?

How do I create an ASP.Net MVC Helper for an Html.Label which takes in attributes?
Currently when I define an Html.TextBox I am able to pass in a list of attributes. Sort of like below:
new {disabled="disabled", #class="pcTextBoxWithoutPaddingDisabled"})%>
However, it does not look as though the Html.Label has this feature. As a result, I have to define my labels using the label tag. Sort of like below:
<label class="pcLabelBlackWithoutPadding">
I would like to be consistent I how my Html element get created.
So, how do I create an Html.Label that will take in a list of attributes?
Thanks for your help.
This is updated version for MVC3:
public static MvcHtmlString Label(this HtmlHelper helper, String htmlFieldName, String labelText, Object htmlAttributes)
ModelMetadata metadata = ModelMetadata.FromStringExpression(htmlFieldName, helper.ViewData);
String innerText = labelText ?? (metadata.DisplayName ?? (metadata.PropertyName ?? htmlFieldName.Split('.').Last()));
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(innerText))
return MvcHtmlString.Empty;
TagBuilder tagBuilder = new TagBuilder("label");
tagBuilder.Attributes.Add("for", TagBuilder.CreateSanitizedId(helper.ViewContext.ViewData.TemplateInfo.GetFullHtmlFieldName(htmlFieldName)));
tagBuilder.MergeAttributes(new RouteValueDictionary(htmlAttributes));
return new MvcHtmlString(tagBuilder.ToString(TagRenderMode.Normal));
I have modified Alexandr code a bit with lambda expression, in case anyone needed the lambda expression.
#Html.LabelFor(model => model.Property , new { #class = "bigFont" })
public static MvcHtmlString LabelFor<TModel, TProperty>(
this HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper,
Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression, Object htmlAttributes)
var metadata = ModelMetadata.FromLambdaExpression(expression, htmlHelper.ViewData);
var innerText = metadata.DisplayName ?? metadata.PropertyName;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(innerText))
return MvcHtmlString.Empty;
var tagBuilder = new TagBuilder("label");
tagBuilder.Attributes.Add("for", TagBuilder.CreateSanitizedId(htmlHelper.ViewContext.ViewData.TemplateInfo.GetFullHtmlFieldName(metadata.PropertyName)));
tagBuilder.MergeAttributes(new RouteValueDictionary(htmlAttributes));
return new MvcHtmlString(tagBuilder.ToString(TagRenderMode.Normal));
I'd suggest creating your own HtmlHelper extension method and using a TagBuilder to create the label.
public static HtmlHelperExtensions
public static Label( this HtmlHelper helper, string labelText, object properties )
var builder = new TagBuilder("label");
builder.MergeAttributes( new RouteValueDictionary( properties ) );
builder.SetInnerText( labelText );
return builder.ToString( TagRenderMode.Normal );
See the MVC source code for ideas on how to create a strongly-typed label helper. Note that you'll need to add the namespace containing your extensions either to the page or the web.config to be able to use it.

How do I access HtmlHelper methods from within MY OWN HtmlHelper?

I am writing my own HtmlHelper extenstion for ASP.NET MVC:
public static string CreateDialogLink (this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string linkText,
string contentPath)
// fix up content path if the user supplied a path beginning with '~'
contentPath = Url.Content(contentPath); // doesn't work (see below for why)
// create the link and return it
// .....
Where I am having trouble is tryin to access UrlHelper from within my HtmlHelper's definition. The problem is that the way you normally access HtmlHelper (via Html.MethodName(...) ) is via a property on the View. This isn't available to me obviously from with my own extension class.
This is the actual MVC source code for ViewMasterPage (as of Beta) - which defines Html and Url.
public class ViewMasterPage : MasterPage
public ViewMasterPage();
public AjaxHelper Ajax { get; }
public HtmlHelper Html { get; }
public object Model { get; }
public TempDataDictionary TempData { get; }
public UrlHelper Url { get; }
public ViewContext ViewContext { get; }
public ViewDataDictionary ViewData { get; }
public HtmlTextWriter Writer { get; }
I want to be able to access these properties inside an HtmlHelper.
