Delphi 2010 Tablet PC Support - delphi

One of the big selling points I saw when I had to buy delphi for my job was the ability to support tablet pc's. Now the client of the company where I work want to use a tablet pc. I've been trying hard to find examples of delphi with tablet pc but I don't find any. Does anybody has experience with it? Any kind of tutorials or examples?
I don't seem to be able even to bring a virtual keyboard when a component gain focus and hide it when it loses it.

Delphi 2010 introduced some nice touch and gesture support to Delphi.
To get more info about it, go to EDN website and look for CodeRage 4 replays. There is a session titled "Hands on gestures in VCL" by Seppy Bloom. Also in CodeRage 5 there is a session titled "Gesturing Capabilities for New Application and Current Projects" by Vesvolod Leonov.
Chapter 6 of Marco Cantu's "Delphi 2010 Handbook" also covers touch and gesture in Delphi.
Eventually, you can check Chris Bensen's weblog for some introductory posts and demo source code about touch and gesture support in Delphi.
I don't seem to be able even to bring
a virtual keyboard when a component
gain focus and hide it when it loses
In Delphi 2010 and newer versions a touch-enabled keyboard component is already available. To make it is visible or hide it when focus is changed, you can handle CM_FOCUSCHANGED VCL message, and make the keyboard visible when the control gaining focus is derived from a certain class or meets some special conditions. Here is a sample code:
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Edit1: TEdit;
Button1: TButton;
Memo1: TMemo;
TouchKeyboard1: TTouchKeyboard;
procedure ActivateVirtualKeyboard(Control: TWinControl; Keyboard: TTouchKeyboard);
procedure CmFocusChanged(var Msg: TCMFocusChanged); message CM_FOCUSCHANGED;
{ Public declarations }
/// Implementation
procedure TForm1.ActivateVirtualKeyboard(Control: TWinControl; Keyboard: TTouchKeyboard);
APoint : TPoint;
if Control is TCustomEdit then
APoint := Control.ClientToScreen(Point(0,0));
APoint := Keyboard.Parent.ScreenToClient(APoint);
Keyboard.Left := APoint.X;
Keyboard.Top := APoint.Y + (Control.Height);
Keyboard.Visible := True;
Keyboard.Visible := False;
procedure TForm1.CmFocusChanged(var Msg: TCMFocusChanged);
ActivateVirtualKeyboard(Msg.Sender, TouchKeyboard1);
The code above calls ActivateVirtualKeyboard each time focus is changed. Msg.Sender is the control which gained focus. ActivateVirtualKeyboard checks if the control is a TCustomEdit descendant (components like TEdit or TMemo descend from this class). If the control is derived from TCustomEdit, then it places virtual keyboard right beneath the control, and makes the keyboard visible; otherwise, it hides the keyboard.
In the sample code we have an edit, a memo, and a button on Form1. The keyboard should be visible for Edit1 and Memo1, and hid when Button1 has focus.
The calculation for keyboard position on the screen isn't that clever, and keyboard might go too down if the control having focus is very close to the bottom edge of the form. Anyway, positioning a control on the screen is out of the scope of your question.


