AudioQueue: Can't read raw data in AudioFileReadPackets - ios

I'm working on a DSP related iOS app. Part of the work is to copy audio data from outBuffer ->mAudioData to an user-specified array for data processing. The read method is like this:
OSStatus result = AudioFileReadPackets(myInfo->mAudioFile, // The audio file from which packets of audio data are to be read.
false, // Set to true to cache the data. Otherwise, set to false.
&numBytes, // On output, a pointer to the number of bytes actually returned.
myInfo->mPacketDescs, // A pointer to an array of packet descriptions that have been allocated.
myInfo->mCurrentPacket, // The packet index of the first packet you want to be returned.
&nPackets, // On input, a pointer to the number of packets to read. On output, the number of packets actually read.
outBuffer->mAudioData); // A pointer to user-allocated memory.
This process is successful. But when I'm trying to read data from outBuffer->mAudioData, there is always an error saying invalid conversion from 'void* const' to 'SInt16*':
outBuffer->mAudioDataByteSize = numBytes;
SInt16 *testBuffer = outBuffer->mAudioData; //Read data from buffer... Error!
for (int i=0; i<numBytes; i++)
UInt16 currentData = testBuffer[i];
printf("Current data in testbuffer is %d", currentData);
I have gone through several related questions like THIS and THIS, seems theirs are working...
I also tried to replace outBuffer->mAudioData to testBuffer in AudioFileReadPackets(), but the testBuffer turns out to be an empty array.
So is it the right approach? Is there any other way to read the raw data to an int/float array?
Or more generally, how to access an void constant pointer and perform read/write operation to it? (Yeah my C++ is not that strong...)
Any help will be appreciated :-)

I just put a cast in front and it seemed to work:
SInt16* frames = (SInt16*)inBuffer->mAudioData;


How to read large portions of a file without exhausting memory in Rust?

I'm trying to re-write a portion of the GNU coreutils 'split' tool, to split a file in multiple parts of approximately the same size.
A part of my program is reading large portions of a file just to write them into another. On the memory side I don't want to map these portions in memory because they can be anywhere from zero bytes long up to several gigabytes.
Here's an extract of the code I wrote using a BufReader:
let file = File::open("myfile.txt");
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
let mut reader = BufReader::new(&file);
let mut handle = reader.take(length); // here length can be 10 or 1Go !
let read = handle.read_to_end(&mut buffer);
I feel like I'm mapping the whole chunk of file in memory because of the read_to_end(&mut buffer) call. Am I? If not, does it mean the the BufReader is doing its job and can I just admit that it's doing some kind of magic (abstraction) allowing me to "read" an entire portion of a file without really mapping it into memory? Or am I misusing these concepts in my code?
Yes, you're reading the whole chunk into memory. You can inspect buffer to confirm. If it has length bytes then there you go; there are length bytes in memory. There's no way BufReader could fake that.
Yes, if we look into the source of the read_to_end function we can see that the buffer you give it will be extended to hold the new data as it comes in if the available space in the vector is exhausted.
And even just in the docs, rust tells us that is read everything until EOF into the buffer:
Read all bytes until EOF in this source, placing them into buf
You can also take a look at the code presented in this question as a starting point using a BufReader:
use std::{
io::{self, BufRead, BufReader},
fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
const CAP: usize = 1024 * 128;
let file = File::open("my.file")?;
let mut reader = BufReader::with_capacity(CAP, file);
loop {
let length = {
let buffer = reader.fill_buf()?;
// do stuff with buffer here
if length == 0 {
A better approach might be to set up an un-buffered Reader, and read bytes directly into the buffer while checking that you are not exceeding whatever byte or line bounds specified by the user, and writing the buffer contents to file.

SuperCollider Error: Buffer UGen: no buffer data

Working through how to read sound files into a Buffer and then looping it. When I run the script to create a Buffer and read a sound file into it, it succeeds, but when I create a SynthDef using that buffer (the second line of code here), it gives me the error Buffer UGen: no buffer data. It's drawing on the same bufnum, so I'm not sure what's going on.
b =, Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/testing.wav");
c= SynthDef(\loopbuffer, {arg start=0, end=10000;,, 0,,, start, end),0.0)))}).play(s);
Platform.resourceDir ++ "/sounds/testing.wav"
The ++ here means no space is inserted when concatenating., b.bufNum)
The missing b.bufNum is causing your error. The channels 0 through 3 are reserved for hardware in/outs.

Read of memory allocation returns spurious results if, following read, free() is called - why does this happen? (embedded)

Programming on a stm32f4 some strange behaviour is observed:
Data is allocated using realloc, which is called every second or so, as such; ptr = realloc(ptr, sizeof)
Values are read into the data - it has been confirmed that: A) The indexing of the array is correct and B) Immediately following each read of values into memory the array holds the correct values.
Upon reading the array the code fails to produce proper output (outputs 0s the vast majority of the time) if free(ptr) is called in any code following the read. When free(ptr) is not called the code functions properly. It seems that the sequential nature of C breaks down in this instance?
Immediately following each read of values into memory the array holds the correct values regardless of any 'free' calls. Realloc is used because this interrupt is called repeatedly. The 'random pointer' has been set to NULL when initialised, before the pointer is realloced. This is an embedded program on a stm32f4.
Being inexperienced with embedded c I can only speculate, but imagine the cause may be faulty optimisation?
Is this behaviour known? I am aware that it is best practice to avoid malloc ect but due to the large variances in amounts of data potentially being held in this application the flexibility is required.
The code mallocs using pointers contained within a global struct. The following code is the offending material:
structContainingMemoryPointer storedData;
numberOfInts = 0;
// ***********Getdata if interrupt conditions state to do so - contained within interrupt***********
interrupt {
if (SpecificInterrupt) {
storedData.Arrayptr =
sizeof(int) * storedData.numberOfInts * 2);
// Store the value of actualTemp
storedData.Arrayptr[storedData.numberOfInts - 1] = actualTemp;
// Step through the temperature values array and send to USART
for (arrayStep = 0; arrayStep < storedData.numberOfTempAllocations;
arrayStep++) {
// Convert to string and send
sprintf(valueString, ":%d", storedData.temperature[arrayStep]);
USART_puts(USART2, valueString);
// ***********free memory*************
storedDataStruct.Arrayptr = NULL;
// End of program, no return from this point to previous points.

How to read vertices from vertex buffer in Direct3d11

I have a question regarding vertex buffers. How does one read the vertices from the vertex buffer in D3D11? I want to get a particular vertex's position for calculations, if this approach is wrong, how would one do it? The following code does not (obviously) work.
VERTEX* vert;
devcon->Map(pVBufferSphere, NULL, D3D11_MAP_READ, NULL, &ms);
vert = (VERTEX*) ms.pData;
devcon->Unmap(pVBufferSphere, NULL);
Where your code is wrong:
You asking GPU to give you an address to its memory(Map()),
Storing this adress (operator=()),
Then saying: "Thanks, I don't need it anymore" (Unmap()).
After unmap, you can't really say where your pointer now points. It can point to memory location where already allocated another stuff or at memory of your girlfriend's laptop (just kidding =) ).
You must copy data (all or it's part), not pointer in between Map() Unmap(): use memcopy, for loop, anything. Put it in array, std::vector, BST, everything.
Typical mistakes that newcomers can made here:
Not to check HRESULT return value from ID3D11DeviceContext::Map method. If map fails it can return whatever pointer it likes. Dereferencing such pointer leads to undefined behavior. So, better check any DirectX function return value.
Not to check D3D11 debug output. It can clearly say what's wrong and what to do in plain good English language (clearly better than my English =) ). So, you can fix bug almost instantly.
You can only read from ID3D11Buffer if it was created with D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_READ CPU access flag which means that you must also set D3D11_USAGE_STAGING usage fag.
How do we usualy read from buffer:
We don't use staging buffers for rendering/calculations: it's slow.
Instead we copy from main buffer (non-staging and non-readable by CPU) to staging one (ID3D11DeviceContext::CopyResource() or ID3D11DeviceContext::CopySubresourceRegion()), and then copying data to system memory (memcopy()).
We don't do this too much in release builds, it will harm performance.
There are two main real-life usages of staging buffers: debugging (see if buffer contains wrong data and fix some bug in algorithm) and reading final non-pixel data (for example if you calculating scientific data in Compute shader).
In most cases you can avoid staging buffers at all by well-designing your code. Think as if CPU<->GPU was connected only one way: CPU->GPU.
The following code only get the address of the mapped resource, you didn't read anything before Unmap.
vert = (VERTEX*) ms.pData;
If you want to read data from the mapped resource, first allocate enough memory, then use memcpy to copy the data, I don't know your VERTEX structure, so I suppose vert is void*, you can convert it yourself
vert = new BYTE[ms.DepthPitch];
memcpy(vert, ms.pData, ms.DepthPitch];
Drop's answer was helpful. I figured that the reason why I wasn't able to read the buffer was because I didn't have the CPU_ACCESS_FLAG set to D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_READ before. Here
D3D11_BUFFER_DESC bufferDesc;
ZeroMemory(&bufferDesc, sizeof(bufferDesc));
bufferDesc.ByteWidth = iNumElements * sizeof(T);
bufferDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
bufferDesc.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_READ | D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE;
bufferDesc.StructureByteStride = sizeof(T);
And then to read data I did
const ID3D11Device& device = *DXUTGetD3D11Device();
ID3D11DeviceContext& deviceContext = *DXUTGetD3D11DeviceContext();
HRESULT hr = deviceContext.Map(g_pParticles, 0, D3D11_MAP_READ, 0, &ms);
Particle* p = (Particle*)malloc(sizeof(Particle*) * g_iNumParticles);
ZeroMemory(p, sizeof(Particle*) * g_iNumParticles);
memccpy(p, ms.pData, 0, sizeof(ms.pData));
deviceContext.Unmap(g_pParticles, 0);
delete[] p;
I agree it's a performance decline, I wanted to do this, just to be able to debug the values!
Thanks anyway! =)