The best I've come up with is this (insert at beginning of CreateDialogLink method)
HtmlHelper Html = new HtmlHelper(htmlHelper.ViewContext, htmlHelper.ViewDataContainer);
UrlHelper Url = new UrlHelper(htmlHelper.ViewContext.RequestContext);
Am I missing some other way to access the existing HtmlHelper and UrlHelper instances - or do i really need to create a new one? I'm sure there isn't much overhead but I'd prefer to use the preexisting ones if I can.
Before asking this question I had looked at some of the MVC source code, but evidently I missed this, which is how they do it for the Image helper.
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1054:UriParametersShouldNotBeStrings", MessageId = "1#", Justification = "The return value is not a regular URL since it may contain ~/ ASP.NET-specific characters")]
public static string Image(this HtmlHelper helper, string imageRelativeUrl, string alt, IDictionary<string, object> htmlAttributes) {
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(imageRelativeUrl)) {
throw new ArgumentException(MvcResources.Common_NullOrEmpty, "imageRelativeUrl");
UrlHelper url = new UrlHelper(helper.ViewContext);
string imageUrl = url.Content(imageRelativeUrl);
return Image(imageUrl, alt, htmlAttributes).ToString(TagRenderMode.SelfClosing);
Looks like instantiating a new UrlHelper is the correct approach after all. Thats good enough for me.
Update: RTM code from ASP.NET MVC v1.0 Source Code is slightly different as pointed out in the comments.
File: MVC\src\MvcFutures\Mvc\ImageExtensions.cs
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1054:UriParametersShouldNotBeStrings", MessageId = "1#", Justification = "The return value is not a regular URL since it may contain ~/ ASP.NET-specific characters")]
public static string Image(this HtmlHelper helper, string imageRelativeUrl, string alt, IDictionary<string, object> htmlAttributes) {
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(imageRelativeUrl)) {
throw new ArgumentException(MvcResources.Common_NullOrEmpty, "imageRelativeUrl");
UrlHelper url = new UrlHelper(helper.ViewContext.RequestContext);
string imageUrl = url.Content(imageRelativeUrl);
return Image(imageUrl, alt, htmlAttributes).ToString(TagRenderMode.SelfClosing);
I faced a similar issue and decided that it would be easier to just call the UrlHelper in the view and pass the output to my HtmlHelper extension. In your case it would look like:
<%= Html.CreateDialogLink( "text", Url.Content( "~/" ) ) %>
If you want to access the extension methods on the existing HtmlHelper that is passed into your class, you should only need to import System.Web.Mvc.Html in your source code file and you will get access to them (that's where the extension classes are defined). If you want a UrlHelper, you'll need to instantiate that as the HtmlHelper you are getting doesn't have a handle for the ViewPage that it's coming from.
If you need to create a UrlHelper in a utility class you can do the following :
string url = "~/content/images/foo.jpg";
var urlHelper = new UrlHelper(new RequestContext(
new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current),
new RouteData()), RouteTable.Routes);
string absoluteUrl = urlHelper.Content(url);
This allows you to use routing or '~ expansion' away from an MVC context.
Well, you can always pass the instance of the page to the extension method. I think that is a much better way of doing this than creating new instances in your method.
You could also define this method on a class that derives from MasterPage/ViewMasterPage and then derive the page from that. This way, you have access to all the properties of the instance and don't have to pass them around.

Image equivalent of ActionLink in ASP.NET MVC

In ASP.NET MVC is there an equivalent of the Html.ActionLink helper for Img tags?
I have a controller action that outputs a dynamically generated JPEG and I wanted to use the same Lambda expressions to link to it as I do HREFs using ActionLink.
Alternatively, a helper that just gives the URL to a route (again specified using Lambdas) would also be acceptable.
