WP7 Insert all linq results in an ObservableCollection - binding

I parse an xml results from a webservice using linq :
XElement items = XElement.Parse(e.Result);
MyListBox.ItemsSource = from item in items.Descendants("node")
select new MyViewModel
This automatically populate my ListBox. But the problem is, I usually access my ObservableCollection like this :
having in my xaml :
ItemsSource="{Binding MyItems,}"
How can I modify directly my ObservableCollection ? I read Cast LINQ result to ObservableCollection
and tried this :
var v = from item in items.Descendants("node")
select new MyViewModel
OApp.MyViewModel.MyItems = new ObservableCollection<MyViewModel>(v);
But I can't since this in WP7 (Silverlight 3), and there is no constructor like this
Thanks !

I'd just invent a static method like this:-
public static ObservableCollection<T> CreateObservableCollect<T>(IEnumerable<T> range)
var result = new ObservableCollection<T>();
foreach (T item in range)
return result;
Now your last line of code becomes:-
OApp.MyViewModel.MyItems = new CreateObservableCollection<MyViewModel>(v);

The constructor you're trying to use is in Silverlight, just not available on the phone. (as per MSDN)
Unfortunately, you'll have to populate your ObservableCollection yourself.

Do you need ObservableCollection? Do you need add or delete objects from collection or just update?
If only update, you can change MyViewModel.MyItems to:
public MyTypeOfCollection MyItems
get { return _myItems; }
_myItems = value;
OnNotifyPropertyChanged("MyItems");//invoke INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
If you need adding or deleting of items, you can extend your collection to:
public static class Extend
// Extend ObservableCollection<T> Class
public static void AddRange(this System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection o, T[] items)
foreach (var item in items)


MVC Full Calendar Error [duplicate]

