Web part async postback getting Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException - sharepoint-2007

Error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the response is modified by calls to Response.Write(), response filters, HttpModules, or server trace is enabled.
Details: Error parsing near '
Line: 5
I recently converted a SmartPart + UserControl web part to a 'real' web part. The user control part remained essentially unchanged and contains an UpdatePanel. The aim is to have an interactive calendar control which updates its own data but does not cause a full page refresh. The main reason for converting to a real web part is to make use of personal storage so that users can choose a particular setting and store it.
The problem I now have is that when one of the LinkButtons in my web part are clicked I get the error listed above. I am not doing any Response.Writes and there don't seem to be any HttpHeader entries in IIS.
Can anyone help here? Thanks.
New clue
Just noticed that the postback events work when the page is checked out but not when it has been published. What is the significance of this?

Have you added the sharepoint script manager:
It sounds like a HttpModule is altering the json postback of the update panel


Embedded orbeon: blank test page

I have an (java/jsp) embedded form builder (version 2019.2.0.201912301747) and I would like to use the test button, but I get an empty iframe on the popup window and indeed, the embedded fb-test-iframe iframe's src is an about:blank.
Although the same is true when I drop the orbeon.war to an empty tomcat and run the form builder there, there the test page works correctly (I have to add that I have implemented a custom persistence API for my orbeon instance, maybe I should have specified somewhere some related url, I have specified only the oxf.fr.persistence.${my persistence id}.uri .)
Unfortunately there is no network activity in the browser debug (maybe because of the iframe) and no browser error, it just does not work :(
Unfortunately the documentation does not really explain the way of working of the test button.
What and where should I configure in Orbeon to force it to, I don't know, raise an event that triggers something in orbeon to load something (ideally a form runner instance that loads the currently edited form) to there?
Update #1:
After switching to orbeon-2018.2.4.201911212304-PE.zip (but keeping the 2019 libs where it is embedded), I was able to get it to communicate, so I am a bit further. Now as it is visible on the picture, the embedded orbeon sends data to its backend, and the request arrived the orbeon backend according to its logs.
orbeon.war log
But there is no answer to the last request, this is the key I think, but I don't understand why. As if there would be a further call (maybe towards the orbeon CRUD API backend, and there would be no connect/read timeout for that connection).
But there is no further communication towards the crud api, there is no new entries in the crud api backend log.
My properties-local-prod.xml
Thanks in advance.
OP mentioned in a comment that this doesn't happen with an out-of-the-box install of Orbeon Forms, and thus suspects the issue they are having was due to some change they inadvertently made to Orbeon Forms.

IE using Negotiate authorization instead of Basic

I initially asked this question, which shows that I see MVC errors of missing POST values. I was unable to reproduce - I still can't reproduce it on demand, but I did get the error myself on IE11, and I got a clue...
I have an application in IIS7.5 running with Basic authentication only. I look in Fiddler, and normally all transactions have Authorization: Basic xxxxx as expected. The body contains POST values as expected, and Content-Length is correct.
When I experienced this problem, I found that every single request (GETs and POSTs, including static content) was now showing Authorization: Negotiate xxxxx in Fiddler, with an empty body and zero Content-Length, even when I submitted a POST object via jQuery AJAX, and IE's dev tools shows the real POST body (which of course means IE is lying - not the first time). It gets a 401 response, and then a new request occurs with Basic, but also with an empty POST body, which means ASP.NET throws an error about missing parameter values.
Other web applications on the same top-level domain do use Windows authentication instead of Basic, and my suspicion is that the user goes to one of these sites, and IE becomes confused and thinks that my application should use Windows authentication as well - but I can't reproduce that every time. I have reproduced it twice, but out of a dozen or so times of doing the same thing over and over, so I'm not finding a way to make it reproduce every time.
I don't know why the POST body would get emptied, even if it does switch over and try to do WinAuth instead of basic - but that's when the problem occurs, so I'm sure it's related.
Any ideas on how to prevent IE from getting confused and using Negotiate, or at least how to detect and gracefully handle this on the server? I've only seen it in IE, but I can't be sure it's IE-only.
Here's what a normal POST looks like:
Then after the problem starts occurring, the exact same POST looks like:
Here's an interesting edit - I just saw a new symptom. This time, all GET requests are coming in with no Authorization header at all, and the response comes back with a 401 for basic, and the GET is re-done properly with basic. But the POSTs are going through normally, with basic on the first try. I don't know what started this happening, but it's a similar symptom of the same problem.

