How to make Twitter XAuth post request data for access token? - twitter

When I had used following code, I got the message "Failed to validate oauth signature and token"
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#""]];
[request setHTTPMethod:#"POST"];
NSString *postString = #"oauth_consumer_key=My Consumer key&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_signature=My Consumer secret&oauth_timestamp=?????&oauth_nonce=?????oauth_version=1.0&x_auth_username=My Twitter ID&x_auth_password=My Twitter password&x_auth_mode=client_auth";
[request setHTTPBody:[postString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
NSHTTPURLResponse *response = NULL;
NSData *responseData = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:&response error:nil];
NSString *responseDataString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:responseData encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
NSLog(#"Response from Twitter: %#", responseDataString);
So, I want to know exact configuration of request contents
The used post data as following. and My application had the ability to use xAuth
oauth_consumer_key=My Consumer key
oauth_signature=My Consumer secret
x_auth_username=My Twitter ID
x_auth_password=My Twitter password

Read this. Hope it will help you.


Garmin Health API Oauth 1.0 iOS response error

I need to show Garmin health data in my app. Garmin documentation ask developer to implement connection thorough oauth 1.0 connection with the app and garmin account. So, when i apply GET/PUSH request with the url, its shows the following error. Fortunately , i am getting proper response in the postman.
Step 1 :
Postman request :
Response :
In my Code , I apply both GET/POST request, it shows following error :
Garmin Connect API Server - Error report HTTP Status 400 - Inadequate OAuth consumer credentials.type Status reportmessage Inadequate OAuth consumer credentials.description The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect.Garmin Connect API Server
My code is like :
NSError *error;
NSString *urlString = #"";
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:urlString];
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] init];
NSString * parameterString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"oauth_consumer_key=3f58949f-e54d-4211-a735-e52cc0ab8f4d&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=1531983278&oauth_nonce=cW1Xhs&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_signature=pfZzKhniC9zCFZdIx8d0gyIsw3Y"];
// NSLog(#"%#",parameterString);
[request setHTTPMethod:#"GET"];
[request setURL:url];
[request addValue:#"application/json" forHTTPHeaderField:#"Content-Type"];
//Even i apply push and set this data, nothing works!
// [request addValue:#"3f58949f-e54d-4211-a735-e52cc0ab8f4d" forHTTPHeaderField:#"oauth_consumer_key"];
// [request addValue:#"HMAC-SHA1" forHTTPHeaderField:#"oauth_signature_method"];
// [request addValue:#"1531983278" forHTTPHeaderField:#"oauth_timestamp"];
// [request addValue:#"cW1Xhs" forHTTPHeaderField:#"oauth_nonce"];
// [request addValue:#"1.0" forHTTPHeaderField:#"oauth_version"];
// [request addValue:#"pfZzKhniC9zCFZdIx8d0gyIsw3Y" forHTTPHeaderField:#"oauth_signature"];
// [request addValue:#"" forHTTPHeaderField:#"oauth_consumer_key"];
NSData *postData = [parameterString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[request setHTTPBody:postData];
NSData *finalDataToDisplay = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:nil error:&error];
NSMutableDictionary *abc = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData: finalDataToDisplay
options: NSJSONReadingMutableContainers
error: &error];
How i can overcome this response issue ? Does anyone face similar issue ? Any idea to make work oauth 1.0 authentication in iOS Swift/Objective Project successfully ?

PUT request and Header token

I'm writing some with server API. I'm using RestKit but this question I wrote without. I don't understand why console request is working and my is not. Please help me with this.
-(void)uploadFile {
NSString *URLPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:#""];
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] init];
[request setURL:[NSURL URLWithString:URLPath]];
[request setHTTPMethod:#"PUT"];
[request addValue: #"Bearer ewogICAgInR5cCI6ICJKV1QiLAogICAgImFsZyI6ICJIUzI1NiIKfQ.ewogICAgImlzcyI6ICJhcGkuaW50ZXJsYWJzLnBybyIsCiAgICAiaWF0IjogMTQ2MzY3ODg2NCwKICAgICJleHAiOiAxNDYzNjgyNDY0LAogICAgInN1YiI6IDgzCn0.SuvGXfsDDzpA5-qJtRUZi7uw98IqA8_axfTGcMVjZdw" forHTTPHeaderField: #"Authorization"];
NSError *err;
NSURLResponse *response;
NSData *responseData = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:&response error:&err];
NSString *resSrt = [[NSString alloc]initWithData:responseData encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
And it's still doesn't not work, but console work perfectly
But enter link description here
update token link
The code works fine and result is that token is expired.
But you should not use deprecated methods like "NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest", then you should check error, when handling results from internet it is utf8 most of the time and not ascii. Then when logging strings use NSLog(#"%#", theString) to avoid problems if the content of theString contains formating specifiers.

