From an old final for my class:
Here is some prolog code:
mystery(1, 1).
mystery(N, F) :-
N1 is N-1,
F is F1*N.
Question 1: What value is unified with P in
mystery(3, P).
Question 2: If a semicolon is pressed after Prolog produces and answer for mystery, and interpreter will eventually report "ERROR: Out of local stack". Why dies this occur, and how could you modify mystery to avoid the error?
Question 1:
I get
P = 6 ?
Question 2:
If I press semi-colon to get all answers, I get an out of local stack error.
I'm not sure what this code is trying to accomplish or how to fix it so I don't go out of local stack. Any ideas?
The out of stack error is probably because, when you get down to mystery(1, F1) which resolves to mystery(1, 1) and ask for more solutions, you hit the next clause, which calls mystery(0, F1). At this point, it tries to find a solution, but the only clause that matches calls for mystery(-1, F1), and that calls for mystery(-2, F1) and so forth. This means that there's matches called for until either the first number wraps around to 1 or you get a stack overflow, since each pending match takes stack space.
#David Thornley already explained why searching for more answers blows up your stack. You could fix it by using a cut operator:
mystery(1, F) :- !, F is 1.
mystery(N, F) :-
N1 is N-1,
F is F1*N.
The cut here makes it so that if the first argument is 1, the second rule may not be applied.
simple multiplication is failling in my script-fu.
the folowing code
(print "hello")
(print (/ 4 3))
(print (* 3 4))
(print "world")
Gives :
Error: ( : 1) not enough arguments
Any idea ?
I ran into a similar problem when trying to add new functionality to someone else's script. I wanted to provide my solution in case anyone else runs into a similar issue.
In this case, there was a '(let* (...))' statement that was being used to initialize some variables. The original author of the script wrote '(let * (...))' - with a space between let and star - which means every vector in the 'let' statement becomes the expected arguments for the '*' statement.
More info:
Please excuse (and correct if necessary) any incorrect nomenclature regarding Scheme. I have barely just been exposed to it.
Suppose the following F# function:
let f (x:int) (y:int) = 42
I suspect that the reason I need to parenthesize the arguments in example z2 below is because of type inference; my example might not be great, but it's easy to imagine how things could get very hairy:
let z1 = f 2 3
let z2 = f 2 (f 3 5)
However, the following case is less clear to me:
let rng = System.Random()
let z3 = f 1 rng.Next(5)
z3 doesn't work, with a clear error message:
error FS0597: Successive arguments should be separated by spaces or
tupled, and arguments involving function or method applications should
be parenthesized.
Fixing it is trivial (parenthesize all the things), but what I am not clear about is why such an expression is a problem. I assume this has to do with type inference again, but naively, it seems to me that here, methods having a list of arguments surrounded by a parenthesis would actually make things less potentially ambiguous. Does this have to do with the fact that rng.Next(5) is equivalent to rng.Next 5?
Can someone hint, give an example or explain why this rule is needed, or what type of problems would arise if it were not there?
I think that the problem here is that the code could be treated as:
let z3 = f 1 rng.Next (5)
This would be equivalent to omitting the parentheses and so it would be calling f with 3 arguments (the second being a function value). This sounds a bit silly, but the compiler actually does not strictly insist on having a space between parameters. For example:
let second a b = b
add 5(1) // This works fine and calls 'add 5 1'
add id(1) // error FS0597
add rng.Next(5) // error FS0597
add (rng.Next(5)) // This works fine (partial application)
I think the problem is that if you look at the sequence of the 4 examples in the above snippet, it is not clear which behavior should you get in the second and the third case.
The call rng.Next(5) is still treated in a special way, because F# allows you to chain calls if they are formed by single-parameter application without space. For example rng.Next(5).ToString(). But, for example, writing second(1)(2) is allowed, but second(1)(2).ToString() will not work.