EDIT: I had originally specified that I was using Preview 5, however I see that a Beta has been released. So all-in-all the version number was an unneeded piece of info as I may be upgrading soon :-)
You can use the URL.Action method
<img src="../../Content/Images/add_48.png" />
This question is older, and I just started recently with ASP.NET MVC when the RC was already out, but for those who find this question later like me this might be interesting:
At least in the RC you can use Url.Action() also with anonymous types, the result looks much nicer than the suggestions above, I guess:
<a href="<%= Url.RouteUrl("MyRoute", new { param1 = "bla", param2 = 5 }) %>">
put in <span>whatever</span> you want, also <img src="a.gif" alt="images" />.
There are many other overloads for RouteUrl as well, of course.
Url.Action() will get you the bare URL for most overloads of Html.ActionLink, but I think that the URL-from-lambda functionality is only available through Html.ActionLink so far. Hopefully they'll add a similar overload to Url.Action at some point.
I used a workaround to place a marker instead of text for ActionLink and then replace it with my image code. Something like this:
<%= Html.ActionLink("__IMAGE_PLACEHOLDER__", "Products").Replace("__IMAGE_PLACEHOLDER__", "<img src=\"" + myImgUrl + "\" />")%>
Not the most elegant solution but it works.
In MVC3, your link would look like this:
<img src="../../Content/Images/add_48.png" />
In ASP.NET MVC Beta, you can use the Html.BuildUrlFromExpression method in the Futures assembly (which is not included in the default ASP.NET MVC install, but is available from CodePlex) to create a link around an image--or any HTML--using the lambda-style ActionLink syntax, like this:
<a href="<%=Html.BuildUrlFromExpression<MyController>(c => c.MyAction())%>">
To keep your image links borderless, you'll need to add a CSS rule like this:
border: none;
You can use this control.It behaves like ActionLink.
It's pretty simple to achieve in MVC 2. I have created my own very simple extension method to support Lambda expressions for the Url.Action helper. It requires that you reference MVC 2 Futures.
Here's the code:
using System;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
using ExpressionHelperInternal=Microsoft.Web.Mvc.Internal.ExpressionHelper;
namespace Bnv.Bssi.Web.Infrastructure.Helpers
public static class UrlExtensions
public static string Action<TController>(this UrlHelper helper, Expression<Action<TController>> action) where TController : Controller
RouteValueDictionary routeValuesFromExpression = ExpressionHelperInternal.GetRouteValuesFromExpression<TController>(action);
return helper.Action(routeValuesFromExpression["action"].ToString(), routeValuesFromExpression);
This is how you use it:
<img src="<%= Url.Action<YourController>(c => c.YourActionMethod(param1, param2)); %>" />
I know that my post is too late but i wanna share :)
I added new extension method something like this :
public static class ImageExtensions
public static MvcHtmlString ImageLink(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string imgSrc, string additionalText = null, string actionName = null, string controllerName = null, object routeValues = null, object linkHtmlAttributes = null, object imgHtmlAttributes = null)
var urlHelper = ((Controller)htmlHelper.ViewContext.Controller).Url;
var url = "#";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(actionName))
url = urlHelper.Action(actionName, controllerName, routeValues);
var imglink = new TagBuilder("a");
imglink.MergeAttribute("href", url);
imglink.InnerHtml = htmlHelper.Image(imgSrc, imgHtmlAttributes) + " " + additionalText;
linkHtmlAttributes = new RouteValueDictionary(linkHtmlAttributes);
imglink.MergeAttributes((IDictionary<string, object>)linkHtmlAttributes, true);
return MvcHtmlString.Create(imglink.ToString());
public static MvcHtmlString Image(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string imgSrc, object imgHtmlAttributes = null)
var imgTag = new TagBuilder("img");
imgTag.MergeAttribute("src", imgSrc);
if (imgHtmlAttributes != null)
imgHtmlAttributes = new RouteValueDictionary(imgHtmlAttributes);
imgTag.MergeAttributes((IDictionary<string, object>)imgHtmlAttributes, true);
return MvcHtmlString.Create(imgTag.ToString());
Hope this helped.