Missing taskbar button context menu in Windows XP with FM3

I upgraded to XE4 recently and am now in the progress of finding the changes and so-called fixes from XE3.
One that surprised me a lot is that the context menu for the button on the taskbar doesn't appear any more.
It is very easy to duplicate: Just create a new Firemonkey project in XE4 and run it on Windows. Right click on the taskbar application button and see if the context menu comes up. I mean the menu with "Close", "Restore", "Minimize", etc.
This is only on Windows XP and Server 2003. On Win7 it works and shows the "Close" menu item.
Also the title of the button is now different. It should be "Form 1" as the caption of the main form, but instead it is Project1 as the executable name.
This is on all Windows versions.
Can someone help me with this one? People still use XP and this behavior is quite unexpected for the user.
Some time has passed since I asked the question, but I found a solution in the meantime and will post it in case it is useful for someone else.
The problem with the wrong caption and missing menu comes from the fact that Delphi XE4 changed the window structure of the Firemonkey apps. Before that the window of the main form was placed on the taskbar and had the appropriate caption and context menu. In XE4 the app creates a new window with a class name "TFMAppClass" and uses it as the main application window that is placed in the taskbar. The main form window is a sibling of that one.
This leads to not being able to set the taskbar button caption, not having a context menu, not responding properly to clicks on the button and not being to hide the button when the main form is hidden.
So, what was needed was to hide the app window from the taskbar and show the form window instead. To do it once is not enough though, because the app window's style is reset on each minimize/restore and it reappears on the taskbar.
To hide the app window simply call ShowWindow(AppWindowHandle, SW_HIDE).
To show the main form window on the taskbar we have to set the WS_EX_APPWINDOW extended window style with SetWindowLong() and call ShowWindow each time the app is shown, restored, etc and bring it to the foreground.
This is done by placing a hook to intercept the WM_CREATE, WM_SHOWWINDOW and WM_ACTIVATE messages and apply the styles when those messages are called. To make the usage easier all of the code is placed in a single unit and the hook is set in the initialization part.
There are no functions to call. To use the unit simply place it somewhere in the uses clause.
unit FM3TaskbarFix;
Winapi.Messages, Winapi.Windows, System.Sysutils, Fmx.Forms, Fmx.Platform.Win;
GHookHandle: HHOOK; // Handle for the hook we set
GAppWnd : HWND = 0; // Handle of the main application window
function CallWndProc(nCode: Integer; iWParam: WPARAM; iLParam: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall;
ActiveThreadID, WindowThreadID: DWORD;
ProcMsg: TCWPStruct;
Result := CallNextHookEx(GHookHandle, nCode, iWParam, iLParam);
if (nCode < 0) then
ProcMsg := PCWPStruct(iLParam)^;
case ProcMsg.message of
// Save the "main" app window handle for later usage. There is only one window with the TFMAppClass class per app
if (GAppWnd = 0) and (PCREATESTRUCT(ProcMsg.lParam)^.lpszClass = 'TFMAppClass') then
GAppWnd := ProcMsg.hwnd;
// Hide the app window. This has to be called on each minimize, restore, etc.
if IsWindowVisible(GAppWnd) then
ShowWindow(GAppWnd, SW_HIDE);
// Only handle Show/Activate. wParam of 1 means the app is shown or activated, NOT hidden or deactivated
// Also apply the style settings only to the Application.MainForm
// We don't want to show other forms on the taskbar
if (ProcMsg.wParam = 1) and
(GetWindow(ProcMsg.hwnd, GW_OWNER) = GAppWnd) and Assigned(Application.MainForm) and
(WindowHandleToPlatform(Application.MainForm.Handle).Wnd = ProcMsg.hwnd) then
// Show the main form on the taskbar
SetWindowLong(ProcMsg.hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(ProcMsg.hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) or WS_EX_APPWINDOW);
ShowWindow(ProcMsg.hwnd, SW_SHOW);
ActiveThreadID := GetWindowThreadProcessId(GetForegroundWindow, nil);
WindowThreadID := GetWindowThreadProcessId(ProcMsg.hwnd, nil);
AttachThreadInput(WindowThreadID, ActiveThreadID, True);
AttachThreadInput(WindowThreadID, ActiveThreadID, False);
end; { case }
GHookHandle := SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CALLWNDPROC, CallWndProc, 0, GetCurrentThreadID);
Btw, this code is based on two samples from the net. I don't know who the authors are, but I give them credit for the idea.
There is one issue that remains. When the app is first minimized the button of the app window reappears temporarily, instead of the form button. After the app is restored or minimized again this doesn't happen anymore.

Why is the taskbar button context menu of my Delphi 2006 application incomplete?