I'm trying to teach myself Prolog. Below, I've written some code that I think should return all paths between nodes in an undirected graph... but it doesn't. I'm trying to understand why this particular code doesn't work (which I think differentiates this question from similar Prolog pathfinding posts). I'm running this in SWI-Prolog. Any clues?
% Define a directed graph (nodes may or may not be "room"s; edges are encoded by "leads_to" predicates).
leads_to(kitchen, living_room).
leads_to(living_room, stairs).
leads_to(living_room, den).
leads_to(stairs, hall).
leads_to(hall, bedroom1).
leads_to(hall, bedroom2).
leads_to(hall, bedroom3).
leads_to(hall, studio).
leads_to(living_room, outside). % Note "outside" is the only node that is not a "room"
leads_to(kitchen, outside).
% Define the indirection of the graph. This is what we'll work with.
neighbor(A,B) :- leads_to(A, B).
neighbor(A,B) :- leads_to(B, A).
Iff A --> B --> C --> D is a loop-free path, then
path(A, D, [B, C])
should be true. I.e., the third argument contains the intermediate nodes.
% Base Rule (R0)
path(X,Y,[]) :- neighbor(X,Y).
% Inductive Rule (R1)
path(X,Y,[Z|P]) :- not(X == Y), neighbor(X,Z), not(member(Z, P)), path(Z,Y,P).
?- path(bedroom1, stairs, P).
is false. Why? Shouldn't we get a match to R1 with
X = bedroom1
Y = stairs
Z = hall
P = []
?- neighbor(bedroom1, hall).
?- not(member(hall, [])).
?- path(hall, stairs, []).
true .
In fact, if I evaluate
?- path(A, B, P).
I get only the length-1 solutions.
Welcome to Prolog! The problem, essentially, is that when you get to not(member(Z, P)) in R1, P is still a pure variable, because the evaluation hasn't gotten to path(Z, Y, P) to define it yet. One of the surprising yet inspiring things about Prolog is that member(Ground, Var) will generate lists that contain Ground and unify them with Var:
?- member(a, X).
X = [a|_G890] ;
X = [_G889, a|_G893] ;
X = [_G889, _G892, a|_G896] .
This has the confusing side-effect that checking for a value in an uninstantiated list will always succeed, which is why not(member(Z, P)) will always fail, causing R1 to always fail. The fact that you get all the R0 solutions and none of the R1 solutions is a clue that something in R1 is causing it to always fail. After all, we know R0 works.
If you swap these two goals, you'll get the first result you want:
path(X,Y,[Z|P]) :- not(X == Y), neighbor(X,Z), path(Z,Y,P), not(member(Z, P)).
?- path(bedroom1, stairs, P).
P = [hall]
If you ask for another solution, you'll get a stack overflow. This is because after the change we're happily generating solutions with cycles as quickly as possible with path(Z,Y,P), only to discard them post-facto with not(member(Z, P)). (Incidentally, for a slight efficiency gain we can switch to memberchk/2 instead of member/2. Of course doing the wrong thing faster isn't much help. :)
I'd be inclined to convert this to a breadth-first search, which in Prolog would imply adding an "open set" argument to contain solutions you haven't tried yet, and at each node first trying something in the open set and then adding that node's possibilities to the end of the open set. When the open set is extinguished, you've tried every node you could get to. For some path finding problems it's a better solution than depth first search anyway. Another thing you could try is separating the path into a visited and future component, and only checking the visited component. As long as you aren't generating a cycle in the current step, you can be assured you aren't generating one at all, there's no need to worry about future steps.
The way you worded the question leads me to believe you don't want a complete solution, just a hint, so I think this is all you need. Let me know if that's not right.
Note: This is a sequel to my previous question about powersets.
I have got a nice Ruby solution to my previous question about generating a powerset of a set without a need to keep a stack:
class Array
def powerset
return to_enum(:powerset) unless block_given?
