"Base SDK Missing" after upgrading to Xcode 3.2.5 - ios

So I took the step upgrading to Xcode 3.2.5 (iPhone SDK 4.2) and now I cannot run to device. I always see this now in the dev environment:
In my current projects, when going to the project settings I can only set the Base SDK to iOS 4.2 but this doesn't change the "Base SDK Missing" problem. :/
I can however deploy to the simulator, and change which version I want the simulator to load as.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
If I create a new project I don't get this...

I solved this problem, by doing this:
Project->Edit Project Settings->Build->Base SDK->Latest SDK (4.2)
Project->Edit Project Settings->Build->iOS Target Deployment->iOS 4.2
Project->Edit Active Target (myTarget)->Base SDK->Latest SDK (4.2)
Project->Edit Active Target (myTarget)->iOS Target Deployment->iOS 4.2
And, If you still have problems:
Click the box that says base SDK missing, and select:
Simulator -> Debug
That should do it.

You can double-click or right-click on your target and pull up it's Info. Click on the build tag and look for the setting for Base SDK. You probably want this set to Latest iOS, which is a new option and should prevent this from happening the next time you upgrade.
However, you might be better off doing this at the Project level, by selecting Project -> Edit Project Settings and following the steps above. You can also select the general tab under the project settings and set your Base SDK with the "Base SDK for all Configurations" drop down. That has the advantage of fixing a problem that sometimes crops up with your linked frameworks (if they are all in red in the sidebar, you have the problem).

I found that, with Xcode 3.2.5 after setting the Base SDK to Latest iOS in the Project and Target Build info settings, quitting and restarting Xcode automatically got rid of the "Base Missing SDK" message in the select widget.

Here's what you have to do:
Double click on the main project icon to open properties.
Under the General tab, set "Base SDK for all configurations" to "Latest iOS".
Under Build tab, set Base SDK to the same thing.
Repeat this step for all framework projects under your main project.
Finally, and this is the bit I was missing for an annoying week or so, double-click your TARGET (under "Targets") and perform the same steps.
Things should be back to normal - and since "Latest iOS" should hopefully keep you updated with each new SDK released, you won't have to go through all that again.
Finally - restart Xcode or otherwise cause the project file to be reloaded.
Unless you work with people who haven't upgraded yet and persist in submitting changed project files. Apply a similar penalty as you would for breaking a build until they get it. :-)

RESTarting is must folks .. if u won't restart your project (just close the project and then reopen it ) you will see the same thing " base sdk missing"... i also had the same trouble .. but restarting works..

I do not think you need to restart xCode, nor reopen your projects. Try this:
In the main project window, select Option-Cmd-E, choose build and "latest ios...".
Close the build window.
In the main project window, option-click the dropdown for Base SDK and you should see the latest build available.
Select that and you should be good to go.
Takes 5 seconds. I hope this helps..

This works fine for me. Just don't forget to restart Xcode.


Can't run app on device after upgrade to xcode 7

I updated my iphone 6 to ios 9 and I also updated Xcode to version 7.0. When I run my project on the simulator, the app works fine. When I try to run the app on my device the app crashes and I see this:
-> 0x120049088 <+0>: brk #0x3
Originally I was using cocoapods and getting an error that said "Image not found" for each of my frameworks I had configured. I removed cocoapods and manually added all the frameworks but now I'm getting the error above. Any help would be appreciated.
I had this issue. Clean, Xcode update, deletion of derived data - all didn't help.
What helped was based on this answer:
Go to "Build Phase" section of your target settings.
Click on the + button in the top left and select "New Copy Files Phase".
Under the Copy File Phase, select the "Destination" dropdown and select "Frameworks".
Drag and drop your framework from the project navigator into the "Name" section.
Sometimes you need to use Clean & Build (Cmd+Shift+K), most of the times it helps to eliminate weird problems like this one. If this doesn't help - try cleaning ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData.