When I create a new VCL application in Delphi 2006 and run it (without adding any of my own code or refernce any of my own units), the application won't have all of menu items one would expect in the context menu of it's taskbar button. The application's system menu (the menu you get when left-clicking the form's icon), however, has all the regular menu items. As you can see in the following screenshots, Move (Verschieben), Size(Größe ändern) and Maximize(Maximieren) are missing from the former
I could not reproduce this in Delphi XE (the only other vesion of Delphi I have access to) and I haven't found anybody else reporting this behavior, either.
I have also looked through the properties of TForm and TApplication whether there was one to control these menus, but haven't found one.
All applications I know of have the same set of menu items in those two menus and I would like my application to do, too. How do I get these two menus to show the same set of items?
The difference lies in Application.MainFormOnTaskBar, a property introduced in D2007 which is set automatically True.
To acquire the same effect in earlier versions, I always use the following approach:
Application.CreateForm(TMainForm, MainForm);
ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_HIDE);
TMainForm = class(TForm)
procedure WMSysCommand(var Message: TWMSysCommand);
procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
procedure TMainForm.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
inherited CreateParams(Params);
with Params do
ExStyle := ExStyle or WS_EX_APPWINDOW;
WndParent := GetDesktopWindow;
procedure TMainForm.WMSysCommand(var Message: TWMSysCommand);
if Message.CmdType = SC_MINIMIZE then
ShowWindow(Handle, SW_MINIMIZE)
This works only when MainForm.Visible is set True design time.
In D2006, the taskbar button is owned by the TApplication window. Clicking on the Taskbar button displays the TApplication system menu, which is altered by the VCL to always remove the Maximize, Size, and Move menu items. When clicking on a TForm, on the other hand, the Form's system menu is displayed instead, which is altered by the VCL according to the Form's BorderStyle and BorderIcon properties. So you are really dealing with two separate menus for two separate windows.
In modern Delphi versions, with the new TApplication.ShowMainFormOnTaskbar property set to true, the taskbar is owned by TForm instead of TApplication, so clicking on the Taskbar button will display the Form's system menu instead of the the TApplication system menu. So in this case, you are really dealing with a single menu for a single window.

Control's OnExit eats up mouseup event for new control when showing another window

I found this question on Experts-Exchange.
Control's OnExit eats up mouseup event for new control when showing
another window
The problem can be replicated easily.
place 3 tedits on a form. write a showmessage('exit') in edit1's
onexit event run the program give edit1 focus use the mouse to give
edit3 focus, click ok to the showmessage observe how you can't write
anything in edit3 now, until you click with the mouse somewhere on the
form ! give edit2 focus, then use to the mouse to give edit3 focus
observe how you can type what you want in edit3 now !
So far I've established that the problem lies in the fact that edit3
doesn't receive a mouseup-message when the old controls onExit event
displays a window of any kind, i've tried it as well with showing a
form of my own in the onExit event, same result. In fact, windows is
under the impression that the mouse is held down over edit3 after
you've clicked Ok to the showmessage
I guess it's a bug in Delphi/Windows but how to work around it ? I
know i can force a WM_LBUTTONUP on edit3's onMouseDown event (since
its the last event called in the process) but that's more than
tedious, and not always applicable
I am trying to do something similiar:
In the onexit event I show a warningbox and then want to proceed
as normal - moving the focus to where the user in fact clicked.
Is that possible?
Once again PostMessage to the rescue! Defer your dialog just a little bit longer so that Windows can finish its focus change. Post yourself a message instead of showing the dialog directly:
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Edit1: TEdit;
Edit2: TEdit;
procedure Edit1Exit(Sender: TObject);
procedure WMSHOWMYDIALOG(var Message: TMessage); message WM_SHOWMYDIALOG;
procedure TForm1.Edit1Exit(Sender: TObject);
PostMessage(Self.Handle, WM_SHOWMYDIALOG, 0, 0);
procedure TForm1.WMSHOWMYDIALOG(var Message: TMessage);
ShowMessage('Nice one');
And everything is fine :)
I'm not so sure that the reason of the behavior is an eaten mouse message. Anyway, either that's the case or not, when you activate a window in an OnExit event of a control, what you're doing is, changing the focus while the focus is changing. That's because, the window is activated before WM_SETFOCUS for the newly focused control returns. This is discouraged, the below quote is from 'Best practices' section of 'Win32 Activation and Focus', a blog entry on MSDN:
Avoid manually changing focus when getting and/or losing focus. This
usually proves to be error prone.
The fact that the controls are disabled during focus transfer due to the modal nature of the activated window certainly would not help. If you really must do this, an approach like Heinrich's answer would at least delay the launch of the window till the focus transfer completes.
In the onexit event I show a warningbox and then want to proceed as normal - moving the focus to where the user in fact clicked. Is that possible?
Yes, (Screen.)ActiveControl will always point to Edit3: before and after the call to ShowMessage:
procedure TForm1.Edit1Exit(Sender: TObject);
PostMessage(ActiveControl.Handle, WM_LBUTTONUP, 0, 0);
But this is just for completeness sake to your question! And it certainly is no tip nor advice! See Sertac's answer for the reason.