I am trying to do a simple JSON return but I am having issues I have the following below.
public JsonResult GetEventData()
var data = Event.Find(x => x.ID != 0);
return Json(data);
I get a HTTP 500 with the exception as shown in the title of this question. I also tried
var data = Event.All().ToList()
That gave the same problem.
Is this a bug or my implementation?
It seems that there are circular references in your object hierarchy which is not supported by the JSON serializer. Do you need all the columns? You could pick up only the properties you need in the view:
return Json(new
PropertyINeed1 = data.PropertyINeed1,
PropertyINeed2 = data.PropertyINeed2
This will make your JSON object lighter and easier to understand. If you have many properties, AutoMapper could be used to automatically map between DTO objects and View objects.
I had the same problem and solved by using Newtonsoft.Json;
var list = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model,
new JsonSerializerSettings() {
ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore
return Content(list, "application/json");
This actually happens because the complex objects are what makes the resulting json object fails.
And it fails because when the object is mapped it maps the children, which maps their parents, making a circular reference to occur. Json would take infinite time to serialize it, so it prevents the problem with the exception.
Entity Framework mapping also produces the same behavior, and the solution is to discard all unwanted properties.
Just expliciting the final answer, the whole code would be:
public JsonResult getJson()
DataContext db = new DataContext ();
return this.Json(
new {
Result = (from obj in db.Things select new {Id = obj.Id, Name = obj.Name})
, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
It could also be the following in case you don't want the objects inside a Result property:
public JsonResult getJson()
DataContext db = new DataContext ();
return this.Json(
(from obj in db.Things select new {Id = obj.Id, Name = obj.Name})
, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
To sum things up, there are 4 solutions to this:
Solution 1: turn off ProxyCreation for the DBContext and restore it in the end.
private DBEntities db = new DBEntities();//dbcontext
public ActionResult Index()
bool proxyCreation = db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled;
//set ProxyCreation to false
db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
var data = db.Products.ToList();
return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
catch (Exception ex)
Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
return Json(ex.Message);
//restore ProxyCreation to its original state
db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = proxyCreation;
Solution 2: Using JsonConvert by Setting ReferenceLoopHandling to ignore on the serializer settings.
//using using Newtonsoft.Json;
private DBEntities db = new DBEntities();//dbcontext
public ActionResult Index()
var data = db.Products.ToList();
JsonSerializerSettings jss = new JsonSerializerSettings { ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore };
var result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data, Formatting.Indented, jss);
return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
catch (Exception ex)
Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
return Json(ex.Message);
Following two solutions are the same, but using a model is better because it's strong typed.
Solution 3: return a Model which includes the needed properties only.
private DBEntities db = new DBEntities();//dbcontext
public class ProductModel
public int Product_ID { get; set;}
public string Product_Name { get; set;}
public double Product_Price { get; set;}
public ActionResult Index()
var data = db.Products.Select(p => new ProductModel
Product_ID = p.Product_ID,
Product_Name = p.Product_Name,
Product_Price = p.Product_Price
return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
catch (Exception ex)
Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
return Json(ex.Message);
Solution 4: return a new dynamic object which includes the needed properties only.
private DBEntities db = new DBEntities();//dbcontext
public ActionResult Index()
var data = db.Products.Select(p => new
Product_ID = p.Product_ID,
Product_Name = p.Product_Name,
Product_Price = p.Product_Price
return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
catch (Exception ex)
Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
return Json(ex.Message);
JSON, like xml and various other formats, is a tree-based serialization format. It won't love you if you have circular references in your objects, as the "tree" would be:
root B => child A => parent B => child A => parent B => ...
There are often ways of disabling navigation along a certain path; for example, with XmlSerializer you might mark the parent property as XmlIgnore. I don't know if this is possible with the json serializer in question, nor whether DatabaseColumn has suitable markers (very unlikely, as it would need to reference every serialization API)
add [JsonIgnore] to virtuals properties in your model.
Using Newtonsoft.Json: In your Global.asax Application_Start method add this line:
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore;
Its because of the new DbContext T4 template that is used for generating the EntityFramework entities. In order to be able to perform the change tracking, this templates uses the Proxy pattern, by wrapping your nice POCOs with them. This then causes the issues when serializing with the JavaScriptSerializer.
So then the 2 solutions are:
Either you just serialize and return the properties you need on the client
You may switch off the automatic generation of proxies by setting it on the context's configuration
context.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
Very well explained in the below article.
Provided answers are good, but I think they can be improved by adding an "architectural" perspective.
MVC's Controller.Json function is doing the job, but it is very poor at providing a relevant error in this case. By using Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject, the error specifies exactly what is the property that is triggering the circular reference. This is particularly useful when serializing more complex object hierarchies.
Proper architecture
One should never try to serialize data models (e.g. EF models), as ORM's navigation properties is the road to perdition when it comes to serialization. Data flow should be the following:
Database -> data models -> service models -> JSON string
Service models can be obtained from data models using auto mappers (e.g. Automapper). While this does not guarantee lack of circular references, proper design should do it: service models should contain exactly what the service consumer requires (i.e. the properties).
In those rare cases, when the client requests a hierarchy involving the same object type on different levels, the service can create a linear structure with parent->child relationship (using just identifiers, not references).
Modern applications tend to avoid loading complex data structures at once and service models should be slim. E.g.:
access an event - only header data (identifier, name, date etc.) is loaded -> service model (JSON) containing only header data
managed attendees list - access a popup and lazy load the list -> service model (JSON) containing only the list of attendees
Avoid converting the table object directly. If relations are set between other tables, it might throw this error.
Rather, you can create a model class, assign values to the class object and then serialize it.
I'm Using the fix, Because Using Knockout in MVC5 views.
On action
return Json(ModelHelper.GetJsonModel<Core_User>(viewModel));
public static TEntity GetJsonModel<TEntity>(TEntity Entity) where TEntity : class
TEntity Entity_ = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TEntity)) as TEntity;
foreach (var item in Entity.GetType().GetProperties())
if (item.PropertyType.ToString().IndexOf("Generic.ICollection") == -1 && item.PropertyType.ToString().IndexOf("SaymenCore.DAL.") == -1)
item.SetValue(Entity_, Entity.GetPropValue(item.Name));
return Entity_;
You can notice the properties that cause the circular reference. Then you can do something like:
private Object DeCircular(Object object)
// Set properties that cause the circular reference to null
return object
//first: Create a class as your view model
public class EventViewModel
public int Id{get;set}
public string Property1{get;set;}
public string Property2{get;set;}
//then from your method
public async Task<ActionResult> GetEvent()
var events = await db.Event.Find(x => x.ID != 0);
List<EventViewModel> model = events.Select(event => new EventViewModel(){
Id = event.Id,
Property1 = event.Property1,
Property1 = event.Property2
return Json(new{ data = model }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
An easier alternative to solve this problem is to return an string, and format that string to json with JavaScriptSerializer.
public string GetEntityInJson()
JavaScriptSerializer j = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var entityList = dataContext.Entitites.Select(x => new { ID = x.ID, AnotherAttribute = x.AnotherAttribute });
return j.Serialize(entityList );
It is important the "Select" part, which choose the properties you want in your view. Some object have a reference for the parent. If you do not choose the attributes, the circular reference may appear, if you just take the tables as a whole.
Do not do this:
public string GetEntityInJson()
JavaScriptSerializer j = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var entityList = dataContext.Entitites.toList();
return j.Serialize(entityList );
Do this instead if you don't want the whole table:
public string GetEntityInJson()
JavaScriptSerializer j = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var entityList = dataContext.Entitites.Select(x => new { ID = x.ID, AnotherAttribute = x.AnotherAttribute });
return j.Serialize(entityList );
This helps render a view with less data, just with the attributes you need, and makes your web run faster.