status code 500 internal server error in LoadRunner

I have a web application which i need to be load tested using LoadRunner. When I record the website using vugen it works good and there is no any application bug. But when I tried to replay the script, script failed after login and while navigating to next page, say, Transaction. At the end of log, I receive error:
Action.c(252): Error -26612: HTTP Status-Code=500 (Internal Server Error)
for "http://rob.com/common/transaction
Please help me to resolve this error.
LoadRunner generates HTTP request just as your browser does, this error is the same error you would get if you would go to that URL using your browser. Error code 500 is a generic server error that is returned when there is no better (more specific error to return).
Most likely the login process requires some form of authentication which is protected against a replay attack by using some form of token. It is up to you to capture this token using Correlations in LoadRunner and replay it as the server expects. The Correlation Studio in VuGen should detect and identify the token for you but since authentication methods vary it is sometimes impossible to do this automatically and you will have to create manual correlation. Please consult the product documentation for more details on how to do it. If your website is publicly available online then post its URL and I will try to record the script on my machine.
Most common reasons
You are not checking each request for a valid result being returned and using a 200 HTTP status as an assumed correct step without examining the content of what is being returned. As a result when data being returned is incorrect you are not branching the code to handle the exception. Go one to two steps beyond where your business process has come off the rails with an assumptive success and you will have a 500 status message for an out of context action occurring 100% of the time.
Missed dynamic element. Record three times. Compare the code. Address the changing components.

TFS2012 Adapting Bug Item WIT

While I was following the guide http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/jj920163.aspx to add Bugs to the task board I ran into an unexpected issue.
Adding the fields to the WIT was successful but when I started adding the form fields I received a very strange error:
Failed to save the 'Bug' Work Item Type to the server. Please contact
your administrator. There was an error contacting the server.
Technical information (for administrator): HTTP code 200: OK
Now I played around trying to find what field was causing the error... I tried every field seperatly and when added seperately they worked, then I tried adding them in pairs, this worked as well, then I tried adding all of them and even this worked!
BUT: When I try to add all of them in a clean group and column I get the error!
This leads me to believe there is some sort of maximum amount of elements in the layout form of a WIT? For now we have left all the fields added to another category but I wanted to ask if someone else had run into this issue and if there is a solution for this?
Since these are all stored as columns in a SQL Server table, the maximum you can add is 1024 (less the TFS standard, which might be around 33 columns?)
If you think this is the problem, check the Tfs_Warehouse..DimWorkItem table and see if you exceed the maximum.
Any chance you can get more information from the event viewer log on the app server, or provide more information about your bug? That message isn't very useful.
For reference -
Today we figured out what was going on by using fiddler and more closely monitoring the exchange between Visual Studio and our TFS server. Apparently the request was hitting the Application Firewall that was installed on the TFS server. This is the reason why you receive the vague error HTTP code 200: OK. The Application Firewall replies with a plain HTML page containing a blocked request ID (so you can pass it to your system admin). Once we passed this ID on to our networking team and they adapted the rules there was no longer an issue.
I hope this helps anyone who unexpectedly runs into an Application Firewall on your TFS server like I did.

signalR no element found error message

On pages that I have signalR included I get the following error in firebug:
no element found
everything still works fine but just wanted to see if this will become an issue. thanks
Since you're using Firebug that means you're using Firefox. What transport are you using (if using Fiddler remember to turn Streaming on)? It should be:
1. Long Polling
2. Server Sent Events
3. WebSockets
If the transport is Long Polling then we probably have an issue in the underlying code(Firefox should prioritize WebSockets/SSE before LP).
However, if not then we have a content based issue. So that being said, what type of data are you retrieving from the server? Usually a no element found error comes from invalid markup.
Try stripping out all pieces of your application and see if you still get this error. AKA just a $.connection.hub.start().