Spark Inspector

I am interested in Spark Inspector, but i cant use it in trial mode.
I installed latest version. Then i used framework setup assistant, but it not helps.
Building settings are correct - i checked it step by step with this instructions: http://www.sparkinspector.com/framework_setup.html
I also tried to clean project and delete app from iOS simulator.
The app is for iPad, i don't know is it matter.
The error i getting is: "Setup did not complete successfully. The Spark Inspector timed out waiting for the console to settle."
I love this tool - It actually includes a wizard that lets you choose a xcode project and sets it up for inspection. try using the built in wizard.
EDIT: With version 1.3.3 of Spark Inspector, it seems it sometimes takes a while for SI to connect to the process. After you get the error, try clicking the OK button and wait for about 30 seconds. It should eventually connect. Otherwise, try some of the other tips below.
Deleting the Xcode Derived Data sometimes fixes this for me:
launch Xcode
from menubar: Xcode > preferences
click the 'Locations' tab
beneath "Derived Data" you'll see a path with a small arrow icon, click on the arrow
from the Finder window that appears, drag the 'DerivedData' folder (should be automatically selected) into the trash
quit Xcode
restart Xcode and try launching Spark Inspector again
Another thing to check is to make sure your command line tools are setup to run the same version as your current version of Xcode (happens sometimes if you have multiple copies installed at the same time like a beta):
launch Xcode
from menubar: Xcode > preferences
click the 'Locations' tab
Check the current value for 'Command Line Tools'. If it's not the same version as the Xcode version you're trying to run Spark from, then:
Select correct version
Delete the Derived Data
Quit Xcode
Restart Xcode
Clean your project (cmd-K)
Try re-running with Spark
I had the same problem. Make sure you have the dylib in the following path:
Applications/Spark Inspector.app/Contents/Resources/Frameworks/SparkInspector.dylib
I re-installed the application, force xcode to quit, re-opened xcode and the project. I've clean the project as you did and then use Product-Inspect with spark.
It takes few secondes to start after the simulator is launch. It also breaks on a line on the debugger until the inspector app is launched.
Hope this will help

PhoneGap Xcode Missing Header files on Build 'Cordova/CDVViewController.h' file not found

I am using PhoneGap 2.2.0 and XCode 4.5.2.
I can test my programs in the simulators, and I can put them on my devices to test them.
But I simply cannot build for distribution. It always fails with the following error:
my-projevt-path/Classes/AppDelegate.h:30:9: 'Cordova/CDVViewController.h' file not found
I've seen this problem around the web and still can't make it work, given whatever solutions have been posted.
I've changed things in Build Settings, I've reinstalled PhoneGap, I've run new lines in terminal, I've done my app over starting a new PhoneGap project from scratch, I've checked preferences in the build location in Xcode... I can't figure this out AT ALL.
Please, can anyone help? I've been working on this for days.
Problems in Xcode
If you have compilation problems related to missing headers, the build products should build into the same build directory. You may need to set the preference "Xcode Preferences -> Locations -> Derived Data -> Advanced…" to "Unique". This is the default setting for Xcode on a fresh new install, if you upgraded from older versions of Xcode, you might have a legacy preference in there that you need to update.
Found the answer!!!
Yes I am getting the same problem yeah and some help could be great.....
I followed all the instructions even with the ./update_cordova_subproject path as well it does not work. Also I solved the locking problem but I could not find the solution to this problem
The answer, in my case, had seemingly nothing to do with the error message that was being sent. Missing header files? That didn't seem to be the issue. Or, at least, not the direct cause of the issue.
This was an issue with my provisioning/certificates being somehow not right. I had re-created them several times, but it continued to be an issue.
I sent the job to another developer, who opened it on his machine, revoked my certificates and created new ones, and built it without changing anything else. He forwarded me the certificate, the provisioning, and an archive of the job. I opened the archive in xCode and validated it and uploaded it. And it was fine.
If you have got this problem, be certain your certificate/provisioning is set up right. I thought mine was, but apparently it wasn't? The "Apple Process" is definitely weird, and when certificates / profiles gets messed up, problems arise.
I was having the same problem and just solved it! First of the problem may very well be because of your distribution provisioning files... but when you look at the Project Navigator in xCode at the top level you have your Project and inside you have the CordovaLib.xcodeproj click on this file and you will see the iOS Deployment target. Make sure the proper IOS version is selected there. This is 1/2.
2) Then you need to duplicate the Release configuration and rename it Distribution. While the CordovaLib.xcodeproj is selected make a build and then build the actual project. This worked smoothly for me.
Add this line to your Build Settings -> Header Search Paths:
Don't replace the existing line that looks similar, that is still needed to be backwards compatible with Xcode 7 and Xcode 6.4.