How to get value of custom EF6 Designer property

I have succesfully extended the EF6 designer to allow for some custom properties on my entities, associations and properties using this post:
Extending Entity Framework 6 - adding custom properties to entities in designer
Now I need to use these custom properties when generating code in T4 but I have no clue how to access that information. Can someone point me in the right direction ?
I've figured it out.
looking at, for instance, the entity variable in "foreach (var entity in typeMapper.GetItemsToGenerate(itemCollection))", this is a GlobalItem (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.data.metadata.edm.globalitem(v=vs.110).aspx) wich contains MetadataProperties.
Listing these properties using a simple foreach
foreach( var mp in entity.MetadataProperties)
this.WriteLine("{0} = '{1}'", mp.Name, mp.Value);
results in a list
Name = 'Role'
NamespaceName = 'Model1'
Abstract = 'False'
http://saop.si:RecordTracked = '<a:RecordTracked xmlns:a="http://saop.si">true</a:RecordTracked>'
http://saop.si:DisplayMember = '<a:DisplayMember xmlns:a="http://saop.si">true</a:DisplayMember>'
as you can see, the custom properties (RecordTracked, DisplayName) are listed as well.
I have created 2 functions in within public class CodeStringGenerator to retrieve any custom property. Call it like this :
CodeStringGenerator.GetCustomPropertyAsBoolean(entity, "RecordTracked");
private bool GetCustomPropertyAsBoolean(GlobalItem item, string propertyName)
var _value = GetCustomProperty(item, propertyName);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_value ))
{ return false; }
return _value.Equals("true", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
private string GetCustomProperty(GlobalItem item, string propertyName)
var _found = item.MetadataProperties.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name.StartsWith("http://") &&
p.Name.EndsWith(propertyName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase ));
if (_found == null)
{ return string.Empty; }
var _value = _found.Value as System.Xml.Linq.XElement;
if (_value == null)
{ return string.Empty; }
return _value.Value;

EF Code First, how to reflect on model

In EF code first, one specifies field properties and relationships using the fluent interface. This builds up a model. Is it possible to get a reference to this model, and reflect on it?
I want to be able to retrieve for a given field, if it is required, what its datatype is, what length, etc...
You need to access the MetadataWorkspace. The API is pretty cryptic. You may want to replace DataSpace.CSpace with DataSpace.SSpace to get the database metadata.
public class MyContext : DbContext
public void Test()
var objectContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext;
var mdw = objectContext.MetadataWorkspace;
var items = mdw.GetItems<EntityType>(DataSpace.CSpace);
foreach (var i in items)
foreach (var member in i.Members)
var prop = member as EdmProperty;
if (prop != null)

Linq to SQL using Repository Pattern: Object has no supported translation to SQL

I have been scratching my head all morning behind this but still haven't been able to figure out what might be causing this.
I have a composite repository object that references two other repositories. I'm trying to instantiate a Model type in my LINQ query (see first code snippet).
public class SqlCommunityRepository : ICommunityRepository
private WebDataContext _ctx;
private IMarketRepository _marketRepository;
private IStateRepository _stateRepository;
public SqlCommunityRepository(WebDataContext ctx, IStateRepository stateRepository, IMarketRepository marketRepository)
_ctx = ctx;
_stateRepository = stateRepository;
_marketRepository = marketRepository;
public IQueryable<Model.Community> Communities
return (from comm in _ctx.Communities
select new Model.Community
CommunityId = comm.CommunityId,
CommunityName = comm.CommunityName,
City = comm.City,
PostalCode = comm.PostalCode,
Market = _marketRepository.GetMarket(comm.MarketId),
State = _stateRepository.GetState(comm.State)
The repository objects that I'm passing in look like this
public class SqlStateRepository : IStateRepository
private WebDataContext _ctx;
public SqlStateRepository(WebDataContext ctx)
_ctx = ctx;
public IQueryable<Model.State> States
return from state in _ctx.States
select new Model.State()
StateId = state.StateId,
StateName = state.StateName
public Model.State GetState(string stateName)
var s = (from state in States
where state.StateName.ToLower() == stateName
select state).FirstOrDefault();
return new Model.State()
StateId = s.StateId,
StateName = s.StateName
public class SqlMarketRepository : IMarketRepository
private WebDataContext _ctx;
public SqlMarketRepository(WebDataContext ctx)
_ctx = ctx;
public IQueryable<Model.Market> Markets
return from market in _ctx.Markets
select new Model.Market()
MarketId = market.MarketId,
MarketName = market.MarketName,
StateId = market.StateId
public Model.Market GetMarket(int marketId)
return (from market in Markets
where market.MarketId == marketId
select market).FirstOrDefault();
This is how I'm wiring it all up:
WebDataContext ctx = new WebDataContext();
IMarketRepository mr = new SqlMarketRepository(ctx);
IStateRepository sr = new SqlStateRepository(ctx);
ICommunityRepository cr = new SqlCommunityRepository(ctx, sr, mr);
int commCount = cr.Communities.Count();
The last line in the above snippet is where it fails. When I debug through the instantiation (new Model.Community), it never goes into any of the other repository methods. I do not have a relationship between the underlying tables behind these three objects. Would this be the reason that LINQ to SQL is not able to build the expression tree right?
These are non-hydrated queries, not fully-hydrated collections.
The Communities query differs from the other two because it calls methods as objects are hydrated. These method calls are not translatable to SQL.
Normally this isn't a problem. For example: if you say Communities.ToList(), it will work and the methods will be called from the objects as they are hydrated.
If you modify the query such that the objects aren't hydrated, for example: when you say Communities.Count(), linq to sql attempts to send the method calls into the database and throws since it cannot. It does this even though those method calls ultimately would not affect the resulting count.
The simplest fix (if you truly expect fully hydrated collections) is to add ToList to the community query, hydrating it.
Try adding another repository method that looks like this:
public int CommunitiesCount()
get { return _ctx.Communities.Count(); }
This will allow you to return a count without exposing the entire object tree to the user, which is what I think you're trying to do anyway.
As you may have already guessed, I suspect that what you are calling the anonymous types are at fault (they're not really anonymous types; they are actual objects, which you are apparently partially populating in an effort to hide some of the fields from the end user).

