ActiveRecord has two association - ruby-on-rails

What is the best way to achieve a has two association with activerecord?
I have a Team and Game models. Each Team will have_many games A Game will have two teams #game.hosting_team and #game.opposing_team.
I started out with two belongs_to/has_one associations but then would only return their home games.
The other option I can think of is using a HABTM and use a validator to ensure there are only records. The only thing missing is keeping track of the home team. It seems like I need a has many through association but I'm not exactly sure...
Thanks for your help.
This is an example of how the two has_many associations look. The problem here is I would have to call and team.opponents to get a full list of their games
class Team < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :games
has_many :opponents, :class_name => "Team"#, :foreign_key => ""
class Game < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :team, :class_name => "Team" #, :foreign_key => "team_id"
belongs_to :opponent, :class_name => "Team" #, :foreign_key => "opponent_id"
I'd like something like this but this obviously isn't how belongs_to works.
class Team < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :games
class Game < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :hosting_team
belongs_to :opposing_team
My desired api would look like this. # return all games home or away
#game.hosting_team # Team
#game.opposing_team # Team

You can probably still model it with the bt/ho associations, and set up games as an accessor method on the team instead of as an association:
class Team < ActiveRecord::Base
def games
Game.find(:conditions => ["home_team_id = ? OR away_team_id = ?", id, id])


Using two has one relationships to the same model

I'm trying to find the best way to model a game in relation to teams.
The end goal is to be able to call things like:
The first two relations are working, but the games one is not. Using has_many (see below), I get ERROR: column games.team_id does not exist which I would normally work around by using whatever the equivalent to :foreign_key => winner_id, but how can I have it checkout both winner_id and loser_id?
Is the only option to create a method in the teams model like so:
def games
won = Game.where(:winner => id)
lost = Game.where(:loser => id)
won + lost
So far what I'm doing is:
class Game < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :winner, class_name: "Team"
has_one :loser, class_name: "Team"
class Team
has_many :games
# or something that actually works
You didn't say much about the problem. But I think you are working too hard. If a team can play several games and a game includes more than one team, then you you need a many to many relation. This requires a third table, and best practice is a has_many :through relation. It will look something like:
class Game < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :teams, through: assignment
has_one :winner, class_name: 'Team', through: :assignment, order: 'score DESC'
has_one :loser, class_name: 'Team', through: :assignment, order: 'score ASC'
class Team
has_many :games, through: :assignment
class Assignment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :game
belongs_to :team
Now you have the winner and loser attributes, but you don't need to roll your own method to count games for a team. Just say and similarly game.teams is the teams assigned to the game.

Rails 3 Model Relationships

I'm kinda stumped on how to relate some models I have. Was hoping for some pointers or ideas!
Let's say I have 3 models, named "MinorTeam", "MajorTeam", and "Game". Each game references two teams; but how do I designate whether it could be either a major or minor team?
has_one :team_1, :class_name => "MajorTeam"
# or
has_one :team_1, :class_name => "MinorTeam"
The two team models are substantially different, so I couldn't simply add a major/minor flag to a Team model. Any ideas?
Polymorphic associations should work. You might have to tweak things a bit to get it right, but by using them, the team classes don't have to be anything alike, apart from having games.
module Team
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
has_many :home_games, :class_name => "Game", :as => :team_1
has_many :away_games, :class_name => "Game", :as => :team_2
class MajorTeam < ActiveRecord::Base
include Team
class MinorTeam < ActiveRecord::Base
include Team
class Game < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :team_1, :polymorphic => true
belongs_to :team_2, :polymorphic => true
I'm assuming you meant for your has_one to be belongs_to, as has_one would mean that each team belongs to only one game, which seems like it might be incorrect. If I'm mistaken, let me know.

generic categories for my rails models

I am working in a rails app which main points are articles and products.
Someone has implemented categories for articles.
class ArticleCategory < MainSchemaBase
belongs_to :user
has_many :articles, :through => :article_category_articles, :conditions => 'articles.deleted_at IS NULL'
has_many :article_category_articles, :conditions => 'article_category_articles.deleted_at IS NULL'
And I have been asked to do basically the same thing for products.
Of course I want to DRY but products belongs to brand instead of user, and I have many products instead of many articles
The model is almost empty (some named scopes), controller and views also very dependent of the context (article)
Can this be DRY? Or should I just copy the implemntation ?
Make it polymorphic: The best way, i think, is to set up a polymorphic many-to-many relationship using has_many_polymorphs ( so that a single category could be applied to a product and an article.
class Category
#doesn't have any association fields
has_many_polymorphs :categorizables, :from => [:products, :articles], :through => :categorizations, :dependent => :destroy
class Categorization < ActiveRecord::Base
#has fields categorizable_id, categorizable_type, :category_id
belongs_to :categorizable, :polymorphic => true
belongs_to :category
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
#doesn't need anything to set up the association
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
#doesn't need anything to set up the association
"Categorizable" is a bit of a mouthful but you won't actually be using it. You'll be saying #product.categories or #category.articles etc.

advanced (nexted) has_many :through queries in Ruby on Rails (double-JOIN)