Base SDK Missing xcode 4.3.3

I used OSX 10.7.4 , Xcode 4.3.3 and iPad iOS 5.1.1 . I already run my app to iPad but the app cannot be open. i find out that my Xcode is base sdk missing. i also don't have the folder that can select to simulator. there's only folder for MacOSX10.4u.sdk MacOSX10.5u.sdk MacOSX10.6u.sdk only. How can i run my app perfectly.
this is the problem
and there's no iOS sdk
Head to your Project Settings, and under 'Summary' change 'Deployment Target' to whatever you like (say, '5.0'). If that doesn't work, select 'Manage Schemes' via the 'Product' menu and then 'Autocreate Schemes Now'.
Is this either one of your old projects or even some project you got from somewhere else (including even the sample projects that Apple provides)? You can fix this "Missing Base SDK" by selecting the project on the top of the panel on the left (in this example, it's one of Apple's samples, "Recipes", and then click on the "Validate Settings" button:
After doing that, you'll probably get a message about updating your project. Go ahead and you should be good:
If you just created the project, then it's something else. But this is the most common scenario for "missing base SDK".
I came here looking for a solution for XCode 3.2.6 but other answers did not seem to apply. Further experimentation found that Project -> Edit Active Target and then setting Base SDK on that page was just what I needed. Hope this helps the next guy that stumbles through.

Xcode can build a project but can't run it on simulator

When I download a project from the web, sometimes it can be built but doesn't run (XCode -> Product -> Run is disabled, in grey). This never happens when I create projects myself. What could be the problem? Is it somehow connected with version?
I'm new to iOS development and download projects from the web for studying purposes. It's a pity not to be able to test them on the simulator.
Generally, if you can't Run a project, either:
It doesn't have a build scheme that knows how to "run". Check at the top next to the Run/Stop buttons that there's a profile name and target device shown. If the box says No Scheme then click on it and create a New Scheme. If there IS a scheme, click on the drop-down menu (left divider in Xcode 4.2+, anywhere on the box otherwise) and go to Edit Scheme to make sure the scheme was set up correctly for Running
It doesn't have a build configuration set. You should see this in the Run section of your build scheme. Check there's one selected. If the list is empty, go to the Project icon at the top of the leftmost pane, select the Project, go into the Info section, and create a build configuration, although there should already be at least one if you can build the project
It doesn't have a runnable target at all, which might mean you've got a project which compiles to a static library or framework for use in OTHER projects. If this is the case, you should see the icon for your build Target as a yellow toolbox (framework), or a little white building (a "library", although to me it looks more like the United States Supreme Court Building).
The target isn't valid for the Simulator, which means you might need to add i386 to the list of Architectures and Valid Architectures on the Target before you can run it
The target isn't valid for the currently connected device. For this one, check the Deployment Target number is set back enough to be valid for the device's version of iOS
Xcode can't see the connected device. Try unplugging and plugging it back in. If it still doesn't recognize it, you may have not added it to Xcode (Window -> Devices -> Select the device -> Use for Development)
Make sure that in your Edit Scheme (click on your project name next to stop button -> Edit Scheme), in the Info tab of the Run menu selection, that your .app is selected as the Executable. I had this issue and "None" was selected, happened after refactoring the project's name and reconfiguring the build targets.
you may download a project that the deployment setting (the ios version) is higher than the one your xcode support. if this is your situation, you has two options to sovle the problem.
try run the project in a older deployment option. follow these instructions (
if the project just setting to a higher version but not using any feature of the higher version. this approach should work):
select project file in xcode > select the target you are going to run > select summary tab > in section 'iOS Application Target' > in the combo box about 'Deployment Target' select the version that your Xcode support.
and then you could select and run the project in the simulator.
if the project dose use features in the higher version, then you should update your Xcode in order to run the project.
Hope this helps!
In my case the issue was really simple, I needed to check "Launch: Automatically" check in "Product > Scheme > Edit scheme > Run" menu.
When this setting wasn't checked I cannot find App icon in simulator to launch application.
In My Case Sole by Go->Project->Architectures->Architecture=select standard architectures(armv7,arm64)...
same as
Go->Target->Architectures->Architecture=select standard architectures(armv7,arm64)...