Is Url.Content() what you're looking for?
Give it something like Url.Content("~/path/to/something.jpg") it will turn it into the appropriate path based on the application root.
I took the above answers and made a bit of a wrapper extension:
public static MvcHtmlString ActionImageLink(this HtmlHelper helper, string src, string altText, UrlHelper url, string actionName, string controllerName)
return ActionImageLink(helper, src, altText, url, actionName, controllerName, null, null);
public static MvcHtmlString ActionImageLink(this HtmlHelper helper, string src, string altText, UrlHelper url, string actionName, string controllerName, Dictionary<string, string> linkAttributes, Dictionary<string, string> imageAttributes)
return ActionImageLink(helper, src, altText, url, actionName, controllerName, null, linkAttributes, imageAttributes);
public static MvcHtmlString ActionImageLink(this HtmlHelper helper, string src, string altText, UrlHelper url, string actionName, string controllerName, dynamic routeValues, Dictionary<string, string> linkAttributes, Dictionary<string, string> imageAttributes)
var linkBuilder = new TagBuilder("a");
linkBuilder.MergeAttribute("href", routeValues == null ? url.Action(actionName, controllerName) : url.Action(actionName, controllerName, routeValues));
var imageBuilder = new TagBuilder("img");
imageBuilder.MergeAttribute("src", url.Content(src));
imageBuilder.MergeAttribute("alt", altText);
if (linkAttributes != null)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> attribute in linkAttributes)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attribute.Key) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attribute.Value))
linkBuilder.MergeAttribute(attribute.Key, attribute.Value);
if (imageAttributes != null)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> attribute in imageAttributes)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attribute.Key) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attribute.Value))
imageBuilder.MergeAttribute(attribute.Key, attribute.Value);
linkBuilder.InnerHtml = MvcHtmlString.Create(imageBuilder.ToString(TagRenderMode.SelfClosing)).ToString();
return MvcHtmlString.Create(linkBuilder.ToString());
has made it easier for me anyway, hope it helps someone else.
I tried to put the output of the Html.Image into my Html.ImageLink helper.
#(new HtmlString(Html.ActionLink(Html.Image("image.gif").ToString(), "myAction", "MyController").ToString().Replace("<", "<").Replace(">", ">")))
The problem for me is, that the ActionLink name is encoded so I have &lt instead of <.
I just removed this encoding and the result works for me.
(Is there a better way of doing this instead using replace?)
Adding to the other posts: in my case ( mvc 3) I wanted an image link to act as a language selector so I ended up with:
public static MvcHtmlString ImageLink(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string imgSrc, string cultureName, object htmlAttributes, object imgHtmlAttributes, string languageRouteName = "lang", bool strictSelected = false)
UrlHelper urlHelper = ((Controller)htmlHelper.ViewContext.Controller).Url;
TagBuilder imgTag = new TagBuilder("img");
imgTag.MergeAttribute("src", imgSrc);
imgTag.MergeAttributes((IDictionary<string, string>)imgHtmlAttributes, true);
var language = htmlHelper.LanguageUrl(cultureName, languageRouteName, strictSelected);
string url = language.Url;
TagBuilder imglink = new TagBuilder("a");
imglink.MergeAttribute("href", url);
imglink.InnerHtml = imgTag.ToString();
imglink.MergeAttributes((IDictionary<string, string>)htmlAttributes, true);
//if the current page already contains the language parameter make sure the corresponding html element is marked
string currentLanguage = htmlHelper.ViewContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("lang");
if (cultureName.Equals(currentLanguage, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
return new MvcHtmlString(imglink.ToString());
The internalization support was done via a language route - original source here.
Nice solutions here, but what if you want to have more then just an image in the actionlink? This is how I do it:
#using (Html.BeginForm("Action", "Controler", ajaxOptions))
<button type="submit">
<img src="image.png" />
The drawback is that I still have to do a bit of styling on the button-element, but you can put all the html you want in there.
And it works with the Ajax helper as well:
