Uploading a file through Paperclip or Carrierwave from a Mail attachment - ruby-on-rails

If I have a mail object, eg:
mail = Mail.new do
from "jim#gmail.com"
to "jane#yahoo.com"
subject "Example"
text_part do
body "Blarg"
add_file "/some/file/or/some_such.jpg"
If I were to receive the above mail in my application
received_mail = mail.encoded
How would I pass the attachment on to CarrierWave/Paperclip (not fussed about which, I'll use whichever one handles this best)? I've tried a few different methods, but I keep running in to various stumbling blocks - has anyone got a working solution for it?
My current attempt is:
mail.attachments.each do |attachment|
self.attachments << Attachment.new(:file => Tempfile.new(attachment.filename) {|f| f.write(attachment.decoded)})
This doesn't appear to work - any tips?

I know that when I tried to take mail attachments and use them with paperclip, I also ran into some problems. The problem as I remember it was that paperclip expected certain attributes on the File object passed to it.
I solved it like this:
mail.attachments.each do |attachment|
file = StringIO.new(attachment.decoded)
file.class.class_eval { attr_accessor :original_filename, :content_type }
file.original_filename = attachment.filename
file.content_type = attachment.mime_type
#Then you attach it where you want it
self.attachments << Attachment.new(:file => file)


Save a Mail attachment as Active Storage object in Rails

I'm using Ruby On Rails v.5.2.2, Active Storage and 'mail' gem.
I'm trying to save email attachments to disk using Active Storage.
I cannot save directly the body of attachment as an IO, and neither save it directly into a Tempfile...
I found a solution without temporarily saving attachments. It looks like this:
attachments = mail.attachments.map do |attachment|
{ io: StringIO.new(attachment.decoded), filename: attachment.filename }
This is the solution I adopted:
mail = Mail.new(body)
# ...
att = mail.attachments.first
temp_file = Tempfile.new('attachment')
File.open(temp_file.path, 'wb') do |file|
#msg.files.attach(io: File.open(temp_file.path), filename: att.filename)
My solution is documented here: https://where.coraline.codes/blog/processing-email-attachments-with-active-storage/
Code snippet:
def process_attachments
email.attachments.each do |attachment|
next unless VALID_MIME_TYPES.include?(attachment.content_type)
io: attachment.to_io,
filename: attachment.original_filename,
content_type: attachment.content_type
In the case of MailGun, attachment is an instance of an ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile. So attachment.to_io is the key there.

ActiveStorage how to prevent duplicate file uploads ; find by filename

I am parsing email attachments and uploading them to ActiveStorage in S3.
We would like it ignore duplicates but i cannot see to query by these attributes.
class Task < ApplicationRecord
has_many_attached :documents
then in my email webhook job
attachments.each do |attachment|
tempfile = open(attachment[:url], http_basic_authentication: ["api", ENV.fetch("MAILGUN_API_KEY")])
# i'd like to do something like this
next if task.documents.where(filename: tempfile.filename, bytesize: temfile.bytesize).exist?
# this is what i'm currently doing
io: tempfile,
filename: attachment[:name],
content_type: attachment[:content_type]
Unfortunately if someone forwards the same files, we've got duplicated and often more.
Edit with current solution:
tempfile = open(attachment[:url], http_basic_authentication: ["api", ENV.fetch("MAILGUN_API_KEY")])
md5_digest = Digest::MD5.file(tempfile).base64digest
# if this digest already exists as attached to the file then we're all good.
next if ActiveStorage::Blob.joins(:attachments).where({
checksum: md5_digest,
active_storage_attachments: {name: 'documents', record_type: 'Task', record_id: task.id
Rails utilizes 2 tables for storing attachment data; active_storage_attachments and active_storage_blobs
The active_storage_blobs table houses a checksum of the uploaded file.
You can easily join this table to verify the existence of a file.
Going from #gustavo's answer I came up with the following:
attachments.each do |attachment|
tempfile = TempFile.new
tempfile.write open(attachment[:url], http_basic_authentication: ["api", ENV.fetch("MAILGUN_API_KEY")])
checksum = Digest::MD5.file(tempfile.path).base64digest
if task.documents.joins(:documents_blobs).exists?(active_storage_blobs: {checksum: checksum})
#... Your attachment saving code here
Note: Remember to require 'tempfile' in the class where you are using this
What happens if they change the filename anyway (which happens many times with things like filename(2).xlsx) but the content is the same?
Maybe a better approach would be to compare the checksum? I believe that the ActiveStorage object will already store that, for saved files. You could do something like:
attachments.each do |attachment|
tempfile = open(attachment[:url], http_basic_authentication: ["api", ENV.fetch("MAILGUN_API_KEY")])
checksum = Digest::MD5.file(tempfile.path).base64digest
# i'd like to do something like this
next if task.documents.where(checksum: checksum).exist?
That way you know it is the same physical file regardless of the incoming filename.

Rails 3 ActionMailer sending 0 bytes pdf attachments

I have managed to send an email with pdf attachments that are stored on s3
def welcome_pack1(website_registration)
require 'open-uri'
#website_registration = website_registration
email_attachments = EmailAttachment.find(:all,:conditions=>{:goes_to_us=>true})
email_attachments.each do |a|
tempfile = File.new("#{Rails.root.to_s}/tmp/#{a.pdf_file_name}", "w")
tempfile << open(a.pdf.url)
attachments[a.pdf_file_name] = File.read("#{Rails.root.to_s}/tmp/#{a.pdf_file_name}")
mail(:to => website_registration.email, :subject => "Welcome")
The attachments are attached to the email. But they come through as 0 bytes. I was using the example posted here paperclip + ActionMailer - Adding an attachment?. Am i missing something?
File objects are buffered - until you close the file (which you're not) then the bytes you've written may not be on disk. A great way to not forget to call close is to use the block form:
File.open(path, 'w') do |f|
#do stuff to f
end #file closed for you when the block is exited.
I'm not sure why you're using a file at all though - why not do
attachments[a.pdf_file_name] = open(a.pdf.url)

Rails 3.0.7 ActionMailer attachment issue

I'm trying to attach a file to an outgoing email but the attachment size ends up being 1 byte. It doesn't matter what attachment I'm forwarding it always ends up in the email 1 byte in size (corrupt). Everything else looks ok to me.
The email information is pulled from an IMAP account and stored in the database for browsing purposes. Attachments are stored on the file system and it's file name stored as an associated record for the Email.
In the view there's an option to forward the email to another recipient. It worked in Rails 2.3.8 but for Rails 3 I've had to change the attachment part of the method so now it looks like...
def forward_email(email_id, from_address, to_address)
#email = Email.find(email_id)
#recipients = to_address
#from = from_address
#subject = #email.subject
#sent_on = Time.now
#body = #email.body + "\n\n"
#email.attachments.each do |file|
if File.exist?(file.full_path)
attachment :filename => file.file_name, :body => File.read(file.full_path)
#body += "ATTACHMENT NOT FOUND: #{file.file_name}\n\n"
I've also tried it with...
attachments[file.file_name] = File.read(file.full_path)
and adding :mime_type and :content_type to no avail.
Any help would be a appreciated.
This is what I tried and worked for me
attachments.each do |file|
attachment :content_type => MIME::Types.type_for(file.path).first.content_type, :body => File.read(file.path)
Is the file readable? Can you debug the issue by placing something like this?
logger.debug "File: #{file.full_path.inspect} : #{File.read(file.full_path).inspect[0..100]}"
Is there anything in your development.log?
Well, someone from the rails team answered my question. The problem lies with adding body content (#body) other than the attachment inside the method. If you're going to attach files you have to use a view template.

write stream to paperclip

I want to store received email attachment with usage of paperclip. From email I get part.body and I have no idea how to put it to paperclip'ed model. For now I create temporary file and write port.body to it, store this file to paperclip, and delete file. Here is how I do it with temporary file:
l_file = File.open(l_path, "w+b", 0644)
oAsset = Asset.new(
:email_id => email.id,
:asset => l_file,
:header => h,
:original_file_name => o,
:hash => h)
:asset is my 'has_attached_file' field. Is there a way to omit file creation and to do something like: :asset => part.body in Asset.new ?
This is how I would do it, assuming your using the mail gem to read the email. you'll need the whole email 'part', not just part.body
file = StringIO.new(part.body) #mimic a real upload file
file.class.class_eval { attr_accessor :original_filename, :content_type } #add attr's that paperclip needs
file.original_filename = part.filename #assign filename in way that paperclip likes
file.content_type = part.mime_type # you could set this manually aswell if needed e.g 'application/pdf'
now just use the file object to save to the Paperclip association.
a = Asset.new
a.asset = file
Hope this helps.
Barlow's answer is good, but it is effectively monkey-patching the StringIO class. In my case I was working with Mechanize::Download#body_io and I didn't want to possibly pollute the class leading to unexpected bugs popping up far away in the app. So I define the methods on the instances metaclass like so:
original_filename = "whatever.pdf" # Set local variables for the closure below
content_type = "application/pdf"
file = StringIO.new(part.body)
metaclass = class << file; self; end
metaclass.class_eval do
define_method(:original_filename) { original_filename }
define_method(:content_type) { content_type }
I like gtd's answer a lot, but it can be simpler.
file = StringIO.new(part.body)
class << file
define_method(:original_filename) { "whatever.pdf" }
define_method(:content_type) { "application/pdf" }
There's not really a need to extract the "metaclass" into a local variable, just append some class to the object.
From ruby 1.9, you can use StringIO and define_singleton_method :
def attachment_from_string(string, original_filename, content_type)
StringIO.new(string).tap do |file|
file.define_singleton_method(:original_filename) { original_filename }
file.define_singleton_method(:content_type) { content_type }
This would have been better as a comment on David-Barlow's answer but I don't have enough reputation points yet...
But, as others mentioned I didn't love the monkey-patching. Instead, I just created a new class that inherited from StringIO, like so:
class TempFile < StringIO
attr_accessor :original_filename, :content_type
For posterity, here is the best answer. Put the top part in vendor/paperclip/data_uri_adapter.rb and the bottom part in config/initializers/paperclip.rb.
This requires a data URI scheme stream, but these days that seems pretty common. Simply set your paperclip'd variable to a string with the stream data, and the code takes care of the rest.
I used a similar technique to pull down images into paperclip
this should work, but is obvs untested:
io = part.body
def io.original_filename; part.original_file_name || 'unknown-file-name'; end
asset = Asset.new(:email=>email)
asset.asset = io
When we are assigning the IO directly to the paperclip instance, it needs to have a .original_file_name to it, so that's what we're doing in the second line.