I am having a somewhat too nested database layout, however, I seem to need it. That is, Our website visitors may each have a single account with maintaining multiple users (think of identities) within.
Now they may create tickets, which are grouped by ticket sections, and we have ticket manager (operator) to process the incoming tickets.
Not every ticket manager may see every ticket but only those this manager is a member of the given ticket section for.
Now, I am totally fine in querying via raw SQL statements, but I failed to verbalizing those two special queries the Rails way.
Here is the (abstract) model:
# account system
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :users
has_many :tickets, :through => :users
has_many :managing_ticket_sections, ... # TicketSection-collection this account (any of its users) is operate for
has_many :managing_tickets, ... # Ticket-collection this account (any of its users) may operate on
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :account
has_many :tickets
has_many :managing_ticket_sections, ... # TicketSection-collection this user is operate for
has_many :managing_tickets, ... # Ticket-collection this user may operate on
# ticket system
class Ticket < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :author, :class_name => "User"
belongs_to :assignee, :class_name => "User"
belongs_to :section, :class_name => "TicketSection"
class TicketSection < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :tickets
has_many :operators
class TicketSectionManager < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :manager, :class_name => "User"
belongs_to :section
I am aware of basic has_many :through-constructs, however, here, I am accessing more than three tables to get the tickets.
Something that actually works for in the User's model is:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :managing_relations, :class_name => "TicketSectionManager" # XXX some kind of helper, for the two below
has_many :managing_sections, :class_name => "TicketSection", :through => :managing_relations, :source => :section
has_many :managing_tickets, :class_name => "Ticket", :through => :managing_relations, :source => :section
Here I am using a helper relation (managing_relations), which is absolutely never used except by the two has_many relations below.
I were not able to describe a User.managing_sections nor User.managing_tickets relation without this helper, which is, where I need an advice for.
Secondly, the customer is to have a look at all of the tickets he can manage on any User (think of an identity) he has logged in, so what I need, is a way to collect all tickets (/sections) this Account is permitted to manage (identified by being a member of the corresponding TicketSection)
Here I even were not able to express this relation the ruby way, and I had to work around it by the following:
class Account
def managing_tickets
Ticket.find_by_sql("SELECT t.* FROM tickets AS t
INNER JOIN ticket_section_managers AS m ON m.section_id = t.section_id
INNER JOIN users AS u ON = m.user_id
WHERE u.account_id = #{id}")
I'd appreciate any kind of advice, and
many thanks in advance,
Christian Parpart.

Multiple Associations to Same Model

I have two classes that I would like to specify as follows:
class Club < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :president, :class_name => "Person", :foreign_key => "president_id"
belongs_to :vice_president,
:class_name => "Person",
:foreign_key => "vice_president_id"
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :club, :conditions =>
['president_id = ? OR vice_president_id = ?', '#{}', '#{}']
This doesn't work and gives me an error when trying to get the club association from the person object. The error is because is looking for person_id in the club table when I looked at the SQL. I can get around it by declaring multiple has_one associations, but feel like this is the improper way of doing it.
A person can only be the President or Vice President of one club.
Anyone able to offer a little bit of advice on this issue, I would be very appreciative.
Your has_one condition will never work in Rails, as far as I know.
You need one explicit has_one or belongs_to or has_many per "link", on both tables. So if you have two "links", you need two has_one and two belongs_to. That is how it works.
Secondly, I think you should reconsider your models. The way you are doing it, one person can not be the president of a club and an employee, at the same time. Or be the president of two clubs. Even if you don't have these right now, they can come in the future - it is easier to stay flexible right now.
A flexible way of doing this is using a has_many :through with an intermediate table that specifies the role. In other words:
# The memberships table has a person_id, club_id and role_id, all integers
class Membership < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :club
belongs_to :person
validates_presence_of :role_id
validates_numericality_of :role_id
class Club < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :memberships, :dependent => :delete_all
has_many :people, :through => :memberships
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :memberships, :dependent => :delete_all
has_many :clubs, :through => :memberships
Now, assuming that role_id=0 means employee, role_id=1 means president, and role_id=2 means vice_president, you can use it like this:
tyler = Person.find(1) # person_id is 1
other = Person.find(2) # person_id is 2
c = Club.find(1) # club_id is 1
tyler.clubs # returns all the clubs this person is "member" of
c.people # returns all the "members" of this club, no matter their role
#make tyler the president of c
tyler.memberships.create(:club_id => 1, :role_id => 1)
#make other the vicepresident of c
#but using c.memberships instead of other.memberships (works both ways)
c.memberships.create(:person_id => 2, :role_id => 1)
#find the (first) president of c
#find the (first) vicepresident of c
#find all the employees of c
c.memberships.find_all_by_role_id(0).collect { |m| m.person }
#find all the clubs of which tyler is president
tyler.memberships.find_all_by_role_id(1).collect { |m| }
Additional notes:
You could complement this with a roles table and model. Roles would have just a a name, roles would have_many relationships and memberships would belong_to role. Or, you could define methods in memberships for getting the role name (if 0, it returns "employee", if 1, "president", etc
You can add validations on memberhips so no more than 1 person can be made president of a given club, or the same employee on the same club twice. Later on, if you start getting "exceptional cases" in which a person needs to be in two places, you will just have to adapt your validations.
I think your associations are the wrong way around. Your way it is hard to assign a president or vice president.
I would do it like this:
class Club < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :president,
:class_name => "Person",
:foreign_key => 'president_club_id'
has_one :vice_president,
:class_name => "Person",
:foreign_key => 'vice_president_club_id'
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :club
Now you can assign the roles like this:
club.president = Person.create(:name => 'Tom')
club.vice_president = Person.create(:name => 'Andrew')
I suggest you introduce a new model called role. Then have the following:
class Club
has_many :roles
def president
def vice_president
class Person
belongs_to :role
class Role
has_one :person
belongs_to :club
This is the classic use case for polymorphic associations.
Here is the link:
Something like..
class Club < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :person, :polymorphic => true
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :club, :as => :position