How do I convert a datatable into a POCO object in Asp.Net MVC?

How do I convert a datatable into a POCO object in Asp.Net MVC?
Pass each DataRow into the class constructor (or use getters/setters) and translate each column into the corresponding property. Be careful with nullable columns to extract them properly.
public class POCO
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public DateTime? Modified { get; set; }
public POCO() { }
public POCO( DataRow row )
this.ID = (int)row["id"];
this.Name = (string)row["name"];
if (!(row["modified"] is DBNull))
this.Modified = (DateTime)row["modified"];
A data table typically holds many rows - do you want to convert each row into an object instance?
In that case, you could e.g. add a constructor to your POCO object that will accept a DataRow as parameter, and then extracts the bits and pieces from that DataRow:
public YourPOCO(DataRow row)
this.Field1 = row["Field1"].ToString();
this.FieldN = Convert.ToInt32(row["FieldN"]);
and so on, and then call that constructor on each of the rows in the DataTable.Rows collection:
List<YourPOCO> list = new List<YourPOCO>();
foreach(DataRow row in YourDataTable.Rows)
list.Add(new YourPOCO(row));
And you could then create a ASP.NET MVC view or partial view based on this "YourPOCO" type and use the "List" template to create a list of "YourPOCO" instances in a list-like display.
Old question, anyway this can be usefull for somebody:
private static T CreatePocoObject<T>(DataRow dr) where T : class, new()
T oClass = new T();
Type tClass = typeof (T);
MemberInfo[] methods = tClass.GetMethods();
ArrayList aMethods = new ArrayList();
object[] aoParam = new object[1];
//Get simple SET methods
foreach (MethodInfo method in methods)
if (method.DeclaringType == tClass && method.Name.StartsWith("set_"))
//Invoke each set method with mapped value
for (int i = 0; i < aMethods.Count; i++)
MethodInfo mInvoke = (MethodInfo)aMethods[i];
//Remove "set_" from method name
string sColumn = mInvoke.Name.Remove(0, 4);
//If row contains value for method...
if (dr.Table.Columns.Contains(sColumn))
//Get the parameter (always one for a set property)
ParameterInfo[] api = mInvoke.GetParameters();
ParameterInfo pi = api[0];
//Convert value to parameter type
aoParam[0] = Convert.ChangeType(dr[sColumn], pi.ParameterType);
//Invoke the method
mInvoke.Invoke(oClass, aoParam);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "SetValuesToObject failed to set a value to an object");
return oClass;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "SetValuesToObject failed to create an object");
return null;
Source is http://blog.developers.ie/cgreen/archive/2007/09/14/using-reflection-to-copy-a-datarow-to-a-class.aspx
I saw your other question about using a datatable in the data access layer. If you return POCO at some point its a good idea to let your DAL return POCO already.
You would use an SqlDataReader to fill the POCO. This is more light weight. Sometimes its easier to use DataSet and DataTable for Lists of entries, but if you tranform the rows into stronly typed POCOS anyway I am pretty shure that this is the way to go.
