Rails 3 - Delayed_Job - ruby-on-rails

I'm working to learn how to user delayed_job on my rails 3 + heroku app.
I currently have the following which emails on a request (not delayed job) but it works!
UserMailer.conversation_notification(record.commentable, participant, record, #comments).deliver
I updated that to this to start using delayed_job:
Delayed::Job.enqueue UserMailer.conversation_notification(record.commentable, participant, record, #comments).deliver
But that error'd with: "ArgumentError (Cannot enqueue items which do not respond to perform):"
I also tried:
UserMailer.delay.conversation_notification(record.commentable, participant, record, #comments)
But that error'd with:
NoMethodError (undefined method `delay' for UserMailer:Class):
Any delayed_job guru's out there? Thanks

From the docs https://github.com/collectiveidea/delayed_job
Your second method was correct which removes the .deliver method:
UserMailer.delay.conversation_notification(record.commentable, participant, record, #comments)
If you are getting an undefined method delay did you add DelayedJob to the Gemfile?
gem "delayed_job"
Since including the delayed_job will add the "delay" method to everything.

I have mixed results with using delay, and I've found it very challenging to debug. So you are not alone! But when you get it working, its worth it.
I've learned to save my object before calling delay on it. Typically I will trigger my job from an after_save call back.
As an experiment, for awhile I was using a different pattern. I'd create a job object for each job that I have. For example, I would call
Elsewhere in my project I would create the job object. In Rails 2, I put these in lib/ if you do that with rails 3, you need to alter the application.rb config.autload_path
class PersonJob < Struct.new(:person_id)
def perform
person = Person.find(person_id)
#do work
config.autoload_paths += Dir["#{config.root}/lib/**/"]

I just had a look at the documentation, it's been a while since I actually used delayed_job...
Jobs are Ruby objects with a method called perform, so you'd need enqueue an object which does
UserMailer.conversation_notification(record.commentable, participant, record, #comments).deliver
in its perform method.
Alternatively, you can use send_later:
UserMailer.conversation_notification(record.commentable, participant, record, #comments).send_later(:deliver)


Setting up counter cache scale

My counter cache is locking the row under heavy load so I found wanelo/counter-cache gem which seems to be perfect for my problem but I can't set it up and it must be something really simple but I can't see it.
I want it to use my already working delayed jobs and Redis.
In my config file
Counter::Cache.configure do |c|
c.default_worker_adapter = here??? DelayedJob ??
c.recalculation_delay = 5.hours
c.redis_pool = Redis.new
c.counting_data_store = Counter::Cache::Redis
If I don't put the line c.default_worker_adapter when executing it says
undefined method 'enqueue' for nil:NilClass
Any idea on what's going on? What should I put in the Worker Adapter? Nothing seems to work.
Thank you for your time
default_worker_adapter is the name of the class that will be handling your updates. An example is given on the github page of the gem. For example if you're using sidekiq, you would make sidekiq worker class and name it whatever you want. On the github page, this class is called CounterWorker and you can copy it exactly as its given, though you can use whatever delayed job framework you want. From then on, any counter_cache_on definitions on your models will use that class to make the counter updates.