Correct Media Type settings for a DirectShow filter that delivers Wav audio data?

I am using Delphi 6 Pro with the DSPACK DirectShow component library to create a DirectShow filter that delivers data in Wav format from a custom audio source. Just to be very clear, I am delivering the raw PCM audio samples as Byte data. There are no Wave files involved, but other Filters downstream in my Filter Graph expect the output pin to deliver standard WAV format sample data in Byte form.
Note: When I get the data from the custom audio source, I format it to the desired number of channels, sample rate, and bits per sample and store it in a TWaveFile object I created. This object has a properly formatted TWaveFormatEx data member that is set correctly to reflect the underlying format of the data I stored.
I don't know how to properly set up the MediaType parameter during a GetMediaType() call:
function TBCPushPinPlayAudio.GetMediaType(MediaType: PAMMediaType): HResult;
with FWaveFile.WaveFormatEx do
MediaType.majortype := (1)
MediaType.subtype := (2)
MediaType.formattype := (3)
MediaType.bTemporalCompression := False;
MediaType.bFixedSizeSamples := True;
MediaType.pbFormat := (4)
// Number of bytes per sample is the number of channels in the
// Wave audio data times the number of bytes per sample
// (wBitsPerSample div 8);
MediaType.lSampleSize := nChannels * (wBitsPerSample div 8);
What are the correct values for (1), (2), and (3)? I know about the MEDIATYPE_Audio, MEDIATYPE_Stream, and MEDIASUBTYPE_WAVE GUID constants, but I am not sure what goes where.
Also, I assume that I need to copy the WaveFormatEx stucture/record from the my FWaveFile object over to the pbFormat pointer (4). I have two questions about that:
1) I assume that should use CoTaskMemAlloc() to create a new TWaveFormatEx object and copy my FWaveFile object's TWaveFormatEx object on to it, before assigning the pbFormat pointer to it, correct?
2) Is TWaveFormatEx the correct structure to pass along? Here is how TWaveFormatEx is defined:
tWAVEFORMATEX = packed record
wFormatTag: Word; { format type }
nChannels: Word; { number of channels (i.e. mono, stereo, etc.) }
nSamplesPerSec: DWORD; { sample rate }
nAvgBytesPerSec: DWORD; { for buffer estimation }
nBlockAlign: Word; { block size of data }
wBitsPerSample: Word; { number of bits per sample of mono data }
cbSize: Word; { the count in bytes of the size of }
UPDATE: 11-12-2011
I want to highlight one of the comments by #Roman R attached to his accepted reply where he tells me to use MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM for the sub-type, since it is so important. I lost a significant amount of time chasing down a DirectShow "no intermediate filter combination" error because I had forgotten to use that value for the sub-type and was using (incorrectly) MEDIASUBTYPE_WAVE instead. MEDIASUBTYPE_WAVE is incompatible with many other filters such as system capture filters and that was the root cause of the failure. The bigger lesson here is if you are debugging an inter-Filter media format negotiation error, make sure that the formats between the pins being connected are completely equal. I made the mistake during initial debugging of only comparing the WAV format parameters (format tag, number of channels, bits per sample, sample rate) which were identical between the pins. However, the difference in sub-type due to my improper usage of MEDIASUBTYPE_WAVE caused the pin connection to fail. As soon as I changed the sub-type to MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM as Roman suggested the problem went away.
(1) is MEDIATYPE_Audio.
(2) is typically a mapping from FOURCC code into GUID, see Media Types, Audio Media Types section.
(3) is FORMAT_WaveFormatEx.
(4) is a pointer (typically allocated by COM task memory allocator API) to WAVEFORMATEX structure.
1) - yes you should allocate memory, put valid data there, by copying or initializing directly, and put this pointer to pbFormat and structure size into cbFormat.
2) - yes it looks good, it is defined like this in first place: WAVEFORMATEX structure.
