Integrate twitter in a BlackBerry application [closed] - blackberry

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to integrate Twitter in my BlackBerry application.
Is there an api or documentation?

Take a look at the jibjib library - based on J2ME it should work on BlackBerry.

same problem that libraries gives a "tunnel failed" exception when you are using the BIS network...
I achieve the Blackberry-twitter implementation based on this post

Hello follow this: Integrating twitter in a blackberry application work flawlessly for me. It provides the basic needed functionalities like tweet, follow, unfollow...
Hope this helps..


What is the best QR code reader to implement in iOs? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I want to implement a QR code reader in my iPhone application .
I have used the Zxing APIs once, but i think it's too much for a simple thing. Can I use any other library for the same purpose?
Try this ZBar:
and you can get tutorial from here.
If you want example project I took from here.
try it out, it is simple one.
ZBar SDK ...easy to use and open source

How to implement live chat in ios [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Is there any tutorial or sample available implementing a live chat iPad application?
There are many ways for this. You can go through any way for this.
There is a single Objective-C library XMPPFramework listed on the XMPP Standards Foundation site
Check this nice tutorial also Integrating Chat in iOS
For live chat you should use XMPP Framework. You can do this using smartfox server too.

Can somebody suggest me library for sending Get, Post and Put requests to server? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I am very new to iOS (just started), and need to implement requests to REST web service (Get, Post, Put). Can somebody suggest me library for this ? (I found SIKHttpRequest but I cannot find inside demo to choose between Get, Post and Put. I am using ios 6)
AFNetworking is one of the best open-source communication libs.
RestKit is there. Think of it also.
ASI is a great library asi-http-request . Also see here for an opinion on it.

Which is the best way to develop an iphone app similar to existing app? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Hi am going to develop an iphone app which is similar to the app which is already availble in appstore .I would like to know whether i can start the app from scratch or i can customize the code of existing app.I need to know the best way for creating this type of app. Please give me some suggestions.
You have to start from scratch unless the developer of the other app shares the source code with you. You cant just pick an app from app store and edit it.

Need help in Developing Blackberry Appln in Mac OS X [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I'm an iPhone / iPad developer.
Wanting to explore in the Blackberry development.
Can someone please guide me through the initial phase.
I use a Mac. Will that be an issue for Blackberry development. Never used Eclipse. Thus such a doubt.
Check this link for the enviroment:
You can add an emulator using wine Here's an example:
Finally, regarding programing. Well you need to know java and read some documentation like this