ActiveJob could not find record in `test` environment

This issue only exists in test environment. Everything runs fine in development environment.
I am facing a strange issue after recently upgrading to Rails from Rails Everything was working fine before this upgrade.
In one of my models, I use ActiveJob to perform a task.
# webhook_invocation.rb
def schedule_invocation
def init
remember_webhook # No DB changes
init_errors_context # No DB changes
flow_step_invocation.implementation = self
return unless calculate_expressions # No DB changes
calculated! # An AASM event, with no callbacks
and in WebhookRequestJob#perform, I retrieve the object using the ID supplied
# webhook_request_job.rb
def perform(webhook_invocation_id)
invocation = WebhookInvocation.find_by(id: webhook_invocation_id)
The problem is that in the #perform, it cannot find the record (invocation becomes nil). I even tried putting p WebhookInvocation.all as the first line, but all it prints is an empty collection. On the other hand, if I try p WebhookInvocation.all in #schedule_invocation method, it properly prints out all the objects of WebhookInvocation.
There is no exception being raised, no lines of warnings either.
Edit 1:
I even tried passing the object directly to #perform_later i.e. WebhookRequestJob.perform_later(self), but the received object at #perform is nil.
Edit 2:
I noticed that there are some messages like Creating scope :fail. Overwriting existing method FlowStepInvocation.fail, caused by using AASM. I eliminated them by using create_scopes: false. But that still didn't solve the problem.
My guess from the info you supplied is that you have are calling the schedule_invocation method in a after_save or after_create callback. Since the callback is called, ActiveJob might start processing the job even before the object is actually persisted (before COMMIT is done). In this case your record will not show up in the database when job is processed and you will get an empty collection or nil.
To fix this change your callback to after_commit to make sure that the COMMIT action has happened before you queue the job.
It turns out that config.active_job.queue_adapter was set to :inline as default before Rails 5, but it is set to :async in Rails 5.
This made the specs to fail (don't know why). To resolve this, I put the following line in my config/environments/test.rb:
config.active_job.queue_adapter = :inline

Rails 4 - Impressionist Inside of a Resque Background Job

I am using Rails 4 w/ the impressionist and resque gem.
I am using impressionist to log unique session hits on my article show page. Due to performance issues and no need to display hits to users (it is for admins only), I would like to move logging impressions off into the background.
Normally I would log an impression using impressionist(#article, unique: [:session_hash]) but to move it off into the bg via resque I am now doing something like this...
def show
Resque.enqueue(ImpressionLogger, #article.id)
class ImpressionLogger
#queue = :impression_queue
def self.perform(article_id)
article = Article.find(article_id)
impressionist(article, unique: [:session_hash])
When I set it up like this, when resque tries to process the job, it is returning undefined method "impressionist" for ImpressionLogger:Class. What do you guys think the best way to go about this is? I am not sure how to include impressionist methods inside of my resque worker.
The issue
Your problem stems from the fact that it looks like Impressionist works on the controller level due to including a module with the impressionist method in an engine initializer on any instances of ActionController:
You're trying to call the impressionist method from a regular class being invoked in a Resque job, so it's not going to have that method defined.
It's kind of gross, but if you really want to use impressionist, we can delve into this... Looking at the actual implementation of the impressionist method found here, we see the following:
def impressionist(obj,message=nil,opts={})
if should_count_impression?(opts)
if obj.respond_to?("impressionable?")
if unique_instance?(obj, opts[:unique])
obj.impressions.create(associative_create_statement({:message => message}))
# we could create an impression anyway. for classes, too. why not?
raise "#{obj.class.to_s} is not impressionable!"
Assuming that you'd be calling something like this manually (as you want to from a resque job) the key are these three lines:
if unique_instance?(obj, opts[:unique])
obj.impressions.create(associative_create_statement({:message => message}))
The if wrapper only seems to be important if you want to implement this functionality. Which it looks like you do. The call to associative_create_statement seems to be pulling parameters based off of the controller name as well as parameters passed from Rack such as the useragent string and ip address (here). So, you'll have to resolve these values prior to invoking the Resque job.
What I would suggest at this point is implementing a Resque class that takes in two parameters, an article_id and the impression parameters that you want. The resque class would then just directly create the impression on the impressionable object. Your Resque class would become:
class ImpressionLogger
#queue = :impression_queue
def self.perform(article_id, impression_params = {})
article = Article.find(article_id)
And your controller method would look something like this:
def show
Resque.enqueue(ImpressionLogger, #article.id, associative_create_statement({message: nil})) if unique_instance?(#article, [:session_hash])
There's a fairly big disclaimer that comes with doing it this way though... the method associative_create_statement is marked protected and unique_instance? is marked private... so neither of these is part of the impressionist gem's public API, so this code might break between versions of the gem.
Is impressionist installed properly with bundler? If so Rails should be loading it into your environment. I would check whether you can access impressionist functionality elsewhere in your Rails code (i.e. without going through Resque) as the first step to debugging this.
How are you starting your resque workers? If you need your Rails environment loaded, try rake environment resque:work.

conflict delayed_job / sidekiq

I have an app with both sidekiq and delayed job gems installed. When I trigger handle_asynchronously in active record models it appear to be handled by sidekiq while I would like to trigger delayed_job.
Is there a way to desactivate sidekiq for a specific model?
Sidekiq now provides ways to either disable its delay module completely or alias it as sidekiq_delay. Please check this to see how to do it. https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/wiki/Delayed-Extensions#disabling-extensions
For older version of sidekiq:
I use this monkey patch to make it so that calling .sidekiq_delay() goes to sidekiq and .delay() is goes to DelayedJob. According the answer by Viren, I think this may also solve your problem.
The patch is less complex (just a bunch of aliases), and gives you the power to consciously decide which delay you are actually calling.
As I mention in the comment In order to get it working you have to redefine/basically monkey patch the handle_asynchronously method something like this
Anywhere you like (but make sure it loaded )
in your config/initializers/patch.rb the code look like this
module Patch
def handle_asynchronously(method, opts = {})
aliased_method, punctuation = method.to_s.sub(/([?!=])$/, ''), $1
with_method, without_method = "#{aliased_method}_with_delay#{punctuation}", "#{aliased_method}_without_delay#{punctuation}"
define_method(with_method) do |*args|
curr_opts = opts.clone
curr_opts.each_key do |key|
if (val = curr_opts[key]).is_a?(Proc)
curr_opts[key] = if val.arity == 1
## Replace this with other syntax
# delay(curr_opts).__send__(without_method, *args)
__delay__(curr_opts).__send__(without_method, *args)
alias_method_chain method, :delay
And I believe rest all will follow then they way it should :)
Delayed::Job include delay method on Object and Sidekiq include it delay method over ActiveRecord
Hence when the class try to invoke delay it look up it ancestors class (including the Eigen Class)
and it find the method define or included in ActiveRecord::Base class (which is sidekiq delay)
why does __delay__ work because alias define the copy of the existing method which is delay method of DelayedJob , hence when you invoke the __delay__ method it invoke delay method define DelayedJob
include to Object
Although the solution is bit patch but the it works . Keeping in mind that every direct .delay methid invocation is invoking delay method of the SideKiq and not DelayedJob to invoke the DelayedJob delay method you always has call it this way __delay__
Suggestion :
Monkey Patching is just a bad practice on my personal note I would rather not use 2 entirely different background processing library for a single application to achieve the same task. If the task is process thing in background why cant it be done with a single library either delayed_job or sidekiq (why it is that you required both of them )
So the point and to simply thing make your background processing an ease with respect to future I sincerely advice you take any one of the two library for background processing and I feel that would the valid answer for your question instead of monkey patching an doing other crazy stuff
Hope this help

Ruby on Rails 3: Move ActiveRecord call with session data to an after filter or background job?

I have an ActiveRecord transaction that takes place during a web service call. It doesn't need to be synchronous with the call and there is a delay while this transaction happens and the user sees a response from the server because ActiveRecord is busy creating object(s) and updating the db (while retaining a lock on a certain MyISAM table) + running all of its callbacks, etc.
What's a good strategy to move this ActiveRecord create call so that it is not synchronously holding up the web service? I need to pass the create call parameters from a user session that is created in the action, so I'm not sure if an after_filter will make sense. Should I use a delayed job, messaging queue, or is an after_filter the best bet? If the answer is an after_filter, can I pass it parameters?
Use a delayed job.
Just add gem 'delayed_job' to your Gemfile, then run bundle install, rails g delayed_job and rake db:migrate.
Write a method on your user model that performs the stuff you want in the background, and tell it to always run in the background
# app/models/user.rb
def do_complex_stuff(session)
handle_asynchronously :do_complex_stuff
Finally, call that method from your controller:
# app/controllers/users_controller.rb
def create
# do some stuff
# fire off the delayed job
# do some more stuff
This should get you started. See https://github.com/collectiveidea/delayed_job for more info.
