3 TToolBar's on a TCoolbar band - delphi

I have TCoolBar with two bands. On the first band I want to put 3 separate TToolBar's in it. I take TToolBar in TCoolBar and set align to alNone but cannot adjust the size of TCoolBar.
I look at my Delphi 5 and it uses TControlBar that the sites tell me to avoid.
I'm installing Speed buttons on my Toolbar with spaces and separators to get flat button effects.
has any one got a good solution to this problem
Thanks in advance.

I can't replicate your problem. Here's what I did (exactly):
Started Delphi 7, which gave me a new blank VCL forms application
Dropped a TCoolBar on the form, and then dropped three TToolBars on the CoolBar.
Hit Escape to change the designer's focus from the last dropped ToolBar.
Used Shift+DownArrow to increase the height of the CoolBar so that all the ToolBars were visible.
EDIT: After posting this, I also tried setting the TCoolBar.AutoSize property to True instead of manually resizing as the last step above describes. This also worked properly.
I don't know what
I look at my Delphi 5 and it uses TControlBar that the sites tell me to avoid.
means. What "sites", and why "avoid"? If you're telling us that the Delphi 5 IDE uses TControlBar, IIRC D5's IDE worked just fine.
Also, don't use SpeedButtons on a TToolBar. A TToolBar is designed to hold TToolButtons, which you can put on the TToolBar by right-clicking it and choosing either "New Button" or "New Separator" from the context menu.


Simple way to avoid TListView items clipping and replace with ellipsis

I have a TListView in vsSmallIcon mode. If I populate it with 2 items and first item text is longer than second item text it will draw first item over the second.
Is there a quick way to replace longer items with ellipsis? Or a complicated one?
I am using Delphi 2010 and C++ Builder 2010 with default settings of TListView
How it looks:
How I want it to look:
Edit: After trying out vsList style I discovered that the above is no longer an issue and it works without any additional code (no ellipsis but no items clipped also).
When working with TListView I often find myself investigating and mimicking the behavior of Windows Explorer.
Regarding your question with ellipsis in vsSmallIcon mode I checked out Explorer. I observed that when I resize the window there’s no ellipsis drawn for item captions. Instead the items are rearranged instantaneously. My suggestion would be to skip the ellipsis strategy because Microsoft has not implemented Explorer that way and chances of a quick fix for you decrease. If you can settle for rearranging then the two following “quick” alternatives should do the job, at least in XE3.
Alt 1:
ListView1.IconOptions.AutoArrange := true;
Alt 2: (must be called explicitly every time you desire a rearrangement):
I fired up Delphi 2006 and can confirm that the above methods work there as well

Greyed TWebBrowser control

When TWebBrowser control is too small it becomes greyed.
If TWebBrowser control is aligned to alClient and there are no other controls on the form I can make it really small (50x10 for example). However, when I add other controls like panels, toolbar, main menu and so on which all float on top (alTop) - the more controls I add it seems, the smaller window of TWebBrowser I can get without greying itself. When window is resized to become larger, then it becomes ungreyed again.
In this example I placed TToolBar with 2 buttons aligned to alTop, and TWebBrowser aligned to alClient. If I make toolbar invisible, I can make web browser really small. However, with toolbar visible it greys itself. The more controls I add it seems to have less and less usable space before greying itself.
As you can see in last example web browser is even smaller than in second example but still visible and everything is the same except there is no toolbar on top. Same applies if used on Windows 7 or 8 or with Internet Explorer 10 or 11.
The examples here are just examples. I don't have a problem with having 100x100 control as minimum size. The problem is that when I place quite a bit of controls then it doesn't allow me to have smaller control than 550x250, which is quite large.
Can anyone enlighten me why other controls have an effect on web browser not being able to use smaller size when it can do this perfectly normally when there are no other controls on form?
Many thanks to bummi in the comments up there for finding a following workaround:
It appears that the problem with greyed control doesn't appear in XE3 and later but can be reproduced in earlier versions like XE2, XE, 2010 and 2009.
For these earlier versions the workaround is to place TWebBrowser on another control such as TPanel and then align both controls to alClient (so that the TWebBrowser fills entire TPanel and TPanel fills entire area previously filled by TWebBrowser). Of course, alignment here is not an issue but the workaround is just to place one control on another.
The same works for TEmbeddedWB and probably other controls that host Internet Explorer ActiveX control.
When placed on container control like TPanel, web browser can be resized to any size without the problem described above.