1.upto(self.size) do |n|
self.combination(n).each{|i| yield i}
# demo
['a', 'b', 'c'].powerset{|item| p item} # items are generated one at a time
ps = [1, 2, 3, 4].powerset # no block, so you'll get an enumerator{ } # 10.times without a block is also an enumerator
It does the job and works nice.
However, I would like to try to rewrite the same solution in Erlang, because for the {|item| p item} block I have a big portion of working code already written in Erlang (it does some stuff with each generated subset).
Although I have some experience with Erlang (I have read all 2 books :)), I am pretty confused with the example and the comments that sepp2k kindly gave me to my previous question about powersets. I do not understand the last line of the example - the only thing that I know is that is is a list comprehension. I do not understand how I can modify it to be able to do something with each generated subset (then throw it out and continue with the next subset).
How can I rewrite this Ruby iterative powerset generation in Erlang? Or maybe the provided Erlang example already almost suits the need?
All the given examples have O(2^N) memory complexity, because they return whole result (the first example). Two last examples use regular recursion so that stack raises. Below code which is modification and compilation of the examples will do what you want:
subsets(Lst) ->
N = length(Lst),
Max = trunc(math:pow(2, N)),
subsets(Lst, 0, N, Max).
subsets(Lst, I, N, Max) when I < Max ->
_Subset = [lists:nth(Pos+1, Lst) || Pos <- lists:seq(0, N-1), I band (1 bsl Pos) =/= 0],
% perform some actions on particular subset
subsets(Lst, I+1, N, Max);
subsets(_, _, _, _) ->
In the above snippet tail recursion is used which is optimized by Erlang compiler and converted to simple iteration under the covers. Recursion may be optimized this way only if recursive call is the last one within function execution flow. Note also that each generated Subset may be used in place of the comment and it will be forgotten (garbage collected) just after that. Thanks to that neither stack nor heap won't grow, but you also have to perform operation on subsets one after another as there's no final result containing all of them.
My code uses same names for analogous variables like in the examples to make it easier to compare both of them. I'm sure it could be refined for performance, but I only want to show the idea.
I have a list of data
I'm using a method which is
X pathto Y:- city(X,Y).
and not so sure can be use like
X pathto Y avoid Z:-
avoid_path(Start, End, Avoid,[]) :-
country(Start, End).
Path\== Avoid,
avoid_path(Path, End,Avoid, Result).
it actually works perfectly without the avoids thing as well as the Path\== Avoid,
the error result is
| ?- portsmouth to bristol avoid birmingham.
Error 1, Backtrack Stack Full, Trying city/2
it should be [[london],[plymouth,london]].
Ok, so : first you got a loop in your facts : (london, plymouth) and (plymouth, london). That means that any attempt of backtracking will never end.
Then I'm not sure that you can use 2 operators this way, but since I'm not sure, other people will be more insightful on the matter :)
I took this convention : portsmouth to bristol-[london, birmingham] means from portsmouth to bristol avoiding london and birmingham (I took this convention not to manage the operators question), here is a working code that keeps track of visited cities to avoid infinite possibilities :
:- op(150, xfy, to).
Start to End-Avoid :-
findall(Waypoint, get_waypoints(Start, End, [Start], Avoid, Waypoint), Waypoints),
Start to End :-
findall(Waypoint, get_waypoints(Start, End, [Start], [], Waypoint), Waypoints),
get_waypoints(Start, End, _Visited, _Avoid, []) :-
city(Start, End).
get_waypoints(Start, End, Visited, Avoid, [Waypoint|Result]) :-
city(Start, Waypoint),
don't go through cities to avoid...
\+ member(Waypoint, Avoid),
this check allows us not to fall into loops. This way, backtracking ends.
\+ member(Waypoint, Visited),
get_waypoints(Waypoint, End, [Waypoint|Visited], Avoid, Result).
You facts contain those two:
and your code (which contains some inconsistencies) does not check whether a city has already been visited. This will make findall/3 collect all possible routes [london],[plymouth,london],[plymouth,london,plymouth,london],... , which will sooner or later lead to memory exhaustion.