System Menu for Layered Windows?

We're having an issue with layered windows and system menus in Delphi 2009. That is, our layered windows (which have no border) have no system menu. When I say system menu, I am referring to the menu you get when clicking an application's icon, right clicking it's title-bar or (in Windows 7, with the addition of the shift key,) right clicking an application in the task-bar:
When you attempt to access the system menu, e.g. by right-clicking on the task-bar icon, of such a layered window, instead the layered window is risen. Why is this? Is there some sort of style to set, or some sort of event to handle?
Here's a hastily made demo showing the issue. It can really be reproduced with any form with a bsNone borderstyle, though.
You need to add back the WS_SYSMENU style which is removed with bsNone border style.
TLayeredForm = class(TForm)
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
procedure TLayeredForm.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
Params.Style := Params.Style or WS_SYSMENU;

Windows 7 style Notifications Flyouts in Delphi

Regarding Notification Area recommendations by Microsoft, I'm looking for ideas or a Delphi component to implement Notification Area Flyouts.
The first "natural" idea is to use a standard Delphi form, but I'm facing two issues with it:
I can't get the form border behavior using the standard "BorderStyle" property. Tried to "mimic" the border using the GlassFrame property along with BorderStyle set to bsNone, but there's no GlassFrame when there's no border (at least, in Delphi 2007).
I can't figure out how to make the form close when the user clicks everywhere out of the form itself. Yesterday I was trying with different messages, but no one works as expected.
I will thank any clue or component to make it happen :)
Best regards.
ps. There's a related question in converting notification area icon to Program icon in Win7 (Delphi).
I'm still looking for advise. #skamradt answer looks very good, but unfortunately doesn't work well in practice.
Finally, The auto-close behavior is working with the WM_ACTIVATE message after a calling SetForegroundWindog to force flyout "activation"
Now, I'm looking for advise to reach the border behavior and visual style, because the closest behavior is achieved with style as WS_POPUP or WS_DLGFRAME, while the closest visual goal is achieved setting style as WS_POPUP or WS_THICKFRAME.
I believe what your after is the following:
TForm1 = class(TForm)
procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
procedure WMActivate(Var msg:tMessage); message WM_ACTIVATE;
procedure TForm1.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
Params.Style := WS_POPUP or WS_THICKFRAME;
procedure TForm4.WMActivate(var msg: tMessage);
if Msg.WParam = WA_INACTIVE then
Hide; // or close
This will give you a sizeable popup window with a glass frame. You can't move the window without additional programming, since the standard windows caption is missing. When another window gets focus, the FormDeactivate event gets fired...but only if you switch to another form in the same application. To handle it regardless of the application switched, use the message capture method.