How to make my Deskband's (Taskbar Toolbar) Form transparent

I'm working on a Windows Deskband in Delphi XE2 for Windows XP, Vista and 7 (Win32 and Win64)...
I've implemented all the necessary interfaces (ITrayDeskBand, IDeskBandInfo, IDeskBand2, IDeskBand) in my code, and that all works exactly as it should (there are no warnings on Vista/7 complaining about compatibility as others have experienced).
The problem I have is that my Deskband Form appears with a non-transparent band. Also, only certain Controls are displaying (in this case TBitBtn and TImage containing a PNG). I need it to display TEdit and TComboBox objects properly too, but they won't appear at all.
I've tried enabling GlassFrame and SheetOfGlass properties on my Form, but this doesn't help one bit.
Furthermore, the Form itself is exceeding the top boundary of the Taskbar, meaning you cannot (for example) resize the Taskbar if the cursor is in-line with the top of the Taskbar immediately above my Deskband.
I believe there is something Delphi's VCL TForm type is doing behind the scenes which renders the TForm type incompatible as a Deskband container... but this is just a suspicion.
Here's a screenshot illustrating the various problems:
As you can see (above), the Deskband's Form is pale (instead of Transparent), it overlaps the top of the Taskbar (preventing resizing and Autohide triggering when the Taskbar is "hidden")
Any ideas?
Okay, I have been playing around and noticed that a totally different behaviour is observed when creating a TToolBar control to be used for the Deskband, rather than a form:
Notice there are three TToolButton controls (with their text virtually invisible due to the Glass theme)? There should also be a TEdit and TComboBox between two separators, but these refuse to display at all.
Also notice the artefacting (the repetition of actual Taskbar Icons)?
I'm not sure if this is a step in the right direction or not, but it might help you (or others) to deduce a solution!
Okay... I've finally figured this out, and it is the most absurd thing I've ever come across.
I'm posting my findings here for the benefit of others (to save you going through the nuisance I've just been through).
To get all of the controls on your Deskband Form to display and function properly, simply set the Visible property of your Form (in the IDE designer) to True.
Ridiculous, I know, but it works and is easily repeatable.

TToolBar paints incorrectly on non-themed Windows

It was recently brought to my attention that one of our applications paints incorrectly on non-themed Windows.
Toolbar is built from TSpeedButtons nested in TToolbar which in turn lives inside a page control.
On themed Windows everything looks nice. Well, not nice, but ok.
On non-themed Windows, however, weird vertical lines appear inside buttons.
I've searched around but cannot find any report of such a problem. (Most probably just my search kung fu sucks.) Does anybody know of a description of this problem or, even better, a fix?
TToolbar isn't designed to hold TSpeedButtons. It's designed to hold TToolButtons, which are made to not only sit on a TToolBar, but are specially written to behave correctly on the bar.
The issue you're having (particularly with the separators being drawn the way they are) is because you're using the incompatible TSpeedButton and separating them with TToolButton separatorss. TSpeedButton works well on a TPanel, and IIRC were designed for just that prior to MS providing the TToolBar/TToolButton pair in ComCtl.
A quick test app with both a TToolBar with TToolButtons and a TPanel with TSpeedButtons should see if this solves the problem.
EDIT: Your comment isn't quite correct. :)
Set the TToolBar.AllowTextButtons to True, and then set the button's you want wider to style tbsTextButton. As you can see, I've used a plain button, a separator, a text button (with text and image), a separator, and another plain button.
As TOndrej said in comments, this happens when TSpeedButton.Flat and .Transparent are both set to True. As David found out, TToolbar must also have .Flat set to True for the problem to occur.
A workaround that doesn't require changing the VCL source code is to set .Transparent to False.

Delphi TListBox contents overflow when selecting (Win7, 32bit, themed)

I've a TListBox on a Windows form with 966 elements in it. When I click a button on my form, a subset of these strings are selected (roughly 200 of them).
If I now unfocus my application by clicking somewhere on the task bar, the entries from my TListBox bleed upward, so as they are visible above the boundaries of the TListBox. They are thankfully bleeding out behind the TGroupBox component which is directly above them - however this still looks extrememly unpolished.
I'm able to reproduce this only on one Win 7 x64 machine using the Aero theme (I've another Win 7 x64 laptop which doesn't exhibit the same problem with the same theme setting).
I've tried issuing a PostMessage( Self.Handle, WM_PAINT, 0, 0) directly after changing the select status, preceded by a ListBox.Refresh. This doesn't help.
Any help would be much appreciated. Please advise if you need more details.
Cheers, Duncan
Are you using the XPManifest unit, or have you enabled themes for your app? If so, try not using it to see what happens. It can be very bad if you dont have a good video card.
My 2 cents? Avoid using themes at all. It simple does not work very well.