Invalid client credential while getting access token from paypal ios sdk

I am creating an app in which I have to use paypal payment, after successful payment I have to generate payment detail, so I need access token.
I get the method how to get access token, I tried in hurl. It and I successfully get that access token using Client ID and Client Secret. Till this there is no problem.
But when I put those credentials (Client_ID and Client_Secret) in my code it always returns with invalid client credential.
NSURL *URL = [NSURL URLWithString:#""];
// NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:URL
// cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy
// timeoutInterval:30.0];
NSMutableURLRequest* request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:URL];
NSString *client_id = #"xxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
NSString *client_secret = #"xxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
[request setHTTPMethod:#"POST"];
NSString *authStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#:%#", client_id, client_secret];
NSData *authData = [authStr dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
NSString *authValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Basic %#", [authData base64EncodingWithLineLength:80]];
[request setValue:authValue forHTTPHeaderField:#"Authorization"];
[request setValue:#"application/json" forHTTPHeaderField:#"Accept"];
[request setValue:#"en_US" forHTTPHeaderField:#"Accept-Language"];
[request setValue:#"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" forHTTPHeaderField:#"Content-Type"];
NSDictionary *dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:#"client_credentials",#"grant_type", nil];
NSData* jsonData = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:dict options:0 error:nil];
request.HTTPBody = jsonData;
connection = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:request delegate:self];
[connection start];
Below is the log I prints in didFinishLoading
2015-07-14 14:54:25.130 paypalNativeDemo[1478:61010] {"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"Invalid client credentials"}
Sandbox credentials are different than live. Make sure you're using your sandbox client_id if you are talking to sandbox.
Generally this error is due to the REST app not yet being approved. I would suggest contacting PayPal Support through the number in your account and advise the agent that you are calling to check the status of your REST app.

How to connect (GET request) ios app to django rest framework

I came to the last stage of development of my app and here is the bit that I've never done before.
My friend has developed and API for my app to send and receive data, using django rest framework.
I need to authenticate my app to connect to it, send some data and receive data.
What I have found so far is:
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:#"http://localhost:8080/my/path/to/api/login/"];
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
NSString *authStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#:%#", #"myUsername", #"myPassword"];
NSData *authData = [authStr dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
NSString *authValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Basic %#", authData];
[request setValue:authValue forHTTPHeaderField:#"Authorization"];
[request setHTTPMethod:#"GET"];
[request setValue:#"application/json" forHTTPHeaderField:#"Accept"];
//EDIT: Added this based on answer form #Quver.
NSURLResponse *response1;
NSError *responseError;
NSData *result = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:&response1 error:&responseError];
if (result.length > 0 && responseError == nil)
NSDictionary *greeting = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:result
NSLog(#"Got response form server: %#", greeting);
This equals output like:
<0a0a3c68 746d6c3e 0a0a2020 20203c68 6561643e 0a202020 20202020 200a2020 20202020 20200a20 20202020 + ~50 lines of similar stuff. Hope this helps.
I guess this is the way to create request. What should I do next? And how do I know that I have connected?
Then, if I have connected, how do I get data form there? (I have a url that gives me json as output - this is what I want to get). Assume the url to be http://localhost:8080/url/that/gives/json/.
Thank you for any help. Hope this is enough information for the question. I will add anything else required.
NSURLResponse *response;
NSError *responseError;
NSData *result = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:&response error:&responseError];
Add this to get response. You already prepared request, now it's time to send it with NSURLConnection. I you sync request insted of async, becouse of using GCD for whole metod request + sqlite update.
After a few days of searching I have found a way.
First, we need a token for authentication. I am generating it through terminal for now:
curl -X POST -d "grant_type=password&username=<your username>&password=<your password>" http://<client secret>:<client id>#url/to/token/page
Then, in your view controller where you want to connect:
//always put </> at the end of link
NSURL *aUrl = [NSURL URLWithString: #"http://where/you/trying/to/conect"];
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:aUrl
[request addValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"<type> <your token>"] forHTTPHeaderField:#"Authorization"];
[request setHTTPMethod:#"GET"];
NSError *error = nil;
self.response = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:nil error: &error];
This will return any json that the page supposed to return. This might not be the most secure way, but this is exactly what I need for now. I will look at more secure solutions like OAuth 2, later.
Hope this helps to someone.

Sending post to page from iOS with publish_stream permission

I am currently connecting my iOS native app to a facebook page in order to post a message to that wall. I can access the wall but for some reason there's no message text set. I asked the user for 'publish_stream' permissions.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Here's my code:
NSMutableDictionary *message = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:#"some text", #"message", #"http://path/to/itunes/", #"link", nil];
NSString *changeJSON = [message JSONRepresentation];
NSLog(#"changeJSON: %#", changeJSON);
NSData *myPostData = [changeJSON dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSString *myURL = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"", facebook.accessToken];
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:myURL] cachePolicy:NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringCacheData timeoutInterval:10.0];
[request setHTTPMethod:#"POST"];
[request setValue:#"application/json" forHTTPHeaderField:#"Content-Type"];
[request setValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", [myPostData length] ] forHTTPHeaderField:#"Content-Length"];
[request setHTTPBody: myPostData];
NSData *returnData = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest: request returningResponse: nil error: nil ];
NSString *returnString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:returnData encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(#"return string: %#", returnString);
[facebook logout:self];
The string which is encoded to a NSData object is the following:
{"message":"some text","link":"http://path/to/itunes/"}
Thanks and have a nice day :-)
It looks like you're attempting to post JSON to the GraphAPI? If so, you can't post JSON to Facebook, but instead have to use parameters when posting (either query string or HTTP request parameters).
All posting actions are done via HTTP POST with parameters and all responses are done in JSON. You can read more on this via the Graph API reference under publishing.
See: POST Reference.
